Why do manchildren love manic pixie dream girls so much?
Why do manchildren love manic pixie dream girls so much?
reminds them of their childhood, a simpler time
>manic pixie dream girls
MPDG is a disparaging term for the romantic ideal - a curious, imaginative, joyful and innocent young woman. Roasties hate her because she is what they are not.
she is a roastie though
What should they be attracted to?
Real women. Not childish caricatures like the MPDG in 500 Days of Summer.
>Real women
because they are the only kind of women that would approach someone like me.
Sadly i learned they all are massive sluts the hard way.
Sorry i only love my Ainu cartoon characters buddy
screeching harpies who only put out if you buy them really expensive shit first
Was she immature or misleading him? The movie takes place through his eyes. He sees her as amazing and then leading him on.
We have an unreliable protagonist.
man zooey deschanel was a such a waifu wasn't she?
Honest post, much appreciated
Did you not watch 500 Days of Summer? The whole point of the movie is that women like her are not real. They are either putting up a front to fool men like or they have massive mental problems.
Often it is both. MDPG characters in movies are cringe.
Because manchildren have this fantasy that these imaginary women are going to fix them because deep down they are good guys and deserve i
Asirpa best girl.
>quirky personality
>in love with you
Single mothers with a history of substance abuse + mental illness and a long line of nonwhite abusive ex boyfriends
He had sex at least, I don't see his big problem, he is not a 39 year old virgin
Raised by a single mother and a dumb bpd slut reminds them of mommy
>quirky personality
Stopped reading there
You were pushing it with funny
Well, we just like the fantasy and escapism I guess.
Women are super into the troubled handsome men that they fix aswell, and you don't see me complaining about it.
At the end of the day both the men and the women understand it's just fantasy. Something to distract from the actual trouble that is relationships.
And there's nothing wrong with that desu
Real women ARE childish caricatures though
Do they actually? I imagine they would be intimidated instead.
who wouldn't fall in love with zooeys face
whats a "pixie dream girl"
Are you knew?
Do they? She looks like she's very hairy and smells bad.
So men should love women who are boring, apathetic, unsupportive and dour?
because they're kawaii :3
The difference is that manix pixie dream girls are cute, funny quirky and 100% in love with you 24/7. FOREVER. They never have the massive downs that normal every day people have. They never do petty shit. They never get angry and say hurtful shit like normal people do. They never have to deal with depression. They never have to deal with medial problems. They never have to deal with economic problems, etc.
Characters like Summer basically ONLY exist to make the main character feel good and happy whenever she's on screen. The main character never has to deal with any of the bullshit that comes with real relationships because manic pixie dream girls are a wish fulfillment fantasy and nothing else.
"I am normal/boring, depressive and this girl is the complete opposite and she's going to fix me and I don't have to worry about her flaws because she has none!"
this is the basic mentality behind manic pixie dream girl characters.
because it is the exact same shit as every romcom male ever. And stupid people love such stupid shit. Look at 100% of female population
It was a thing in the 2000s and 2010s
with roots going back deckades
I'm not talking about Amy Schumer levels of funny for fucks sake, this fantasy woman will have the same sense of humour as "you" and you will laugh at her jokes and observation.
And we're talking "quirky personality" because we're talking manic pixie dream girl here, not my or your ideal woman. I don't want Penguin of doom spork girl as my ideal woman for fucks sake, read between the lines.
>who wouldn't fall in love with zooeys face
The only reason she's "attractive" is because she wears a ton of makeup and she knows everything about the manic pixie dream girl
This is a proper woman
she's still one
Because it's as close as you can legally get to fucking a 9-12 year old (at least in spirit)
With boobs. And NOT dicks.
That is a disgusting generalization of women with certain personalities, and extremely disparaging of those suffering with mental issues. Do they not deserve love you neurotypical asshole?
Do borderlines qualify as Manic pixie?
thanks user
>a character created to be wish fulfillment in a movie is unrealistic
Nothing gets past you, does it?
Mentally ill people don't deserve love
>t. mentally ill person
>And NOT dicks
you fucking bigot
General unattractiveness, low self confidence, lack of experience. Basically incels are so unattractive that they think they'll only ever get one or two shots with a girl in their entire life, so they want that one girl that likes them to be absolutely perfect.
Normal people have much more realistic expectations because 1) they have actual experience with real women 2) they know they can probably attract someone else again so they don't view it as a life or death situation where it's either this one girl or dying alone.
cause i want someone cute to save me from my boring life
>General unattractiveness, low self confidence, lack of experience. Basically incels are so unattractive that they think they'll only ever get one or two shots with a girl in their entire life, so they want that one girl that likes them to be absolutely perfect
This thread is painful
>the cavalier and dismissive attitude of this entire post
Whoever says men dont have it harder than women are fucking lying.
>The whole point of the movie is that women like her are not real
So give me a real woman that isn't a caricature that men should instinctively find more attractive.
that's literally the best type of female though
wtf is wrong with liking that you dumb faggots
zooey isn't that though. she's not magic manic at all
Didn't know there were actual roasties on Yea Forums.
manic pixie dream girls were created by white men who grew up being raised by single mothers with the "respect wamen" attitude. they grew up thinking getting laid is like those reward cards, if you are nice enough to a woman, she will give you sex
manic pixie dream girls is a beast that does not exist in real life. a woman that shows up in a lonely man's life, takes him on a grand adventure, knows everything and is good at everything, and in the end they kiss and marry him and have babies and die of old age together. it's the ultimate virgin white man's fantasy. no wonder that hollywood exploits that trope.
In real life you end up with thousands of nice guys who get sexually frustrated when they realize that woman does not exist, and that getting laid does not work like a fucking reward card. They realize the advice their mothers gave them, and that the advice hollywood movies gave them, is not accurate. Most of them succumb to watching anime, because hollywood according to them hollywood is "getting more and more pozzed". They end up becoming full on manchildren mode, leaving in their mother's basement, living up 100% to the stereotype of a fat, smelly, virgin, white, male. Single mothers and weak men need to die.
>life or death situation where it's either this one girl or dying alone.
