The user score is rising!
Up from 34% in just a few hours time.
The user score is rising!
Up from 34% in just a few hours time.
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Look I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids
Have sex.
Disney's using bots.
Nice pasta
Wow it's almost like real reviews are coming in now that people can actually watch the movie or something
they only allow > 3.5 stars now
60% is probably a more realistic score. It was pretty mediocre over all.
>Up from 34%
It was 52% when I went to bed twelve hours ago and it's still 52
So much for review purging "saving" CM from the trolls, zozzle
Its garbage. They are still removing scores and reviews below three stars.
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Up from 34% in a few seconds time (and the purging of many reviews)
It was 56% when I checked this morning
so it's dropping again
OR the movie was bombarded by a bunch of incels who didn't watch the movie and now that people that actually watched the movie are reviewing it's just "meh".
Yes, you. The one screaming, "Brie Larson is toxic" and "Her movie is shit!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious going to watch Captain Marvel at least five times around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful movie that has been made for us - and it IS powerful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Captain Marvel fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow fans, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Captain Marvel and Brie are such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Stop watching porn and anime, go to cinema to watch Captain Marvel, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of this movie, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
Saving reviews from trolls with bots and paid shills
Kek, is this Yea Forums original pasta or just copy from /r/movies? I wouldn't be surprised either way.
>haha we make moneys from shitty films that are so bad that they sedate the general populace
>I-I was only pretending to be retarded
any review below average is from an incel. Ok then.
>bombarded by a bunch of incels
It's like you want us to know you're not from here.
>"the movie was nothing special"
it will continue to go higher as RT deletes more reviews per the disney contract they are beholden to
They removed my review and score. (I have reviewed many movies and have never had the issue.) I can not post a review or star rating. It just resets after I post. I literally did 5 reviews today and only that one is doing that. This is an artificial score.
And that's a good thing
They deleted thousands of posts, and blocked negative reviews for a few hours to get the numbers up.
Have sex
No, there's just a bunch of incels who gave the movie the lowest score they could as soon as the movie was released just as a bunch of paid shills and onions guzzlers gave it the highest score they could. Both groups probably didn't watch the movie.
I loved this movie! I thought it was really funny that they kept teasing Nick Fury loosing his eye. I kept going, is that how he lost it? Then no, it was just an injury to that area on his face. It kept happening, and I realized that it was an ongoing joke. When he finally did lose it I thought no fucking way. THAT'S how he lost his eye?! Not a lot of CGI in this movie, I love CGI so I was a bit upset but what little they did have looked great!
Fellow gamers ... this can't be happening ... it's time to RISE UP and CRUSH that like button!
Have sex
I can't wait for review sites and media to call out he astroturfing, bots and shills.
>audience score is low
>damn those russian trolls!
>audience score is rising
>thank science the normal people are chiming in
This. Is not a bad movie but nothing special either. I don't think Disney will be happy with an average score such as that one.
I pity the /pol/rat who cares about this stuff.
Why do you want movies to be bad? What’s the logic there?
If there is someone who needs to have sex... he is
What's this new meme about? I was gone for a week and I keep running into this, what does this refer to?
he has wife and kid
No U
why would I care for this website again?
But this movie really is good user. I haven't forgiven Brie for her ignorant comments, but that's no reason to punish all the other people that worked hard on this movie.
Screaming impotently on the internet is literally the only thing they have to feel like they mean anything at all.
Funny enough Jontron once admitted Disney paid him to shill Star Wars shit to make it seem like people were really stoked for Star Wars
>in hours it gets like 35%
>They delete any bad review
>from 4k to 30k in seconds. Score rises from 35% to 50%
>"see, people liked it"
Did you see the $$ this movie is receiving since yesterday? Disney is already happy, fuck the score of RT.
You mean his wife's kid
Considering the raids to review bomb it and drag it down by 20-30%? Yeah, people liked it when not factoring in shitheads. Ask anyone outside of Yea Forums.
Imagine your life being so worthless that you spend your weekend obsessing over internet votes.
These are the same people who say DEUS VULT. Pathetic.
>movie wasn’t even released
>nearly 60,000 votes that were all negative
>now reduced to 30,000
>he thinks in a matter of seconds 26k people gave good reviews
If that were true the site would be DOWN with that influx of sessions. Go fuck yourself.
The same lying shills in every thread. RT PERSONALLY STATED that that was due to a bug counting the "Want To See" reviews as real reviews, caused directly by them shutting of the Want To See score to appease trannies like yourself.
Because of a bug caused by your harassment of RT, you now lie about "Russian bots" hacking RT reviews.
