So what's actually wrong with Captain marvel? Like the movie, not Brie Larson calling out white people or memes or controversy, what's actually bad with the movie itself? Cuz i just came out of it and it was fine, very by the book though but 79 is a fair score for it, the action was good and i liked how much more grounded and smaller scale the story felt while also incorporating the CU part of the MCU, it feels simillar to the first Iron Man and Thor
Captain Marvel
Other urls found in this thread:
The movie is a solid 10/10 and there is literally nothing wrong with Brie Larson calling out white people, either.
Same, 8/10 for me. I marvelled at how awesome her powers were, loved the cat and kino action scenes, and Fury's dialogue with Carol was hilarious.
It's literally just butthurt nerds who haven't watched it who bombed the score.
The cat was awesome! I love the space battle at the end, she was literally Goku in space. The movie was amazing, I would give it a 9/10
Eh, i guess not, but i think she could've worded it better and i think when you talk about sensitive topics like that you have a responsibility in your choice of words
superhero fatigue
I'm not watching it, just straight to end game and then no more live action marvel movies for me
don't you mean MAR-VEHLL'D fellow redditor xD?
Beep boop
Her personality is shit and she seemed "flat." Blatant propaganda, meh comedy, stupid twist. Okish action. Like a solid 6/10
6/10 not gonna. Cgi was good but not well used. Actors were decent but not the lead. Fight scenes were bland.
A solid 6/10
>got invited to go watch the movie
should i go? i'm not the biggest fan of capeshit, the last one i saw was the avengers one before infinity war, i was interested in infinity war but not enough to bother to actually watch i guess
The humour felt flat and too self-aware, le so random and cringe make a pause to laugh big bang type of comedy
Then they turned Fury into a clown and the Skrulls into refugees falsely acused of terrorism just looking for a home, they have ships and all but aparently they need help to find one suitable planet
Also too many unconnected flashbacks going back and fourth, too much
Also they shoehorned songs ala guardians of the galaxy when it wasnt needed
im not that extreme but yeah im definitely feeling it too
I just saw it. It was a solid 6.5/10. Probably not a top 10 Marvel movie, but definitely not terrible.
Gee golly is Brie gorgeous in this movie.
6.5-7/10 for me, it was ok, much better than Black Panther or Thor 2, but also not as good as 'good' Marvel moves.
I'm bitter they've tottaly wasted world-building potential (both for space stuff and SHIELD) of a prequel like that. The only new things about MCU we know from it is that Mar Vell was a woman here and died and Skrulls did nothing wrong, but those things only close the possibilities of a future story arcs like Secret Invasion without opening up any new possibilities.
Also Carol practically has no character arc which is somewhat understandable but still weird for origin story
Honestly some scientists need to investigate the brains of the producers that think Avengers will survive without Ironman, Captain America and Thor cause that's just fucking unbelievable
>actually wrong?
Disney and Kevin Feige
The best character was Ms Marvel
But they don't want to bring a heroine using the classic leotard
That Ms Marvel dressed for almost 30 years
These people are not from the comics, they just want fast money.
Do not respect 30 years of the character
Captain Marvel is a mess in the comics and the world now is seeing that she is a disaster on the big screen too.
nothing, it's an average mcu movie, faggots pissing their pants about it are mentally ill.
>oh look it's Disney shills pretending to be movie goers who like Captain Marvel thread again
Movie's fine.
Alt-incels and the youtubers they follow are trying their FUCKest to make it fail for some reason (that reason is probably feminist movie + their irrational hatred for disney) but they only end up giving the movie free publicity.
If the spoilers floating around here are accurate, then it sounds like an absolute cringe fest that was written specifically for 12 year old girls.
It just feels off. Excluding recasts and who could have done better with the script, it just feels like they didn't do enough with what they had. I think all the elements were there to make a better movie they just didn't use them to their full potential. I usually don't know who marvel super heroes are before I see the movie, except with this one I still really didn't know who they were after it ended. It didn't really have the impact or strong themes the others did. It didn't help that she has literally no weakness after the amnesia and collar were removed. We barely got to know who Carol was before she was captured.
the asthetics were boring
"It's fine."
"It's okay."
"It's pretty solid."
"I was pleasantly surprised."
