>nearly 190 million worldwide
Wtf I thought Yea Forums said it was going to flop?
Nearly 190 million worldwide
Have sex
They are predicting 350 million WW
Far from estimated 350m.
>jannies deleted the last thread when incels got btfo
oh nonono
predictions in the US dropped from $175m to $150m
in china its dropped from $110m to $85m
its not doing great all things considered
can we stop this MCU wankfest every time its movie is released? Capeshit was a mistake and i blame Raimi and Nolan
>Good critics
>Good box-office
But oh no, you bombed the RT and IMDB user score..MARVEL IS FINISH, the mouse is ded.
>Capeshit started with Raimi and Dolan
>come to Yea Forums
>Literally the first thread I see is this
Worst fucking board on Yea Forums
This is Black Panther all over again. Seething incels.
>wrong about Black Panther
>wrong about Wonder Woman
>now wrong about this
Why is tv/pol/ always wrong?
Critics give pass because of perks. They don't find these movies good.
Feels good, I hope someone has screenshots of people saying it would flop
Only $62 million in the U.S.? Wew, not good.
Yesterday was the worst day in Yea Forums history. The pathetic losers (both side, the incels and the trannies) are so obsessed with this movie.
Firstly, no one was saying it was going to flop (as in not make money), just that it wasn't going to do Marvel movie well. Considering this is the new face of the MCU, if this doesn't do at least 800 million, it's a bad sign since people just go to see Marvel movies anyway.
For a Marvel movie, it is rated low by critics. It's just lower than Iron Man 3
is the government in bed with multi-billion corporations now? This hasn't happened before in American history...
Will the incel janies delete this one too?
Yes and it is as pathetic as raiding the user score
>no one was saying it was going to flop
I've had more fun hating on CM than I ever had with any MCU movie, and I'm sure there are a lot of people like me. The wankfest will continue until it gets boring.
It was just white male propaganda that made you think the movie was going to fail
For Alita and its nonexistant marketing you said they used 170 mil atleast, for Marvel insane amount of marketing you say they used max 50 mil, wtf. In the end Alita will be More profitable
no one raided, shill
Not even desperate youtubers were saying it was going to flop, there could have been a few falseflaggers or retards, but the general consensus was that it was probably only going to do better than Dr. Strange. Pretending like everyone was saying it was going to flop is just lying.
That's why I don't take seriously anyone who rates capeshit high. It's a fucking pulp anyway, B-tier with insane budget.
they were predicting 180 domestically lmao, now they're using Worldwide numbers to muddy the waters of this flizzop
Have sex
I haven't seen a movie marketed more than Captain Marvel, they even got superbowl ad time. Seems like 200 Million would be low balling their marketing for this film.
Hace sex, incel
>not even youtubers
>aka “influencers”
No shit they didn’t say it would flop
being this delusional.
The movie wasn't even out and there was thousand of 1/10s on IMDB.
that's the true for every movie SHILL
>this is being ignored
makes you think
There were about the same number of 10/10s as well.
Have cel, insex.
It's a Marvel movie with NO COMPETITION. How to Train Your Dragon and Alita have been out for weeks, Marvel has the majority of screens at most theaters.
Source on the domestic only
>Yea Forums alt-right sexist misogynists BTFO
Eat shit, incelcucks. You were about WW, BP and now CM. Just give up and never doubt us again.
That was the high projection
Infinity War had the biggest marketing ever for a Marvel movie at 150 mil. Cap Marvel did not have a bigger campaign than Infinity War.
And that's just Thursday and Friday
But it is a flop by any stretch of the imagination. All those marketing and only making 180 so far is definitely a flop which is why you're going to reply with a retarded post and not an argument.
>as of March 8th
Reading sure are hard ain't it
Variety Magazine
>Disney and Marvel’s first female-led superhero adventure is tracking for an opening weekend of $100 million, according to early estimates. With three weeks to go until “Captain Marvel” hits theaters on March 8, some box office watchers suggest enthusiastic word of mouth could propel that figure to north of $120 million.
>That would put “Captain Marvel” on pace with “Wonder Woman,” DC’s first comic-book blockbuster to feature a female superhero. Directed by Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot, “Wonder Woman” debuted with a mighty $103 million domestically, and ended its box office run with $412 million in North America and $821 million worldwide.