Lmao certified fresh as a 7/10 movie with 79% saying it is watchable.
Disney shilling in full effect.
Dat blatant passive aggression.
>60k votes when the movie isn’t even released
>Lol it’s totally legit Yea Forumsros
Those were "want to see", idiot. Rotten tomates has...sorry, HAD, this thing in where you could say "Want to see"/"Not interested" before the premiere to test the waters.
Is this guy really so stupid he can't recognize obvious reverse trolling?
>Imagine your life being so worthless that you spend your weekend obsessing over internet votes.
Yeah, not going to fall for it. I went to watch Alita while other friends went to watch Cap Marvel (among them there were girls), they said it was from meh to mediocre. I trust more my friends than anyone on the internet.
Also metascore gives it a 66%, and is less known that rotten tomatoes and therefore less targeted by activists from any side, so more trustworthy.
>The website told us it has “identified a bug” that erroneously rolled the pre-release “want to see” ratings into the post-release ratings, resulting in that alarmingly high number:
>Historically, the user rating totals represented the quantity of all user engagement – want to see votes, and number of rating and reviews. In our product update, we planned to remove the “want to see” votes from that user ratings total – which didn’t happen (the glitch) and showed an inflated number. And we fixed that, which brought down the number.
I hope the Mouse is paying you well for the disinformation you spew on an anime imageboard.
Let's be honest here, most of those were just incels making new accounts and downvoting it.
We all know the 'professional' review score should be below 60%
Why is he so awesome?
Probably, after being removed 52k of them the score was still 35%. Then in a matter of seconds added 30k reviews and jumped to 50%...but these last 30k reviews in seconds are "real" right?
Incels only exist in your mind.
Something they stole from Yea Forums
and they say that reddit is a hive mind of cringe worthy faggots that can't think for themselves...
>real reviews
It's bot war. And the incels are losing.
I’ll make it very simple and clear... Sneed's seed and feed. Chuck's suck and fuck.
The fact 'incels' forced Disney to bully RT into 'fixing' their website is a monumental embarrassment for a multi billion dollar entertainment corporation.
Get that gross hispanic cunt out of the photo
and rotten tomatoes is owned by comcast
Don't disrespect Alita you cretin mongoloid incel faggot
In these trying times we are to treasure any and every good movie like our last.
I love the hate this movie has caused. All we need is a recession to kick things off.
Critics rating is dropping
nope. the alitashills are botting negative reviews against captain marvel, and have been for weeks.
But those copypasta reviews are positive a-user...
> B... bu... but I thought this movie was going to fail.
Reminder Yea Forums is the minority, most normal people are going to watch a Disney superhero movie, retards
Back to your containment board
alita is a shit movie that no one saw and no one wants to see. the only people on here talking about it are literal shills - they are being paid to promote it to pathetic apes that might watch a power fantasy movie with a waifu lead. the shills started the general and started botting negative reviews on actual good movies like captain marvel.
there were thousands of negative reviews on the movie before it came out, all from alitashills
Stop being a disingenuous faggot. You and I both know that this movie is just another battleground in the culture war
>herpa derp it's just a movie!
>can't believe that people genuinely like Alita for having a soul
>that mouse cope
Go on
Awwwww the lil manbaby is sad because his little boycott didn't work. How's ur lil fragile man ego, incel boy? lmaoooooo Reminder 1. Captain Marvel is doing fantastic at the box office 2. Normal people ignore this culture war shit and are having a good time at the theatre while u post on a right wing safe space anime board lol
Well, if it is then you're losing. Sorry, normal people just see it as a movie and that's all it is lol Go back to /pol/ manbaby
Tranny discord version of learn to code but they dont understand how to spread memes properly so it just gets spammed
I'm not on any "side", I'm just letting you know that trying to act like this is just a normal movie isn't fooling anyone
no one that saw alita likes it. no one. people only pretend to like it because it was made by a studio not owned by disney. it has nothing to do with the actual content of the movie, which is complete and utter dogshit.
>The tranny discord boogeyman
You little incels think everything is due to the non existent threat lol you're no different than /pol/
they deleted thousands of reviews, disney doesn't care anymore since sjw are all vocal and on their side
It is a normal movie and it's doing great :) Mmmmm love me some manbaby incel tears, how's it feel to be so voiceless lol
>everyone who disagrees with me is lying
Go back to /pol/
You lost, now deal with it lol
I'm going with my girlfriend to watch it tonight then I'm gonna have sex with her. I imagine you'll be posting pepe stuff here and obsessing over RT score lol
Nice meme, faggot
Go look at the box office score then get back to me, gayboi lol
So why are you here then? I have seen the movie and that was my honest review. If you don't like it you don't have to come back and tell me my experience was wrong in your opinion. That is so ass backwards.
