Is he the best movie villain since Darth Vader?

Is he the best movie villain since Darth Vader?

I work with about 20 people in Barnes and Noble bookstore, most of my co-workers are well read and highly educated, some have IQs over 140, some are DC fans, but 17 of them agreed Thanos was the best villian since Darth Vader.

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Why didn’t he just generate more resources?

you mean since Bane. Bane was the last iconic movie villain.

Why didn’t anyone show him the definition of carrying capacity? Did he not attend 9th grade biology?

i fucked you're mom just wanted to tell you

Will there ever be a bigger guy than bane?

Why didnt the avengers just have a dance-off to distract thanos?

He genuinely is.

That wouldn't solve any of the problems he's trying to solve.
More people would continue to be born.
More and more resources would be used.
Easiest thing to do is indiscriminately eliminate 50% of everyone, then the resources the planets already have won't be depleted as fast.

But then everyone will just reproduce all over again anyways.

>all these geniuses working at the walmart of bookstores

I fucked your dad but don’t tell him

For the genre, let's say, of fairy tale/myth archetypal stuff that is pop culture like SW and MCU, Thanos is well made and I think IW is well written, yes.
Still please watch more movies.


>Barnes and Nobles
>IQs over 140
>DC fans

>Darth Vader

His whole point is stupid so no. He's a well realized villain, but still a mediocre villain.

I think he still makes sense because is not implied his strategy is the right one, just that is an extremist with a "good" purpose but cannot be reasoned with.
Characters shown as being wise and insightful, included his daughter, say plainly that he is insane.

>is a fucking brainlet
>best movie villain

pick one. Has absolute power and the only way to sustain resources in universe is to kill half of universe? That's the most retarded thing i've ever heard.

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Wow, nice arguments buddy.

I've had sex so I can say yes he is

No he is just a meme

>the best villain
>b-but his strategy cant be reasoned with
>b-but he is insane

Nolan's Joker makes more sense than Thanos.

If he made more resources (if that's what you're implying) sentients would just keep breeding.
Killing half the population was a warning.

>Literally just Ozymandias in Space
>best movie villain since Darth Vader

sure thing man

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>his strategy cant be reasoned with
Can you read?

Thanos is insane in the sense that is extremely fanatical, not that is lerandom bad guy.
You are genuinely stupid.

How about decreasing the birth rate? How about making more resources? How about making another universe?

>Killing half the population was a warning
t. retard

>Is he the best movie villain since Darth Vader?

....for now.

Attached: Doctor_Doom_Stan_Lee_Interview.0.jpg (1500x750, 746K)

He wouldve been if it was about a galaxy cause that has finite resources, but to imply that the universe was full thats beyond stupid

Insane is just a six letter word for ideas brainlets cant understand

The fact that he did not use the best strategy does not make him a non-compelling villain.
You are the equivalent of a plotfag.

In the comics he wanted to fuck death itself and that's why he did that, wouldve been more kino

wow now we have the edgelord too, great thread

>has absolute power
>is suffering himself
>makes everyone else suffer too for no fucking reason

He didn't even have to be the bad guy.

>comic books
>star wars

How fucking sad...

Why didn't Fury just call Marvel to stop Thanos?