Fuck, bros...
still a qt 3.14
Different user but it's projection. Lonely virgin loser manbabies project the manic pixie dream girl fantasy on girls that are polite towards them
It's retardation basically caused by lack of confidence
1. You're attributing a very new and recent phenomenon (Incels) to something that is decades old (MPDGs).
2. Manic Pixie Dream Girl was an incredibly popular and widespread movie character archetype in the from the 90s to the late 2000s/early 2010s. It was about as absolutely normie as it could get.
The 2 main premises that your entire argument hinge on are both wrong. Being this stupid honestly takes effort.
>manic pixie dream girls is a beast that does not exist in real life. a woman that shows up in a lonely man's life, takes him on a grand adventure, knows everything and is good at everything, and in the end they kiss and marry him and have babies and die of old age together. it's the ultimate virgin white man's fantasy. no wonder that hollywood exploits that trope.
This, women are bitter self obsessed pitifull people. The kind of people who scream "pay attention to me" while having nothing noteworthy to pay attention to. With their weak minds akin to children all they are to men is holes to stick your dick in and nuisances you have to endure.
Manic pixie girls are actually entertaining and interesting.
You sound like you were raised by a single mom lmao
Used to be my type tbqh, but the older I get the less appealing they are.
Based Ben
Oh god somebody please save me
>these buzzwords
So you admit you just can't think of a woman that doesn't share her character's traits that men would and more importantly, SHOULD instinctively find more attractive? Alright.
>the joker smile is real
You sound like you don't know the first thing about what males actually want in a partner. In my eyes you're the one overcomplicating things by restricting a character like Deschanel's tropes to something ONLY loved by turbo-virgins.
By the way, the faux-alpha male shit you tried to do doesn't work when you say tumblr shit like: "getting laid does not work like a fucking reward card." I think you're the one with unhealthy perspectives of men, 2bh.
I don't understand your syntax, I'm saying that I project the manic pixie dream girl, or cute shy girl that is into me, to any girl that is polite to acknowledge my existence, most don't
I don't want to die alone
Everybody dies alone, you don't want to live alone
Are you so surprised that in this dark, desolate world of post irony you want to find someone genuinely happy and positive who could share these feelings with you?
Is there a male equivalent for female characters?
Or do women just wanna be picked up by the brooding grimdark edgelord alpha chad?
>Don't be shy, user! I know it's your first date with a girl but I promise to give you a good time. Try not to look at the coffee and talk to me!
There are plenty of people who actually die alone, only to be noticed by the rotting smell
the male equivalent is a guy who has everything to be the top of the foodchain Chad, but for some mistery he isn't
And the average selfinsert girl has find out why he's like that and fix him, so he can be with a alpha chad with eyes only for her
e.g. beaty and the beast, twilight, 50 shades o grey, phantom of the opera
Why are you doing this, it hurts
You bitch looked down at your coffee first, making me think you wanted to guide my eyes down to it.
Fuck you bitch, it's also hot chocolate, not coffee.
t. Trannie
>2) they know they can probably attract someone else again
this is just quality vs quantity user. if someone is content waiting for the right person thats fine. you seem to prefer going through dozens of shitty things instead of looking for something decent, which is also technically fine.
Girls only fall for the Chad Thundercock.
100% of the time.
One male equivalent is every female romance novel man. He's a tall hot as fuck stranger, possibly from some dangerous past/background, he's filled with issues thanks to it.
The girl is you "average" woman, easy to self-insert. She's got a pretty boring life but has a lot of qualities hidden down inside that no one sees.
He suddenly meets the protag girl and for some reason stick together. They butt heads at first but there's some sparks going. He's incredibly handsome but stubborn and flawed, she sees the good in him and wants him to see it as well.
They continue to disagree with each other, but more and more the man sees the woman was right the whole time, he's a fool for not following her.
Throughout the story the girl "fixes" the guy and they fall in love. Thanks to the woman, the man is changed forever into his perfect version and owes everything to her. He possibly helped her "discover" her own self-esteem and she becomes a better woman (but in reality she was already perfect the whole time, he just helped her see it).
For an added bonus the girl can end up in a better societal position at the end. She's rich, immortal, whatever. She possibly even gets revenge on the people who were mean to her in her normal and boring life.
Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, trash gay melodramatic books, trash gay romantic comedies have this in spades.
t. female
>into me
You didn't say anything about yourself, my apologies, I assumed you were trying to be flippant. Projection aside doesn't mean these traits are inherently something only liked by hopeless virgins, though. Projecting your ideals onto a person who's nice or friendly to you and wants to keep talking is perfectly natural. Everyone does it to some degree.
My problem is with this idea that men fantasizing about a decent woman with appealing traits is something exclusive to the domain of virgins. Of course Deschanel's character IS rather niche, but all her traits are something men find desirable, therefore, the trope is reasonably popular with normal men.
You have no idea.
Tits or GTFO
As opposed to the ugly promiscuitive roastie that get's fucked by hundreds of drunk chads and wonders why they are gone when she wakes up. But she tries agaiin and again till she is in her late 30s and realizes that 40 is not the new 20 and biology didn't miraculousely change like the magazines run by jew hags told her. Now she's a bitter drunk wineaunt and fucks 20y/o drubk boys who just wanna fuck a milf. She will never be happy and she keeps asking "where are all the good men"? not realizing she never gave them a chance.
The difference being that the female fantasy is socially acceptable
meanwhile if a non-chad fantasizes about any kind of w*man, he gets harangued and lynched by the seething female collective
you know manic pixie girls have been a thing since like the 70s right? what do they have to do with incels?
I am in love with someone, they love me back very dearly.
One thing that haunts me is the fact I never had a teenage crush or expierences. I keep having dreams of cheating on her and can't stop flirting with other woman. I know what I'm doing and I know if I lose her I'll lose everything that keeps me happy
It's a fantasy of finding love and having someone fix your life without you having to make any effort or change at all.
evidently you are phone poster
>women can't understand why men like feminine, joyful, interesting and caring women
it's a real headscratcher for sure.
