7 days until you die user

7 days until you die user

Attached: the ring.jpg (850x553, 64K)

yes please

If I watch the tape at 2x the speed, do I get to die twice as soon?

Why didn't they just fly with the eagles to Mount Doom and drop the TV in there?

Attached: question.jpg (339x399, 49K)

imagine putting your dink in her in that position but the rotting bacteria kills you haha

Best news I've heard all week desu

But my birthday is in seven days!

is that black patch her b-bush?

7 days until you get the dick, ghost girl.

>convert the video to digital format
>upload it to youtube
>link it all over the place

All this soggy bitch wants is for people to know what happened to her. Keep the secret? You die.

>nice breast and booty
>fair skin
>not overweight
>long dark hair
Where can I get this tape?

Attached: ringu 1.gif (500x500, 39K)

Could you speed it up?

Attached: ringu 2.gif (502x491, 37K)

Attached: double ringu.jpg (600x3450, 208K)

But there's a holiday coming up, do you count holidays?


Wait, what..?

Attached: sadako meets her match.jpg (354x900, 55K)

That's okay with me.

Thanks Yahoo korea

Hey user, come over I have a video I want to show you

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>imagine putting your dink in her in that position but the rotting bacteria kills you haha

I thought she was Japanese, not White.

based and ghostsexpilled

Attached: 1523519609087m (1).jpg (722x1024, 214K)

At last
thank you based god

Happy birthday user

spoonfeed me please

sauce pls, yandex doesn't work for some reason

As a kid, I did the whole "Bloody Mary" thing in the bathroom just because I thought it would summon a girl in the bathroom.

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Are you the brazilian user?

>tfw you have been an alitafag since childhood.

never mind found it it's my lovely acmate ch. 2

Attached: 4.jpg (1280x1805, 336K)

I make my Asian gf wear a white dress and put her hair over her face and crawl on me like the ghost every night before bed, a kind of ritual we have.

Attached: 5.jpg (1280x1805, 309K)

Is this the one wear she gets banged by Freddie Mercury?

no its the one where she gets raped by Hitler

>mount a tv on the ceiling above your bed
>lay in bed naked
Heh, nothing personnel, sexy ghost

Who is she?

ive been practicing my entire adult life for this

>japanese """"""''''''horror""""""''

Keri Sable

My gf would kill your gf

Attached: kayako-in-the-film-the-grudge.jpg (641x399, 25K)

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do you have any plans? we could hang out

>a petite helpless asian woman is trapped with her virgin ass wiggling free

*unsheathes cock*

Pssht, nothing personnel...kid

hurry the fuck up

Attached: 2016-02-06-sadako-yamamurax.jpg (900x1273, 377K)

Attached: oh bother.jpg (640x360, 35K)


Japs use .gif for still art sometimes. Pixiv's full of people who do that. It's an old habit of theirs, I forget the full reason why.



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God I'm sick of Shadcuck going on with that fucking gay trap shit, I'm going to fucking MURDER him if he doesn't stop with that idiot that dresses like a woman

Can we speed that up a little bit?

Attached: sadako flustered.jpg (451x585, 60K)

gif was meant for pixel art



can you spare me?

Attached: 1542937076109.webm (540x960, 2.78M)

Attached: SHADAB.webm (1280x532, 504K)

I did too, user. I also remember there was this legend about a statue of a woman in a graveyard that supposedly came alive and killed you at midnight or something, and I thought about finding this place and the statue, just because I was so fucking lonely. Either she might be my gf cause I'm weird enough, or I'd be killed and at least I'd be dead and it'd be over.

*puts naked dick up against tv screen then duck tapes the entire tv around my waste*

Attached: What no way (1).jpg (292x337, 102K)

jesus you incels are fucked in the head

I fucking hope not. That’s disgusting.

Get ready to meet your female maker, Thanos


Is she a ghost, or physically undead? I'd rather fug a ghost. Haven't seen the movie.

Attached: 1532992218767.gif (560x510, 1.52M)

She's a spirit that can interact with you on a physical level for whatever dumb reason

if only

A ghost.I don't remember the butchered American movie, but in the original story she was the daughter of a psychic women who possessed incredible strength, she could will people to die in a way that stimulates a heart attack. This was passed onto her. The books are a little more complicated. Sadako was born with Testicular Feminization Syndrome, so I hope you all enjoyed your trap fap.

Fucking finally

>another user who doesn't know the source material
Shad did nothing wrong

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