This was pure fucking fun

This was pure fucking fun

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Already forgotten.

Watched it pretty drunk last night.
Got a little teary eyed at the end scene because I'm a fucking sap.
Great film.

Why is he their king?

He doesn't know their customs, laws, way of life and most of all tax policy. Atlantis is going to fall. Again.

cause he can talk to fish

Better than Drive.

>This was pure fucking fun

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Fuck knows, I don't really care either to be honest.
He beat the thing and got the special trident, that's good enough for me.

Not really an accomplishment

No it was a total snoozefest and almost as bad as Black Panther. And I can understand enjoying the movie for what it is if you happen to be a DC fan or an Aquaman fan, but if you don't care about those things it's just a boring movie filled with explosions. How many times did an explosion interrupt a story building conversation, twice? Three times?

just like you average action flick

I heard that they are focusing more on the script in the sequel. Can't wait to see Black Manta agen

>That Black Autism Manta
>That Orm
>That trench and Italy sequence
Other than the camera running in circles during the fight scenes and Kidman showing up AFTER the war and big fight to shill everyone out this was pretty kino tbqph

The trident effectively makes him the Ocean Master without the approval of the other kingdoms. They can't stop him as he (a) saves the Brine and (b) controls the Trenches (c) defeats Orm by breaking his gay trident.

everything about the sea kingdoms looks amazing, but the final battle is at another level. can't think of any other scene in all movie history that deserves more the adjective "epic"
this shit will be considered a classic in 50 years, and one of the few salvageable things from the whole capeshit metagenre

if anything, i'll cut 90% of black manta stuff. it felt like lame filler compared with the ocean stuff. final battle was cool, tho
also, no way a sequel will be nearly as good

if someone calls Aquaman a snoozefest I just know they are butthurt fanboys

I bought WW and JL in 4k.
Going to get MoS, BvS and Aquaman as well.
I hear the Krypton scenes look great with the HDR.
And Aquaman with Dolby Vision.

Plus tell me the pros of this movie. What you liked, and what not. I've yet to see it.

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ww, jl, and ss are pretty subpar compared to mos, bvs, or aquaman

seething marvelsoi

It sure was. I ended up seeing it twice in theaters. In a strange way it made me think of Flash Gordon and Indiana Jones at the same time.

Yes. Retrieving the trident proves he is their rightful king.

WW is far superior to all of those

stop turning comic book movies into fucking comedies. that's why wonder woman was so good. it played the whole thing totally straight, no shitty quips every 3 seconds

like aquaman?
and wonder woman wasn't good

imagine being confused by a 1:1 excalibur ripoff

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It was. I liked how it played everything that's silly straight and even managed to be a bit sappy and wholesome at the end. It was refreshing in the era of Marvel's ironic self-awareness.

The sword in the stone wasn't Excalibur tho

The story is pretty straightforward king's quest sort of stuff with a surprisingly subtle environmental message worked into it. But as an adventure epic, it's top-notch in terms of action, spectacle, and world-building. Just like WW, this one provides more backhistory for their world and reveals this really is the DC version of earth, complete with undersea kingdoms and hidden, subterranean lands.

I liked the story's takeaway message, too, and Orm and Manta are classic, over-the-top cape villains in the best possible ways.

yes it was

I'm drunk and I'm thinking of writing to my high school crush that I haven't talked to in 2 - 3 years ( I'm 24 right now ). What should I do based aquabros?

shit-tier opinion detected

Thot in a lake gave Arthur Excalibur

>Plus tell me the pros of this movie. What you liked, and what not.
Hard to put my finger on it. Wouldn't say it's a great movie, but at least it manages to be a competent hero story. They get the archetypes right. So though it's a big spectacle movie, unlike in say a Transformers movie, you perfectly understand what all the characters are doing and why they're doing it and it all makes sense.
Well, what exactly motivates the main antagonist isn't very well justified (sure, he wants to destroy humanity because we pollute with plastic and overfish and whatever, but that could easily be solved just by talking to them and maybe using some of that water-magic to help collect the garbage), but other than that.

Anyway, they get the BARE BASICS of how to make a movie about super heroes right, and they don't shovel in a bunch of 'progressive' garbage in there (aquaman isn't a total retard, his dad acts like a dad and his mom acts like a mom, female companion isn't inexplicably stronger or better than him despite him being the hero, nobody talks like a joss whedon character, they even had a straight relationship between the male and female, etc.). That's enough to make it alright.

