What happened incels? It's already at 188.4 million with just Thursday and Friday...

What happened incels? It's already at 188.4 million with just Thursday and Friday, it hasn't even counted Saturday and Sunday yet.

I thought the theaters were empty? The future of marvel is female (and non-white). Have fun seething on 4channel incels.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Theathers where empty, meaning disney bought all those high numbers, in reality the movie will cost them more then they imagine, fraud and stock manipulation is a crime

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It's a shame being retarded isn't a crime then we could finally get rid of idiots like you.

get laid


>this level of cope

Have sex.

Have sex

>Implying it won't cap off by the end of next week.
Face it. It's a flop by MCU standards.


Have sex

Attached: 1552030013362.jpg (960x960, 371K)

why you get fucked in the ass and you are still here and post.

Based Sex Haver

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>The future of marvel is female (and non-white).
That's quite the stretch. All the good Marvel characters are for the most part male and white.

>foreign over twice the domestic total
Fucking other countries

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/pol/shitters, incels, neonazis, drumpf supporters, gamergaters, alt right weirdos, misogynists, islamophobes, homophobes and transphobes all unironically btfo

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60 million domestic opening seems pretty bad


I think we should wait to see how it does the rest of the weekend and the drop next weekend.

This user fucks vaginers.


Why is the audience score still so low?


Didn't even mention Thursday isn't even a full day, it's just late night showings.

This shit will beat Black Panther.

Yea Forums incels literally on suicide watch. The age of the white """""""""man"""""""""" is over.


Have sex

>Marvel fans gloating about rallying around a shallow Mascot

Congrats on the opening weekend, buddy. Quite the accomplishment for you.

Attached: MarvelCorp.jpg (607x913, 109K)

It's going to make 300 million easy but won't have the legs to make 600+ million to make the movie profitable.

I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

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Put me in the Reddit screencap :D

Disney bought the tickets.

ok this is epic

Alita was at most In 3800 theatres, what the fuck. Captain Marmar In over 4300.

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based sex haver btfoing /pol/tardetties and working them into a simping shoot

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Disney says

60 million domestic is a disaster for this movie.
It was projected at 180m for the domestic, alone.
That it really bad.
What the hell are you talking about?

Why is the audience score so low?

>This is the end of the Marvel
>This movie is gonna bomb
>It won't reach it's projections
>Disney made 2 scripts because they think it'll fail
>The theaters are empty
>It's gonna cap off by next week and flop says the increasingly nervous man

Keep coping.

Have rough, sloppy sex with your siblings.

i work in a theater, and some of the showings were completely sold out but only about half the room was filled, so i dont doubt it.

So... it's another Black Panther?

What were Black Panther and Infinity War's opening numbers? Black Panther was all over social media because people were taking pictures as they were going to it.

Why's the audience score so low?

It's over bros Disney won I'm going to buy a ticket for Star Wars Episode IX to show how good I'm when I lose

And now all the future characters are going to be a lot more non-white and female. Iron man, Thor, and Captain America are out, Captain Marvel, Black Panther and some other non-white and/or non-male will be in. Enjoy.

Not as big a BTFO but it's a seismic aftershock

188.4 million opening, not even counting Saturday and Sunday yet is amazing. Stop coping and have sex.

I don't think even Marvel fans are defending CM anymore... just discord trannies and a few paid shills.

Maybe. Then what?

You've seen the scripts? How do you know?

ooh nononononono poltards wont recover from this anytime soon

This has been fun to watch, and the shitshow will go on for another week.
Looks like the trannies might win this round. Congratulations, you probably wont kill yourself this week.

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>I think we should wait to see how it does the rest of the weekend and the drop next weekend.

t. increasingly nervous man

Lmao still at it eh?
I've had sex, Crapstain Fungal looks like shit, thanks for the (you)s shills!!

That's what it looks like.

60 million domestic for a flagship movie celebrating wamen with the added draw of it being shoe-horned into the Endgame hype.

1s and 10s are weighted differently. It's better to rate 2, 3, 8 or 9.

They are blocking reviews and buying seats en masse. Nothing to see here!

>trusting (((alt-right))) (((propaganda))) and rating site (((raids))) for movie forecasts

>this cope

Have sex.

It's gonna make money. Only complete retards thought otherwise.

But just like BvS or TLJ ist's going to damage the brand.

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smells like well-adjusted sex-havers in here

95% second weekend drop

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this movie doing well is a sign of the times

shits gonna collapse

I've had sex. This movie looks bad xD


It was estimated all over the place. They'll pick the one closest to actual numbers and proclaim it over-performed/met expectations.

>this level of cope

After Saturday and Sunday this movie will have an opening weekend of at least 230-250 million. It's on pace to be around infinity wars. Keep coping.

Disney spent millions on theaters. Several pictures where posted of the movie playing to empty theaters. 60% drop off next week will be more honest.

Just gonna leave this here.

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based non-sex-haver XD

Bots and trolls.

