How did we go from this

How did we go from this...

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To this

imagine her doing this on your peener

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Why is a dude in spandex with biker gloves acceptable costume?

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What is this?


I would like this show if the fucking camera man wasn't acting like he was falling asleep the whole time.

The directing gets better, you have to understand this was the first show of its kind to be filmed in Australia and in season 1 they were fumbling around in the dark

Seth has enough clout that he stormed into Fox one day and demanded they make a show about his autistic star trek fanfiction. The Board was a little concerned about prices since sci-fi shit tends to be expensive, but he assured them he could do the show for $7.

What is it in the OP, cunts.

Its gross, a guys eyeballs get pulled out while he's fully awake, but the animation is so god-awful that you might not take it seriously.

Still gross though. But after seeing the video of a man ACTUALLY peel the layers of his eyeball out, and seeing a man get disemboweled by the cartels, it didn't bother me. I hate that I am so de-sensitized to violence, but I am.

I still hate it though.


What’s this?

To this.

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best character coming through, Harveyfags need not respond

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Thank you.

Is this show worth a torrent?
I always heard of it but never got around to actually watching it.

u wot m8

Do you like Star Trek TOS? Imagine the trippy sci-fi adventure stuff from that show but the crew doesn't get along that well, characters piss and puke, stab each other in the back, always getting into hopeless situations and there's Muppets.

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Best post.

>implying Winona isn't best character & waifu

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Great film, although human bitch was hotter than Jessica Rabbit

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Why didn't he fuck her? Aeryn wasn't even giving him the time of day, he should have gone for it

That shit was so creepy for kid-me, i still think about this fucking scene from time to time.
Fuck Eye chips or whatever shit that was.
Also that dude with capsule in his head. Great show.

Does it have a proper ending or it was axed? Maybe i should give it a proper viewing.

torrenting now. gets progressively better


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It's also like really, really sexual. Not always explicitly, but they're always subtly touching each other and it just lends this whole other level to the atmosphere.

Farscape thread?

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The Sci-Fi Channel told them they were cancelling the show the same day they began filming the season 4 finale. Showrunners Rock O'Bannon and David Kemper were pissed, and just decided to end it on a cliffhanger as if they were still getting a season 5. They were understandably mad, as they had already been promised another season and changed a few things about the show in order to get that gaurantee (soft rebooting it in season 4, adding new writers that were handpicked by the network, etc)

Next year though, Brian Henson who did the creature effects, funded a miniseries to conclude the show out of his own pocket and a few other investors. So yeah, there is a proper ending, however opinions on the miniseries are mixed. Personally I like it but definitely does not have the same quality of the main series.

There's also a comic book continuation that continues after the miniseries as well, but it is abject trash

I remember one critic describing the show as "One American's descent into the Australian BDSM scene"

Yes dogg, no doubt one of the best scifi shows of all time.
The first season is a bit slow and at first you might hate most of the characters, but the character development and interactions between crew members really sell the show.
That, and the fantastic practical effects and unique flavor of scifi. Sometimes it feels like an LSD trip.

>half of the episodes have the crew sweating and delirious from an intergalactic diarrhea flu

>One American's descent into the Australian BDSM scene
Well that explains why they made "that" episode.

what's your point?

My point is this: I want to drink prime Claudia Black's piss

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Shove that ugly skank out an airlock

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ty for the pic user

the only episode i remember was when the blue girl had a photogasm. I guess Ill watch this series again.

oops wrong pic

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To this

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Fantastic show


what is it about those goddamned head ridges?

>Back off bitches, he is mine.