More mental gymnastics won't get you laid incel.
What is the production budget? What is the marketing budget?
Did they give away free tickets to every college for Infinity War? There's definitely a massive marketing push for CM that exceeds IW, maybe rivaling TLJ. They must have paid RT a fuckton of hush money too.
Make love.
Yes and it isn't surprising that it exceeds IW in the marketing budget too.
They spent 140 on just spiderman homecoming, they are spending more and more with each movie. Captain Marvel has been a gigantic marketing push because she is the new face of the MCU
>22 hours ago
You should probably check again dumbass
>which is why you're going to reply with a retarded post and not an argument.
You have to prove him right
>no one was saying it was going to flop
top kek
I wonder how many theaters they bought out for this weekend.
Not to mention we're due for a fuckton of "And That's a Good Thing" articles. I hope the writers asked for a bigger commission this time over TLJ.
Infinity War never had anything like this, or did it even need it. Atleast 2 x Infinity War marketing costs, be real. Black Panther was promoted More than IW
When has Yea Forums ever been right about anything?
I've barely seen anything about End Game, but I think they expect that can just market itself.
You don't need to remind us you're retarded we already know
Apparently it happened twice in 2016 and twice in 2018 but this is according to Yea Forums so it's probably wrong
>Yea Forums accountants will start claiming its marketing budget is ten times the reported production budget, it needs to make 2 billion to break even
it's gonna be great
Any shills care to explain the sold out theaters with empty seats?
And it will still get half that at least
>muh empty theaters
You showed the SAME EXACT SHIT WITH WONDER WOMAN and got BTFO then too, LMAO
>i love when bad movies sell because some anonymous image board that doesn't like bad movies will shitpost they don't like it
Wow dude you must be like super high IQ.
I don't trust anyone named Joey Salads to know what it looks like online when a theater is empty vs when it's sold out
>duh all the seats is grey so that must mean it's sold out
only incels go to the movies at fucking midnight my dude, the matinees are overflowing with young kids ready to be inspired by the first female superhero movie
Source for that? I don't remember it happening.
>only incels go to the movies at fucking midnight
I didn't know all the college and university students are incels. You sure showed me the facts mister retarded leftist.
>Good critics
The average critic's score on RT is 6.3/10. Since when was a D- a "good" grade?
All people need is the release date.
Show a pic of a packed CM theater
t. seething incel
When you usually get an F, a D- looks good
Make peace with your God, mousetrappeds, no amount of shilling can save you from the Top Critics
my my what a sething retard. Where's your source for that claim my retarded friend?
>6:04 PM - 1 Jun 2017
That's funny, because the movie came out on June 2
b-but the incels raid all muh female movies!
>not blaming Jon Favreau
I'm not going to keep spoon feeding you check the archive for more
stay mad about a family popcorn flick not failing
Big movies usually have a 7 PM Thursday showing instead of just a midnight one
>I'm not seething, you are!!!!
lol fucking mad incel
Cropping out the likes and retweets was a smart move on your part, since your last example had 2 and 8 respectively
Isn't it time for your lunch break yet? If Disney won't give you one you should really unionize
>Movie will make 3 times its production budget in 3 days
>Yea Forums will still attempt to say it's a flop
You people just never learn huh
Still waiting for that source lad
at this point, it's almost impossible for a Marvel movie to bomb, even if it's totally shit.
Underperforming, yes, but bombing is out of question.
We'll see if CM will have effect on the next movies in the MCU tho.
reminder that even The Last Jedi was a hit if you only consider the final box office numbers.
Why is everything company war stuff with you? Did you not have a father figure to guide you in your youth?
You are predicting 450 million? The high estimates are 350 million foreign and domestic for the 4 day.
source on you being an incel? it's obvious lol
>Movie will make 3 times its production budget in 3 days
Which is exactly why CM is a flop. It doesn't come anywhere close to that.
DC incels BTFO again.
For the only "incels watch movies at midnight" claim but thank you for confirming that you're both a retard and a wymyn though.
The people who think this abortion is "good" are the same people who think Justin Bieber's music is "good."