She's not cure, she is not beautiful, she is just messing your mind with her make-up and facial expressions, big googly eyes, red lips, quirky clothes, desaturated colour photo, pale skin, etc
Oldest trick in the book
the closest you can get to these girls irl are bpd art hoe types. they're all severe head cases though. good luck
B-But the womens magazine run by this jewish hag told me i have to be a powerwoman slut to be attractive.
It's a girl that listen to both The Pixies and Dream Theater.
>listening to dream theater
Curb your jealousy roast
to be fair prog rock is basically listening to someone masturbating, it's understandable why they're not into it.
>A near perfect woman (looks/personality/social status) falls for a boring apathetic man whose only defining trait was liking gay music
>This woman willingly tries to improve him and has no bad qualities or negative quirks
hm... right
>are bpd art hoe types. they're all severe head cases
Thank you, I can 100% confirm this, a prostitute or a gold-digger have better soul and are better wife material than these kind of girls
These girls consume souls, they will destroy you, manipulate you, guilt trip you in a way no other woman can
Stay away fools
my hs girlfriend was into dream theater
she's a cunt though
Post cock first
>meanwhile if a non-chad fantasizes about any kind of w*man, he gets harangued and lynched by the seething female collective
You'll find that this isn't anywhere close to reality. I'm not even memeing this is victim mentality-tier thinking that'll only make your life worse.
Would rather have one of these girls than no gf at all
>capable of experiencing or understanding love
I fell in love with Zooey when I first saw her in the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, now I'm seeing beyond her tricks
So it's a reverse romcom?
>You'll find that this isn't anywhere close to reality. I'm not even memeing this is victim mentality-tier thinking that'll only make your life worse.
Factually incorrect. If you were correct then there wouldn't be such a seething backlash about "muh MPDG fantasies" from you and your fellow w*men directed towards non-Chads. You're just selectively ignoring it because you're in denial about how much you and your gender-peers let Chad get away with
You're the one talking about love. I described extremely obvious favourable traits for pairbonding with a man.
And this is why you will never have a gf (or you are not honest)
You only need to watch a few episodes of New Girl to realize she's absolute trash and completely unfunny.
Why do roasts like musclebound yet feminine men with long silky hair in romance movies/novels?
It's a fantasy ideal and there's nothing wrong with it unless you let it define what you're looking for.
>manic pixie dream girl
>no shitty dyed hair/drug/alcohol problem
heh, I think not ...
I don't know why people are mentioning 500 Days since the whole point of the movie is that the perfect person doesn't exist and even if they did they wouldn't fall in love with you, basically destroy the illusion of the MPDG.
Not to mention that the movie paints both characters as awful people. Gordon-Lewitt for being an immature teenager that can't deal with change or his own expectations, and Summer for being a manipulative cunt that can't put the feelings of other people above her own personal satisfaction.
500 Days is the perfect example of how NOT to act in a relationship.
>And this is why you will never have a gf
I will never have a gf because I'm not Chad. $5 says you're just another Chad on here cruising through to "laugh at the losers"
>(or you are not honest)
You can't put yourself in my shoes because you've never been undesirable and unattractive (since you're Chad and all)
Because they don't expect the man to do all the work when it comes to dating and being romantic.
You will regret typing these words if you someday have the misfortune of dealing with art hoes.
You have been warned.
You're right. I fell for Zooey's tricks hard when I was a dumb teen but now that I'm in my 20s it's pretty clear that she's an absolutely awful actress and not even all that good looking desu.
Because they are more feminine than actual women at this time in history thanks to decades of feminist brainwashing telling women they will be happier larping as second rate men instead of raising children.
>$5 says you're just another Chad on here cruising through to "laugh at the losers"
I'm the biggest loser in these premises
I'm a real 40 year old virgin
no one ever says anything about the ridiculousness of those guys, but as soon as you start talking about these manic pixie girls it's just a giant shit show. the level of hatred towards pixie girls is just hilarious, it's a stupid fantasy.
>You will regret typing these words if you someday have the misfortune of dealing with art hoes.
>You have been warned.
It wont ever happen because all w*men universally find me undesirable and unattractive. Even "soul stealing man destroying" art hoes would rather be alone than steal my soul.
Bet I got you beat and I'm only a 26 year old moomlennial
i would honestly rather marry a stripper than an art hoe
thankfully i don’t have to do either
You're right but the point of this thread of for men to stop being manbabies and to stop putting females on a pedestal.
Modern females are degenerate sluts and a big part of the reason why is because of weak manbabies who worship the ground females walk on.
500 Days of Summer was kino as fuck because it shit on the manic pixie dream girl archetype.
> Even "soul stealing man destroying" art hoes would rather be alone than steal my soul.
lmfao 2 real4me
>Bet I got you beat and I'm only a 26 year old moomlennial
Kiddo, you don't know who you are messing with, stay away, I can make women disappear in a 500m radius
>If you were correct then there wouldn't be such a seething backlash about "muh MPDG fantasies"
Where is this huge seething backlash? Feminists complaining online? Anons on Yea Forums? Where's this all-seeing all-judging opressive female collective that's stopping you from living life because you're not chads?
As part of the female collective, I'm completely okay with MDPG, it's a power fantasy, just like the ones I have. I don't really fucking care about what you enjoy.
Stop listening to shitty people and letting them dictate how to live your life. Stop letting women live in your head rent-free.
It's like Patrice says you know? Bitches ain't shit, why give them so much power? I mean, aren't you a man?
Women don't come near me in the first place so I cant make them disappear. I repulse them just by making eye contact with them.
eternal sunshine does a better job shitting on this archetype because clementine is way more of an actual character than summer. summer is just some airhead that listens to the smiths.
Pit party plz stop this is gay even if true
Eh, men have been putting women in a pedestal since times immemorial. Things are only going to change once childbirth becomes a non-issue with artificial wombs and once sex becomes freely available for even the most unattractive men with the advent of sex robots.
Art hoes are absolutely the worse
I'm a fool and I dealt with 4 art hoes in my life
One painter type
One poetry type
One experimental theater type
One science type (it's an art hoe kind as well)
No wonder I'm a 40 year old virgin since my weak broken mind was being attracted to these kind of women
Society is who/what gave you w*men so much power.
