You'll have to trust me that I'm a regular user that has been posting here for years...

You'll have to trust me that I'm a regular user that has been posting here for years. I'm shocked that I liked this movie. And nothing I think about Larson has changed btw. I still think her comments leading up to release are rediculous and I'll be glad if it slams right in her face. But yeah this movie is super cute and it's actually kind of refreshing to see a "girl power" movie that isn't just regurgitated political trash. And yeah it does get a bit political at points. There is even a pro-open borders subtext built into the big twist, which while unnecessary, does not ruin it for me. I really liked her character and thought it blended really well into the whole 90's spunky MC archetype I remember from media and cartoons from that decade.
idk I'm not saying you should go see it if you've made up your mind (I only did because I got in a fight at home and went for a walk by myself and had nothing better to do) but if anything try to find a torrent of it to watch before Endgame.

tl;dr Leftist themes and messages are present throughout the movie just as we expected but it doesn't ruin the movie somehow imo. If you don't believe me just pirate it. I just don't think it's that bad.

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That's because this board is full of idiots that play franchise shill games
Imagine larping for a company LMAO
cucks! cucks! all of youuuuu!

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It also surpassed my expectations but I have to wonder if if they had kept the Skrull and the bad guys would it have been more interesting? I think the entire concept of the Kree/Skrull war was pretty neato and when they made it so that the Skrull were just asylum seekers it was dumb to me not because of "muh anti-wall message" but more because of I like the whole idea of Skrull being invaders that infiltrate covilizations and manipulate them for their own benefits

I mean the movie definitely has political undertones, and as someone that leans very fiscally right as well as socially right on a large list of issues, I fully expected these undertones to distract me from the movie. But they... didn't? It's wierd. I actually kind of respect the movie for managing to pull that off. Because usually that shit takes me out of the experience.

Marvel shills are getting this desperate. : )

Just watch the cam rip it's decent quality and you don't feed the mouse money for a movie that is subpar

>it also surpassed my expectations

Today's talking point. They are like robots.

have prep

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You'll have to trust me that I'm a regular user that has been posting here for years. I'm not just some obese shut in tranny chasing virgin from resetera, I'm a normal man dammit and everything about me is totally normal! This new disney product was sooo amazing, I want to blend it into a smoothie and shoot it into my veins. Heil disney and their corporate products!

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I think the reason it works is because the the character Carol Danvers is never really fighting for feminism like the actress Brie Larson is. She is only fighting to prove to herself that she's capable. Being a woman in the airforce and being subjected to gender-based discrimination plays into that as you would expect it would, but it's not like she becomes a warrior for women or anything.

Is this your first rodeo? Of course it's a watchable movie, but we didn't really expect it to be unwatchable. We just hate it. The quality of the movie hardly matters.

>You'll have to trust me that I'm a regular user
sure, shill

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Movie won't legally clear 80 million domestic. In the sense Legally because Disney paid for empty theaters so how much of that 80 million are from actual customers and how much of that number is Disney's inflationary practices?

>You'll have to trust me that I am a regular user who has been posting here for years

Obviously false. Honest people don't ask strangers to trust them.

I've never been to resetera and I think modern liberalism is a disease. Transgenderism I also don't understand and it kind of freaks me out. Also fuck disney. That's why I still suggest a pirate if the rip is good enough.

I guess I just fully expected the feminist aspect to completely overwhelm the movie and make it unwatchable and I was surprised that, for me at least, it didn't. Because I'm still against a lot of that movement. I think the wage gap is a myth for instance.

I haven't seen the movie and probably won't ever. Not because of political reasons though, just because I don't think Disney deserves my money. I won't see Endgame either.

But pic related I do find absolutely pathetic.
>this desperately trying to review bomb a movie
Being this triggered by any woman is the last alpha thing possible. It's the exact opposite of being a Chad, who doesn't give a fuck what some slut like Larson says or thinks. What role exactly is it that r/thedonald and /pol/tards think women should ideally play in society? Do they actually think they should just serve the role as mothers and caretakers that are not allowed to vote or work certain careers? Because that's what I'm getting from this. It's gillete all over again. Stop letting feminism actually trigger you.

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>What role exactly is it that r/thedonald and /pol/tards think women should ideally play in society? Do they actually think they should just serve the role as mothers and caretakers that are not allowed to vote or work certain careers?
That but then also they think it should be ok for adults to start courting children at like age 14 or 15, which technically is not pedophilia because they're already fertile by then.

The movie has a feminist message but the actual chracater in the movie, Danvers, is not a feminist.


It's better than Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 1 and 2, Age of Reddit, Guardians 2, and Black Panther.
But it can't touch any of the better MCU movies.


>I'm really one of you user guys. We are really cool, because we hate SJWs and Jews and stuff!

Rush out to see Captain Marvel, okay... I was pleasantly surprised! Don't let those Pepes get in your way. Stay Chad, man!

>delete 50k "troll reviews"
>score goes up a whooping 2%

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I'm not OP and like I said I won't be even seeing this disney trash. I'm just asking why you guys are so threatened by it. I thinknit's embarrassing getting off on watching anything you remotely politically disagree with be perceived in a light of negative performance.

At what point in the movie is there feminist messages? I'm mostly just curious

Why do you think schadenfreude is embarrassing?

so, what is a decent camrip? I'm not paying for this shit

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>At what point in the movie is there feminist messages? I'm mostly just curious
Her past is reveled in a series of flashback scenes. In one of them, she is training for the air force and fails a rope climbing exercise because, you know, upper body strength, and gets laughed at and harassed by the male cadets. One of them says something like "you're a decent pilot, but they'll never trust you with a mission".
That's basically it.

Agreed. It was better when it was a morally grey area between the two factions.