So many euphemisms for "it's shit". :(
She really is
Anyone rating it as low as 1-4/10 or as high as 8-10/10 is a retard with an agenda. It's average I would probably say around 5 for me, nothing special and nothing I would really think about after I was done sitting through it, just a mediocre capeshit with some okay sequences. I would say Brie was probably the weakest of the performances, but that probably has more to do with how she has been acting prior to a superhero movie.
>So what's actually wrong with Captain marvel? Like the movie
The Marvel formula hasn't changed in 10 years. Nothing that CM does has not already been done by a different MCU movie. The only difference is that there's a woman in the lead role. Other than that, the movie feels like a stale, forgettable segment of a 40+ hour long movie.
It's a totally skewed form of feminism where the hero never expresses a moment of invulnerability, self doubt, or contemplative emotion. not sure if Larson made poor acting choices or if it was just written that way, but the character never felt like she was struggling to overcome the odds like literally every other hero in the MCU.
Look at how great of a job MCU's done with Gamora, Wasp, Witch, etc. They're fun and strong characters but most of all, they've all showed emotion at some point. They feel like real characters. CM doesn't
i disagree about the character arc point personally, i think you can kinda see her become more friendly and open up a bit more as she settles with her past, i'm glad she wasn't a typical Marvel woman that's an edgelord with a chip on her shoulder like green lady and her blue sister and valkyrie, partly i think because Brie Larson is really underacting a lot here, but i think we'll see more of how much she changes in Endgame if she plays a large role in that.
This again does not address anything with the movie, i hate CM comics just as much as anyone both before and after SJW-ing
But also, who the fuck in the MCU wears costumes like that picture on the left? It's not like Hawkeye is wearing his purple and blue costume, you're delusional if you think this is a case of SJWs fucking things up as opposed to Marvel Studios's standard process of normalizing and making more realistic costumes when adapting superheroes, also her outfit is pretty tight and she's a lot prettier than Captain Dyke from the comics, so i don't see the issue there
on track to get $150m in the opening weekend, if she does, ratings won't matter.
I'm not, if i were wouldn't i be saying it's the best thing ever? Cuz i'm not
Agreed it feels underwhelming nowadays in the same way Thor and Iron man do when watching retrospectively, except those movies came out before the bar was raised, i also feel like they could've done more and maybe wove a genre into it like The Winter Soldier did, but i also think it's a bit of a strength because it's so grounded it actually feels fresh again.
Typical for Marvel, agreed, they should hopefully start to ramp up the weirdness a bit cuz people are getting used to superhero movies being a real thing now
I can accept that, it's definitely nothing new or even as different as other Marvel movies have done in the past, but i like her underacting actually.
>not liking being clubbed over the head with propaganda = having an agenda
>not sure if Larson made poor acting choices or if it was just written that way
Larson's a better actress that that, so I'm inclined think the directors wanted her to be more stoic and with a military bearing.
I actually really liked the movie.
It refreshing that it isn't the same old Marvel Formula.
She literally gets fooled by the Kree though, gets captured on her first mission, and goes all pissy about it later
Witch and Gamora are the worst characters in the MCU because they're just a very simple chip on her shoulder damsel in distress type bullshit, it's all from Quill's point of view too which is always done and it's so boring, so she's just edgy and annoying, worst guardian easily, especially Witch when she falls in love with Vision who was a dick to her in Civil War
The movie basically has no propoganda in it at all, have you even seen it or just constructed a version of it in your head?
There wasn't really that much, there were a few cringy moments with the smile thing, but it wasn't like clubbing you over the head. The marketing made it seem like it was going to have way more feminist propaganda than it actually had. In terms of a capeshit movie, it was just painfully average and something you forget about almost as soon as you leave the theater.
>just constructed a version of it in your head
This is what they did. It's the same stupid shit /pol/tards always do.
>Sound problems with some scenes right before cuts
>constant smash cuts that make little sense
>humor falls flat
>larson cant emote for shit
>story does a shit job of establishing setting and building characters
>the only characters with any depth are just cameos from other films
>plot driven by convience, story is weak as shit
>action scenes lackluster and boring
Muh stronk wahman protagnist 10/10
Dull writing- in all fairness its a stale premise we already saw bomb once in Green lantern.
Brie Larson comes off as stiff and wooden, ironic for how other characters tell her to master her emotions.
