What went wrong?
The Eternal JUSTing of the DCEU
They chose not to trust their directors until it was too late
This sad to look at.
>Top 3 photos taken moments before disaster
>trusting Snyder
>mfw they thought fan4stic and gambit were going to be a thing
Fuckin Kek
what is the top right? when was kate mara in an x man?
Oh they're including the fucking F4tastics in there KEK
>they expect all of us in the wreckage brother
They didn't trust Snyder at all.
>Babysat him through MoS
>Made him set up an entire universe in BvS despite not wanting to
>Dropped him from JL and got Whedon to make a trash film
Snyder was just the guy that was supposed to tie everything together and direct the JL storyline. Instead, they outright made him start a universe, but under their terms.
You bastard
Hey zack
>Didn't trust Snyder
>Didn't trust SS guy
>Didn't trust Whedon
Dunno what to tell you bro, these 3 films had maaassive executive meddling.
The problem was they did trust whedon dumb dumb
They literally didn't, though.
Pick related is a christfag that acts like a christfag. He wants to be talked as deep and artistic so he crams shit into his films the most basic bitch reasoning it distracts from the film. He gets triggered by subject matter and tries to make biblical comparison. He should just come out of the closet already and film a musical.
DC scrapped the shitty universe so they could actually make good films.
Yes they did retard. Thats why they let him shit all over what snyder did. Worthless moron
A solid turd on top of Indian food diarrhea. It's all shit.
They unironically should have just let snyder do what he wanted to do. Dont cut or meddle.
His movies are ridiculously contentious, but never generic. You either adore his movies like a patrician or hate them like a MCUck.
Snyders vision is infinitely more interesting than generic capeshit #12. You can clearly see the difference when you look at MoS/BvS compared to Justice League and Aquaman.
if they let snyder do what he want bvs would have no doomsday and would utter kino
In snyders justice league wonderwoman was going to fail to stop the bombing the museum and spend most of the film emotionally traumatised at not being able to save the innocents, would have been kino rather than Whedons quipfest.
What went wrong was not keeping the Nolan movies canon, which were the only DC movies with lasting cultural significance
Writing. When that goes wrong, everything else follows. You cannot write Justice League and not know what's gonna happen.
That sequence was as far as I made it into the movie. How did they explain her sudden unbelievable jump in powers/power level? It was so jarring. Absolutely awful. I turned it off, and haven’t thought of it since.
Their mistake was not having a visionary. Kevin Feige is the reason MCU is successful, while DC decides everything by committee.