>Yea Forums
These people aren't Yea Forums though. They've proven over and over to be from other sites and Yea Forums: archive.4plebs.org
Ever since this was discovered they've been on damage control mode and going as far as larping as "insiders" on /pol/ claiming to be disney employees
Estimates are $150m domestic and $280-300m international
wasn't the prediction 200mil only in usa?...
men with wives and children can't go to a kids movie with their buddies at midnight lol
you'd know that if you weren't a forever alone incel lol
180 million on the high end was the domestic prediction.
lol literally impossible at this point
They said its on track to make more than black panther
idk anyone is wants to see this movie
Of course it's not going to flop, it's a fucking MCU tie-in movie, what are you, Down syndrome?
Doesn't mean it's not boring propaganda shit though.
Oh /pol/, you and your lovable conspiracies.
Get laid incel
>men with wives and children can't go to a kids movie with their buddies at midnight lol
Which leaves college and university students as the main audience. Again are you calling those incels? The Chads and the Stacys? You've confirmed to be double retarded and a double nigger to boot
>Get laid
And patriarchy wins again, as always.
have sex
This retarded post can easily be countered and humiliated by simply asking for source if that post is /pol/.
Shut the fuck up about Captain Marvel. It's enough.
They actually went up from $100m to $150m. Why are you lying on the internet?
This, its every week it feels like. They need to make a board for people with shit taste so they can talk about capeshit and transformers.
Captain Marvel was received less enthusiastically than most MCU films are. I'm curious to see what sort of legs it will have. Batman vs Superman and The Last Jedi had a giant opening weekends as well. Both crashed hard in the second weekend.
movie studios use fake numbers to push their products much like news rags use fake advertiser numbers to get money
>"men" attending midnight screenings of a kid's movie
lmfao you're so out of touch with reality you dumb NEET incel
please have sex. just try it once
The s-second w-w-eek is the o-one that m-matters... Pleb..
If the reviews are to be believed this one has no legs. It's too flat and uninteresting. Probably a 60%+ drop in domestic next week. China won't drop though. They'll watch anything with CGI fight scenes. They went and saw every Transformers movie multiple times.
>If the reviews are to be believed this one has no legs
You mean reviews written by white incels?
>"men" attending midnight screenings of a superhero movie
Yes, are you that retarded and disconnected with reality? Jesus Christ, is such retardation even possible?
This is literally nothing considering the movie cost probably around 150 mil + god know how many millions they spend on advertisement.
It'll literally fail on both weeks user just like Solo but keep pretending to be retarded though.
Reviews written by bluecheckmarks still say it's bland and generic and not the most interesting Marvel film.
Somehow the theaters are empty after Disney bought them all out and gave millions of tickets away to give to people to see the movie. So shouldn't they be full? These are all things Yea Forums told me, but they don't make sense when put together.
>I'm not retarded, y-y-you are!
lmfao @ ur life incel
imagine losing a WAR that only exists in your own head.
Like you?
Are you talking about the libs who bought tickets to a movie they didn't like just to prove imaginary trolls who don't exist wrong?
good old poltards
>When you're so BTFO by facts and logic you turned into a retarded bitchboi yet again
That's a yikes for me m8
>seething incel just can't stop responding from his butthurt
lmfao @ ur life incel
You can tell this poster cried bitch tear during the election night
That 190m is for just Friday
>empty theaters
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesigns site
If this is losing I'd hate to see us winning.
Please close your legs. Just TRY to keep them closed at least once.
>>seething incel just can't stop responding from his butthurt
Ironic, come on reply to me and give me (You) more with the next batch of your retarded post
>But keep pretending to be retarded
Oh the irony of this post
>Same level as 2007-2010 movies
You never win because Yea Forums is always wrong
Its Saturday afternoon you fucking losers. Find something better to do and wait until Monday at least to embarrass yourselves.
Jews > Black People > Muslims > Brown People > Trans > Gay > White Women. Captain Marvel will underperform BP because white women are at the very bottom of the progressive chart. Which makes sense because no matter how much you destroy the White Male image, your still half that you stupid bitches. If Captain Marvel bombs it's because women think they are superior to blacks. Which they are in the real world. But it the liberal world they live in? Lol.
>Comparing 1 day to entire theater runs
>no arguments
yep that's a yikes alright.