>Stop listening to shitty people and letting them dictate how to live your life. Stop letting women live in your head rent-free.
Considering how much society worships you w*men and kow-tows to your opinions, I can't "dude brah just ignore them and do ur own thing brah" because I'm not Chad, so it's not allowed for me to break out of the mould. If I was 6'4" and 250lbs with 12% bodyfat then w*men wouldn't harangue me and berate me for having any kind of opinion or simply existing
>plz stop
Why dont you stop worshiping Chad? exactly
>there are people who genuinely believe this
I knew I had you beat. I couldn't even get one (1) art hoe to come near me in the first place and you got four (4) of them to steal little bits of your soul
>tfw undesirable unattractive moomlennialcel with an intact soul that no w*man wants to steal
What actual goober likes romcoms to begin with?
90% of the anime fandom are subhumans who watch almost nothing but romance-comedies/dramas and live vicariously through them.
because real women are limp and uninteresting, the single rarest and most attractive non-physical quality in a women is passion
This, at least a stripoer or prostitute is rationally materialistic
at least you didn’t spend over a year with one and see her progress from kinda nerdy arty girl to outright whore kardashian wannabe
desu the warning signs were there from the start, i just ignored them out of sheer arrogance, which i’ve just realised pretty much makes me the MC of 500 Days.
they are extremely passionate about money and shoes
I'm the 40 year old virgin user
500 days of Summer and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind were my favourite films when I was 23-26 and I only recently realised they were satire
I thought they were like a handbook on how to date women and make relationships
>the single rarest and most attractive non-physical quality in a women is passion
kek sure, until you come across some braindead roastie who thinks traveling and being a tourist is her life's calling.
Shut up noob, I'm offended that you think that you are on my level
It's not like Hollywood is bursting at the seams with realistic love interests of any kind, and female-oriented romances tend to be just as caricatured.
You're half right and half retarded. You're entirely correct that there's a fundamental disconnect between what young men are taught about women/relationships and what actually works, but MPDG isn't really related to that. Hollywood is pozzed, although whether that's a good thing or not is debatable.
I know you're being ironic, but consumption is not a passion
passion is what you have left when consumption is removed, which for 95% of women is nothing
Says the 40 year old Chad-virgin who was able to attract not just one (1) but FOUR (4) art hoes.
well they dont need passion, they just need that thing between their legs
Yeah dude so right, you just weren't born with the right privileges to live your life. You're shackled by a society that opresses your permission to exist because you just don't have the right body type, a body type that is unachievable doesn't matter how much you try.
It's all out of your control, there's nothing you can do besides suffer.
Fucking hell, it is true that a man's biggest prison is his own mind. Jesus Christ.
>at least you didn’t spend over a year with one and see her progress from kinda nerdy arty girl to outright whore kardashian wannabe
I did something worse
I begged her for a coffee date for 3 years
For 3 years she had a headache
I never understood she was yanking me
Everyone her computer broke down or she needed help with something she called me
I was her slave for 4 years
I bought her 2 computers and multiple accessories
And during this time I was loyal to her and not even looked at another woman
Next level stuff
Adulthood is realizing prime AnnaSophia Robb makes more sense
>not true ...
While he probably is a faggot raised by a single mother, he's not wrong. Though he really shouldn't listen to what women say, especially not in groups and trying to counter the whole SJW victim thing by acting like one is retarded, it merely lends credence to the widespread concept that weakness is strength.
Now post em
hello phimosis
>recent phenomenon (Incels)
Are you retarded? How is not getting laid a "recent" phenomenon?
Which is funny since plenty of media, books/tv/films have done the same thing with a woman always looking for that good looking muscular man.
But when it's about a woman it's sexist.
It's just a film trope. Also 500 Days is a bad example since it's about two terrible people.
>dozens of drunk chads
But I thought Yea Forums's new schtick was to pretend to be masculine and chads.
Some men are born taller and/or with higher testosterone than others. You wouldnt know because any physical/body flaws that a w*man has can be fixed by plastic surgery (i.e.: tiddy implants, labiaplasty, hair implants, laser hair removal, nose jobs, liposuction)
meanwhile if a man is short then he's doomed to be short forever or pay $20,000 for risky experimental "limb lengthening surgery" which makes your legs brittle and incapable of supporting any weight; and if a man has low testosterone then he's doomed to be low-test for life since you w*men lobbied politicians to make it illegal to easily get male hormones from a doctor (as opposed to how a w*man can get prescribed hormones from a doctor in as little as an hour and a half)
>tl;dr: unironically check your privilege
especially with that gigantic butt she hauls around nowadays.
>"where are all the good men"?
Oh yeah, the good men are the neckbeards fighting over the racial quota of superhero movies on the internet.
I wasnt raised by a single mother, I just wasnt lucky enough to be born as a 6'4 250lb 12% bodyfat chad like (You) did
the people who write these characters get laid though?
>unironically check your privilege
Seriously, what do we have to do to convince the government to start genociding millennials?
Their complete disfunctionality and autism has already done so much harm throughout the 2010s that I doubt millennials will ever be remembered for anything aside from their cultural terrorism.
Fucking retard
I actually never considered that, but now that you mention it, if I retract my foreskin either too early or too late, it either "cuts off" the erection or is quite painful.
>I thought they were like a handbook on how to date women
no way
why do I only ever see this mentality where guys need to stop wanting something unrealistic from their partners but men are constantly told to be better, I mean why deride someone for having an unrealistic preference in the first place
What does that have to do with you calling incels being a recent phenomenon?
Suck my cock
>unironically check your privilege
Kill yourself, I don't care if you are a "man", or a woman or a gay trany faggot, just kill yourself
Dated a borderline briefly, all I can tell you is run far away.
She ended up screwing a bunch of guys and tried to make me feel bad for it.
my dick started doing the same thing when i turned 18 ish
it basically means your dick is so fat your skin isn’t actually elastic enough to stretch over it. consider it a blessing.