The Skrull twists was pretty good.
The lead didn't have any growth or arch, beyond finding out facts and snapping off her inhibitor device. As such, I never really had a reason to root for her or connect to her.
>You just like forget Super Sajian Carol destroying an entire space armada for 20 minutes and BTFO of the Kree
Cool story bro. How about you go have sex?
They should have brought in comics Captain Marvel
>oh hey I got this guy who seems to be able to predict the future
>LOL let me start an off-planet prison for pre-criminals
She's like a hardcore fascist who indoctrinates younger superheroes into her regime but because she has a lesbian haircut the trannies and genderfluids who infest the comics industry right now love her.
>Strong independent women always come off as stiff and wooden to me
You know you have a legit problem, right user?
But it is the same old formula. Kek. Only difference is theres a woman as the lead.
Yes, that was a neat sequence, nothing to jerk off about like you are doing though.
you need help kiddo
>She literally gets fooled by the Kree though
This is true, but I meant she never really struggled with her entire backstory and rediscovering her memories. That part just felt so vacant and emotionless.
>Gamora sucks
She's literally the best part of Infinity War
>Witch sucks
She saw her brother die, accidentally murdered a bunch of civilians and ended up being the one who had to murder Vision. She doesn't have a lot of screen time but her arc has unquestionably been based.
I think its you who needs to get laid you fuckin dork.
This thread is like the Alamo for Marvel fan boys! x)
(or is it Hitler in the bunker?)
It never really felt like she was struggling or in any real danger, so it was actually a bit boring. The only time there was even any tension was where she had to throw the one nuke into all the others before they hit earth.
The movie sucks because it's a colossal production about a character that nobody give a fuck about, with a linear, generic story and an annoying and incessant promotion.
No, it literally isn't. Please tell me the other Marvel movie where most of it is about the character having amnesia? Which movie was it again where the main villain turn out to be the bro hero, and the hero turned out to the villain?
If it was a normal marvel movie. It wouldn't have the whole amnesia thing. It would have been a linear story, and the skrulls would have been the bad guy. Go troll somewhere else.
Would you do the same with a little girl?
The movie itself isn't the primary problem, but the Leftist political activism all around it from SJWs, Marvel, and Brie Larson herself with inflammatory comments towards white males. The movie is being marketed as female empowerment, with Leftists screeching in joy how it's the first major female superhero movie ever, despite the fact there have been plenty female superhero leads before Captain Marvel. Regardless of the content of the movie's cotent it's impossible to separate it from all of the Leftist elements surrounding it.
I normally enjoy powerful female characters, however I absolutely fucking despise self-righteous Leftist preaching with a passion. For that reason Captain Marvel can eat a dick.
>he didn't have sex to it
tisk tisk faggot
>it's a linear story
Cool story bro
I thought Captain Marvel was a very beautiful movie and shows the true strength that we, as a people can have if we just shed these shackles of division and come together as one race, the human race.
>BUTT BRie said...It hurt my fragile whittte feelings...
No she fucking didn't.
You're either retarded or retarded at this point.
Have some self respect you fucking fag.
But the Skrull aren't human!
>>Wonder Woman - not stiff or wooden
>>Scarlet Witch - not stiff or wooden
>>Black Widow - not stiff or wooden
>>Harley Quinn - not stiff or wooden
>>Gamorah - not stiff or wooden
>>Nebula - not stiff or wooden
>>Wasp - not stiff or wooden
>>Hela - not stiff or wooden
>>Valkyrie - not stiff or wooden
>>Captain Marvel - emotional range of Daria
it's boring and the soundtrack is poor.
Holy shit, what a creep.
I liked almost everything about this movie except for Brie Larson.
I really like her black friend and the dynamic she had with her daughter. I really, really like Skrull boss and his amazing accent. I also thoroughly enjoyed how slimy evil Jude Law was. I also fucking loved Gemma Chan and will do anything to protect her and pump her full of white babies.
Shame the main character was so boring, and Ronan was wasted.
I get the way Fury lost his eye is err....eye rolling, but are the problems I'm hearing about continuity true? That seems to be a serious long-term issue.
Ronan says he'll be back to fight Carol himself. Then he leaves.
So there will definitely be at least one mid-quel between this and Guardians 1.