Then you die virgins and the world laughs at you as impotent betas throwing tantrums over losing your privilege


sensible cope


Which goalposts were being moved, exactly?

Bend over roastie

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It's literally nothing to brag about especially with that heavy advertising.

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Yes if that's what it made for the entire weekend it would be

But since that's how much it made from Thursday and Friday it's pretty good

Based. Anti-Marvelcucks being wrecked is the highlight of my day. Never doubt MCU, you incels. Remember when you shills tried that with BP? CM is going to make at least a billion, I couldn't be happier.

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What the fuck Marvel bros, you told me it grossed 40 million in China alone already!

Underrated post

BP was 202 million opening and grossed over 1.4 billion making it the highest grossing single-hero marvel movie.

CA is already at 188 million with only Thursday night and Friday. After Saturday and Sunday I wouldn't be surprised if this passes Infinity Wars 250 million opening weekend.

This movie is gonna be huge and incels can only cope about it. I don't like superhero movies and haven't seen any in theaters since Ant-man, but seeing all the incels here seethe and cope is hilarious.

>After Saturday and Sunday I wouldn't be surprised if this passes Infinity Wars 250 million opening weekend.
god you're stupid

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Oh, so that's why Yea Forums has been good for the past two days, the discord transvestites moved up here.

By tomorrow you can cross off everything up to 400m

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Does it really count when the whole of Alitas meager earnings is because of a handful of basement dwelling who go watch movies alone to see their waifu?

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188 million worldwide genius
Infinity War 250 million opening was domestic only
The worldwide opening weekend was 640 million

From all the incels posting headlines about how Captain Marvel will lead the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the next decade and how Disney wants more diversity and Inclusion in the MCU.

I'm pretty sure, you're the only dweeb coming, here. The numbers are what they are. We can't make them any better. They had big Hopes for this film and it is just not meeting peoples expectations.
The responses by you in this tread are extremely weird. It's like you have something personally riding on this.
It's just a movie, man. It's not a big deal if it doesnt do as well as you thought it would.


God damn, you're on fire

>e (and non-white).
just the way brie likes it!

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>this thread

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Is this the new strategy, using global numbers instead of domestic to make it seem better than it is?

Holy shit

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60 million domestic and 188 worldwide, after only thursday night and friday. This movie is on pace to beat black panther by a longshot and be the highest grossing single-hero film. Keep coping incel.

Why is this getting ao many replies?

discord tranny pilled

all me

based boomers mercilessly btfoing /pol/cels

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You know we can see through this bullshit you retards.

>stock manipulation
I totally didn't think of this as part of their reasoning...

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TLJ would have made a fine non-Star Wars movie, if it were cut in half. But it wasn't Star Wars.

It's a shame it damaged Solo. I'll watch Solo again, even with its third act flaws. Last Jedi isn't even 'put on in the background'.

The Last Jedi needs a The Phantom Edit treatment. Has a worthy one been done?

>this thread
i think incels unironically cant cope this time. its worse than black panther

It's amazing how Fox got anti-Marvel republicans like Jack Posobiec to market their movie for free.

You're legit insane.

>CA is already at 188 million with only Thursday night and Friday. After Saturday and Sunday I wouldn't be surprised if this passes Infinity Wars 250 million opening weekend.

Nobody tell him.

It's already been out several days in Europe, it released March 6 here in Norway. I saw Alita instead that day. It was good.

my theater was sold out opening night, soibois btfo

The feminists win this round, and the last one too, also the last last one.

You can't possibly be a woman.

Can I get a comment from a representative of the right wing trolls getting absolutely buttblasted today?

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>theater was full of soiboys
>soiboys btfo
How does that work

You shills can fuck off. No is buying into your bullshit.

This back and forth online lets each side blow off of steam. As much hate as there is in the country right now, it'll keep the violence down.

Alita is fighting hard to earn her place from the ground up. CM is just a smug bitch riding on others' hard work and goodwills for 10 yeas of the MCU and 65+ years of comics. Without End Game tie-in, and Disney's 100m+ advertising war chest, nobody would care about her.

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It's from discord, it as well as everybody quoting it. The posting pattern is basically the same.

Try Tinder or okcupid

What bullshit? Those are the numbers for CA so far

I'm 43 and never had sex. I'm a hard worker who lives at home with my mom. Had opportunities but nay, they were too complicated. Friend of mine married a girl I thought could be the one, 25 years later and he's still in therapy every week while she's taking him to the cleaners every month. His kids hates him and he barely makes enough to buy clothes. His rent is considerable and he's reduced to carrying lunch everyday and coupon books just to survive. Despite my financial freedom I live frugally as my Mother taught me.
SO I'm good thanks.

fake news, the Illuminati planted those numbers

Behold the power of media. Though why did they use a picture of Glover to proclaim its records, instead of the jewish kid?

