Warner Bros has contacted you to write them a 1 billion dollar Flash movie

Warner Bros has contacted you to write them a 1 billion dollar Flash movie

How would you do it?

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Flashpoint but funny.

Get someone that that enjoys pussy instead of cock.

Have Ezra Miller naked on the screen for the entire movie


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Something really gay that I'll regret after my coke binge

Get in these lads.

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Ezra dies within the first 15 minutes of the movie and turns into sparkling dust.
A nearby black kid inhales the dust and becomes the fastest negro on Earth.
He proceeds to steal bikes and wallets with nobody noticing.
Soundtrack by 50 cent and the The Bee Gees.

recast ezra miller
bring in wally west

First, recast Flash. Ezra could not carry a billion dollar movie.

inb4 some seething hetero incel says “recast Ezra”

You cant. Flash is stupid.

I would make the movie intentionally shitty, and when it finally gets around to the after credits scene it would be Professor Zoom going back in time to ruin the script.

this but unironically

Pay me first, I don't give out ideas for free

Ezra Miller autistic loser Flash sucks. He’s not Barry or Wally. I honestly don’t know what the fuck they were doing.

I agree with getting someone else to play Wally

Cancel it. Give the budget to a rebooted CWverse with new writers.


What are you trying to say.

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I would write a flash movie where he loses his powers in the beginning and doesn't get them back till the after credits scene. He ends up beating the big bad by relying on Iris who hits Grodd over the head with a frying pan and says "Flash why are you monkeying around?"

I wasn't being ironic. I wanna taste his hairy jew cocklette

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This was basically how season 3 of the flash ended.

Ezra Miller is ugly

Don’t @ me

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Did he just fuck her?

A mix of jl animated flash episodes of a day in the life and it gets serious towards the end.

Ezra Miller presses his butthole against the camera for 3 whole hours, all done in one take and with no break

I will hire Black Pink and it will be a movie about them with a short scene featuring Flash dropping spaghetti when meeting them.

i follow the goddamn comics
and include several few minutes captain boom cameos

Continued the original DCEU plans of 5 Superman films (Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, Justice League 1, Justice League 2) culminating in Flashpoint.

I'd make it a 10 million dollar low key action flick with absolutely no cgi, a great cast and soundtrack, and then spend the $990,000,000 on advertising and marketing.

Man of culture detected

Kill yourself retard, Ezra is beautiful

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Pay a 300lb jigaboo $100 a day to kick that weird gay kid Ezra in the junk every time he left his house, until he quit the movie, and life in general.
Then just use puppets

time travel and rape. then checking to see if you're mentioned in the history books each time you do the rounds.

All of the autistic loser characterization is fixable and not set in stone.
The characterization for Arthur Curry changed dramatically from JL to Aquaman and they can do the same thing for Barry. Ezra is a capable actor and could embody whatever new direction they want to take the characterization in.

>Black Pink

Retcon everything.. Retcon everyone.

Basically Days of Future Past ending.. Ezra wakes up and everything has been reset.. Nothing is fucked up.. Justice League never happened.. Batman vs. Superman never happened.. Robin never died.. Leto was never Joker.. Cyborg doesn't fucking exist. Ben Affleck is no longer Batman.. Henry Cavill is a fun loving Superman with a winning personality.. And ole Pa Kent never died in that tornado.

Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, Superman, Flash, Batman, have never met each other.. But Superman is actually actively seeking out these people to form a Justice League..

Focus on movies that aren't A List.. Think Aquaman, Shazam.. Bring in the Green Lantern corps, Martian Manhunter.. Obscure shit that people would eat up.. Focus on the solidarity of these characters rather than the team up.

DC can win this capeshit race if they just focus on the right shit.. Marvel is getting ready to blow their entire foot off in spite of everything they've accomplished.. DC can really retake the reigns if they focus on the RIGHT stuff.

Replace him with Tom Holland

Kill the dumb sickly looking kike off at the beginning of the movie and have someone else be the flash for the rest of the movie.

I don’t think anyone but AIDSpozzers like that guy


what kind of reaction is that on her part?

Flash has spent most of his time stopping the usual crimes, bank robberies, murders, rapes, etc. etc. Eventually, an original only-for-this-film created billionaire in Central City grows interested in the Flash and his untapped potential. He begins funding a program that would allow for illegal and invasive research into the Flash and his source of power, leading to the development of some sort of tech that allows for tapping into the speed force. Unethical, secret human trials begin to attempt to imbue the billionaire and his aides with this power, and he eventually becomes obsessed with the idea of the power. Eventually, after numerous accidents and deaths allowing for the production of exo suits that harness (albeit somewhat-unstably) the power of the speed force. The billionaire and his aides eventually use the suits to further their own personal betterment and benefit, and go power-mad. This draws the attention of the Flash, fights ensue in super-speed fasion, and one by one Flash takes down the aides, some by their own hand (they're "absorbed" by the speed force in a chaotic manner), and yada yada yada big CGI fights, but all of this leads up to one important plot point that can be turned into an eventual sequel-- one of the billionaire's aides, an Eobard Thawne, survives being absorbed by the speed force, and ends of tapping into it's raw power, eventually leading to him finding a way out of the speed force in the sequel as Reverse Flash, with a powerful hunger for revenge.