>incel so desperate for attention that (You)s have replaced human interaction
lmfao @ ur life virgin
Those are opening days, sweetie
Total gross is in the rightmost collumn
It'll drop after another week or so. It's only be carried by the Marvel name alone and nothing more, but it'll lack the legs that previous Marvel films had due to the controversy surrounding it.
Yeah but they've never seen shit like that before at least done better than they're capable of. So they don't know what makes good films good yet
>No argument
You never presented an argument in the first place you mongoloid
I fucking hate NPR so god damn much
They went from $175m to $100m and from $100m to $150m.
>ctrl + f "lmfao @ ur life"
>3 results
oh wow, retarded, autistic and a literal basement-dweller you are but keep on feeding me (You) user. It wouldn't stop from CM underperforming.
>You never presented an argument
Needs to hit 800M to break even I'm told
it need 3 billions to break even with a 150 millions budget
>you will never be this lonely and desperate for attention
feels good to not be the product of a single mother lmfao @ ur life
That depends. You underestimate how many times a woman will see a movie if they think a cause is behind it.
>They are predicting 350 million WW
Dude, that doesn't matter. Disney has already crammed all their eggs into Brie's basket. If it' isn't a success, they will make it one.
Wait for the next week my dude
I think legs will be more telling;
oh wow 4 same response now. Keep it up user. Don't let anybody stops your retardation.
>Don't let anybody stops your retardation.
how embarrassing for the product of a single mother NEET incel lmfao @ ur life
The movie will have a huge second week drop. It's a "back issue" for MCU fans before End Game. Normies don't care about it and nerds won't see it a second time. Look at the exit polls which are majority male (compared to female for Wonder Woman).
Comic book marketers have been doing this "back issue" trick for decades.
It usually is.
>I'm told
*I told myself
It's never going to flop on paper
Disney is buying tickets and people are donating money for movie tickets.
Ellen Degeneres donated 10k and Shutterfly donated another 10k on her show
So it flops in US, lmao. Wasn't it supposed to be for feminists from US? NO
They ignored it. It is a small demographic.
Its a hard issue for them because Brie basically admits she doesn't like most of the people like RDJ, Hemsworth, Evans, etc...and said as much to Kimmel in her interview. This bitch is going to cause some huge divisions within Marvel's film studio.
Why do you even bother making posts like this. Falseflagging or genuinely retarded?
>Wtf I thought Yea Forums said it was going to flop?
Wait for second week dropoff. TLJ had a respectable opening weekend and then fell off a cliff afterwards since people figured out it was a steaming turd.
If Captain Marvel is really as bad as the user reviews make it out to be, you’ll see it reflect in its legs.
60 million doesnt seem very good for domestic
I don't think it was meant to be so exclusionary. It was Brie Larson's racist, sexist, exclusionary tweets and comments that made it this way. Her hate speech really hurt the movie's box office.
That's only opening day. Weekend is looking at $150+ million
Small demographic pretending to be "future", not even relevant lol
That's around the worldwide opening for Hancock, Ready Player One, and just above X-Men: Last Stand.
It will bomb in China hard. Other markets will behave similarly to US. No way this shit breaks $700M
Notice how that user didn't respond to you after you said that
Not to mention, the top critic score on RT is sitting at 65%. It's a joke that they gave this film a certified fresh rating.
>It will bomb in China hard
Lmao you retards just keep making it worse for yourselves
Disney is doing with CM what they did with TLJ. They don't give a fuck about the previous movies. They've already got the money. Cap, Ironman and Thor are done. They aren't going to care about any divisiveness. Endgame is in the can.
oh wow you're now becoming an organic bot. Keep going user, show the world the full might of your retardation
user... this through Friday
By sunday it will have a 400+ global weekend
Quite decent as far as marvel movies. Much better than the garbage that was black panther and antman. Sucks Brie Larson triggered so many incels though, it deserves a more accurate rating.
>Marvel movie
>Literally zero competition
Of course it is going to make money... the quality of the movie is up to debate but anybody who thought it was not going to make bank is deluded.
It's doing great in China. The Chinese audiences have very basic simple tastes. It's doing below average in America where audiences want something new and different.
>Everyone thinks this is it's total weekend BO despite it literally saying in the OP that it's for one day
Why can't any of you read?