Satan buried those fake numbers with all of the dinosaur bones to test my faith

Foreigners have unfathomably shit taste. They're the reason that shit like Resident Evil and Fast and Furious had the staying power that they did.

Aquaman overperformed and resurrected the DCEU. It can't be flushed.

And probably the next one

>The future of marvel is female (and non-white).

Good. It´s about time this capeshit thing dies off and let Jewliwood focus on something new...

Why's thr audience score so low?

Why does tv/pol/ keep getting completely, utterly, B T F O?

They said the same shit with Wonder Woman
>hurr da theaters r empty!!!
And it was a hit

They said the same shit with Black Panther and it was a huge hit

Now they’re saying the same shit with this movie

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Angry nerd bot tantrums

im not sure we can disregard the possibility that disney is making up a huge conspiracy by faking numbers and they spend alot of money on paid trolls to piss off 100 incels on Yea Forums

These two come from the same place on the internet, which is not here.

>Theathers where empty,

So how often do movies open in the US and china in the same weekend? I thought China usually gets a film a week or so after the US.
If im right..well seems funny to me that Disney and everyone else keep touting worldwide totals as a victory, didnt we used to only care about domestic numbers for opening weekends? Maybe im crazy.

It's crazy that there are legitimate people, hired by these studios to come here and post this insane bullshit.
This is hilarious. I had no idea it was this bad. I couldn't imagine having a job like this, lying on Yea Forums..

This has to be a "go home every night and stick a shotgun in your mouth" type of gig.
These studios are losing their grip on reality and what is actually a promotion.

>he doesn't know

Nothing's ever gonna top the Black Panther coping. That shit was incredible. They were legitimately convinced for months that shit would flop.

Captain Marvel will gross more than Alita. Have sex. Also Alita's actress hates Trump and Trump supporters.

Real autism numbers talk for the non cope/baiters is that if it can get 100m +/-10m WW for sat/sun w/o domestic/china it will break 400m opening weekend.



>It can't be flushed.
Can and will

And in less than a month

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>Me on the left
>Yea Forums lamenters on the right
It's over, Yea Forums misogynists are finished! Suck it, you incelcucks. I'm going to save all the posts here fir future use as reminder to you shill what happens you doubt the Mouse! It's Black Panther all over again!

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>Disney is making all this money by paying everyone to make it look like their bomb mobie is successful!
reminder that there are people in this thread right now who actually think this is a logical thing that happens in the real world


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Retard. They paid for this, they could pay for that.

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wHys the score so low?

Um I searched "Captain Marvel" and "empty" on twitter and there were at least FOUR results

Yes? Affirmative action is pretty much that, take a toll on quality and productivity in the short term so later your massive army of mutts can work for much cheaper. That's the endgame of globalism.

How do all the empty theaters tie in to pizzagate?

>poltards spam and downvote "want to watch" for the movie
>they then convince themselves its low because people dont want to see the it
i think its so pathetic its almost adorable

>So how often do movies open in the US and china in the same weekend?
Pretty often but sometimes it will hit China later

It's rarer to have an Aquaman situation where it comes out before the US

this makes me want to watch Atila the battlemage

That's what makes #AlitaChallenge even more hilarious.
>Don't give those Jews your movie. Give these Jews your money instead

Unironically, I bet it's somehow true. Same shit happened with Black Panther.


Yes, that is not even close to a response.
Everyone knows disney has been basking in the fake controversy money all year, but I am afraid this tactic might be wearing thin.


54% isn't that low

Ignore this faggot. 79 for a feminist movie is a disaster, they actually balanced the user score up with fake votes to mitigate because the overall consensus is that it's not a bad movie but it's a very forgettable movie, more than most MCU movies so far, sub-Doctor Strange.

I'm kind of jelly. It would be great to get paid to shit post all day.

The best part of those screenshots was the film being screened with the lights still on, which is only done for autism-friendly screenings.

please have sex

I'm still confused how all the theaters can be empty if Captain Marvel is the only thing playing in every theater in the world

It's 52 and yes it's low. A 50% chance you find the movie to be shit is bad.

It's just a glitch in their database you conspiracy nut. Do you really think that rotten tomatoes would tamper with votes like that?

You're dealing with a literal mafia like organization that engages in Monsey laundering and tax evasion. They take dirty money and pay for tickets that literally sees empty theaters. They did the same with Black Panther. And it's a known fact. They make the first weekend 70% of all ticket sales first weekend in the United States.

It's better than that

Disney OWNS Fox so it's
>Don't give Disney you money. Give DISNEY your money

Remember when Yea Forums said it wouldn't even break 100 mil?
Oh no nononono

god i cant wait for some crazed poltard to shoot up a kinoplex because hes convinced that the people watching captain marvel in it are all jewish agents paid by disney

>dude Disney just spent over a billion dollars worth of tickets on Black Panther and received no profit
>they also bought over a hundred million dollars worth of tickets for Captain Marvel and received no profit
>yeah bro that makes sense

Imagine being this retarded

It's pretty low.