So we can all agree that this was better than Game of Thrones right?

So we can all agree that this was better than Game of Thrones right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

anything is better than Game of Reddit

Its better than most shows.

Yes but not quite as good as Steven Universe

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It's a great series with a shitty sequel.

How is that even a question?

Yes but worse than Breaking Bad which is the best show ever.

Get the fuck out with your postmodernist shit.

It still amazes me how this show managed to have a more nuuanced view of large scale wars than any number of shows for adults.

Post your discord.

It had a more nuanced view on war, responsibility, relationships and so on than it's self-proclaimed 'adult' sequel.
It's honestly absurd how good this show turned out, and I have no idea what caused it.

Anyone seen Aaron Ehasz's new show? 'The Dragon Prince'
Is it any good? Maybe he was the key all along

reddit recs this series to me, should I watch it? I assume OP saw the same post on reddit

Hell yes

yeah, not sure why the fuck you're comparing the two though

the dragon prince is great. watch it

I assume you suck cocks.
>Shows for adults
Which are?..
Haven't even heard about, gonna check it out.

It's one of the few things I see Yea Forums unanimously love despite the fact that reddit and tumblr love it too. That should tell you the quality we're talking about.
Aside from a couple asspulls in the finale, it's about as close to a perfect show as you're gonna find. And the fact that it was meant to be a kids show is even more insane.


It’s not anywhere near avatar’s level yet and the seasons feel kind if short, but it’s still quite good

agni kai>>>>cleganeb owl

This but unironically

I’m willing to admit this but I’ve watched a pathetically massive amount of television and avatar is easily the only show ever that comes close, and it comes very fucking close

if you can seriously listen to the “singing” in that “””animated””” show and not cringe you really do need to head back to discord, hon

Have sex

Sokka best boy

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your dad (who, like you, is male) did and look what happened

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Is this actually worth watching or is it just a good show for children?

It's a good show for children that's actually worth watching
It more than holds up for an adult

The former

Who is the real fag. The tranny or the fags who fall for obvious bait and derail the thread?

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I just watched it for the first time last year and I can say without doubt it is the best animated television show and surely in the top 3 shows in general I’ve ever seen (unironically)
It does literally everything right

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Doesn't it have a whole bunch of grrl power sjw shit?

Which is the best scene, anons:
>You muzzled Appa?
>Strike Me
> (Lu Ten’s Birthday)
>Agni Kai
>end of Southern Raiders (the last waterbender)
>I was afraid you lost your way
>the final battle

For me it’s leaves from the vine :,(

>Yea Forums threads on a foreign board are the only ones that generate any sort of consistent discussion
Absolute state of Yea Forums

yes but so are most things
game of thrones hasnt been good since the pilot

so a bunch of dumbass shit for brains all like the same show made for baby brained retards with no father figure who can't be bothered to learn how to pick up a fucking book. I'll be sure to slate this hidden gym for my next kino-watching session thanks kind gentlesir

It depends what your standard for that kind of thing is. ATLA has maybe one or two episodes dedicated to Katara that are that way inclined, but it's not #KillAllMen-tier. It's essentially based around brown qt wanting to trained as a waterbender despite it not being typical of her tribe (and she never actually overcomes any men in the process of trying to prove herself, in fact she's shown to still be very amateur).

what went so fucking wrong with the sequel?
And why has it such a big fanbase while being shit?

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That's quite the overreaction for somebody calmly recommending you a show.

what the fuck is this post

not really
there are I’d say four to five strong female characters, but I wouldn’t call them “le strong womyn” because, well, they’re actual characters and they exist in a world where women have as much of an ability as men to be however powerful in bending so it all feels organic. Also they’re all pretty flawed so while sometimes there’s a “yaaaaas queen slaaay” moment there are just as many where a strong female character fails, does something genuinely terrible or at the very least something morally dark gray. The main theme of the show I’d say is the horrifying effect war has on everyone involved, specifically children so you come away with the sense that everyone is varying degrees of broken including powerful/creative benders who happen to be female.
In other words it treats gender as basically a non-issue except one small arc at the end of season 1 (the worst season, in that it’s only nearly perfect) where one old male waterbender thinks bending isn’t a woman’s place or whatever.

are you having a stroke lad

Start a thread about 2049 and you'll see discussion on Yea Forums.

despite all the redditors, trannies, jannies, shitposters, and polfags, the real consistent worst thing about Yea Forums has always been the contrarians

>You muzzled Appa?
Don't know why that scene always makes me wanna cry... :'( Also, I get emotional watching Toph try to protect Appa from the thieves, but being unable to help both Appa and the Gaang, so she just lets him be taken.