Thanks for proving my point. If I was a 6'4 musclebound chad then you wouldn't be so seethingly offended by my existence.
you have some obsession with incels. these characters are written and played by normal people, and they are popular with normal guys. you're mental, go away
>born 6'4 250lbs
Luckily for my mother I was only 11lbs at birth. I suppose I am 6'2 and 260lbs but I'm 20%bf and very ugly. It's entirely possible that being tall has made me unable to empathize byt I know what it's like to be ugly. I'm on your side here, I'm just saying you need to be more ruthless.
Depends, would you still act like a fucking millennial pussy?
If so, yes, I would still be offended by your existence.
Millennials are rabid dogs that need to be put down.
>implying I don't specifically pine for a mommy gf
miss me with that mpdg shit
Are you stupid? I didn't bring them up, look at the posts I was responding to.
This is the best thread in ages holy shit I'm dying
>Because it's as close as you can legally get to fucking a 9-12 year old (at least in spirit)
I can't wear durex because they're actually too small for average and they made my dick go purple and I'd always lose my erection from the pressure but I was a retard and just thought it was normal and I had ED.
>I'm just saying you need to be more ruthless.
It wouldn't be so "cringy" and "tryhard" for me to be more ruthless if I was taller than 5'11 and high test. I unironically blame w*men for making it more difficult to legally get a prescription for testosterone from a doctor.
I work 40h a week in a skilled (dangerous) construction trade; you're probably a bigger puss-puss than me.
go back to crystal cafe/lolcow farms
Why would anyone want that?
Kids are obnoxious and insufferable.
>tfw in quite literally the same situation
Holy shit will I have to get a circumcision?
>check your privilege
Amazing how you millennials always go out of your way to prove how you don't have blood running through your veins, but söy.
It's verboten for men to criticize women, and most writers and directors are male (because men have the drive to succeed because they want to get their dicks wet). If you want to do social commentary, your options are to criticize men and white people, or get massacred by the MSM for attacking women/minorities. Men (and whites) are also strongly discouraged not to have any tribal identity, which gives them weaker collective bargaining power than women/minorities that are strongly encouraged to engage in tribalism.
Nigger just get some test e off the darkweb. It's not gonna help that much though
Pretty face >>> high test
>It wouldn't be so "cringy" and "tryhard" for me to be more ruthless if I was taller than 5'11 and high test
Based loser not realizing nothing could save him from himself
>I work 40h a week in a skilled (dangerous) construction trade
Why dont u just say whatcha doin, huh? Scared someone gonna dox ya when they find out what kind of construction worker u are?
see a doctor
Stretch your foreskin after you shower.
Nice deflection, estrogent. What do you do for a living, soihands?
Why ?
I'm in the reserve, waiting to be deployed.
>that's literally the best type of female though
What is "best" about a character without their own motivations and goals that only exist out of convenience for the protagonist? This is pathetic wish fulfillment.
>It's a long-standing trope (around since at least 1283), but the term was coined in 2007 by film critic Nathan Rabin, who found it grating, as he believed it to be the result of Wish Fulfillment from stir-crazy writers. He explicitly compared it to the Magical Negro, in that a Manic Pixie Dream Girl exists to help the protagonist achieve happiness without ever seeking any independent goals herself
Nathan (((Rabin)))
What's bad about wish fulfillment stories?
>nothing could save him from himself
Not my fault I was born with low test genes.
>Why dont u just say whatcha doin, huh? Scared someone gonna dox ya when they find out what kind of construction worker u are?
I'm a high voltage elechicken, retard.
>Pretty face >>> high test
Factually wrong. Around here high test men are more worshiped and idolized than "pretty boys"
So you sit around eating quiznos and playing old PS3 games for a living? Sounds pretty söyische to me
it's very interesting because it basically emasculates the man and slowly but surely after 5~ years she gets bored with him
men are wild horses
S*ygoy welfare queen dying for israel, pathetic
If you get stationed in Seoul we can have a pint and discuss kino
> Around here high test men are more worshiped and idolized than "pretty boys"
Generally speaking girls like pretty boys and men like looking at manly men. This extends to gay men.
>So you sit around eating quiznos and playing old PS3 games for a living?
I can't, you don't know when sandniggers will throw an autistic fit of rage and need someone to calm them down, so I can't allow myself to lose fitness.
I'm not going to die.
Although I feel like the paycheck could be way higher, i'll see if I can find anyone with contacts within a PMC.
>screwing a bunch of guys and tried to make me feel bad for it.
Kek are you dating my ex? She did the exact same thing, then when she got diagnosed as borderline she screamed at her therapist, then accepted it and wore it like a badge of victimhood and excuse for everything.
>Generally speaking girls like pretty boys and men like looking at manly men. This extends to gay men.
Not in rural/blue collar areas
Probably someone like edward cullen from twilight
>looks like a chad
>cultured and loves all the things you do
>uterally obsessed with you
Only difference is he acts brooding instead of bubbly.
>I can't, you don't know when sandniggers will throw an autistic fit of rage and need someone to calm them down, so I can't allow myself to lose fitness.
You're in the reserves. They'd call active duty real-enlisted-Army soldiers before they call (You) up.
Women are demons, succubi, religion had it figured out centuries ago but we didn't listen, instead we gave them voting rights and other rights
Show bobs and vagene bitch lasagna
You're gonna get suicide vested for israel, good s*ygoy
Thanks for your honesty
Yet another reason why I need to find someone with connections fast this is boring as hell and i'm in no way going to go through 2 years of tryouts to get in special forces.
I don't doubt that they will try.
>pixie girl
I only go for insane girls, actual insane ones, they are really entertaining and the market is wide open because everyone goes "hurr don't stick your dick in crazy".
Bonus points if they are autistic.
I know I come/came off as an insufferable fgt but you can always get into the trades through the Helmets to Hardhats program once you get out. I wouldnt say "its like the military" but construction trades/electrical work is basically a brotherhood of a bunch of guys getting together and telling dick jokes and giving eachother bantz
I'm not planning on leaving.
Congrats on being one of the few that are self-aware.
Oh but they can. For themselves and their offspring.
They are real though, my oneitis was a MPDG.