>people donating money for movie tickets
That's fucking sad
seems like that's an overestimate for its domestic performance this weekend
Dumbfucks thing review bombing RT is going to do anything.
The public don't give a shit about the rating and only listen to what the critics think. They know about the reviewing bomb and general hate the alt-right has for Captain Marvel, and they're going to see it spite them, much like what me and my friends have also done.
If you look at twitter, it's full of praise. If you look at r/movies and r/marvelstudios, it's full of praise, if you look at IMDb, it's full of praise, if you look at facebook it's full of praise. Literally the only place that trashes it is here on Yea Forums.
190 in 3 days
Is this heard of?
I can read just fine, I just prefer not to. Being outraged for no reason is actually rather cathartic. You should try it sometime.
You're overestimating. Second day sales rarely are better than first day. Even Infinity War saw a large dropoff day 1 to 2 and 3. You see increases weekday to weekend, but you don't from weekend to weekend.
Additionally, dropoffs from Saturday to Sunday range from a fourth to a third. You'll likely see it make around $100m as there would have to be a massive influx of people watching on Sunday which goes against every trend.
And $100m opening weekend is lessthan X-men: Last Stand made and is just above Guardians 1.
No one claimed it would flop. At most people said it would underperform.
have a sex
One day
Only if you're delusional do you believe it can make $150 million on Saturday AND Sunday.
>The public don't give a shit about the rating and only listen to what the critics think.
I honestly expect this movie to do well opening weekend. There's really no blockbuster movies out right now.
Just the fact that you don't know that Thursday previews get rolled into Friday tells me enough.
Infinity War had 106 million Friday, 39 million of that from Thursday night, so 67 million pure Friday. Sat was 83 million. Movies always increase on Sat from their true Friday.
RT is censoring opinions. Their activity is came to the point of being borderline criminal.
Sorry but how is anything you said relevant to what I said?
fucking TRON did 540 million
Remember how the bad totally legitimate audience score drove people away and TLJ was the first Star Wars movie NOT to make a billion?
>They need to make a board for people with shit taste so they can talk about capeshit and transformers
there is a board for that retard, its called
are these posts ironic or what? I genuinely can't tell
Day One sets the standard. Looking around its opening day, you'll see that Deathly Hollows did 61, 38, 25m over 3 days for 125m.
Spiderman 3 did 59, 51, 39 for 151m.
Guardians 2 did 56, 51, 39 for 146m.
Trend would dictate it's likely that CM will go $100m at the bottom, $150m at the top. Especially as the film has a very mixed reaction. Stop being ridiculous.
>Yea Forums being right about anything
Why are you ignoring that those numbers include CM's thursday as well?
That lines up with forbes projection:
According to forbes:
>the film earned another $33.5 million in China (-2% from its $34m opening day) for a $67.7m two-day cume and likely $91m opening weekend over there. The MCU flick has now, counting China's Saturday gross, earned just over $221m globally and should top $350m by tomorrow night
They're actually pretending to be retarded
Movie reviewers have been giving it faint praise or bashing it. The critical consensus is "its okay"
Guardians of the Galaxy -- 56, 51, 39
Force Awakens -- 119, 68, 60.
It -- 50, 44, 27
Dark Knight -- 67, 47, 43
Thor Ragnarok -- 46, 44, 32
X-Men Last Stand -- 45, 31, 25
Literally randomly kicked on opening daily for these videos. "Always" appears to not happen a lot.
This is probably beating BvS' 422 million weekend. Could potentially beat Last Jedi's 450 million as well, making it the 6th highest global opener.
>gurl pawah
>flops in us
Its ahead of guardians vol 2. Its not far behind beauty and the beast numbers and that was one of 2017's top earning films.
This is an ant man/doctor strange secondary character that the general public never even heard of before. If it brings in guardians money that is more than they were expecting.
That would be funny if that happen
interesting file name
Retard. Guardians 2 had 17 million previews. That 56 million includes those.
Same goes for the rest.
17 million previews + 39 pure friday + 51 saturday + 39 million sunday = 146 million weekend
Same goes for the rest
I'm surprised Yea Forums has even recovered from the btfoing Black Panther gave them
Predictions are all over the place. The other day it was 155-195. They'll keep revising until they get it right, then they'll say it's what they predicted all along. Like the local weather guy.
