I've seen multiple reports and have anecdotal evidence from friends who have went that the theaters are empty yet...

I've seen multiple reports and have anecdotal evidence from friends who have went that the theaters are empty yet reports are saying it's earned nearly 100 million domestic. Thats almost 10 million people that have paid already and there are multiple cam rips in every language. You're telling me 3% of the US population have already seen this movie in theaters yet there are reports of empty theaters all across the country in less than 24 hours. How is this possible?


Attached: empty(1).png (1366x768, 853K)

Other urls found in this thread:


finna be slaw

opening in too many at once probably

or they're lying

wither seems plausible

Maybe the tickets are prepaid for a lot of things, and that the people who got free tickets didn't bother to go see it? Or it could be tweets showing the theaters really early.

Let's see what the second and third week totals are like, though.

subtle Yang shilling

>I've seen multiple reports and have anecdotal evidence from friends
kill yourself

>anime zoomer
>yang supporter

Saw it on Friday at 1pm and it was pretty damn packed. But I live in a place where others live, unlike this zoomer.

You sound pissed

>How is this possible?
When tickets first went on sale people preordered like crazy and I guess as it got closer to release they lost interest and either didn't cancel or ask for a refund or didn't know how or maybe they just forgot

Of course this is if these "empty theaters" are actually empty and not just idiots arriving way too early

Attached: Screenshot_20190109-163108_Chrome.jpg (1080x1337, 590K)


Of fucking course a dweeb with an anime profile picture wants a candidate who’ll personally hand them neet bucks

You white guys are so fucking cucked now

It's tanking really bad in my country and getting trounced by Dragon 3 despite heavy advertising campaign.

Reminder yang shills do it for free

Shut the fuck up nigger loving SJW leftist

It was completely empty where I live in LA County.

Theater was packed when I saw it today.

slick empty

Why do people still see movies in the theater? You can just wait 4-5 months and watch it for free or super cheap.

Attached: Untitled.png (480x376, 45K)

Universities bought out full theaters....so yea. They still get paid wether theaters are full or not

>I've seen multiple reports and have anecdotal evidence from friends who have went that the theaters are empty yet reports are saying it's earned nearly 100 million domestic.
>anime avatar
reliable source you got there.

>'ve seen multiple reports and have anecdotal evidence from friends who have went that the theaters are empty
>Walk into theater at 2pm.
>Step into a screening of green book 15 minutes beofre it statrs
>take phone pic
>lie that its was the 7pm captain marvel opening night
>/pol claps
>an eagle named "Small government" lands on your shoulder and sheds a single tear
>liberals eternally BTFO

Conspiracy types and especially /pol/fags are notoriously easy to fool as long as you spoon feed them something they want to hear.

the mouse is buying its own tickets. it happens in sports all the time

I'm fine with it. If they buy out theaters and waste more millions.. the bottom line will speak loudest and she won't be in End Game. And we win.

So even if they try to fool people that its good and they waste more money, we still win.

Attached: artworks-000129307562-opb8rr-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 60K)


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And we had these exact same threads on thursday preview night for black panther. Thye claimed the theaters were almost empty and that angry blacks were attackign white people who dared to show up for "their movie".

When box office resuls came in they made the same excuse that "the mouse bought all the tickets" and they really were empty.

I'm going to dust off an old image macro from the old /n/ days just for you

Attached: the-jewish-conspiracy-is-why-im-not-a-winner.jpg (363x380, 48K)

Cool facebook meme

If Disney has had to artificially inflate domestic gross by buying up tickets to their movie, then they've already lost. But isn't their a chance that the movie could be a huge domestic hit on its own?

Facebook was just a small campus project at the time that meme was made. We were posting it in the mid 2000s. Lilzoomers need to realize Yea Forums is older than what we now call facebook.

>he still browses 4chins (which was reddit before reddit happened) after it went to shit

Explain yang to me

/pol/ meme. Jews fear the samurai, etc.

You know you can insult /pol/ without sounding like a faggot redditor, you know.

But they were empty. It's showing at 2 screens at the local and there were maybe 20 people seeing it.