They cacked a lot of their original writing staff and Bryke was given more creative control than they probably deserved. I also remember looking up the writers for Korra and the ones they DID bring from ATLA were some of the weaker ones (and that was only after the first season, as I recall Bryke almost exclusively wrote all of Season 1). I imagine the ego they had built from showrunning this highly praised show got to their heads, and they also seemed to misunderstand a lot of the qualities that made it so well liked, which they then failed to replicate. George Lucas syndrome, in other words.

As to why it's so well liked, that's harder for me to discern. I think it's literally just because it's ATLA's sequel and it looks pretty, and the people that love it probably have low as fuck standards, or didn't quite realize what made ATLA so good to begin with. I also think Korra probably drew in people who never even watched ATLA to begin with when it began getting more politically woke (I mean I didn't even watch ATLA until half-way through Season 2 of Korra, which made me realize how awful it really was).

Appealing to dumb horny teenagers. Rushed steampunk setting which tries to connect with characters from the original and just falls apart. Nothing really worth to say or comment on. This is what I got from the 1st season, I've haven't bothered to watch any further.

if only the chinks knew how to make cartoons half as good as this

don't kill yourself discord tranny

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>entire show happens without a single hint of homosexuality
>for one second at the end “ohlooktheymigtbelesbianskbye”
>tumblr loses their shit #sobrave
Also a bunch of retards who think anything related to avatar MUST be good without realizing what actually made it kino in the first place was the writing and korra was written by some assholes and not ehasz

No it hasnt

kek, well done user

>tfw the best anime was made by the white man + jews

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sorry i forgot this board was for serious discussions only

They made plenty. A lot of people inflate this admittedly good show to high heaven. Repeated viewings really dampered my interest

watch kaiji

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>they made plenty
Such as?

Toph is best girl


Dragon Ball.

Try to compare Vegeta's gradual change to Zuko's, see what comes out more realized.

Name them.

Jap cartoons are all full of garbage. Overly simplistic characters with no interesting development. Dragged out combat sequences full of stills with shit choreography. People shouting attack names.

All shit.

No Aaron Ehasz to keep Bryke in check.

Toph is disgusting.
Correct answer is Jin

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last airbender - original trilogy
korra - sequel trilogy
I don't know what's prequel trilogy in avatar (clearly not the m night movie), but the similarities are nearly identical.

>Previous week on dragonball
>This week on dragonball
>Next week on dragonball

quality chink animation

>comparing an animated show to live action fantasy



Yeah I've mentioned before that the problems in Disney Wars are almost identical to the problems in Legend of Korra

No because avatar didn't have based Bobby B in it.

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Jin was basically a slightly older, bustier, more friendly version of Toph. i prefer Toph

I disagree

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In one of the ATLA threads quite a time ago, one user pitched the idea of the series set long in the future where bending is forgotten and the protagonist is unwillingly regains the Avatar powers in essentially the modern world. That would be a rad perspective on the setting.

Keep gagging on the one somewhat good western show aside from the DC shows or Venture Bros.
It's not Monster or NGE(no matter the memes). It's closer to Naruto to tell you the truth.

Sweet lighting powers bros.

Lads what happened to Lu Ten's mom? My head cannon has been that she gave herself to grief and withered away to nothing in Irohs arms but that's pretty depressing.

christ you are a dumb weeb


should have ended with azula overthrowing ozai and then conquering the whole world.

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concession accepted

but no, I have this turtle to teach me how to strip bending

FOOKIN zoomers

Iroh fucked the dragon

hahaha oh nonono
I thought that trash was cool when i was about nine, but now I can’t get through all the screaming and exponential power levels without laughing

you dumb fuck

>b-b-but muh power levels and super DUPER saiyans!

they hinted at the turtle since season 1 my dude unlike the kite gods in korra

look son an actual brainlet!

dude they hinted at the kike gods in the credits from the very start

Maario Naharis

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it should have ended with Azula dead


The show has the best villian redemption arc


Woah, you dislike something that almost every group can agree is superb, and without even watching a single second of it at that! This must be the work of an incredibly high IQ mind, 4 standard deviations above average at the least.