The action scenes are legitimately awful. It's impressive how bad the choreography, style, and actual fist and laser fighting is.
Also it's just stereotypical as fuck. There is nothing in here that hasn't been done better in the past Marvel movies. It's just tacking on another hero, that's all. Also it has really uh, politically charged undertones in our modern reality hey guys references to real life and justice which. Bleh.
But no seriously the fight scenes are garbage. They're a solid 4/10 and the rest of the movie as a whole is a 6/10 above average better than I expected but still mediocre as fuck and no one is going to remember this movie exists in a year.
Origin story
White hero gets superpowers
Nick Fury shows up to validate white hero
Small CGI fight
Quips and banter
Twist anyone who saw the trailers already figured out
Bigger CGI fight
"Maybe_____is the friends we made along the way!"
End credit scenes shilling the next movie
Yeah... real original, user.
Strong independent women don't need to be references as such. If you're making their character "strong and independent" as a tagline, you have failed to create a character. They will come across as stiff, wooden, forced, and especially annoying and arrogant.
Agree with this except for
>>Black Widow - not stiff or wooden
>implying anyone here have seen the movie
It's bad because muh feminism REEEEEEEEE. Otherwise it's just same old for marvel.
Bouncing around the timeline too much can get confusing to people who don't follow closely. I really hope Marvel has a good plan after Endgame, or the box-office will drop off. I think Star Wars switching timelines so much was one of the things that hurt them that doesn't get talked about enough.
not enough loli scenes
The feminism is bad. So is the whole movie. You suck it up because Marvel has you addicted.
DC fans are the cucks? :/
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids
>Please tell me the other Marvel movie where most of it is about the character having amnesia?
Thor 1, same shit of the alien landing on Earrh.
>Which movie was it again where the main villain turn out to be the bro hero, and the hero turned out to the villain?
Winter Soldier, same shit of the good government actually being bad.
Take out Brief. Beside the plot holes and the way it felt too long in places, Like really boring, Brie is the worst. Take her out. Remove the feminist butt hurt shit. YOU KNOW WHY IT'S CALLED A cock PITT, RIGHT? Take out all that and it'd be a solid 5/10.
>tfw Thor did the fish outta water stuff better.
>tfw GOTG did the space stuff and humor better.
>tfw Winter Solider did the SHIELD stuff and action better.
>tfw Wonder Woman did the female protag better.
It's a 4/10 and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking shill.
>everyone who likes a good movie is a shill
How do we know you are not just a butthurt Warner Brothers shill trying to take down marvel because your cinematic universe sucks donkey cocks.
Anyone says that it was anything less then 6/10 is a DC shill, get flushed faggot.
its a 6/10 at the very best. when you use a 10 point scale to judge something, 10 is literal perfection and 1 is utter trash. so you can't just throw out 8's and 9's to rate things that objectively are not "near perfect" or "almost perfect", because thats what an 8 or a 9 is. a 5/10 is an average movie, most movies are 5/10.
Most Marvel movies are 5/10 for me, this one has the worst main character, worst action, worst humor, and worst visuals, so I'm stuck between 0/10 and 1/10.
The lead actress is an insufferable cunt. Not to mention she has the total charisma of a bleeding hemorrhoid. Do you really expect anyone who is aware of what a shitbag larson is to enjoy any movie she's in?
It’s too bad you Incels just can’t have sex and enjoy this masterpiece.
i bet you think BvS and JL are good movies dcfag
What the fuck is wrong with her face? She's always secretly been a dude in drag, but she looks like a fucking mannequin in that picture
It’s capeshit.
6/10 is most likely the general overall opinion on this film. most would agree 5 or 6
>$150mil opening weekend
That'd be a failure. Even after Larson's gaffe, they were projecting $180mil domestic opening weekend box office. Regardless, the real test will be what kind of legs it has next weekend.
Then CW is well below 5/10.
It is bad at what it is- a CGI capeshit movie.
People are so used to giving extra brownie points for big budgets they automatically start capeshit at least 7/10.
CW capeshit is CANCER
I just wait for them to be on TV or Netflix. All the marvel movies are the same there's no rush to see them.
