Why do poltards look like pic related? And why cant they just leave already?

why do poltards look like pic related? And why cant they just leave already?

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but theres a fit guy behind him

I’m glad the rest of Yea Forums is finally turning against /pol/.

you do realize the Confederacy was started by the democrats, right?

He doesn't have any trump gear on or near him though

have sex

Southerners have a right to heritage. What’s your heritage? Suicide?

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Why can't you people shut the fuck up about pol?

Why do leftoids try to mock safe spaces as if they didn't invent the concept themselves? Why do they come to un-safe spaces like Yea Forums to do it, when their own websites like reddit and twitter are hugboxes? It's bizzare and they should have sex, instead

Have sex

Incel rage takes many forms

You first incels :^)

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Have sex

>hehe drumpfies are totally delusional
>not me though

Phew theres gonna be 4 more years of this isnt there

What disliking Trump looks like

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I see more of these lefty/pol/ threads on fucking Yea Forums than I do from regular /pol/. Stop with this shit and make threads about television or film, holy shit.

Have sex

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You have to go back newfag.

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Discord trannies just shit up every board

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Yeah this is exactly what I picture wheb reading those threads about aryan superiority and race obssesion.

>dems are the real racists!
lol /pol/ doesn't realize how pathetic they look with this argument and how much it plays into libs' frame

/pol/tards look more like pic related actually

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Because /tv is always coming into /pol to tell us how much they love their Senpai.

look, it's OP!

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t. /pol/

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>stop acknowledging historic truths it plays right into the liberals' hands