While I love steven universe, I can't help but feel disappointed every time they just "hug it out" with the antagonist instead of beating the snot out of them. Especially that season finale where one quip suddenly turns the big bad into a good guy.

How is it the best show ever if it’s not even as good as Better Call Saul?

Better than Korea but not as good as ATLA. Worth a watch definitely.

What’s dilation?

Avatar literally did it better lol
>no I think she’s crazy and needs to go DOWN -literally the most caring and compassionate character in the show

based FKMTbro

This a pasta?

Which is what should have happened with Jasper, White diamond and maybe yellow but no they make a total character shift in like 2-3 episodes.

It’s hilarious yet amazing to think that Aang would have never won and Zuko would have never found his honor if Uncle Irohs son didn’t die in the war. It’s arguably the most important event in the show yet we never see it happen.

really kaboodles the ol' noodle

Will it ever be topped?

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Why was the Earth Nation so well shit? Its a continental country yet got owned by an island.

Holy shit, you retards are serious aren’t you?

>yet we never see it happen.
We don't need to, we already see how profoundly it devastated Iroh.

>Zuko would have never found his honor
He wouldn't lose it in the first place.

Why? Are you seriously so dumb you can’t compare writing?

user, I...

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Look at all this argument.

What I don't get is how the Fire Nation has been waging war for a hundred years and has only conquered one of the three other nations. And why Zuko got disfigured and banished by his father simply for disagreeing with him.

China got owned by Japan. Better tech always wins.

DBZ is not only not as good as avatar, dbz isn’t even well written. When was the last time you watched it, when you were 7?

All the non-Air nations fight back
The Northern Water tribe is heavily fortified and literally requires the fucking MOON to be killed to take it out - which could only be done after one guy found some esoteric knowledge in a secret spirit library hidden in a huge desert.
The Earth Kingdom is where the vast majority of the fighting took place, everything outside of the major cities was regularly under attack.

I feel like past a certain point the plan was just to stall until the next comet arrives. Azulon tried attacking Ba Sing Se to no avail. But Ozai knew it was coming in his lifetime and he could just finish the war then. No point expending all your resources and potentially losing everything when you have your trump card coming up.

Nigger, are you trolling?

I always thought when watching the show that it would have been the fire lord who killed Irohs son so that he could claim the throne and that he killed his own dad. They just kind of hint at this but never really show it completely

>When was the last time you watched it, when you were 7?
Which one, because I'm almost positive both are undoubtedly kid shit.

Does it seem like it?

>5 seconds into episode 1
>Literally "Earth, Water, Fire, Air (and Moon and Stars). Long ago everyone lived in harmony. Then everything changed when the humans (using fire magic) attacked...
This better be worth it Ehackz

Tried to watch the dragon prince but couldn't get past the animation, it's just terrible

The Wire is the best show ever, you faggots

>all these adults watching a kids toon

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*The Sopranos

I'm watching it now. The animation is bad but I can tolerate it
The problem is it doesn't even seem to pretend to not be a TLA knock-off.
Moon elves who get stronger in the full-moon, where have I heard that before?
A mischievous kid with an animal companion
And is that Sokka's voice actor I hear?

Why do people love Sopranos so much. There's nothing it it that hadn't been done in any other gangster movie before.

>it's super good i swea
>in fact its more muhture than most adult shows cuz war is bad n stuff

it goes far deeper into the mentality and culture of the mafia than any gangster movie

It is. It’s more mature than GoT and BB. Our do you mature = sex and violence?

>Strike Me
Honestly it feels like nobody talks about this scene. It's the most powerful in my opinion.

Are you a girl?

uncle iroh faking madness only to compose himself and get swole doing pull ups

There's not that much sex in BB and just because there isn't blood doesn't mean conflicts in Avatar aren't resolved through combat, nice try though.

That's besides the point as neither of those two elements determine "maturity". And I don't see where the comparison between the two shows wouldn't even arise.

Fuck. Wrong scene. I thought of when Ozai shot at him with lightning and Zuko redirected it, not when he shouts at clouds on an mountain.

Underrated episode

both the water tribe and the earth kingdom had the home advantage

>capleable of building a fortress in a couple of minutes
>any damage to the wall could be instantly repaired
>water benders can move under the water
>earth benders can dig tunnels

firebending was practically useless in a seige

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What's so special about that clip?