>In Arthurian romance, a number of explanations are given for Arthur's possession of Excalibur.
>In Robert de Boron's Merlin, the first tale to mention the "sword in the stone" motif, Arthur obtained the British throne by pulling a sword from an anvil sitting atop a stone that appeared in a churchyard on Christmas Eve.
>In this account, as foretold by Merlin, the act could not be performed except by "the true king," meaning the divinely appointed king or true heir of Uther Pendragon.
>As Malory writes: "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born."
>This sword is thought by many to be the famous Excalibur, and its identity is made explicit in the later Prose Merlin, part of the Lancelot-Grail cycle.

lineage, and also being the ocean master and can control sea creatures

Who got more fucked over by the "good guy", Killmonger or Manta?

Sober up first. If it still seems like a good idea, do it.

For the same reason they are a decaying empire: they are tied by arcaic tradition.

i watched it today and it was much better than i anticipated
better than every marvel flick since the incredible hulk

Based chad.

Even though it doesn't say it outright, Orm really does have a streak of megalomania. All his reasons for wanting war are really just rhetoric to him, just the talking points he uses to justify consolidating power.

what is Atlantis' tax policy?

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Manta, clearly. At least Arthur owns up to it being at least in part his fault.

That could be the sequel
He learning the customs through advisers

Cause he found the big fork

>bro protagonist
>Nicole Kidman as Elsa
>Amber Heard as Asuka
oh yes

>movies aren't meant to be enjoyed
Imagine being this much of a brainlet pleb who knows nothing of film history.

>Why is he their king?

Being able to retrieve the trident proved that he's the descendant of the founder of Atlantis, and then he defeated the current king 1v1.

>"We have locked the secret of unlimited energy at a time when the rest of the world still believed the earth was flat"

Flat earthers BTFO

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Wet Panther

Imagine a sequel with Arthur simultaneously trying to open up diplomatic relations with the surface, taking their grievances before the U.N. and Atlantis firing "warning shots" at environmental offenders, while Orm, the stand-in for the ocean's wrath, still counsels all-out war before experiencing a true change of heart à la Boromir.

Could be kino.

>Everyone everywhere believed the same thing at the same time

Ya ok

Why was she a waterbender? And also how come 0 ass shots with her in the fish outfit?

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nigga get Doom Patrol

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Fucking this. That shit is awesome.

I would watch the shit out of a Mera movie that delves into magic and history.

The armors in this were pretty damn good.

>while Orm, the stand-in for the ocean's wrath, still counsels all-out war before experiencing a true change of heart à la Boromir.

Patrick Wilson deserves a role so great.
But it's a campy action movie, which is why people are fond of this film which is why it'll never happen.

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Agreed on all counts. Wilson is the fucking man.

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Royals have some superpowers it seems, plus the ability to go the surface.

Unless WB fucks up majorly and they don't even do a sequel, they kind of have to give him a redemption arc. It's be dumb for him to go evil again after the reunion with their mom.
They gave Vader a redemption. Orm never pulled shit nearly as bad as Vader.

>The armors in this were pretty damn good.
Stop making me want a 40k movie.

notice how there's almost zero hating in this DC thread
yet you come into Marvel threads and make Captain Marvel hate threads constantly
why can't you DCucks be more like us?

It would be better if they had casted someone who resembled aquaman.

they already confirmed a sequel for 2022

Absolute goddess.

Fun = lowest common denominator

w-what are those fatty lumps on her lower back?

I think that's what they'll do. I think Orm will have an arc that revolves around an internal struggle between his lust for power and his growing love and admiration for his brother. That he'll come to understand that war and vengeance or easy, compassion and mercy are hard, and that's what makes those who embrace them heroic, noble, and worthy.

He united their kingdoms
He led them to glory
That's what a king does

I’ve watched this like 10 times and havent tired of it so it mudt be good

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Some of the big shots of the ocean especially during the trench scene and after, were incredibly beautiful. I think if they did one thing right, it was the ocean sequences.

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Pure kino, i cried because I've loved aquaman since i was a kid, even superfriends and now we get this fucking awesome shit and everyone suddenly thinks he's cool.
Fuck all you bandwagoners to death i hope you die don't get me wrong you're still faggots, but at least you know you're wrong now

I .... I love you too b-buddy

Was it kino?

jellyfish dress

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Final fight on the submarine was absolute fucking kino

Attached: mera jellyfish 1.webm (2048x1638, 2.99M)

I always liked him too
>tfw all of this is in the movie

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kino as fuck

I wish the trench scene was longer

Remember renting this things on VHS in the local videostore as a kid. 3 episodes per tape. Loved it.
If it wasn't for the internet, never would even know that people treated Aquaman as a joke.

