what do people see in him? how did he make it so big?
What do people see in him? how did he make it so big?
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his lectures are very good
Right wingers with daddy issues
men that haven't had sex love him.
Jordan "Netflix TV shows are on the same level of complexity as great literature" Peterson
people that grew up watching muppets subconsciously like him because he sounds like kermit
You kno how many rooms this man has gotten clean?
he washed his penis
controlled oppo functioning within set parameters
surrogate father figure to teenagers with aspergers
Have sex
He's the strong father figure millions of lonely incels never had
He makes very informed and well presented points. But like many good things retards latch onto it if it supports certain narratives of their own, and then an association is made by other observers.
what does this have to do with fine art?
A good speaker that doesn't treat opposition like idiots, doesn't consider himself infallible when it comes to subjects he isn't an expert in and is willing to see other people's points of view even if he disagrees with them.
His advices aren't groundbreaking but they are very hard to find fault in and the way he expands on his points by picking up aspects from history, psychology, metaphysics, mythology etc make him a very interesting person to listen to.
The only people that dislike Peterson are the people he criticizes aka collectivists and people with a victimhood complex.
rise of single mothers in white communities has led white men (and mixed men) to find surrogate fathers elsewhere. that's where jordan peterson steps in
He's a prop up for the Kochs. His shitty lectures are psychographically microtargeted at virginal kids as a food in the door for "white nationalism" and corporate protectionism and stuff.
His whole schtick is giving vague, "no shit" advice that is only really profound to spoiled retards (clean your room lol), then uses the trust he gained from his fortune cookie philosophy to then normalize and encourage kids to hate women, minorities, their societies, and their industries. He's basically training people to be comfortable (have a clean room) while giving them malignant justifications to never leave it.
>A good speaker that doesn't treat opposition like idiots
It's amazing how rare this is in public discourse these days.
he's based desu
>The only people that dislike Peterson are the people he criticizes aka collectivists and people with a victimhood complex.
oh, isn't that convenient
Except that's bullshit. His entire rhetorical style is bullshit. He props up all these "idk what the rules are" memes about how women wearing lipstick makes men want to rape them, and then if anyone tries to dig deeper into what he's talking about and why, he deflects and acts indignant.
Like he doesnt raise his voice but his whole schtick is to bury disingenuous propagandist under his put on doctor affect. He pretends to be nice while saying a bunch of bait bullshit, and then acts offended and evasive whenever any of it is put to the fire.
It's standard sociopath behavior.
This. To my knowledge he's never said anything that a rational person would disagree with. He got tied up in all of this alt-right kekistani crap and he got a bad name.
>internet "intellectuals" in the 00s were atheists
>internet "intellectuals" in the 10s are rightwing conservatives
Even people with dads, since not many dads are willing or able to teach their kids how to be men. I love my dad but I never learned a thing from him except for how to swing a golf-club.
There are very few people who have high level conversations and record themselves while doing so. He attracted the intellectuals who would like to increase their brain power.
>internet "intellectuals" in the 20s will all be bots created by fast food companies to sway public opinion
He's the guy at the end of the bar saying what everyone wants to say. People are tired of getting every part of life getting evaluated by moral police. We've reached the point Michael Jackson stuff is getting banned because everyone is a crybaby. Thrillers not going to rape your son Omar.
Because he's good at sounding like he knows what he's talking about when he doesn't.
I know plenty of leftists and normies with families that like him.
The thing is, if you can sound smarter than the audience, then most of them will think you're actually smart.
the bar is just that low
He really doesn't say anything more then common sense. I'm not a huge fan but of what I've seen, he just says what any rational person is thinking when they hear sjw crap. The ideas are not complex. If you can't understand them that's on you.
speaking with a 9th grade vocabulary will make you sound smarter then most people.
I like him. Not sure why. He speaks some sense I suppose, about the trials of life, how you should respond to them, etc.
I don't agree with him on politics, but Istill like him.
Trump proved that people don't like people that sound smart.
Hes one of the few modern philosophers speaking specifically to college age white men.
incels refused to have sex
he's a good speaker, well educated and internet surrogate dads are in demand nowadays. bit of a talking head/snake oil vibe though
People just like other people who shit on whatever they hate. Both Donnie and JP do that so they like him.
dad simulator
He look like an ideal dad that gives common sense advice. Westerners are fucked in the head and are desperate for some common sense and the illusion of responsibility.
His lectures meander a lot and he assumes you're as smart as he is so he keeps going, and people equate this to being a brilliant thinker when really he's just kind of a pretentious bullshitter.
You evil coward, get out of our based civnat site.
>The alt-right
Is this comic satirical?
>He really doesn't say anything more then common sense
Actually, he does. When he's spouting bland common sense truisms and aphorisms like "men and women are different" are exactly the only times he approaches being right about anything. The issue is the way he feels inclined to begin talking about political, social, epistemological movements or making biological claims in which he's profoundly out of his depth.
So, when he schedules meme debates with like fucking slavoj zizek and comes away looking like a ridiculous clown he embarrasses everyone who actually endorses ideas similar to the ones he holds, because he's a dumbfuck. He tricks you because he is, superficially, a "good speaker," and almost nothing more.
psychiatry is basically jewish science. it's no surprise that he's a fucking shill for israel. He still says some pretty insightful things. The extremist /pol/ opinion that everyone who doesn't want to exterminate jews is an enemy is what's holding them back. I don't even like jews.
I hope Zizek BTFOs his kike ass.
Literally who?
He speaks common sense in a world that rejects the rational.