>reminder that the strong and proud Fire Nation should have rightfully won the war

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as visually satisfying as this scene was I wish they had done something more with azula at the end of the series instead of just having her go insane for a couple of episodes...

perfect blowjob lips, why the fuck did she have to be 16

>strike me
fantastic scene. definitely my favorite. all of those are great choices though, the show had so many of them.

2nd favorite would have to be toph discovering metalbending. the segue from aang's lesson about chakras plus the music was just amazing.

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I swear to god there has been almost these exact posts in a previous Last Airbender thread during the previous year or so, or I'm finally losing it completely


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It was Zuko's lesson about lightning but yeah good scene

Azula is badass.
She's amongst the very few western cartoon characters who can cause you to say "Man she is genuinely very badass and cool. I respect her." as well as "I want to lay her on a bed and fuck her until we breed a whole army of firebenders!" at the same time.

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As people have told you, avatar is just decent it's literally naruto tier .
some better anime that came out in recent years include :
> re zero.
> mob psycho
> one punch man.
> erased
> your name.
> Berserk 2016.
on a serious note though , avater could probably be one of the best 100 anime of all time, probably somewhere between 60-100th place.

I'm convinced this is just Zoomer nostalgia giving you all rose tinted glasses. I've watched the first 6 episodes so far and it seems like an entertaining kids show but so far that's all it is. A show for children. Too many times they break to make a totally obvious "wacky" joke. People talk about this shit like it's Batman the Animated Series. When does it get good?

This. It's criminal she didn't get the sequel, and instead we had korra's incredibly dull life (tm).

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you are fucking delusional

kys weeb

Shut up retard. Nobody cares about your shitty opinion.

it is exactly this, zoomer nostalgia the show has a few good momentz but as a whole it is both badly written and badly excuted.

I'd say 'The Storm' and 'The Blue Spirit' (episodes 12 and 13) are when it really starts to flesh out the characters (Zuko especially)
Then Season 2 is consistently incredible and where it really becomes something great.

>Which are?..
Game of Thrones

I know.
It's pretty interesting though how 3 members of the royal family were amongst the most interesting characters of the show. Zuko, Azula and Iroh.
Truly runs in their superior genes.

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You do realize TLAB blatantly rips off anime, the show's creator is a weeb.

I'll stick with it I guess. I try to keep an open mind, but honestly it hasn't impressed me so far.

you sound like one of those normalfags who compare unrelated stuff to make themselves feel better
>dude, thing better than thing

How is it badly written?

16 is legal in non-shithole countries

Tales of Ba Sing Se is such a great episode. It's almost comedic, the necromancy performed on Iroh in an attempt to make koraa more likable by proxy.

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>episode 3 features an actual genocide

you do realize anime blatantly rips off western animation

K Y S, you literally posted harem garbage

>mob psycho

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i love atla but you cant sit here and act like DBZ was on the whole great

This stupid fucking Canadian (or whatever) spent an unimaginable amount of time and energy making a feature length video describing why he hates a cartoon so much and honestly I just feel bad for him. What drives someone to do something like this?

Blocks your path

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no one tell this user about he who must not be named


this is unironically 10 times better than tlab.

it already has been

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it was topped in 1999

I made it nearly 8 minutes in and then he mispronounced vignette and I bailed

>the way obito literally throws away his old self to get what he wants

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> calling an opinion you disagree with bait.
absolute retard.

No shit Yea Forumsmblr redditors are brain damaged

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Don't you have a containment board to go weebs?

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>friend simulator reaction image
talking bout calling the kettle black

I would think the same thing If I had only seen the first six episodes. Finish the show, just fucking watch all of it, you have no idea.

ngl that's pretty cringe bro...

I wanna move to the water tribe

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>Berserk 2016.

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actually good Berserk movies came out a couple years prior to that shitheap

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>couple asspulls
And the asspulls aren't that bad. I like how Aang defeats Ozai because it both shows the power of the avatar and perfectly reflects Aang's character. It's just the Lion Turtle being the one to teach it to him was lazy.