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do atlanteans wipe?

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I'm surprised Nicole Kidman can still look so hot, she's like 50.

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This scene needed rap

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Like this?

my jaws dropped in cinema. reminded me of gandalf vs. balrog

>watching Aquaman on a streaming site

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Forreal, she's hotter than fucking amber heard in this movie even after she comes back with the weird armor.
The designs in this are amazing though, like the dress user just poated. She looks great in white. I would have loved to see her in a fancy dress like Mera got. She would have looked like an underwater angel

>Having a saved image of some guys bulge

Yikes back at ya

Is Mamoa a manlet or the armor makes him look like one? He looks fucking weird in that suit. The suit itself looks cool, but his body is like wider than taller and it fucks it all up

The movie is coming

He's 6 ft 4 so no he's not a manlet but you're right the costume doesn't quite fit him

I'd hardly call a molded plastic bowl a "bulge." His junk was probably rattling round around in there like the ball inside a whistle. He probably asked for a bigger crotch piece.

He was my favorite as a kid too. Cant wait for spear hand

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what if she gets burns from those jellyfish?

Then ill pee on her and suck her wounds (with the pee on them)

Just read the filename

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Listen. Strange men lying in seas distributing tridents is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

zoomers wont get this reference

Well considering they're an aquatic species they kind of rely on might and dominance through force so the big trident of legend that only the "True King" can posses kind of trumps all political discourse.

Consider if all nations of today were told of a super weapon that outmatches any nuclear device and if any country could obtain it they would reign supreme.

it fucking sucks and anyone who says otherwise is lying

I think DC producers got in the way but you can definitely see in the thread James Wann had a vision.

only her face is not CGI in that shot


Imagine unironically eating up a genre of movies made for children.


I love this scene so fucking much.

Hell yeah, man. Me too. I've loved him as a character since forever.

>this entire post
What happened to millennials that turned them all into manchildren?
And no, your superheroes will always be looked at like a bunch of clowns by actual adults.
Only millennial manchildren and actual children think otherwise.

Damn right it was.

Based Jellyposter.

Probably only a figurehead at most
Mera will handle the rest

Amber Heard is so fucking hot. I would let her suck my fortune(if i had one) and my soul(if i had one) if that would mean she'd suck my dick.

Strong jaw and full beard

Fucking kek.

She lives underwater but I bet she's allergic to shrimp

Never do this. Wait until you're sober and less emotional, then hit her up outta nowhere and ask her if she wants to hang out. Don't worry about the reply and when she does, ignore it for at least an hour before responding.

oh, you!
.....Amber Heard lives underwater? Ah, you learn something everyday.

Pure waterkino

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What World of Warcraft dungeon is this screenshot from?

Halls of Valor underwater edition

it looked like dogshit

am I supposed to not support Atlantis BTFOing land dwellers? Atlantis is more European and traditional than any of us.

You are NOT white, mutt

t. European

Aquaman 2 releasing in 2022

Any expectations aquabros? Black Manta is certain that he's coming back

not our fault you watched it on stream

I just want it to be just Aquaman again, hope they dont try to shoehorn batman/superman/wonder woman/etc with their >myh universe autism

They wont, not after the massive success of solo aguachad

Indont trust DC to not fuck it up, even when it's obvious what they should do

as long as Wan directs again it will surely be mint condition kino

>Why is he their king?
Throughout the history, children were made kings just cause of their blood. Can't wait, going to be the new showcase scene for dedicated home theaters.


Like some Marvel movies. Bu tit is DC, so it is alright be dumb and fun

gives me chills every time
>he doesn't like capeshit
lmao just lmao

Underwater Tron

Ummm sweetie, he's a based mixed race brown man so he's better than the blonde white man

Being a child is loving capeshit
Being a manchild is thinking capeshit is bullshit
Being a man is loving capeshit because it is bullshit


Carol will kick his ass in box office

>Capeshit is alright when DC does it it's pure fucking fun just turn your brain off bro
Gee I wonder why this thread exists.

damn i'm gonna have to watch it again aint i bros
i keep waiting fore it to get old but it doesn't
I think Wilson is the secret to the whole movie being great



>The Lady of the Lake is an enchantress in the Matter of Britain, the body of medieval literature and legend associated with King Arthur. She plays a pivotal role in many stories, including giving Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanting Merlin, and raising Lancelot after the death of his father.


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I was gonna make a 9x9 grid but then I took 42 screencaps

based and redpilled

show us your best work

Shut your mouth incel

>the leg

I liked this.

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Aquaman more like SHITman lol

discord tranny

I love those credits desu
