Opened with a superb $61.382 million on Friday, counting $20.7m in Thursday preview grosses...

>opened with a superb $61.382 million on Friday, counting $20.7m in Thursday preview grosses. That’s (obviously and understandably) a much bigger opening day than the $38m Friday for Wonder Woman


RIP wonder woman
> The MCU flick has now, counting China's Saturday gross, earned just over $221m globally and should top $350m by tomorrow night.

Attached: Wonder-Woman-Captain-Marvel.jpg (1400x700, 162K)

Captain Marvel will NEVER be Wonder Woman :)

Attached: 23.jpg (710x1064, 207K)


have prep
for when you let naggers fuck your ass.

Attached: PrEP.png (1075x667, 29K)

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fuck DCkeks

So it's confirmed kino

No its confirmed peak snowball MCUnts will literally support anything that shits out and be ready for every possible race and gender to get a solo movie.

Too bad the Captain Marvel movie was utter trash :(
I'm a bit worried for EndGame.

>counting $20.7m in Thursday preview grosses.
Why compare this to one day for wonder woman?

Hurrah for money laundering.

have sex

Umm op.

Attached: The Real Box Office numbers..jpg (647x335, 33K)


MCUcks and roasties btfo

based and gaspilled

it's confirmed transformers shit tier

You're right

She'll be bigger

Captain Marvel 2 is out in a few weeks, lads.
It's going to make 3 billion.

Pictures a little out of date DCuck

But to be fair this one will be too in a few hours

Attached: Screenshot_20190309-131249_Chrome.jpg (1080x863, 215K)

Why didn’t Fury call Captain Marvel during avengers 1 when earth was being invaded or avengers 2 when robots were taking over

Yeah but Wonder Woman is Wonder Woman, not some generic and Disneyfied Marvel knock-off,

literally just got back from the movie. was okay, wasn't too bad on the whole "i am woman im better than you men". very few annoyances in that regard

also, does Cap Marvel not have super strength? when going toe to toe with pure strength, she doesnt seem all that much stronger than Kree/Skrull minions

>2 day gross is much bigger than one day gross
how shocking

Got to admit Ben Mendolson and his make up was awesome, yet again

That makes it worse for OP.

literally who?

I love how every thread about captain marvel gets a ton of replies when it's about botted user reviews, fake news about empty theaters, and generally shitting on the film, but when there's a thread showing that this film is killing it at the box office all the incels avoid thread like the plague.

I don't even like superhero movies, I think they're for children, but I think it's great that all you incels and manchildren here are going to have your precious superhero movies taken over by females and minorities and there's nothing you can do about it but screech like retards.

Have fun crying about it on Yea Forums and botting user reviews. Have fun in your little bubble about how turning over superhero movies to females and minorities will kill franchises because no one wants to see non-whites and females. But apparently the only people who don't want to see them are you incels here, because the box office numbers for Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, and Black Panther say otherwise.

Using terms like "non-whites" and "retard" is just...

Captain Marvel is o pace to have a weekend gross higher than Black Panther and almost as high as Infinity War. Have sex.

I will have fun, keep seething bro xD
It takes five seconds to make you centrist retards and libfags reeee
Crapstain Fungal, haha

>Disney push
>charity push
>Twitter push
>journalist push
Gosh I wonder why it's doing well (for now). Let's see what the legs will look like

will travel

who do you think you're kidding with this anymore?

Attached: 1551374266650.png (2048x1219, 336K)

executives didn't give a shit about captain marvel until after those movies were finished

can we start banning these threads about how much money a movie makes.
no one cares.


Will cap at 700 million.

Debate me.

this meltdown almost makes the entire bullshit saga worth it hahahaha

they won't do it for Yea Forums, I doubt they'll do it for us

But user, how will manchildren be able to identify which capeshit is the least garbage?


You're probably right
I would be surprised if it went anywhere after the weekend was over.

cope my man

why wont capeshit fad just die we are a decade into this shit this is ridiculous someone must do something about it

Disney buying they're own tickets I see.

Attached: large (1).jpg (400x400, 28K)

>Over $400m in 3 days

Attached: 1552149660499.png (968x677, 368K)

isn't that including Thursday?

That's literally what the OP says, yes

Wonder Woman: Good movie with stupid ending. 8/10
Cpt Marvel: Poor movie with pro-illegal alien message. 3/10

I watch all the capeshit. This one is bottom tier. Who cares how many people were convinced to go see it? It is what it is and that is bad.


lol incels destroyed

>people unironically shilling this shitfest

Attached: 1366359992376.jpg (519x384, 173K)



blame the faggot basedboys who hype the shit into the ground so much that even normies think it's cool. combine that with the fact that children love superheros and bam, you've got a movie genre that's literally "fit for all ages". children, and 32 year old children.

Incoming 60-80% drop off

dont think that would be a viable business plan chief

>This cope

God she is so fucking sexy. Tv lied about her ass too, I can tell it’s tight and firm underneath that outfit. I want her to sternly tell me to fuck her from behind before she goes to save the world.

The Avengers handled those events just fine without needing a nuke to come from the other side of the galaxy.

Yes. So that's why the 41m Friday isn't all that impressive.