Here. This man also recorded how it doesn't allow to rate. It's rigged.
It's trash:
Weird stuff going on today. It's like people are being paid to spam this stuff
You lost lol Get over it conspiritard
Imagine being this furious.
Your girlfriend has nothing to do with silencing voices of public.
Have sex
> People have a different opinion so it must be spam
Imagine being this delusional. Normal people are the majority, you (incel autists) on an anime image board are the minority lol Of course it made a lot of money. It will continue to do well because sane people don't care about a stupid made up culture war. Not everything is a conspiracy, Alex Jones
Just watched it and its was pretty good.
I'd say its among the best origin movies in the series only behind Iron Man and Captain American
seething whiteknight is seething
open a dictionary or something shill. It's called censorship. Review site is lying about movie scores.
Based shad
6 normal people and 1 lil baby upset that a female lead movie is doing well hahahahahahahahahaha
just filter user, the flooding will stop eventually
>6 normal people
No, it's just one person, namely (You).
First have the hired Russian botfarms downvote brigade it, then have RT delete the lot and then have the hired Russian bots upvote brigade it and pretend that's the real public response and only the negatives were bots.
> Deleting reviews trying to tank the movie mean we're being silenced
In reality, nobody cares about your whiney voice. Look at the box office numbers. Most NORMAL people don't give a fuck. Go back to /pol/ or let it go
They're just deleting the BOTS, you moron. If they wanted to make the movie look good, why wouldn't they just delete it until it reached over 70% lol
>Deleting reviews trying to tank the movie mean we're being silenced
don't play stupid. They aren't alowing to rate this movie:
What about a five-star review?
I work at a movie theatre
We get weekly emails about weekend Box office predictions based on Thursday preshows and Rotten Tomatoes scores
I had to explain to my coworker why Captain Marvel was at 34 percent at the time of writing and let me tell you: saying all this shit out loud is embarrassing.
Won't stop the box office. Btw, look out for an article about Yea Forums soon. Enjoy your incel right wing safe space while you can lol Not a threat though :)
But they're not deleting the upvote buts.
Yeah nice TLJ, bro.
>Look I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch
Nah it doesn't work. Only old movies can be rated.
Look at the box office numbers lol There are a lot more of us than you think
I have never been censored on a fucking review site in my entire life and I used ~10 of them. This is outrageous. Those votes are not for them. It's for user to know what movies you watched.
This guy needs to settle down.
If there is a big conspiracy then why don't they just get it to 70-80% instead of sitting at a rotten 50%
Its opening week and a marvel movie.
Then there's no conspiracy lol
Only censorship.
Why not just get it to a fresh rating then? If RT is doing this then why are they letting it sit at a rotten rating
>my girlfriend
Why pretend they are legit?
>based guy
Prove it. Screenshot the post.
I'll wait.
Give them time. By next week it will be at 85%. I've tried multiple times this weekend to leave a 1 star review with my take on the movie and it never shows up in my RT profile as a rated movie.
A boring and generic MCU film. The story is generic, the plot is pretty predictable, and the comedy falls flat and here are the reasons. Brie Larson tries to copy Tony Stark, Peter Quill and Dr. Strange to make quips. While they are supported by excellent timing and proper hilarious facial expressions, Larson delivers it with this sort of monotone voice and “bored” facial expression, and that’s why it didn’t connect to us. The CGI in this movie is pretty standard for a Marvel movie, but sometimes it goes berserk. The action scenes on the ground are pretty ok, but the battles in outer space looks like a cutscene from a PS3 game.
Ben Mendelsohn and Samuel L. Jackson both gave stellar performances. Seeing Jackson’s cheerful attitude before being a tough and rough character seen in Iron Man and beyond is hard at first, but gradually accepted. Goose the alien cat absolutely steals the show and the limelight from Captain Marvel herself (How does that happen though… it’s a damn cat?).
The social justice theme dampen the movie’s story. It’s as if the story is built around the premise of “she’s a woman”, as in, the focus is the gender, not the story and character building itself, and that’s really disappointing, since if only the focus is on character building with social justice being inserted subtly it would work well and bring forth the message to empower women of all ages and races.
All in all, you do not see this movie for its connection with the upcoming Avengers: Endgame, but if you still want to see it be my guess. I do not recommend it, though.
what kind of fucking logic is that?
Have sex
>all these buttblasted roasties and discord trannies
Shouldn't you be tending to your yeast infection/dilating?
Sales pitch or review?