>I'm BEGGING you Prince Zuko! It's time for you to look inward and start asking yourself the big question: who are you and what do YOU want?
>Did I ever tell you how I got the title "The Dragon of the West"?
>The final Agni Ki

>season 1 (the worst season, in that it’s only nearly perfect)
It's only because it's still trying to show Nickelodeon it's marketable to kids. Season 1 has a lot more "Saturday morning adventure of the week" episodes.

Dumb frogshit.

Only retards actually believe that Avatar rips off anime and you idiots never actually explain how it does this. You just seethe that westerners and koreans made a bettter show than japan did.

the line between an homage and a rip off is a thin one, largely dependent on how much the critic dislikes the homage and likes what's being ripped off. the creators have outright stated that anime was a big influence on ATLA, FLCL in particular. you'd also have to be willfully blind to say that ATLA's visual style isn't very reminiscent of anime, at least compared to other western cartoons.

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What you're saying is all anime rips off anime, and that A:TLA is marginally MORE original than true anime.

What's your point? Osamu "the father of anime" Tezuka said that his inspiration was drawn from western cartoons.

Your shitty chink cartoons aren't excused by the excellence of Avatar.

Who cares about influence? Everyone just stole from the greeks.

Best girl.

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Don't even Compare the kino that is Avatar the Last Airbender to game of thrones
fuck you
it's a 10/10 masterpiece vs something so bad it's a comedy

Kino but not better than avatar
best anything can come is equal to it

>Aaron Ehasz
he likes the legend of korra so whatever he makes is trash

did the creators of avatar really work on korra? i don't see how they could have because it's like a bootleg fanfic that ruins everything

I saw all of it a couple times, user is still right.

why did zuko just forget about her

They did. It's like the matrix trannys. Fucking up their first masterpiece with shit sequel's.

really, how did flcl inspire it?
i fucking hate flcl
i loved avatar

He ended up with a complete opposite of her.

Attached: Zuko-and-Mai-avatar-the-last-airbender-couples-37338936-720-480.jpg (720x480, 46K)

Its fucking amazing
Ironically I only watched it after watching a review comparing it to its shitty sequel because it sounded interesting
It just has some absolutely beautiful moments

your a fucking retard kill yourself
best everything there is shit besides one punch man and it's just decent

The wacky humor

>> erased
chocolate bar divorcee
>> Berserk 2016.
>> your name.
>> re zero.
forgettable seasonal trash

remains to be the only real competitor to ATLA

Aang is really young and humble for an avatar, so having the one before him spell out the raw power of the Avatar and how small someone is in the equation of the cycle to a reluctant teacher is awesome

How is it more original ? Have you seen a single anime series ? There is nothing as original as good anime. It literally breaks new ground, and then (((everyone))) in the west copies [tiny fractions of] it

>>You muzzled Appa?
aang should have killed the sand niggers
i liked how he was going to kill them but didn't want to kill anyone else


the scene from the fire sage temple would have been better but I can't find it on youtube
Roku is a badass

I mean, it's not Trigun or anything but it's alright

It really was just good feelings from the original. I watched ATLA and then immediately loaded up Korra so the love of the first just made me accept the second, just to keep the feeling going in some way. Every once in awhile they stumbled into some good shit that kept me entertained enough

avatar was good because of aaron ehasz wrote and directed it
he was barely involed with (((korra)))

I was just expecting a comedy/slice of life episode.

I guess it has that but there plenty other anime that have that and do it way better like excel saga for example flcl was trash and haruko was a stupid slut

This fucker is terrible. He wastes so much time to just reveal himself as equally faggy as whatever he attacks

I would like a good prequel about Avatar Kyoshi

dunno says he only worked on like a dozen episodes
and he said he liked korra so he has to be stupid

too bad inuits and athabascans are ugly as sin

Oh, I get it, this is bait.

Must have missed the turtle hints
What bugged me though is them seemingly changing the conversation Aang had
We see how it ended and then next episode it ends in a different way because new powers

Agreed on Jasper and probably White Diamond. She seemed so beyond everything I could have accepted her just deciding humans were too much trouble and letting all off colors go to Earth. Something like in The End of the World where the aliens just say fuck it

Mai is pretty cool to until she leaves him for no reason
idk if that's cannon though

wtf how
at least for ds3 (korras vidya counterpart) Miyazaki didn't even work on it (they just used his name)

>they hinted at the turtle since season 1
what is this meme

Final agni kai no doubt, I don't think I've seen a better fight scene full stop. The orchestral music was amazing, makes the whole thing feel melancholy and tragic

Thanks for the laugh

Jeong Jeong was right though
Aang wasn't ready

Korra really isn't that bad. It's still far better than most animated series and season 3 and parts of 1 and 4 actually come pretty close to being as good as ATLA (or better than S1 ATLA even). The problem is it's following up what is without a doubt the greatest animated kid's show ever, so there was always going to be some reversion to the mean.

