Watch captain marvel expecting garbage pandering to women

>watch captain marvel expecting garbage pandering to women
>The main characters' gender was barely brought up and is so irrelevant to both her character and the plot that the movie would be barely any different if she was a guy
Wtf you guys told me it would be a feminist circlejerk

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>gender was barely brought up
did you watch with your ears plugged and eyes closed?

100% bluepilled

>t. shill who never watched the movie

They just hated it before it came out becasue the actress said something about gender equality in an interview. They don't care how good or bad the movie is, they hate her now and thus the movie as well.

>listening to autistic culture war faggots on Yea Forums
the actual content of the movie is wholly irrelevant to these people, because it's actually about whining about muh SJWs

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I think due to the lefty pandering in media in recent years Yea Forums is so defensive about women in films that just having a female main character is considered pandering. Which actually kind of reminds me of how tumblrites get triggered at white males being main characters in so many movies. Horseshoefags had a point all along.

you didn't watch the movie
it's literally all about female struggle and patriarchy keeping her down

Shit is as SJW pandering trash as the Supergirl show

So how significantly would the movie be different if the lead was male?

you actually believe the obvious bait of OP
how fucking dumb are you

How? Patriarchy was never brought up and nobody ever shit on her for being female. You're acting like all the men kept telling her she couldn't be a superhero because she's female, stop being such a sensitive whiny faggot.

they would have to change the entire character arc since it was all about how she had been treated like garbage due to her gender, as a kid, and in the military, and that "made her stronger"

So they would have to make it a black man

Yikes! you disney shills are not even trying

Try harder


>How? Patriarchy was never brought up and nobody ever shit on her for being female.
Are you fucking kidding me?
god you're retarded

It's not bait. Outside of some offhand mentions, her gender is literally of no importance to the film.

Have you heard of symbolism, dumbass?

t. time traveler from 2009

So no one is talking about the shape shifting jews turning out to be poor refugees and the good guys?

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>Waaaaahhhhh a male extra made a sexist joke, clearly this movie is against men
Is any movie with a bitchy female anti-women?

Symbolism is heavily dependant on interpretation. Obviously you're going to interpret into the movie whatever preconcieved notions you've had from the beginning.

literally not true but keep trying tranny



That's right, I didn't watch the movie yet. But my statement is still true, you hated it before it came out regardless.

Throughout the entire movie, she didn't have a conflict/struggle against anything but men. Why were their no other strong females challenging her beliefs or rivaling her? The entire movie is "The View" in MCU form, a superpowered female circleschlick.

>This isn't a game for little girls
>Villain literally gaslight her and keep her on a leash
>Ronan demands a debate like an internet incel
wake up retard

Honestly, the trailers they were showing before the movie started were tenfold more feminist garbage than Captain Marvel. That one with the fat Indian woman and the cunt old business woman was the worst.

The movie itself, besides a few jokes like the 11/10 “you know why they call it a cockpit, right?” joke, it really wasn’t in your face feminism like people were leading me to believe. You really could replace her with a man and remove like 5 jokes, the song choices like ‘Just a Girl’ and the movie doesn’t change.

this isn't me. Fuck off faggot.
t. OP

And they even changed the Mar-Vell character to be a woman because god forbids her looking up to a white man let alone any white male in the movie being a good guy

And then the character makes even less sense
A male character in her place wouldn't be put down by the reasons others put her down in the movie
The character would then have literally 0 struggle with anything. And it's already not that much.

You're focusing on the refugees plot and not on her.

They would have to rework the entire film. The main enemy is the idea that the patriarchy is what keeps her down, not the actual kree or supreme intelligence.

Also the entire end sequence would be better if CM was a dude, because he would have fought hand to hand to prove the other guy wrong.

>"You rely too much on your powers! Fight me fair and square and prove to me that I'm wrong and you've grown!"
>*female CM shoots him in the chest with her hand cannon* I don't have to prove anything to you.
>*male CM agrees to the fist fight and wins by a hair and sends him on his way with the same message about how he's coming to hunt down the cree. Both parties leave with a mutual respect for each other, even though they're 'enemies' now.*

She was bullied when she was a human, Steve Rogers was too. If they made her a male it would they been written her more like Steve.

>The patriarchy device keeping her true feminist potential down and brainwashing her into believing the whites are good and somalians are evil
>Plot twist is literally about smashing the patriarchy and wuz

What are you talking about? I didn't quote you, OP, I quoted my own post, you twat.

>So they would have to make it a black man

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But then the character would have to be a weak beta nerd, then you might as well just create a new character

>nobody ever shit on her for being female

Some of us have seen the movie, user.

Oh sorry

Honestly though the trailers looked like shit.

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Bullshit. It has exclusive scenes about it.

Yeah that confused the shit out of me. They even made her resemble Hilary Clinton.

>*male CM agrees to the fist fight and wins by a hair and sends him on his way with the same message about how he's coming to hunt down the cree. Both parties leave with a mutual respect for each other, even though they're 'enemies' now.*

This sounds cliched as hell, thank God Captain Marvel is a woman.

