"haaaaa... Who's the REAL Captain Marvel now?"
will make less than a 100 million domestice in its lifetime
Probably Marvel's since it's about to make almost half a billion in its opening weekend alone and your piece of shit will be lucky to get there at all
Looks like them mcudrones are scared
Captain Marvel is getting mediocre critic reviews and abysmal fan reviews. Shazam is getting outstanding reviews. Captain Marvel had a good opening but it won't have legs. Shazam might have a mediocre opening but the positive reception will make it last.
fuck. why does this movie look so comfy bros?
It would likely go the way of BVS.
Because Shazam IS comfy as fuck.
Yes I'm sure they are scared of winning all the time
No women to be seen. The main character is like 12 so a romantic subplot would be inappropriate.
The movie will not remind incel pissbabies to have sex.
BVS was Snyder grimdark capeshit, Shazam is a lighthearted comedy film. It'll do fine.
Look I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids
because Shazam is the best friend you never had
what are you talking about you fucking idiot, it's clearly already made 700 million domestic only
I know right! It looks so comfy that I'm going to wait until it's comes out on blu-ray to enjoy it in the comfiest way possible
Fuck off, mouse-shill. Don't shill your garbage here.
>fornite dances
>zoomer dances
>anti-white apehop music
>youtube aesthetics
>videogame sensibilities
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
>funkopop collecting betaplay signaling
>trendy stranger things executive decisions
But to answer your question so you can understand? Because you're a fucking manchild without a sense of measured judgement and critique so you come up with an arbitrary meme to cover up for your plebness
We were talking about Captain Marvel, user, not Shazam
Beep Boop
The character was officially renamed Shazam when the DC title was relaunched in 2011.
Also, have sex.
Fully based.
Shazam IS Captain Marvel, though.
On twitter with all the other adult children that pretend to be Yea Forums
Discord Tranny can you please just hang yourself already
So this is the secret for comfy movies?
All here
Yeah, pretty much. Remove women altogether or simply make them the prize the hero gets for completing the movie's quest.
how fucked in the head do you have to be to feel proud about the jews getting their pockets full?
"haha yeah my movie made more money haha"
meanwhile, schlomo gets a new private jet.
Oh, sweetie. You should make some real human connections. You'll feel so much better. You won't be so angry all the time. You might even have sex.
>using review bots, outright deleting thousands of bad reviews, tweaking "algorithms" so only corporate responses get seen is winning
Have sex.
Two true heroes of our time.
Oh yeah
I'm thinking my anti guardian images and pastas could work for this reddit trash too
>using review bots
How dare they! We would NEVER do a thing like that
>no you
>No women to be seen
when they all turn into Shazam family his 2 foster sisters become women
They deleted about 20,000 "fake" reviews and the percentage jumped up 2%. You're done.
Any concept art or set photos for what the Shazammed women look like?
>more and more twitterfags are confirming the headless superman cameo
For fuck sake WB just don't bother putting him in at that point.
If you're going to fucking recast him recast him and put the new actor in instead of a stupid fucking crypto-cameo for a character that's already had his own film.
If this movie turns out to have a leftist SJW agenda I'm going to blow my brains out
Reddit humor:
>pushed by corporations
>safe, middle of the road, insincere, appeals to a wide variety of interest groups
>glorifies the image of the product it is pushing
>conforms to corporate and elite interests
>created by committee to sell products
>tries too hard to become a meme and in the process embed itself within the minds of consumers to sell more crap related to the franchise
Yea Forums humor:
>anonymous origins
>free, democratic, open source
>subverts corporate interests and intentions (Bane in TDKR used to attack the movie, not praise it)
>not created to push a product or message, but rather to amuse and humor individuals
>created for a specific group of enlightened users, not dumbed down for the masses
>memes are not forced by corporations, but rather become popular due to their innate appeal
don't you mean "4channel humor"?
wait for the drop off people are hating it
I knew you people were retarded but I had no idea you couldn't even count to 2
That's modern communists for you.
>formerly chuck
made me chuckle
I don't know if I have that long
>people are hating it
You losers stopped qualifying as "people" a long time ago
>More successful mtf than Jazz
As a card-carrying MCUck, I love the fact that Aquaman and now Shazam came along to be the real face of DC movies. I'm stoked as hell to see the weirder side of DC, stuff beyond Superman and Batman. Give me Plastic Man, The Question, motherfuck'n SWAMP THING!
Marvel's gotten too complacent which I suppose is inevitable after 20-odd successes
Too bad it needs 700,000,001.50 (opening weekend domestically) to break even
good point
I'll have to update a lot of stuff
Swamp thing is getting his show soon.
I can't wait to see what her ass looks like in spandex
>his 2 foster sisters become women
what did he mean by this?
So what is he exactly?
Is he a literal manchild?
paid critics aren't people kiddo
Oh shit! I forgot all about that!
I loved the original show back in the day
Real audiences aren't paid critics retard
The reviews were dropped down to around 4,250 last night.
How much of that money will you get, lad?
He does it for free.
That's nice retard but it's not last night anymore is it? See when the sun's out that means it's not nighttime
Have sex
I completely agree with you.
What font is the logo using?
Chadzam doesn't want to team up with a loser who can barely beat a flop Lego Movie
Critics are paid to like this or that. Audience knows best. Critics just point out original movies....haha. Plus you don't need to be smart to be a critic. Stay mad you little incel land whale fat Fuck snowflake bitch.
>2 foster sisters become women
And /ss/ him?
So the critics who are currently praising this reddit movie don't actually like it?
Yes....so after they deleted 20,000 "fake reviews" and the resulting score didn't change at all they started generating actual bot reviews to raise the score up to where it is now.
Let's say last night I had a giant barrel to make an Arnold Palmer in. The barrel was full of lemonade. I empty half of the barrel. The result is still pure lemonade. This morning I start adding in tea. The mixture is now less lemonade than it had been.
Why are you posting pictures of your mom's boyfriend?
Shazam is the original and best Captain Marvel.
I laughed at the beer joke. Fight me Captain Cunt fans.
79% :)
That's not true. Alita is the REAL Captain Marvel's qt cyborg virgin loli Martian girlfriend. Shazam is such a CHAD!!!!!
This. Billy is fucking awesome; he's my favorite superhero.
I don't care if it makes money or if critics like it
I just know it will be great and much better than Captain Havesex
Why do plebs pretend it's not marvel tier dogshit or for estronauts?
I completely agree with you. Fuck Captain Toefungus.
Are you having a stroke?
The comprehensive list of people who care about critic scores is a blank sheet of paper
U are trying to hard
t. superchad
Fucking based.
>cinema score