I infiltrated the Yea Forums tranny discord, there are coordinated spam attacks praising captain marvel and being generally anti white/trump. That is all
I infiltrated the Yea Forums tranny discord...
We're on to you user, watch yourself.
Imagine the smell (of infected crotch flesh)
Why are redditors pretending to be Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
sure you did
how will op ever recover?
They’re here already. That didn’t take long.
Uh huh.
>being generally anti white/trump
Why is it so hard for /pol/fags to understand borders?
Fuck off to your containment board where you belong.
Can you give a rough estimate to us on how many of them there are, and how often they spam Yea Forums? I don't wanna accuse EVERY retard of being a tranny when they could just also be a shitposting /pol/lack or an Australian, but it really feels like it's been getting more egregious since people found them out.
Why is it so hard for trannies to understand they're not real women?
72. it’s not just Yea Forums, they coordinate attacks on other boards as well and try to teen young men trans by giving them what they call the “pinkpill”. they see masculinity as the root of all problems
You HAVE to have sex with one of these things. If you don't your mother will die in her sleep. Now which one do you choose, and why?
>t. actual incel that believes the “muh discord tranny” meme
Oh grow up you little bitch. I bet you also spam racial slurs unironically like a good little /pol/tard.
From my point of view, roasties are evil.
>iphone filename
seething NPC
I have a thing for redheads, maybe from behind I can pretend it’s hot????
this image was literally just posted in the discord when this thread was brought up hahahaha
That pic's filename should be "tranny dischord"
Jesus what the fuck. It's interesting to me because the way they spam /r9k/ is by being overtly sexual, but they realize that won't fly on Yea Forums, so they instead just post about incels, constantly.
Why don't they cut the head off the snake and go for /pol/?
too many people staunchly against them on /pol/, there’s actual libs on other boards so they can at least disguise themselves as normal posters when spamming.
>iPhone are for npcs
Discord tranny.
>it's the jews!
>it's the JIDF
>it's the shills!
>it's shareblue!
>it's the dnc bots!
>it's the trannies!
and the list goes on and on, anyone who takes these schizos seriously has some serious neurological brain damage.
This is probably what he's referring to, idiot.
>dude! Iphones!
embarrasing, take your peacocking back to facebook or twitter faggot, no one's going to stroke your ego for having the latest iphone here.
Trannies even ruined Yea Forums trap threads. It used to be hot boys in women clothes that you couldn't tell they were girls or not. Now it's mostly tranny pics
>"No, YOU'RE the schizo"
>muh trannies boogeyman
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
It's amazing how many people believe these boogeymen are real, I'm not even that smart but I can see through it and that it's just people trolling each other.
Email me brother, I want to join the cause: [email protected]
seething new fags. this place has been always a garbage dump. You guys are all poorfags with trashy $800> phones.
Sure Chase Bnk
You will never be a real woman.
I bet you own a macbook too faggot
The 4% of the general population are the parents of the 60% of trannies that don't kill themselves.
I don't give a shit if you have an iPhone, I'm calling you a fag because you phonepost, you dickless abomination.
i choose my mother dying in her sleep
Nigger your iPhone probably still has a home button, the only people that flex smartphones are welfare recipient ghettos kids
Sorry, Mom.
I ask my mother to pick. She looks at me and says, "I am proud of you, son. I have lived a long life. It will be all right."
>claims to have "infilitrared" a tranny discord
>dosent post screen caps
absolute shit tier bait
Trans women are not women
Trans men are not men
Trans people are people who have gender disphoria
>he doesn't post screen caps
Based OP protecting us from degeneracy.
We should build a wall or something
>I'm not even that smart
Only accurate part of that post
>all it takes for a precious white race to fall are a couple of "discord trannies"
lmao imagine actually admitting to this....
helluva lot smarter than you evidently