You're wrong. Get over it. Day-to-day almost always drops. Friday to Sunday sees a large drop of revenue. This movie will be the same, and it will cause it to have relatively poor financial outcomes when compared to the average amount Marvel films make.
It hit $68 over Friday. It will see a large drop on Saturday of anywhere from 10-20% by just looking at statistics. The drop from Saturday to Sunday will be larger still, around 25-30%. That's how this works. Get over it.
$180mil domestic opening weekend is what was being predicted in the days leading up to the release. Your post says they are at $60mil, which isn't even close, but it also isn't even close to Monday morning. So, we'll see.
You got proven wrong and you're still doubling down. Suit yourself
ANyone who says a single number is a moron. The variance on this will be too wide because of the mixed reviews. It'll definitely be between 100 and 150 domestic, though. The second day dropoff will tell a lot. If it drops more than 30% like Deathly Hallows 1 then it could come in closer to 100m than 150m.
Sure I was. You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself. I'm sure you need all of that you can get.
>68 million Friday
It's at 62 million and it includes Thursday like that guy said. It's in the Deadline article
Maybe they wouldn't be censoring opinions if you people kept review bombing it
Nobody is going to read those reviews, all they see are the reviewers giving it's a good score and that's all that matters.
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever
Fuck I'd hate to see us win.
They dont believe they were actually btfo though, they simply claim blacks were paid to see the film to pad the numbers. Remember /pol/ can't lose, and even when they lose bigtime it is just a conspiracy caused by Jewish tricks which means they actually won.
>female ghostbusters bombs
>"we did it boys!"
>wonder woman makes money
>"I-it was rigged, those theaters were empty"
>black panther makes obscene money
>"J-jews bought all the seats"
>Black spiderman lingers in top 5 at box office for 9 weeks consecutive weeks and outperforms all expectations
>"they rigged it again. no one could sit through muh 11fps and race mixing"
>repeat endlessly
Eventually a broken clock will be right once again and /pol/ will get another "win" but it doesn't look like captain marvel is that film.
>Maybe they wouldn't be censoring opinions if you people kept review bombing it
Maybe I wouldn't shot you in the face if you had my opinion.
Same logic.
Yeah nice narrative, mr operative.
Yeah, I know. I think it'll go around 130. Whatever WOM is, it has no competition and the weather is good.
It's the these predictors annoy with this shit. They say 195 Friday, for example. Then they revise it down on Saturday or Sunday and say the movie performed as expected even if it's nowhere near the original prediction.
Its not narrative, that was just a summary of /poltv/ threads from the last three years.
So you're whining about a typo like a petty bitch.
Fb based have sex poster post
I think $130 is a realistic amount. Unfortunately, this movie has become a hill to die on for people just like Ghostbusters. Some people have lost their fucking minds and are just arguing to argue at this point.
No it was more about that Friday includes Thursday previews
What threads, why should I care about another product of marvel(tm) disney(tm)? I havent even watch it?
Which is splitting hairs at this point. Nobody reports Thursday separate from Friday. Nobody says that a film is released in early previews. Everyone says a film is released on release day. Captain Marvel was released March 8th. Every movie, from its release date, loses revenue on day 2 and day 3.
Whining that people lump early Thursday into release Friday is basically going into a room with food and saying "This isn't fresh, you got the ingredients yesterday! That means it isn't fresh!"
Nobody cares, so shut the fuck up.
Just saying this is a repeat of a continuing phenomenon. /nu-pol/ has slipped out of their containment board and this is the new normal. You do this same mock-outrage conspiracy shit every single time now.
Boxofficemojo cant even click on foreign data for Captain, yet it shows 127 mil.
Have you saw Ghostbusters?
It was legit shot and failed on its own merit, not because of the grassroots campaign carried out by /pol/. They took credit for it and though their ratings bomb and attack o nthe youtube trailer made a difference, and that is why they keep trying it again and again.
Again, ghostbusters was dogshit and it would have failed if they had done nothing at all.
>just like Ghostbusters
It's just like GB because that's what Marvel used to sell it. Hundreds of clickbait articles about evil white men and you have to see this for the sake of feminism.
