Bam Margera

What the hell is going on with Bam?

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He's an earth rocker now user, you wouldn't understand

whatever the fuck he wants

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Alcoholism + depression.

hes getting ready to kys

wigger Wes Borland

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He sounds like he's on heroin or morphine or something. Fully expecting an overdose in the next 6 months.

This looks like the good/evil system on fable.

I dont think its that simple. He probably is upset he realizes he is a uninteresting turd who acted like a child.

Black Milar

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C'mon beeyum I got work in the morn I don't want ma doink sunked

lol he probably got mad shit for trying to look black in the middle pic

the cumtown curse

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he got wasted and subsequently wounded

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>Thank God Nicki wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up with a black guy and probably went to jail. She has a big mouth
What did he mean by this?

He has always been a douchebag princess.
Even when he was on jackass.

aww cmon bam quit sunkin on my dunk i got work tomorrow at the gay store

those are symptoms of his problems, not the cause

the cause is that he's not famous anymore and he doesn't even have any relevant work/shows to focus on. now he realizes he's become a fat, old, directionless former rich boy. literally the only way he can keep his own life interesting is by drinking and instigating drama.

Severe alcoholism and age catching up with a person who never really developed any meaningful skills, knowledge, or causes to take pride in.

This fucking loser is like a turd that wont flush. Fuck this entitled man baby piece of shit.

>Severe alcoholism and age catching up with a person who never really developed any meaningful skills, knowledge, or causes to take pride in.

imagine if that was you hahaha

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yeah haha that's why he is doing a "storytelling" tour through detroit, he's just fine

Imagine becoming famous for something that was really cool, but is now the opposite of what cool is and you spent 10 years doing something that is everyone thinks is absolutely pathetic now.

It's how Blink 182 and Limp Bizkit must feel like, just cringing that they are super famous for stuff that everyone thinks is fucking stupid now.

Hes slowly morphing into Phil

This is a good dude.

Fucking tired of this schtick already.


It's been 10 years, quit using tragedy as an excuse to be pathetic. Do something to improve you pussy faggot.

haha can you even imagine, probably just kill myself if ever get like that haha

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He was a faggot long before he was a fat middle-aged alcoholic.

these digits are for Bam

What a pathetic person.

He was a subpar pro skater too.

Same thing Jonah Hill is doing, now it's not cool to be a 'bro' he's suddenly an arty film maker


But blink, cky, jackass etc are cool. Limp Biscuit was never cool.

fuck this was too real

Wow. Just look at that. 20 years later and Steve-o is the healthy semi-soi Hollywood Chad, while Bam is the fat burnout addict.
Who'd a thunk it.

He's slowly morphing into his father.

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I've been a depressed alcoholic for years, we are not all faggots with speech impediments.

We saved Brendan. Can we save Bam?

I'm pretty sure Steve-O is in a Christian cult. Also he's a closet homo.

It's like a douchebag Pokémon

I honestly thought he'd be the burned out husk by now, not bam.

yea, you are. lmao you drunk bitch. fuckin beta male

and during that time you were treated like gods and lived to incredible excess but now those days are gone forever

>being that rich
>getting addicted to alcohol
Isn't there better stuff for the minor nobility to intoxicate themselves with?

Limp Bizkit were cool for their first album zoomer

What was the one dude's name. Danger Erin. In the early days he was just another guy, a friend of the group. But all the attention and fame drove him nuts and he lost his ability to behave socially. He became a robot

Weren't they rap rock or something? if they were it sounds kind of gay.

Plenty of coke too

>"just stop"
>well no, you don't just stop, that's not it
i really liked this part, and him having patience with these dickheads and keeping it real because he's been there.

good post user

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He's a chronic manchild.

this is what happens to you if you never resolve your inner-child's issues

He’s already there

Pretty much sums up all of Gen X.

>Mfw when most relatable posts in this thread and both have dubs

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C'mon Bam it's 2 in tha mornin'! I ain't gonna sunk your dick.

hi bam


Had 3 bam fags beat up this kid in middle school on our bus ride home. When other kids had them stop they realized he was a senators son.

They then said they only did it cause they thought were me. Froze up hard that 8th grade day.

The kid killed himself a few years later.

Fuck the kikes. I'm sorry for letting you down Tom

Here's some Bamkino (the Viceland "Epicly Later'd" docu of him trying to un-JUST himself)

phil gene kicking in.


He ran out of drug money.

Limp Bizkit is better than all current music right now. Even metal.

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Brendan is /ourguy/. Bam has never been worth saving.

Appear on cumtown, prepare to go downtown