What did you think of the Michael Jackson documentary?
What did you think of the Michael Jackson documentary?
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Just slander, nothing to back it up.
it's not even the best michael jackson doc out there
If anything it made the accusers look uncredible and worse. They admitted to being the vultures Michael tried to protect himself from. He was chemically castrated by his father as a child just like Jazz Jennings was done, and if you watch that show you see the side effects of Jazz- it stunted the penis growth to 1 inch to 1.5 inch in circumference, prevented puberty and kept Jacksons features like his sister including his voice. Jazz like Jackson had never masturbated or even thought about sex (no libido). Nothing presented in the documentary was hard evidence. If he was a pedo they would have found CP in one of his properties after he died. All pedos have that. Just like serial killers keep trophies.
>If he was a pedo they would have found CP in one of his properties after he died
They did
But they didn't, not a single scrap.
He raped those kids.
There was nothing sexual about it
What is? I like MJ a lot and want to get a bit more info about him.
They did, though.
LaToya Jackson discuses Michael being a faggot who sleeps with boys
kys brainlet
>I like MJ a lot
It made any respect I have for Louis Theroux completely vanish
Why didn't he just fuck underaged boys in some SE Asian shithole where noone would care?
Doesn't matter, good singer/performer
Because he wasn't a pedophile, just an eccentric weirdo who made enemies with the jews.
Too ugly. He was mostly into blonde blue eyed ones
I went to that in high school with some friends so we could sneak into like paranormal activity or something
Is that it?
The Micheal Jackson song bad literally has the words "your butt is mine" as the opening lyrics. This was also coincidentally the song he first danced with Wade Robson.
there was nothing sexual about those rapes
just an eccentric weirdo with a CP collection and a harem of little boys.
that "slept" in bed with kids
How come he didn't go to prison if they found CP in his possession?
becase it was "legal" CP
>legal CP
So in other words, it's complete bullshit.