1. they don't exist in real life. There are young attractive girls with borderline personality or manic depression (bipolar) but that's not what is ever depicted in film. Instead, it's a young girl who acts bizarre, but is secretly a clairvoyant or some shit and takes the protag on a journey where they learn some stupid shit like 'how to relax', or 'how to have fun'. It's about as realistic as your typical blonde bombshell that the action hero happens to rescue and who happens to fall in love with him because she happens to appreciate the murder of hundreds of bad guy mooks happening by him in front of her, instead of say, having PTSD and screaming every time she sees him.
2. basic existential dread stems from an unconscious fear of freedom. A character who is both utterly controlled and 'safe' in a safe environment (caged butterfly) finds a golden key, and lo and behold it talks to him and tells him what to do when he's outside of the cage. It's a simple sublimation of the inner drive for agency for most people who voluntarily entrap themselves in familial obligations, participation in the post-capitalist nightmare of unfeeling employment under bureaucratic faceless employers. If only someone, anyone, could come and rescue me from my shitty life (even though it's all my own fault for being so afraid of my own agency). Women used to have these 'dark handsome stranger' fantasies far more in the past, but manic pixie dream girl phenomenon starts with the John Hughes movies when Midwestern, suburban High School became so controlled and rigid that both genders felt trapped and in a school-to-factory work pipeline.
3. The self loathing belief that 'only a wild, undefined personality would ever love me' which comes from systemic child abuse by a social system that raises people to be cold, money obsessed, 'individuals' with no strong attachment to their existential family. Individualism is a great strategy for the rich and wealthy born.
Thank you for your cervix
I had a friend like you as well. His whole teenage years he kept crying to us that he wants a GF, but for some reason (he actually was attractive and a fun to have around guy) he only got one with 19 or some such. She was just like that user said. He broke up with her half a year later and realized how fucking retarded he behaved and that being single was better than having such a relationship.
and they're right :)
let me worshap you're pusy, my queen
Art hoes, on top of being ugly as fucking hell, also are SJWs 99% of the time.
Im not attractive or fun to be around. Also I still cant get a "soul sucking art hoe" w*man to ruin my life, so I dont think im much like your friend
Nah man, everyone deserves love, but having run afoul of a MPDG who turned out to be a liar, cheater and a manipulator, I can lend credence to the warning that a significant number of women who present themselves this way are doing so because of mental illness, past abuse, and a resulting desire to manipulate others. It is extremely effective, which the clever ones figure out and put to work for them.
Mental illness is not an excuse to abuse others. BPD is serious, but it does not prevent you from understanding right and wrong. Every abused person has a choice to make: break the cycle, or repeat the cycle. The ones who repeat the cycle are some of the most dangerous, destructive people out there and they need to be kept away from decent folk.
>tfw the manic pixie dream girl was created for no other reason than to remind guys of what qualities are actually attractive in women and then shame men for liking those qualities
It's going to be hard to believe this, but you don't want what you think you want. Being hurt by a immoral woman is not better than being alone. It is one of the most intimate ways you can be hurt, and it will leave a nasty scar.
It's true. Iam 27 and now nearing the fifth year of my art hoe phase since college ended. I don't know when I am going to get out of it though. Wonder if I am whatever the male version of mpdg is.
That's not the point.
The point is he was being extremely needy, and he also thought he just wanted a GF, no matter how she is. Then he came across such a girl that actually gave him attention. The same thing you want, and he rued it.
You think you are poor for not finding a "soul sucking GF", in fact, my friend, you are lucky.
>Implying you don't wish to have a manic pixie dream girl
I'm sorry that you wouldn't find one, it's the greatest feeling in the world.
ive been alone for 26 years straight, im an only child, and my mom is the only living family member I have left. I dont think being alone is as acceptable as you say it is.
I'm lucky because im so unattractive and undesirable to women that even "soul sucking art hoes" dont want anything to do with me? doubt.jpg
I wasn't expecting her to age
Again, missing the point. I'm saying you are lucky that you never had to deal with a "soul sucking GF".
Honestly, and I don't want to insult you here, but you sound like an extremely weak person. Do you really think you could handle such a GF completely wrecking your feels?
Well I've done both my friend, and I can tell you, I'd rather be alone than go through what my ex put me through. If you think you feel worthless now, imagine meeting someone who makes you feel loved and desired and understood, who solicits you to tell her all your secrets and share every part of you, who looks at you with adoration and devotion. And then find out that it is entirely an act, and that she does this with everyone, and was doing it with others at the same time she was doing it with you, and when you start to get wise or she gets bored of you, you get dropped like a sack of bricks and she never looks back. Like you never existed. And now that you know she's a liar and would say or do anything to anyone, everything you thought you had and thought you shared is destroyed together with your future together, because you can never know if any of it was real. And you will question yourself in a way you never thought was possible, you will lose confidence in everything and everyone, and be humiliated like you didn't know was possible.
Trust me. Watch for the red flags and look before you fucking leap. The worst part is, once it's over, you usually end up looking back and going "Oh fuck. I saw it the whole time and I just looked away because I wanted what I wanted."
If I was as weak as you're memessuming I am then dont you think I would've settled for going prison gay/becoming a trap by now
Knowing the fact that I'm so undesirable and unattractive that I couldn't even get preyed on by a carnivorous BPD/histrionic woman like this in the first place isn't such a great feeling. Its like life/women are basically telling me "id rather wait until someone better comes along than to dig my claws into a trashy loser like you"
The male love interest in any rom com, hallmark movie, or really anything targeted at women. Almost always perfect and beaming Chads with no problems besides a mean ex that our chippy protagonist needs to show up before the end of the movie. Replace with bad boy with heart of gold if you want a "dark and mature" version of the same thing.
Kill yourself you woman worshipping single mother raised bitch boy
Wasn't raised by a single mother. You need to stop projecting, take a deep breath, and count backwards from 10. You've probably got it better in life than me anyways so why are you seething so furiously?
My bf did this to me, it's normal. I'm a girl btw.
