Yea Forumss opinion on the Final Destination series?
Yea Forumss opinion on the Final Destination series?
>Chads and Staceys get what they deserve
Ahead of its time.
fucking great, i wish they made 100 of them.
I kind of agree. It's really not a formula that gets stale as long as you have creative ways to kill people off.
The first one was the best though because it tinkered with people's basic fears. Fear of flying, fear of driving too fast, fear of suffocation.
Part of what makes it so charming is that you can really tell that political correctness hadn't set in yet.
The first movie pretty much single-handedly sparked my fear of flying.
One and Two were ok
But it gets stale after a while.
I feel like it can't get stale.
Introduce characters, have a premonition, kill them in unique ways.
If they can make 437 Madea movies they should make a bunch of Final Destinations too.
It is a natural fear.
One thing Saw proved is that killing people in a creative way does not a movie make. Remember those fucking last ones?
They all needed to be shot in 3D. Other than that, there are a couple of great ones and some that aren't really "bad" but serviceable.
Yeah, if you're a faggot zoomer.
That's because sequel makers always lose the thing that made the original good.
Saw was great because it was simple, people are locked somewhere and have to mutilate themselves to escape and then over time it became 137 different intersecting stories with over the top traps that included lasers and shit.
Same with the final destination movies, 1-3 were okay then the one with the racetrack came out and it kind of lost it's soul.
Literally just a bunch of Rube Goldberg machines of death.
1. FD5
2. FD2
3. FD1
4. FD3
5. FD4
>death finds a way
I really like the premise, and enjoy it deeply when the characters realize what's going on and try to death-proof their homes and shit. But no matter how much they lock down there will always be that one faulty floorboard or loose tile or rusty nail. Death always finds a way.
Are you seriously implying that fear of flying is somehow exclusive to zoomers?
Ripped off Sole Survivor HARD.
liked them all up to 3
1 was good.
The rest are entirely forgettable.
saw fucked up by trying to add story and connect everything
4 sucked but 5 definitely redeemed it. The end twist was a kino way to end the series.
>forgetting the log truck
>forgetting the tanning booth scene
I have to admit this series does a really fucking good job of playing off of everyday fears. There really is no other horror movie I've watched where I thought to myself "that shit can actually happen to me any day". The second movie plus that dashcam video from Russia of loose bricks off a truck flying off and killing the passenger has genuinely made me paranoid of driving around trucks towing shit.
4 was shit, but 5 was redemption arc.
Also some personal accounts
>be me driving on the highway a couple years ago
>pickup truck ahead in other lane overstuffed with construction shit like plywood and beams
>fucking steel steam tumbles loose
>luckily car behind him was far back and was able to swerve around it
Also a story from a friend
>friend riding in car with parents when little
>semi truck in front of them carrying cattle
>powerful wind gust or something topples it
>crushes car beside it, kills all occupants
>most of the cattle die
Fuck trucks. I avoid them on roads like the goddamn black plague.
>it's an Alex goes full preper and starts talking to himself episode
I wish all the movies had a hardcore-prepper ending.
Remember watching FD3 in an empty cinema with my first ever girlfriend getting my very first blowjob. 13 years ago. Damn time flies eh lads?