>Korra really isn't that bad
yes it is
it's a disgrace and stain on Avatar
would rather watch nu family guy and big mouth

I wish there was a real race like this on Earth…

>Nordic aesthetics
>Dusky skin
>Aryan eyes
>Lithe, athletic


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i was joking with berserk 2016 but i do believe the other shows are better than tlab , i was also restrricting myself to moder anime , there is plenty of older anime better than tlab :

> fullmetal alchemist and FMA brotherhood.
> Death note
> code geass
> jojo
> naruto if you skip the filler
> one piece if you read the manga
> gurren lagann.
and this is just the surface level shounen stuff, if we get into the artsy bullshit stuff anime has every other medium beat.

>Korra really isn't that bad

Attached: 1348038399127.jpg (624x352, 17K)

remove the disgusting korras

They are called latinos and they are the closest thing we have to aryan beutiful eskimo waifus.

you know it's up there, I admit

And Roku knew Aang needed to learn that he wasn't ready
If Jeong Jeong hadn't taught him the basics in a safe(ish) environment, Aang might have done something even stupider

>And Roku knew Aang needed to learn that he wasn't ready

arbabs are closer

cute arab/indian girls with light eyes maybe?
eat shit

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I love the show but I admit it took until Book 2 for me to love it

I really don't get why some people hate it (besides season 2, which I agree was a complete shitshow). Season 3 was legitimately great.

Underage get out

the loose coming of age themes

Wich arabs though , egyptians ≠ lebanese ≠ syrians ≠ iraqis ≠ Gulfees ≠ moroccans ≠ somalis ≠ mauritanians

fuck off you retarded zoomer Avatar is 10/10
all of that is shit besides original Fma

Maybe with a smidge more of a tan, Michelle Jeneke is the most water-tribe-esque irl person I can think of

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Reminded me of the famous Nat geo girl , but time hasn't been nice to her as it seems.

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>poo in the loo

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The closest is clearly Native American Indians

Then Jason Mamoa on the male side of things

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Batman is more kiddy shit
>muh bat furry super heros

Obviously Inuit/Eskimo genetics which still exists
However, 2d girls don't generally have many race-specific features

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flcl sucked at that

was just a stupid kid that got cucked by his own dad

Does he like it or did he made the kind of public statements a guy that wants to work on a series that made him (relatively) famous again would make?

why are you posting pictures of shit?

Korra didn't even have memorable characters
i loved every TLAB character

>Irohs time in prison

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>who is zaheer
played by based henry rollins no less

tenzin was good as well

I'd take that rather than trying to take people tossing magic fire balls and water splashes serious

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that happens in batman
>won't kill the joker
>won't even disable him
and least Aang permanently stops the bad guys

I would kill for a girl like Korra

even her spirit animal is fucking retarded

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just go to india , there are a handful of good looking women and if you are white they will drool over you. though you have to deal with the smell and a shitty personality but that;s to be expected.

You legitimately need to have autism or some other type of mental illness to enjoy Steven Universe.

jesus, are those tits unedited?

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Closer to 90's style where the girl gets on the sportsball team and thats the end of it.

The Thin Wall of Khina

They're unedited, Holy shit

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Honestly the personality part would be off-putting. Korra is a fun-loving, free spirit/athletic tomboy. A lot of Indian women come off as… spoiled, needy and high maintenance to be honest.

>spoiled, needy and high maintenance to be honest
and the grudges, holy shit the drama that can ensue.

>Toph is disgusting.

Now if Indian women started having Korra personalities, I'd fall in love in a heartbeat

Aang won't do either, he's a pacifist. Most conflicts are resolved through either creativity or him being a stronger bender

So you need a good looking indian girls who was raised in france , you cast a very tight net , but you could alternatively go for a moroccan french girl, they are harder to win over though.