Remember when you said Black Panther would have a huge drop and it had the lowest of the entire MCU? I remember

Nope cuz BP wasn't this much of a dumpster fire

Attached: supergiant_captain_marvel_by_ray_norr_d8685wt-pre.jpg (963x830, 111K)

Black Panther was inflated by a good 500m worldwide. It had repeat viewings from most of the black community from around the world.

It actually didn't have that good word of mouth when you think about it.

It depends on the % drop of the next week end. Opening week end should not be indicating anything tbqh, due the fact to do these massive numbers you need fans to go watch it over and over and over again.
And i doubt everyone will rewatch this piece of hot garbage, considering i've stopped halfway due to bore and i'm not even curious to see what will happens in the next half of the movie.

Attached: CapChad.webm (852x356, 2.84M)

This is closer to TLJ, go with that drop proportionally to the opening. There's your actual LTD.

Spider-Man Homecoming had a 70% drop and it opened at only 117 million, and people liked it a lot more

Attached: wow the cgi is so perfect.jpg (1420x1312, 197K)

Even with TLJ tier drops it will still pass $800m easy

>fake news about empty theaters

Attached: mild.webm (960x710, 454K)

oops, 62%
but the friday to friday drop was even bigger


can't wait to go see it and have lots of sex afterwards

Its budget is on the low end for Capeshit, $152 million. If it reaches those $450m numbers it could break even by Tuesday

Attached: capeshit.jpg (1186x800, 333K)

but the marketing budget was clearly 300 million, with all the collusion with Rotten Tomatoes and Youtube and every trade

Attached: 1442609619736.jpg (310x222, 15K)

You're probably memeing but no movie has a $300m marketing budget. BvS has been outright stated as having one of the biggest marketing campaigns ever and it was $160m

you spent weeks botting and posting fake reviews for the movie, and now we get to revel in your miserable failure

It's cool and all but my dick doesn't care about numbers.

Attached: wonder woman.webm (1920x798, 2.66M)

>Women are so pathetic and fragile they need a movie to be successful so they can feel like they have value.
Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.

But it was supposed to bomb this time!

Just got back from seeing it alone. It's decent. I expected trash but brie is cute, I fell in love a bit when she went Bunsen God Mode at the end. Sad to see agent fury reduced to a sandwich eating comedy retard, and the skrulls were Buffy tier, but overall enjoyable. I keep wondering whether the cat was added in reshoots.

>but brie is cute

Attached: brie.png (941x866, 514K)

>10 cents was deposited in your account.

I wouldn't have even bothered to reply. Jesus this board is filled with fucking idiots

It's going to make 1.5 billions

Real autism numbers talk is that if it can get 100m +/-10m WW for sat/sun w/o domestic/china it will break 400m opening weekend.

Yeah, she's cute as a brain cancer.

>implying Disney didn't buy its own tickets.

Someone post Solo's opening numbers
This mousetard just doesn't get it

>dude Disney bought over 1 billion dollars worth of tickets for Black Panther and made negative profit
>they also bought nearly 200 mil worth of tickets for Captain Marvel and made negative profit
>yeah, that makes sense

Attached: 150.jpg (1673x814, 290K)

have sex

It would be great to see Captain Marvel curbstomp the villains from the previous movies before thet do anything, montage-style

>investor fraud

>> The MCU flick has now, counting China's Saturday gross, earned just over $221m globally and should top $350m by tomorrow night.
>only 40 million in china
This turd isn't reaching 250 by tomorrow.

Please post the gif from this scene.

i'm not a conservashit incel alitashill.

Not all of them, don't be a retard. Also, yes, there were campaigns for buying people black panther tickets. Brie Larson bought 1000 for example

>what is money laundering

There's a scene just like this in Captain Marvel. Except instead of running through a building and not getting his target, she punches her way through a space ship, blows it up and kills everyone on board.

Like a Boss

>makes very little profit
>ruins fury
>ruins endgame
>ruins thanos
>overshadows everyone like an actual literal original primordial definition of Mary Sue
>has foot fungus

Will mice ever recover?
Not to forget episde 9 as the final nail in the coffin.

Attached: captain butt double.jpg (1280x549, 342K)

>Except instead of running through a building and not getting his target
Obviously she cant fail, shes a stronk indipendent womyn, nothing like Captain White Male.


Attached: 1493906340767.png (394x360, 173K)

It will.


Attached: CYah-qUWQAUMQzT.jpg (683x1024, 108K)

>>makes very little profit
>150 million budget
>gonna make 350 million in its first weekend worldwide

Stay delusional kid

That's probably for marketing and the 79 on RT plus the user review shenanigans alone.

Have sex

CM = $61.4 [Thu+Fri] - $20.7 [Thu] = $40.7 [Fri]
WW = $38.0 [Fri]

CM $40.7 [Fri] >> WW = $38.0 [Fri]

Inflation adjusted, CM is actually behind CM.

Good old reliable Scott.

M I still bend?

It's likely $210-220m all in with marketing(going to end up sharing a budget with endgame) after cuts a $350m weekend with current breakdowns would look like.
>$80 mil domestic
>$23 mil china
>$40 mil rest of the world
Still in the red after opening weekend but they'll definitely be turning a profit on this one.

pretty sure WW's 38M is couting thursday too though
WW didn't have a big opening, but it had 4x worldwide legs, which Captain Marvel will absolutely not have

movies only exist to make money, why wouldn't a board about movies talk about exactly that?
>muh """art"""
grow up