Villains does something bad for the greater good

>villains does something bad for the greater good
wow, gee golly willikers that is so deep

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This thread is gay and OP is gay so lets change the subject:
What is you're stance on this image?

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>woman on the bad side makes a choice and redeems themselves on the good guy side
Yesssss. I love strong female characters with deep story arcs

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It was made by a /pol/tard damage controlling.

The sad truth is that the majority of Yea Forums’s problems are caused by /pol/ and bringing them up a lot is completely valid. They are often responsible and deserve to be called out.

Asshurt tranny detected

>black guy appears on screen

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This is true
>calling everyone he doesn't like a tranny
Salty af

>protagonist is the villain

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The majority of Yea Forums's problems come from the fact that its posters are a bunch of chucklefucks who enjoy acting like contrarian idiots for attention.

You're moms are pretty gay desu

>its always pols fault they live in my head rent free and all I can do it think about them!

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Name 2 movies where this happens

based internet activist, you show those pol tards

/pol/ is the new Yea Forums and anyone who has been here long enough knows this instinctually, and as such the other user is right that they cause the majority of the problems.

Boardwalk Empire

>it’s never /pol/‘s fault they are perfect good boys despite the organized raids and constant astroturfing

>No kidding -- this latest film might just be one of the greatest movies ever made.

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you can make literally anything sound stupid if you phrase it in snarky greentext and attach a strawmanning pic/meme to it

Post proof about /pol/ raids samefag ill wait

>it's /POL/
I laughed holy shit.

means > outcome > intent

> villain does something for his own selfish gain and benefit
> Be relatable and empathetic anyway

imagine being this self-important
take that stick out of your ass

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Such as vaccinating his child

Vaccinations are good tho

user goes to doctor, gets vaccine. AUTISM. Many such cases

I hate to break it to you, but /pol/ is Yea Forums, you stupid fuck. The "problems" you're talking about is what this website has always been.

>the maim character is an ANTI hero

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>dindu nuffin