God Tier- Toph Suki, Avatar Kyoshi
High Tier- Mai, Ty Lee
Mid Tier- Katara, Yue
Low Tier - Azula
Shit Tier- every korra girl

he stopped the firelord
losing his power was worse than death
in avatar state nmerged with the water spirit he killed Zhao
he didn't care that Sokka killed combustion man
he would have killed firelord ozai if he couldn't take his powers

Holy fuck!!! How'd I forget about Sofia Boutella?!?! French-Algerian, close enough

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dirty ass feet

>dirty ass feet
that's good

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That's bullshit. If he didn't care about the killing, a key part of his personality and his adherence to his teachings would have went out the window. And those "deaths" are dubious at best, strike it up to the cartoony "bad guy gets blasted and we never see him again".

this is better than 80% of tv series

99% of network tv

doesnt touch golden year hbo kino tho
it would be the Arli$$ of that period

reminder her vagina is blown out worse than a thrown out sandwich in the dumpster of arbys

thanks to based jared leto and his magical monsterous penis that goes from here to mars in 30 seconds

he didn't want to be he would and at least it makes sense for him
Battard has no reason not to

>avatar fagging
Im giggling

….. care to expand on that?

>God tier- toph


He was heir to the Fire Nation did you expect him to marry some random dirt farmer?

Zuko isn't like that
he doesn't care about status

It makes zero sense for Aang, it was never in his character and his debate with the past Avatars on the matter would have been a waste of time.

In Batman's case, all I can tell you is by his own words in Under the Red Hood, he acknowledges that the moment he gives in and murders one of them, he would do the same for all of them. It flies in the face on what he is trying to accomplish and his own personal conviction to not be like the people that would kill for gain

>In Batman's case, all I can tell you is by his own words in Under the Red Hood, he acknowledges that the moment he gives in and murders one of them, he would do the same for all of them. It flies in the face on what he is trying to accomplish and his own personal conviction to not be like the people that would kill for gain
that's stupuid
he is not being like them or killing for gain
he would be delivering justice
and Aang was raised a pacifist
and it actually wasn't necessary for him to kill when he can just take peoples power away
he was going to kill the sand niggers though

Yeah, I tink in the follow up comics she leaves him because him because he "didn't communicate enough" or some hysterical bullshit.

are those even cannon? she seems latched to him in the show
it doesn't make sense
they where prefect
would move her up to god tier if the comics din't count
and the party thing was annoying but redeemed

"Not communicate enough"
Coming from Mai? WTF
Also did Sokka have any kids

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>he is not being like them or killing for gain
In his mind, killing them would make him like the man that killed his parent so yes, he would be. And killing for gain includes pleasure, to which he said that he would have subjected the Joker to brutal torture before killing him.

>he would be delivering justice.
Not every one holds the same views on capital punishment ,and again it would reject the principles he holds. Batman is supposed to be a symbol.

>and it actually wasn't necessary for him to kill when he can just take peoples power away.
Only got that power at the very end, and he wasn't going to kill anybody

it makes no sense
i don't think the comics are cannon
must be written by some idiot
i wish we could have more of the real show with the same quality and feel

most of the shit on the left is nastly looking gross out shit anyway
not any better than the right

Whose side are you on?

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>n his mind, killing them would make him like the man that killed his parent
that's literally retarded
killing the villains would stop them from killing innocents
batfag is as bad as the villains by not killing them

You are a web with shit taste

god I wanted to fuck Jenny
any kinos for this f'eel?


Azula is literally loli Cersei

>loli Cercei

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fuck off you stupid zoomer

>this isn't a pasta

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I'm just telling you the character's motivations and virtues.

In hindsight, knowing that some of these villains could upend the whole city with either technology or maneuver for mass control, killing or severe crippling would have been a no brainer

Oh lawd

It's not that he thinks bending isn't for women, it's that he thinks bending as COMBAT isn't for women. Water bending is the only style that can only be used for healing as well as fighting, so the women in the northern tribe tend to focus on that. But Katara has obviously had more combat experience and training from being around the Avatar than most of the men in the tribe, so he makes an exception for her. She still isn't unreasonably good, she is nowhere near as good as the water bending master or Aang. While the show does have a few "strong female characters" there's always a male who's stronger, like Aang, Zuko, or Ozai. The strongest girl character is Azula, only because she's insane. If Star Wars had made Rey an evil Mary Sue, everyone would have loved her.

yeah and most capeshits have stupid motivations and virtues