Captain marvel must finna be slaw... theater slick empty

>captain marvel must finna be slaw... theater slick empty

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Based and checked

>Finna bouta be captain capeshit in huh

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based nigger
by the way what does slaw mean

Nothing, niggers just have underdeveloped brains and they play it off as slang.

probably means shit

slaw from coleslaw. it's southern slang meaning something sucks

>Southern slang
I'm from Mississippi I've never hard of slaw before

coleslaw is great though

Fraud and stock manipulation is a crime, why is the empty theaters evidence beign hidden or pruned?

>dem toenails finna be straight turkey creeked uhh heee heeeeeee

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i don't know what coleslaw actually is

Well la-di-da

That's because I made it up

I'm pretty sure you stole this from twitter.

No user. I don't know what "slaw" means either.

>tfw can't keep up with modern teen vernacular anymore

Maybe "slaw" is just slow kind of like how niggers say "aww hell naw" for no

>how niggers say "aww hell naw" for no
I've never said slaw as slang term before.

Well are you a nigger?

its a nashville expression

my favorite meme of 2019


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I don't understand the dialect you are using.

Coleslaw is shredded cabbage, onion and carrott is a mayonnaise type tangy sauce.
It's one of the greatest foods on the planet to be honest.

Slow Lazy And Boring

correction: it’s shit


It means terrible.
I've only ever heard it used by blacks in Memphis.

so far we have

>shorthand for coleslaw, describing something thats cold and noodly
>intentional misspelling of slow, adjective for something thats lackadaisical/lethargic/meandering
>stands for SLOW, LAZY, AND, WEAK
>adjective used to describe something that is bad

we don't really know for sure at the moment, i think more research and discussion is necessary. no doubt the word could mean all of the aforementioned descriptors but the issue at stake here, is given the context, which of the definitions was the author of the tweet employing?

Or 98 percent of the other words in the dictionary.