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I'd fire the tranny playing flash first

Bazinga actor and just do Superman IV with the Flash.

this is actually a really good idea.
The problem is... what can flash change to do all that stuff different?
But yeah, this could perfectly work to keep the DCEU full steam. Also, i would love to see flash and green lantern together

The way the computer algorithm that writes capeshit, comes up with.

>seething hetero incel
Here's one:

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whip out my dick.

pocket the rest

>This movie's going to be a gift to the fans of this material

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Have every line of Flash dialogue be: "Gotta go fast!"

The plot would basically involve how fast Barry Allen is able to make various men cum, whether it be from him deepthroating or letting them fuck his ass or rub his asscheeks on their dick or eating their asses. He makes it his mission to make any man cum in zeptoseconds.

I think the final act would involve a pack of African American men simultaneously being pleasured by Barry, with him moving so fast between sucking and fucking and rubbing and licking that you wouldn't see much except the black men just simultaneously cumming with Iris West looking on in horror.

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Well she's 5000 years old, i don't think that woman of her age feel any kind of discomfort from any kind of physical contact, especially with this autist

Made me chuckle

I'd have Schlomo Twinkenberg sick 1 billion cocks for a dollar each, and film it.

Pay Sony for "Into the Spiderverse" and replace the Spiderman models with Flashes. Create Flashpoint. Take the $950 million and fuck off to somewhere.

Such a good pair of lads

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1: Have auditions, including the current tv and movie flash.
2: Kill everyone in a flash costume in a freak accident.
3: Pocket a billion dollars.

Kill yourself retard, tons of people love Ezra not just gays

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That's just James Cameron's Spider-Man pitch, but with a poor rendition of Thawne at the end.

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but also jews!

Flash decides to help the black community by volunteering to patrol their ghettos instead of the police, who agree to stay out of it.

At first this is going fine, but soon the ghettos start to resent him for busting crime and at the darkest moment the news media is calling Flash a racist.

Angry and humiliated, Flash snaps and decides to become a new superhero for white supremacy, The Blitz, subverting everyone's expectations.

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I really hope Henry isn't out as Supes

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I hope not.

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I would make it an almost scene for scene adaptation of a fan favorite flash event in the comic but throw in an 5 minute R-rated scene where Ezra flash gets fucked in his ass by his gay lover

re cast

>how would you do it?
I would start by getting comfortable and using a pen and paper to jot down ideas. After that I would pick an idea and change the format to software based writing. Microsoft Word perhaps? I would use my keyboard to type letters, that form words. These words would contribute to sentences. The sentences would be used in either dialog, narration, or scene descriptions. Afterwards I would use my printer and print the script out. That is how I would do it.

Fire the faggot and cast just about anybody else, except for a black, spic, wop or jew. Have him fight Rainbow Raider. That's my movie.

First I've heard of this, what was Cameron's pitch exactly?

What did Ben mean by this?

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>What did Ben mean by this?

He's just along for the ride.

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this picture makes sense now how sad

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Ezra knows how to have fun, I bet he cheered Ben up a lot

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Also for your consideration
What a playful group of lads

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This movie will never be successful unless they de-gay Ezra, at least a little bit.
Shit like this is relatively acceptable but nowadays he's wearing dresses and makeup and that won't fly with audiences.


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My ex best friend's favorite superhero is The Flash. I cucked him and fucked his girlfriend and as an added bonus this faggot is playing his favorite super and I know how much that makes him mad. I'm a good friend.

He can be manly sometimes

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>How would you do it?
i would make it as Mindfucky af
so mindfucky people who breeze throught primer and inception would had headaches out of the kinoplex

Have sex with a woman, incel

I’d just follow their original plan
Flashpoint that gives room to recast all the roles that need recasting.
And I’d make him a little more mature, not some quippy zoomer


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i agree doe

Re cast; Grant is a better Flash.

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I like Ben Affleck

Everything needs to be thrown out from Justice League, forget the autistic sperglord bullshit. They need to reinvent him into something that resembles Barry. More along the tone of Suicide Squad's Flash.
Him not looking like the comic character means very little so long as he can act and get the characterization correct. He still has a good face for playing a superhero even if the hair color is different, etc.

