Captain Marvel is currently sitting on an 81% positive rating on the Tomatometer...

>Captain Marvel is currently sitting on an 81% positive rating on the Tomatometer, but with a mere 35% approval rating from audiences. This isn’t a reflection on the film’s quality, though. Rather, it’s because the movie has become the latest battleground in a rabid culture war against feminism and SJWs.
It’s all faintly depressing stuff, with terminally online young men taking to their keyboards to protest star Brie Larson saying a couple of very milquetoast feminist comments in promotional interviews. The aim is to ruin the film’s box office prospects, presumably with the aim of reversing the feminization of culture or whatever garbage they’re currently obsessed with.
>Anyhow, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson knows a lot about hate campaigns, with his excellent installment in the franchise considered by some of the more mouth-breathing corners of the internet to be up there with the all time greatest crimes against humanity. Despite The Last Jedi having been received extremely positively by critics and receiving a 91% positive rating, its audience score is just 44%, which is almost exactly what’s happening to Captain Marvel.
With that in mind, Johnson took to Twitter to say that Captain Marvel‘s audience score having been manipulated is “pretty much the new “Certified Fresh” badge.”

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>The most ironic thing about all this is that the column inches generated by this misogynist campaign against the movie has been just about the best marketing campaign Disney could ask for. With the film landing on International Women’s Day, many claim that they see it as their duty to go and watchCaptain Marvel– if only to prove the basement dwelling chuds wrong by making the film a success. You can’t buy this kind of publicity, and Disney will be laughing all the way to the bank as they cement themselves as a woke corporation.
So, everyone wins! Well, except the angry misogynists trapped in their own poisonous minds. Sucks to be them, eh?

Why should I bother myself with the opinions of vaginas on legs?

>Low audience scores are the new certified fresh
And that’s a good thing!

I don't give a flying fig about star wars or capeshit, but how smug can one writer be?

>Captain Marvel is currently sitting on an 81% positive rating

Why do they lie?

>throws shade

Is this nigger talk?

He needs to be. If he actually acknowledged how terrible he made TLJ, the only real choice is Sudoku.

Ignore the dudebros and their misogyny, this movie is really good.

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>Ignore the shilling, this movie is really bland.

So inflated numbers, and inflated reviews too.

Holy fucking incels BTFO

It's homosexual zoomer speak.

An online publication dedicated to shilling... shills.

Who would have thought? :o

It’s all they have left

> So we will sell tickets to this comic book movie by calling the original core audience a bunch of losers who cant get laid and then encourage journalists to antagonise them and create the idea amongst normies that seeing the movie is an act of socio-political participation.

Imagine trying to explain modern marketing strategies to Movie Executivies 10 years ago. Fucking crazy man.

>muh soggy knees!

>no different in quality from past solo superhero flicks
but that's not true at all. All the good ones and even the bad ones, the MC had an arc where they grew. And I didn't have to have all the supporting characters remind me that the MC character was the greatest every 5 seconds. I felt like the movie was gaslighting me the whole time.

shitty movie
I did a chargeback after seeing it. Waste of money.

No it sucks to be the people who have to constantly reaffirm for everybody else how awesome they are.

If you were awesome we would think you were awesome. We don't.
Also the "lol so angry" thing seems a bit like projection to me, since posts like yours make me lol for a solid five minutes or so.

>All female-led movies are hated by muh sexist men

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At least the misogynist lives rent free in your head.


If mcu casted a 10/10 nice body beautiful blonde godess tier, the movie would have been slammed, because all those overweight feminists would be jealous of a godess tier woman

The second one is literally a two dimensional male fantasy, sweety


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This is propaganda.

The person who wrote this is an enemy of the people and needs to hang.

One thing I love about those "progressive" pieces is how selective the memory of their authors are.

Most moviegoes loved Alita and even Wonder Woman was quite warmly recieved. I know it doesn't fit the narrative, but this is a fact.
So drop the "evil misogynist" angle - TLJ and CM are simply shitty movies with weak female leads, that's all there is to it.

>It's still 52% since last night.

Yeah, I don't think they can rig this any further.

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