There isn't much praise for the movie. Even the positive reviews are just as vague as the negative.
>Nobody reports Thursday separte from Friday
NPR's bretty good, even when they disagree with conservatives they (almost always) let one of them come on to explain their piece. Honestly it's made me more sympathetic to cons*rvishits because it humanizes them and adds depth to their beliefs outside of retarded sound bites.
Wtf that's retarded they'll just jump over it unless its manned, in which case skip the wall and just use that manpower on the border. Fuck you Cletus
>... actually it's a meme but we do believe in increased border security
Oh ok, as a liberal even I can't object to that, since illegal immigration is harmful and creates a permenant underclass that drives down EVERYONE'S wages. Sorry I called you Cletus
>tramples Internet Trolls
Why do they care what a bunch of Mongolian hentai weaving forum dudes? Thought we were completely irrelevant to theses billion dollar corporations?
Black people were bussed in to see that movie because of black history month. Props to Marvel for convincing blacks that seeing a movie would fight racism.
You can't say a movie decreases on Saturday when Friday also includes Thursday night. It's 1 day vs 1 and a half. When you remove Thursday from the equation, movies do increase on Saturday.
Campaigns huh? The only campaigns i saw are from big corporations.
The numbers are all made up to save face. It's only made 16M domestically so far.
>Black spiderman lingers in top 5 at box office for 9 weeks consecutive weeks and outperforms all expectations
It still flops hard and underperform though. /pol/ was unironically right on that front
I mean they're liberal and so am I but they usually have the other point of view on and let them say why they support what they support. There are at least two opposing views mentioned, the same cannot be said for Fox News or MSNBC.
Hell, they're the reason I found out about Ben Sasse and actually admired him as a smart guy. I tuned in mid-show and was like "Wow who is this well-spoken expert on Russian intelligence?" And I was shocked he was a Senator, because they're usually too power hungry and lowest-common denominator to learn things.
I mean you can dislike them for their SLIGHT liberal bias, but unlike most one-view """news""" outlets they actually try to have a discourse. I can't believe the bar has been set that low, but it is what it is.
They also have a lot of cool shows at weird hours that I would never in a million years have found out about, usually at odd hours like Sunday
>there is a birdwatching show where listeners call in and replicate a bird they sighted's calls to help identity
>old people try to screech like a hawk or make outrageous autistic-sounding noises
>and the birdwatching expert almost always, without fail, identifies the bird immediately
Cannot fabricate
It made 4 times its budget.
It was literally a success
it cost a fraction of what other animated films cost and sony was hoping it would earn more than $180 million worldwide (it doubled that).
On top of that its $90 million budget was offset by $114 million in corporate sponsorship from Nike and other companies. It turned a profit before it was even finished being animated.
mfw week 2 drop off is at 77%
What are you even talking about? Spider-Verse totally exceeded their expectations. It was the first animated Marvel movie that had a wide theatrical release, and wasn't one of those shitty direct to video movies. They weren't expecting it to be a massive blockbuster hit, but they definitely didn't think it was stay in the top 10 at the box office for two months.
>expected 180M domestic
>lowest estimated 80M domestic
>lands at 61M
Which is why it it flops and underperform. Compared that to literally any other Spiderman flicks and you can see it have one of the lowest gross out of any spider man film.
>offset by $114 million in corporate sponsorship from Nike and other companies.
That's not how it works. They literally have to pay back all of those ad money by those companies. This isn't Laika.
The highest MCU drop is Homecoming's 62% and that was mainly because the final Apes movie was released on its second weekend. CM has no competition next week. Week after that there's Us, but that's a horror. The only real competition starts March 29th with Dumbo.
So yeah CM has plenty of time to make money
Why are you ignoring that it has significantly smaller budget than the other Spidey films AND the fact that its animated, while the others were live action?
>Compared that to literally any other Spiderman flicks and you can see it have one of the lowest gross out of any spider man film.
For fucks sake, it wasn't a spider man film. It was an animated feature, one of a dozen sony and marvel have released over the years. This was the first of them to be a huge hit though.
It outperfomed pic related. That is what it should be compared to, not a live action franchise film.
So where is the stream at anyone?