Sure you have to admit there is something fishy about this and how often it seems to be reported.

literal astroturf campaign

moderate democrat pushing UBI as central campaign issue.
doesn't get cemented into identity politics and is free of the antiwhite cancer that a lot on the left carry.
he's basically the bernie candidate of 2020 that appeals to a wide swath of American voters. Here he is on Joe Rogan. Check him out.

>It's showing at 2 screens at the local and there were maybe 20 people seeing it.
Ops pic is a tiny second run theater. People have living rooms larger than that.

Black Panther and Infinity War made about the same domestically. Did you hear stories and see pictures of empty theaters about IW?

Do an experiment. Go online, try to reserve a ticket. They'll say the theater is full. Then go look at the theater and you won't find many people.

>yang 2020

Attached: n5tCJOI.png (600x849, 414K)

>ravu raivu fan
i trust this this person

OPs pic doesn't have thing to do with what I said.


Attached: zed271.jpg (220x229, 4K)

What did you claim? That you and your /pol/ buddies paid to see Captain marvel (despite promising to boycott the film) and that it was magically empty? Neat. Well, I'm convinced.

>everyone who points out things is /pol/

When you work for the building the theater is in, you don't need to pay to see flicks, friend, least of all how many people are entering the theater. Movies like Avengers or JW or hell, even It and Deadpool, the parking lots are packed out to the streets. Yet these Very Special Episode Marvel flicks pull similar numbers with tumbleweeds rolling around.

>When you work for the building the theater is in
Thats a funny way to say "I work at the mall". At least there is no shame in that if you are under 20, right?

Nope. It did used to be a mall, but you see malls are dead.

Aaaaaand, you are deflecting. One might think you're a shill if you aren't careful.

So an Anime zoomer who fell for the Yang shilling is watching Captain Marvel on a Friday night with nobody around... Hmmmmm...

There is not much to deflect, since I only have to claim "theaters were not empty" and people are struggling to find evidence of this. We have found evidence of fake photos of empty theaters that were clearly not showing captain marvel (op) and anecdotal evidence (yourself), assuming you are not the same person.

I'm more interested in this former mall though. What does a mall with a theater attached to it become when it is no longer a mall? One of our old malls became a call center, but then all call centers moved to India.

>or they're lying
>wither seems plausible
But would they lie about how much it makes just to keep up this womyn stronk charade?

Attached: Lie.jpg (480x360, 25K)

>went to 7pm screening in denmark yesterday
>ordered tickets for me and my friend online
>+80% of the 400 seats were taken
>get to the movie theater
>movie about to start
>count 72 other heads in the audience

Some fuckery is afoot, that’s for sure. I was expecting it to be fucking packed. Did ~250 fucking people order tickets and decide not to show up?

How do you do that in China though? Disney can't afford to buy seats there since such a small percentage of the box office comes back to them. Despite chinese mean who said they were disapointed with her ass, the film is still sitting at $70 million after just 2 days, second only to infinity wars performance.

Disney bought tickets and gave them away. Yet no one cares to see it.

Why do people preorder tickets? The only time I've gone to the theater and couldnt get tickets for a movie was with Avatar

Theater packed when i went yesterday

Lights are only kept on during autism-friendly screenings.
This a tweet from someone with a touch of the tism.

>all the photos are doctored and everyone lies!

Tell us about our fake moon landing, friend.

>I'm more interested in this former mall though.

Pretty simple. Local college exploded and the stores closed so the whole thing was converted to to a myriad of offices and apartments. One can think of it as a horizontal apartment complex. No, I do not understand myself how the theater was able to retain it's zoning, but it remains.

top fucking kek


>Richard Spencer: White Supremecist
>Narcissa Wright: Speedrunner

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I was thinking it could be some rich SJW brainwashed individual buying out entire screenings just for support. I did know a rich dude who watched avatar by himself and posted security outside the auditorium

Why stop at a fake moon landing? Ask NASA for proof the earth is round. Thai is the fun thing with young conspiracyfags. Once they believe one conspiracy they start to believe them all. The rabbit hole is infinitely deep. Eventually they outgrow this phase, and if they don't they become those strange men at gunshows who follow you around trying to warn you about the perils of fluoride.

He unites people.