I didnt do it on purpose, Jenna. You were too good for me
>a woman that shows up in a lonely man's life, takes him on a grand adventure, knows everything and is good at everything, and in the end they kiss and marry him and have babies and die of old age together
yeah why would anyone want this. fucking incels amiright
Hollywood makes up these stupid women. Not us.
basically yes. As a guy its basically your job to entertain a woman and woo her, take her to music shows, buy her nice things, give her emotional support. The rest of your time together is then learning how to handle the fact that she'll just live out the rest of the relationship feeling like she's been tricked into choosing you as a long term partner and make sure that she doesn't ask for a divorce after the first kid or two.
It's anything but normal, but these people are out there and you have to be wary of them. And being used like that is not better than being alone.
>And being used like that is not better than being alone.
You havent been desperately painfully alone for any long period of time, I take it
its nuts people think that "pixie girls" are real and that they will fuck losers and be kind to undesirable men. Doesnt matter the shape, size, or color, a woman is a woman
And you would be wrong in that assumption. I've done both, and I know now which is worse. Desperation is precisely what allows this kind of person to do their work. You will be so eager to have them you will blind yourself to the warning signs, and then the knife will go in where it hurts the most.
If you have bad luck with relationships, if you have spent a long time alone, you have to be extra careful when the next one comes along. Or the first one comes along. You will be an easy target if you're not careful.
There ARE good people out there. Don't just jump at the first thing that presents itself.
>a nasty scar
shes so quirky, i want to have sex with her adopted daughter.
>There ARE good people out there.
Not good enough to want anything to do with an unattractive undesirable low-status blue collar loser like myself. I'd need to find a canonized saint for that.
Men want a romance with a woman, there is something wishful about wanting a woman who will change your life and make you a better person
The fact that there are women who'd shame men for wanting that is pretty fucked up. Proof enough that romance is dead
I get why women with any dyed hair would hate being compared to Ramona Flowers though. I mean the comparison just becomes a cliche
Dubs and I'm no longer dead inside and will get a qt mpdg gf TODAY
Jesus christ, no one cares. If you want something then take it.
It's a feminist slur for any woman who's pleasant and feminine
There is someone out there for you, user. It's a cliche at this point, but that's because it's true: if you want to take control of this situation, you need to work on yourself. Go to the gym. Watch what you eat. Learn how to dress. This process builds confidence and the confidence plus the self-care will make you attractive to people.
You can begin this process any time you like. It's up to you. How bad do you want it, friend?
Miserable bitches who hate men
Sorry you're a miserable sociopath
Consider killing yourself and leaving your worldly possessions to someone pleasant
>Movies can never be fun and pleasant for two hours, anything that doesn't wallow in misery 24/7 isn't REALLLLLLL
End your comfortable, easy first-world life by throwing yourself in front of a bus. You will bring immeasurable joy to everyone who has had the displeasure of knowing you.
this woman speaks with truth
She looks like she fucks like a firetruck.
I think the complaining is mostly because of how one-sided it is but there's nothing wrong with people in a relationship helping each other be better.
>I get why women with any dyed hair would hate being compared to Ramona Flowers though. I mean the comparison just becomes a cliche
I get why it's annoying, but also half the girls who do that felt rejected and uncool in hs, see a character like Ramona Flowers and say
>omg she's just like me, but cooler!
And then get their hair cut the same way, get a nose piercing, develop quirky interests and sarcastic humor. They just get pissed when someone notices it because it makes them realize they practically bought a personality.
>If you want something then take it.
This only works when you're Chad. Otherwise you get the cops called on you and placed on the sex offender registry
I dont think I want it bad enough because I can't get over/past my deeply immense self-loathing.
Women want Chads who hate women a much as they hate men
Not men who believe that people deserve to be loved
You wanna help me cure my inceldom
It'd sure make you a decent person
Can you elaborate on number 3 please?
oh, man
she's got issues...
Welp, it's there for you to do, when you're ready. Consider not waiting too long, though. Life is short, don't languish in misery any more than necessary.
Women who hate the manic pixie ideal are women who hate themselves and want to become worse people. I.e heavy drug users who want a man that will get them killed.
Hating a guy who is persistent is okay, especially when it gets creepy. But if they're not creepy they don't deserve to be treated as a joke
Self hating people know what they deserve
>complaining about a strong female character archetype.
what the fuck your kind want?
a movie about a bitter fat woman who insults everyone who doesnt agree with her, throw tantrums and yet she gets to bang the prince at the end?
there are movies like that, but let me tell you, they are not funny, emotive or enjoyable, usually they are full of drama and you end all sad and disgusted at life after watching them.
manic pixie dream girl is a healthy strong female character that everyone can love and respect, and you will never be anything closer to it and treated like that, at least not without your shitty attitude.
im like you, but at least im aware of being a shitty person, do the same, and carry on with your life.
If captain marvel surpasses Alita we'll know for sure
Nah, women like persistence. Just depends on the dude.
>One thing that haunts me is the fact I never had a teenage crush or expierences
Most people don't, at least not most guys. I'd say that you really should wait to get into serious relationships or even have sex with people until you're 20. Its literally has the same effect on you that a drug has. If you start drinking at 13 and just keep drinking regularly after that point, you'll absolutely be an alcoholic by the time you're 25. So if you start having sex or have relationships early on, the real problem is that you'll see these things as core components of your life that you literally cannot function without. You'll get into relationships with people you don't care about, constantly chase quick hook ups and so on just to satisfy some addiction rather than actually seeking deep connections with other people that you want to share your life with.
im 26 and a recovering ("recovering" ) addict. It's already too late for me.
Something like that, only wish is she would do anal.
>tfw wizard
I'm not sure
You may be asking the wrong person
Why must I have been of all things been born an incel
Eat a dick friend, you're practically still a baby. You've got your whooooole life in front of you. You're what's holding you back, and you can stop any time you like. So knock it off, get your shit together, and go see what's possible.
My friend who had a hot (but autistic) girlfriend in high school has become so desperate for flings since they broke up. He even fucked a negress and is kind of bummed he did it cause he literally had no feelings for her but he still looks for women and isn't gonna find good ones when he tries exploring drugs (he wasn't into drugs in highschool but now it seems like something he does often)
>Eat a dick friend, you're practically still a baby.
