Really makes you think

really makes you think

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i don't get it

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FDR instigated war with the Japanese so that he could intervene in Europe as well.

FDR literally fucked his cousin.

Except the top image is actually close to the truth and your ironic spam meme doesn’t change that.

Where's the film or television topic?

Who doesn't.

Obama and raping Bill are shitpeople

you're a cuck if you don't think they don't all suck (and fuck)

Well la-dee-da, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure.

FDR didn't stop pearl harbor. Australian intelligence kept warning the US "hey Japan is sending a fleet east." No response. FDR instigated conflict through various boycotts with Japan, and did nothing as they sent the fleet to pearl harbor.

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Don't worry, the next president will make America greater than it ever has been.

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>liberals are now defending Bush just to get swipes at DRUMPF


>liberals want the president to instigate war with the only nation in the world that can give a fair fight
Do you fags really want to die so hard, or you just dislike Trump so much you want his name linked with the making of the third world war?

Attached: wuata fâqui.png (891x633, 794K)

Clinton bombed Serbian and Croatian children and refused to help in Rwanda, plus he supported small interventions across the globe.
Obama indiscriminately bombed Iraq and allowed ISIS to rise, and supported loads of terror groups and repressive dictatorships.
HW Bush was literally the only one of those 5 presidents to do nothing wrong, the first invasion of Iraq was entirely justified.

>obama and clinton didn't bomb people

obama bombed tons of brown people like bush and caused the refugee crisis o foolish leftist

Stop defending proto communism

Attached: bessen 1.jpg (523x491, 61K)

*puts all fleet in hawaii*
nuffin personall patriot

>Trump is a war monger
>not Obomba


wtf I love George W Bush now

Israel did 9/11

Um sweetie, these memes are problematic

We've been bombing people basically since the invention of the airplane whoever is president has nothing to do with it

So you don't have to click

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A Nigerian hotel has literally nothing to do with this