I gave you reasons for why it's a 1/10 and you responded with company wars bullshit. The action, dialogue, acting, humor was all among the worst I've seen in a Marvel movie. Infinity War was amazing and I even liked Ant-Man 2 because Wasp was a fucking badass who was a strong woman and funny and personable at the same time.
Boy sure can see the effects of the anti troll brigade that news article was talking about.
an stop shilling captain flop
Is there some separate scale Yea Forums uses for capeshit?
Is capeshit ever really good the way a movie like Godfather, or Indiana Jones, or Deliverance, or Falling Down, or 2001 are good, i.e., the way good movies are good?
Parts of Infinity War and Iron Man 1 got there for me, but for the most part not even close.
2000s-era capeshit was alright. The hulk movies, iron man 1, raimi's spidey films, etc. I feel like the new ones are trying too hard to be perfect while older stuff was flawed, yet at the same time entertaining. Disney capeshit feels too sterile, y'know?
I'm saying like sure they're entertaining, but so is porno.
Random soft image to demonstrate my point
Have sex
kek how can you have such garbage taste
Big stretchy. Thor was never an amnesiac and the government was never presented as good guys in Winter Soldier—Cap was very unhappy from minute one and freaked out in the first 5 minutes when Natasha was stealing info behind his back and was complaining to Fury about government overreach in the first 15 minutes.
>So what's actually wrong with Captain marvel?
she's a woman
She’s black.
1/10? So it’s as bad as Starcrash or Manos? Sure, kid.
>So what's actually wrong with Captain marvel?
See for yourself, it's laughably bad, anyone stating positives is shilling or a capeshit drone
Spoilers 2
It's a 2/10 at best
Yes, you. The one screaming, "Alita is sexist" and "Her movie is shit!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious going to watch Alita at least five times around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful movie that has been made for us - and it IS powerful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Alita fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow fans, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you....
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Alita and Cameron are such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Stop watching the new Doctor Who and Dear white people, go to cinema to watch Alita, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of this movie, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
It's no "No! The writing is dreadful;" but it's an alright pasta, I guess.
It's worse than bad, it's bland.
All of them are trash female characters cuz they're all just secondary characters to a male main character and either have no character or follow the chip on her shoulder edgelord archetype, wonder woman is just boring and DC, Harley Quinn is just lol randumz and hasn't been in any good movies
Captain Marvel on the other hand is cool, it's nice that she underacts cuz everyone else in the MCU overacts, it's fresh
only £8 where i live for IMAX and no parking cuz people use public transport like in any civilized country, gtfo third worlder
There is no feminism in the movie.
I've seen it
That's not feminist bullshit, it's an era-accurate representation of your average jock chad who'd go serve in the army
Anything signed t. Feige is gonna be a 5/10 at worst. You need to swallow the pill that these aren’t made for you. Go watch 9 1/2 again or whatever.
Its as good as any other marvel movie. Its stupid but fun.
>a lightspeed engine
>so important
>when they clearly have FTL engines already
Its as stupid as Thanos wiping people because muh resources
>introducing a super powerfull character months before the final movie retconning a bunch of stuff just to make her fit into the timeline
Anyone who says it's anything but 10/10 doesn't belong on this board
Actors personal views (As dictated by Disney's marketing department) != Movie
You only liked Wasp because she was just a love interest, that's the only type of women you can handle, a crush, a love interest, etc, not women as main characters, but women are main characters in their own life and they don't go around just thinking of themselves as objects for you to like, so go fuck yourself and fuck off and watch Captain Marvel make $150m for a superhero nobody's ever heard of's first movie
Captain For the Win
I'm not screaming Alita is Sexist or anything, i haven't seen the movie nor do i care to go see it
She's not a cool superhero. Agent Venom is maybe the only cool character other than Terry McGinnis in DC and Marvel. How does that grab you Yea Forums?
>It's literally just butthurt nerds who haven't watched it who bombed the score.
Provide some evidence to back this up oh wait you literally can’t
superhero stuff is peak faggotry as is but then you get characters like this where you ask: what's her superpower? and the answer is fucking everything. It's just boring. Then again they have super heroes that are niggers wearing jet packs and the power is jet pack power or faggots that have really powerful hammers and shit. I have no clue how we came to the point where watching this shit is remotely acceptable. The modern man was a mistake
the writing seems bad
but at least we get more Coulson