Can 50 be a hustler in the film too? Like a fence. Dude loves to hustle

>Barry is a square who reads Golden Age Flash comics
>trying to become a Police Scientist (he's an intern or whatever the fuck Police Science is)
>Big Trial about Len Snart robbing banks
>no one can really prove he did it
>Barry says he figured out some technobabble to prove that len was using the experimental ice gun...trial ends and Len is locked up (says he would get revenge on barry)
>Barry is working late at night...gets hit by lighting and becomes flash
>some cool shit him using his powers saving normal people
>someone sends Len a birthday cake in jail (its his ice gun)
>he escapes
>the guy who got him out...Gorilla Grodd
>flash has to stop them (Snart being basically similar to Black Manta in Aquaman)
have flash have to travel to Gorilla City (would look cool in the trailer and Chinks would love it)
Grodd needs some shit that Capt.Cold has to steal for him.
movie basically ends with Cold and Flash having to team up and stop Grodd (he wants to take over america so he can invade gorilla city or whatever)
the end (flash throws Cold back into jail and have it set up that he ends up in same jail cell as Capt.Boomerang)
Grodd= voiced by Fraiser
Capt.Cold= Nic Cage

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He is objectively attractive

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It starts of with Erza running really fast, but he trips on a pebble and gets fucking roadrashed to death. His body keeps tumbling at the speed of light, and blood from his body splashes onto our unsuspecting hero at a bus stop— Ellen Page. Imbued with this new power, she will soon discover the meaning of fastness, aging, and eating carpet


>Introverted teenager Peter Parker (Leonardo Dicaprio) is bitten by a radioactive spider and uses his newfound abilities to become a late night television celebrity known as "Spider-Man", until the tragic death of his Uncle Ben at the hands of a criminal he could have stopped drives him to fight crime. Peter also bonds with his popular classmate and unrequited crush, Mary-Jane Watson, who hides the pain she suffers from her neglectful parents and her abusive boyfriend Nathan "Flash" McCreedy behind a arrogant façade.

>Spider-Man's activities attract the attention of Carlton Strand, a petty crook who developed electromagnetic powers after being caught in the explosion of an experimental generator, and has used his abilities to become a wealthy businessman. Convinced that he is superior to the human race and meant to rule them, Strand attempts to convince Spider-Man to join his forces, which also include Boyd, a thug who had his DNA spliced with sand in a failed teleportation experiment, giving him shapeshifting abilities. Once Spider-Man refuses, Strand bribes corrupt telecommunications mogul J. Jonah Jameson to begin a smear campaign against him.

>Spider-Man wrestles with his morality and develops a relationship with MJ, who is kidnapped by Strand and Boyd and taken atop the World Trade Center. Spider-Man rescues her and confronts Strand and Boyd, ultimately defeating them both and proving to the people of New York City that he is a hero. MJ finds out his secret identity, and they become a couple, with MJ pursuing a career in medicine while Peter maintains a job as a photographer while continuing his crimefighting activities.

Starring Leo as Spidey.

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I wrote this out ages ago.
The Flash versus the Rogues.

Half the movie follows The Flash and the other follows the Rogues who have a huge heist planned, they're going to steal everything they can from Lexcorps secret research vault and have to do a full heist movie. To succeed at this they find a bad-guy that can distract the Flash and the police staging a prison break at the same time while they do their thing and they release it(not sure who I'd use, maybe Grodd).

The Flash storyline involves him trying to get his father out of prison by finding the real killer and also investigating the Rogues who're doing random stuff in the background to help their heist(stealing tools and stuff).

The first act would be the heist plans for the Rogues and Flash finding out the real killer of his mother was a robot messenger buried under his childhood home which was sent from the future but went too far back in time and went crazy waiting to warn the Flash about the upcoming robbery(he gets Cyborg to help him decode the robots brain).

The lextech getting out caused catastrophic problems globally as the Rogues sold it to warlords, cults & other factions around the world and ended up causing the deaths of nearly every superhero and destroying entire cities, also the big-bad distraction got loose and caused even more deaths including Iris and all the other Flash family.

Flash prioritises stopping the distraction and he and Cyborg defeat the big bad and send the police to stop the Rogues who escape with a lot of the Lextech.
Flash chases them, leaving Cyborg to catch the prisoners in a pretty big fight.

Flash fights the Rogues, beats them(using some element of their own plans they ignored or something he noticed from earlier in the movie that was a weakness). Then finds the robot that killed his mother in their loot, it hasn't been sent back in time yet. He has the choice to destroy it, but knows without the warning he'll have failed, he sends it back knowing what will happen.

What is she saying here bros?

what happens there? It's seems like it made the other three men uncomfortable for a second

She's saying "So after that you still have a foreskin? Poor thing."

He sits on my face for 2 hours

>still have a foreskin
If only

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yummmm, imagine sucking him off

user that's lewd, I just want to be his friend is all

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Ezra Miller is your worst case scenario homosexual.. I honestly don't see him ever playing The Flash again because of it.

He didn't act like this until after they cast him as Flash.


>I honestly don't see him ever playing The Flash
>gay guy can't play a guy with a lightning bolt on his chest named Flash

>He didn't act like this until after they cast him as Flash
But that's wrong, he was cast in 2014 and there was already homofaggot pics for people to post: archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/49638616
He also came out of the closet in 2012 so he had literally already proclaimed his love for penis

Make a completely over the top Flash Gordon movie with all of the '70s tropes and societal attitude, but with astounding special effects in 3D.

As a teenager he runs so fast he reverses time and gets into whacky hi jinks with major historical figures like Michael Jordan and Paul Revere.