Napoleon became a general by the time he was 26.
Take the gnosticpill. Some of us are only born to suffer because the demiurge feeds on our suffering
>manic pixie dream girl
>with roots going back deckades
>mfw the demiurge feeds on my suffering
Autistic girls are amazing. I understand why he would lose his shit when she left him.
And Julius Caesar didn't do much of note until he was in his 40s. This right here, this effort you're putting in to justifying inaction, THIS is what is stopping you. Put that energy into a new direction, and see what you can do.
>I'm not sabotaging myself, mysticism says I was just born to suffer!
Nigga, one day you WILL grow out of this shit, and I hope you remember this conversation. Perhaps you will hear my psychic "I told you so" echoing across the aether.
Depends on the flavor of autism.
Under what metaphysical mechanism does the demiurge "feed" on physical suffering?
I went from being NEET for 6 years straight to obtaining a trade apprenticeship. If anything you're feeding into the whole "try harder brah and #getshitdone cuz this guy over here is working 4x harder than you and Alexander the Great already conquered 6 nations by the time he was your age" thing. I'm working at it but obviously not at a pace that anyone is okay with
This. The people I know who started dating and fucking at 14 or 15, who'd already had multiple relationships and sex with more than 5 people by the time they graduated high school, went to college, did the hookup scene and casual dating, are now in their mid 20s and can't stop doing it. My friend had sex with nearly 40 girls in college, found the love of his life who was hot and a freak in bed a little more than a year after graduating, got engaged after two and a half years, then cheated on her two months later that nuked the whole thing. My other friend talked to him about it, and he said he just felt like he had to have his dick sucked by someone else.
All BPDs deserve is a bullet
>since the 70s
Longer than that bro
Yeah, your mate is basically an early stage sex addict. I'm 100% sure that you friend is going to end up a coke/crack addict as well because of how many women will have sex with him in exchange for said drugs. He'll probably be asking you for money within a few years.
>tfw I am often the MPDG to many girls in my relationships
>married with a woman who is just like me in terms of quirkiness
Also, I just got a bunch of budget re-releases of Fox Searchlight Pictures Blu-rays (kinda like the PlayStation Greatest Hits, but with a special collection for Fox Searchlight Pictures films) from Japan, which include:
>(500) Days of Summer
>Goodbye, Christopher Robin
>Isle of Dogs
>Wes Anderson Collection (The Grand Budapest Hotel, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Darjeeling Limited)
>Ruby Sparks
>Little Miss Sunshine
>Napoleon Dynamite
There are many more but this is just a select few, and I already have the US releases.
>she looks like she's very hairy
But that's hot.
>yfw she's almost ten years older than Brie Larson yet she looks much younger and cuter
I literally said the exact opposite, that some great people got late starts, and it doesn't matter what other people think of how quickly you're going. If you're working at it, good on you. Keep it up. You'll get there.
And yes. It is going to be hard work, you are going to have to do it yourself, and there's no fucking way around that. Strawmanning that sentiment into some kind of caricature is just another way of avoiding the inevitable.
Why doesnt anyone say that "sex addict = BAD" when Chad does it? I personally know three (3) Chads IRL that run through >4 sluts per week on tinder and they're relatively well-adjusted and socially successful in life
Some people are very adept at appearing happy, when they're anything but.
Also, some people might do just fine with that kind of lifestyle. And more power to them. Most of the people ITT however are looking for something more meaningful (and in the end, even the "Chads" will yearn for the same).
Literally the best part.
Good luck.
I feel happy for you, tripfag.
Also, out of all the Fox Searchlight films, I think Isle of Dogs would be my favourite one.
its literally in the definition of manic pixie dream girl
this also applies to incels who "like" tomboys
>Most of the people ITT however are looking for something more meaningful (and in the end, even the "Chads" will yearn for the same).
But only the Chads will obtain it because w*men don't want to date or associate with non-muscular non-attractive men
>they're relatively well-adjusted and socially successful in life
Probably because they're still young and are functional addicts at this point. The real problems show up once the hookups start drying up or when they get into serious relationships. They'll basically start picking up whores or becomes serial cheaters.
Please, tell us more about your MPDG wife.
Simply untrue. I'm sorry friend, but defeatism is your enemy, not "Chad".
oneitis and putting the pussy on the pedestal is so god damn old
we are hopeless romantics and can fall prey to their own feelings easily
Two (2) of them that I know have children and "baby mommas" who let them sleep around with other w*men while the 'baby momma' has some cuck provider that they play house with most of the time. Seems like they really havent had to suffer any serious consequences or drawbacks from their "addictions" so far; on the contrary they seem tobe having their cake and eating it too
I never said Chad is my enemy. All I'm asserting is that 99.9% of w*men only feel sexually/romantically compatible with guys who look like Chad Hemsworth or Chason Momoa
Zooey Deschanel is very quirky and cute, and has pale skin and big, blue anime eyes, those are the reasons why she is very attractive.
Did you miss the part where my friend blew up things with a girl who made him happier than he ever had been, all because he desperately needed to feel some other girl's lips on his dick??? Fucking hell
Don't forget the bangs
I'd like to Zooey her Deschanel real hard if you catch my meaning.
You guys are disgusting.
>tfw my wife pretty much looks like a loli-fied version of Zooey Deschanel despite being 30
>she's practically an anime loli waifu but in real life
Life is really nice.
Any other cute actresses with big anime eyes?
>Two (2) of them that I know have children and "baby mommas" who let them sleep around with other w*men while the 'baby momma' has some cuck provider that they play house with most of the time. Seems like they really havent had to suffer any serious consequences or drawbacks from their "addictions" so far; on the contrary they seem tobe having their cake and eating it too
The addiction itself is a serious drawback. Its a waste of time and money like all addictions are. I mean shit, if someone told me that I my life would just be and endless pussy hunt without possibility of any real connection to my kids or my spouse I'd probably kill myself.
No, they deserve to have both their legs and pelvis broken, so they can live with chronic pain for the remainder of their lives.