Should actors take pay cuts for their actresses?

Should actors take pay cuts for their actresses?

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When will Emma Stone show her nipples again?

they should take cuts until they earn the national yearly average only

Go on

Never hopefully since they were disgusting

they should get an average salary and maybe a pat on the back if they make a good movie

Why do autists keep posting about this over and over when both parties consented to sharing their fractions?

Does dhe have the same screen time? If no fuck her

No. She gets what she is worth in whichever role she has taken. How big of a role does she have? If she is only working for a month and a male co star is working for 3 months it is not fair that she gets paid the same amount. Not everyone is working the same amount on any given project.

Because it's unironically dishonest as fuck

Actors should be paid according to their contribution to society and humanity.

Henceforth they shall rely upon patreon

I could not give one shit whether a millionaire is paid 9 million or 10 million

and tips

what about Clooney? He's got a satellite to monitor African dictators and Warlords

Yeah, it's normal to pay people above their skill talent because they have a hole between their legs.

Only if they're born with penis.

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This. They're all overpaid as fuck.

>boohoo I will only get 45 million dollars for a role rather than 50 million

Oh no instead of getting 30 million dollars for being a useless degenerate in front of a camera, theyll get 28 million instead

Fuck actors and fuck actressess, the government should make the maximum money an actor can earn be equal to the minimum wage and not one cent beyond.


How about studios give her a plus instead?

>Dude has 2hours of run time in the movie
>Girl has 1.20hours run time in the movie
>"They should paid equally"
...this is cancer, men work more hours per week on average (1 hour more on non married demography, 4 hours on married without kids demography, 7 hours on married with kids demography) but they want to earn the same? this is fucking bullshit.

nice buzzword

She should be naked 24/7

>dishonest is now not a word and a buzzword
What a brainlet we got here


have sex

>paid on running time in the movie
Do they do this?

I fucking hate women so god damn much.

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Oh No! That poor rich white woman how will she ever survive in this cruel world.

hopefully she'll show her ass too.
only 1 autist, you'll notice him in every emma related thread.

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Emma Stone hates you too

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>actors take pay cuts
>director pockets the extra cash
Brilliant! As I director I love feminism