>>The main characters' gender was barely brought up and is so irrelevant to both her character and the plot that the movie would be barely any different if she was a guy
Actually a sign of shit writing desu
Men and women are different and a story that refuses to account for this just amounts to an open admission by the author that he can't write female characters for shit. Writing a man with tits is not an accomplishment.

he's lying either way
her weakness in the movie is believing she's not as strong as she thinks because every white man in her life told her she's just a girl

back to tranny discord you disgusting thing

>thousands of movies making fun of women
>nobody complains
>one capeshit movie has some jokes about men
>manbabies explode into autistic rage
such is life

(Just A Girl starts playing)

Who are you quoting?

desu Talos was the best character. And without this twist we will spend all movie without any stakes instead of only most of the movie without any stakes and caring for him and his jewish family for last 20 minutes

Kree = Nazis = white Americans
Skulls = Jews = Muslims

The message underneath the feminist smokescreen is that Jews (and their special WASP friends) are secret allies of Muslims- eager to save, them from their white American oppressors.

State Department Pictures presents...

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

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The ending is shit because of this entire moment. CM starts and ends the film the exact same person. There's zero character development or actual power growth.

The ending was literally just meant to be a YAAAS QUEEN! moment, but all it does is prove the bad guy was right the whole time and that carol without her powers is nothing. She never learned a thing from the 6 years spent as a kree and without her powers she's absolutely fucked because she never bothered to actually train and learn.

The main of objective of the movie was to groom a feminist audience for the next big project, the all-female Avengers. That crowd is easy money.

the world, Yea Forums, twitter, anything really. But just for starters, this thread.

>Half empty theaters
>Wonder Woman... I mean Black Panther... I mean Captain Marvel will fail and it's true, third time the charm

>the main characters gender is barely brought up

Wait what? Did you even watch the movie?

If you're gunna be a meme shill, at least do your research. Yea Forums changed it's tune for both films immediately after release because they were actually good. They aren't changing for CM because CM is actually bad.

>"Let's show these boys what we can do!"
>some dude says "Can I get a smile, lady?" so she steals his motorcycle
>montage of men telling Ms. Marvel she isn't cut out for boy stuff
>she doesn't speak to her parents because they didn't like her wanting to play with the boys
>I'm Just a Girl plays during the penultimate fight
>montage of little girls getting back up after the big bad patriarchy knocked them down
>Main villain keeps telling her to keep her emotions in check so she BTFO him by not doing that
>Ms. Marvel chastizes Fury after he asks a niglet if she could really build a spaceship
On top of all this Brie makes a fool out of every male character she comes across. Also Goose is shit, Fury was ok, and the skrull guy was the best part of this movie.

Do you really think no move has ever made fun of men before? There's an entire genre of chick flicks that did that for decades. Go outside. Turn off your phone for a while. If you actually think that Black Panther was the first black superhero or this was the first female superhero you're just out of your mind.

This is as retarded as /pol/ claiming Black Panther is actually pro alt-right

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What a wonderful lesson for little girls: do not control your emotions.

controling your emotions is a patriarchal concept
women ARE too emotional - BUT THAT'S A GOOD THING

He is in the comics. Hell, he even tries not to vomit in his suit when CM & War Machine kiss because he hates the idea of racemixing.

getting them on the path to cool wine aunt

I think they just put those in there last minute to troll the incels, if you took out everyone of these nothing in the plot would change.

>This sounds cliched as hell
Literally "women will never understand".

The entire plot would change. Because then CM would have zero reason to fight or do anything, because she only does all of this out of defiance to people (men) who told her she couldn't do things because she was a girl. So if no one told her she couldn't do things, she'd never have a reason to keep getting back up, hence no reason to fight anything. She probably would have never joined the airforce either.

Yes, she was bullied because she was a woman, that was the whole theme you fucking mongrel.

Because it is the recycled plot of a dozen other Marvel films.

>>montage of little girls getting back up after the big bad patriarchy knocked them down
They were all Carol.

>watch captain marvel expecting garbage pandering to women
>all expectations exceeded
>end of diary entry

Captain America had the same motivation so that completely destroys your argument.

Right but see Steve actually struggled and grew. Carol kinda just threw a tantrum and came out the same person she was at the start of the film.

They have similar origins of people telling them they can't do things and then still doing it, but only steve has actual character development. Carol does not and never grows as a character.

>Black Panther was actually good
Are you fucking kidding me?

Who told Rogers let go and stop controlling his emotions?

I know there's been movies before that made fun of men, but no one gave a shit about them. The outrage from manchildren is only coming just now because of Captain Marvel. Also, I've never said CM was the first female superhero?

That's how these people operate. "This turd wasn't as smelly as that turd so in a way that turd is really good!"

>"it didnt say patriarchy directly so ha! Its not a feminazi movie at all! Squeak squeak"

red skull

he was bullied for being a woman too (basically)

they knew it was a bad movie
they marketed it as a "feminist" movie because otherwise it would just be a dull and passe super hero movie
same shit they did with black panther. it's an okay super hero movie but since it's Africans, guys, this fucking changes everything
they don't have any more creative direction to take super hero movies to keep audiences engaged. It's become about marketing.

BP wasn't racist against any groups, properly expressed culture without alienating those from different ones, and had a good plot. T'chala actually grew and developed as a character.

CM specifically shits on men and alienates it's audience, and carol never grows as a character. It was literally made as a pander cashgrab.

>the outrage from manchildren

Who is outraged at jokes at the expense of men in Captain Marvel? Link them to me. Tell me their names.


what they advertised this movie as is what you get
OP is lying

Sexual tension with Jude Law would probably have been greater if Carol was a dude.

I wish Brie Larson would just fuck me already

have sex

Aside from the cockpit joke and women not being allowed in combat and only being allowed to shuttle aircrafts I think that's it.

She starts off doubting who she is and what she fights for, she by defining these things for herself.