Yeah but Homecoming didn't have to deal with having a hated lead actor and RT/Disney scandal. The movie is pretty stale too. Word of mouth is going to hurt it's 2nd weekend for sure.
Holy fuck you're stupid
>150mil opening weekend
That doesn't seem right. BvS opened at 166 with a Friday of 81mil. CM would have to have much better Saturday an Sunday holds
>CM has no competition next week
I'm surprised Yea Forums as a whole hasn't thought about that
>Why are you ignoring that it has significantly smaller budget
Why are you ignoring that its literally a Spiderman film being marketed to hell and back? The fact that its animated or not is literally irrelevant due to the brand name alone.
>It outperfomed pic related.
You're not making your case any prettier here. By any metrics of the Spiderman brand it is an indefinite flop.
not an argument
I think it will drop closer to 60% because Marvel movies have become more frontloaded after Infinity War. So it definitely won't have great legs, but the opening is already so big that it doesn't really matter. A Cinemascore and high exit scores from PostTrak tell me the outrage is only online.
Pre-sales were really high second only to IW in most places. If Saturday's domestic numbers come in at the low 50s then the movie simply had abnormally high pre-sales. Now if Saturday dom comes in at low-mid 40s then that indicates that true Friday actually under performed pre-sales and saturday was following suit. This would be percentage wise in-line with the lowering of OW estimates in China. Now if it does high 50s-low 60s who the fuck the knows.
Remember that there's no real competition to Ms Marvel
Yea Forums doesn't think
Are you 2 kind of retarded for a bit? Its the same case with TLJ yet that also had a massive dropoff.
You're comparing apples to oranges. An animated movie (with experimental animation no less) cannot be compared to live action one. This is no different than Lego Batman.
Of course Disney raided it with good scores, they are still doing it to bring up the audience score
Word of mouth for BvS was a bathtub of aids and had one the biggest box offices collapses in history.
I'm just saying there's no real competition just like another user stated. I don't care if the movie does well or does poorly. I'm just an observer.
TLJ also made a billion dollars which is exactly what Captain Marvel is going to do
Do none of you even remember why marketing exists in the first place? This movie was never not going to make money.
Oh well then we'll see what happens. AFAIK the "no real competition for a long time" excuse doesn't hold up to scrutiny since TLJ also had similar context. Didn't Solo gone through that too?
To be fair TLJ second weekend had Christmas Eve on Sunday, which definitely increased the drop. It somewhat recovered after that. It still didn't have great legs mind you, but people usually miss that tidbit.
Yeah Solo got hit hard after the Last Jedi fuck up. The only I hope is that Captain Marvel doesn't affect Endgame too much.
No one was disputing that a marvel film would make money. Everyone was saying it was going to be a shitty film, and it is.
Yeah but that was in the second week. Captain Marvel is looking at an opening closer to GOTG2 which also had no competition. A billion still isn't a done deal yet
BvS started collapsing as soon as Saturday. It had 27.7 million Thursday, and a massive Friday which should've put it on track to 200+ million weekend. Black Panther had 25.2 million Thursday and went on to have 202 million weekend.
Eh its a mainline Avenger film, It'll make billions regardless. Even /pol/ wouldn't challenge that one.
This your Sat/Sun should be roughly 50% larger than Thur night/Fri.
Endgame will be massive. I'm almost certain it's breaking the opening weekend record. 265+ million.
Eh its a mainline Star Wars film, It'll make billions regardless. Even /pol/ wouldn't challenge that one.
Looks like the Marvel shills just all came through their asshole because their dicks were busy pissing themselves.
Well it did made billion, sure it underperformed massively but it still made mad cash.
Wow you're not coping too well are you
March 8, stupid.
Lolling inside at your lies.
Thats my point, its a Marvel movie and at this time it will do reasonable well but they cannot just lean back and assume they will always do well.
After all Star Trek movies did well but TNG movies did progressively worst until Nemesis flopped, the 4th JJ Star Trek movie is limbo due to Paramount not being able to secure funding because they also did progressively worst, Star Wars is also in this loop ... the point is, assuming Marvel movies will always and always do well is a sure way to end up on a self-destruction spiral.
If CM does well, be ready to see a lot of pic related while the original MCU heroes get a shitty edit.