SMILF cancelled on International Womens Day after alleged misconduct by Frankie Shaw
toll status: paid
Why the fuck do tv show production companies (and presumably movie companies) get tax credits?
Seems pretty fucky to me.
Also, you think she was keeping the whites and blacks separate on set?
>The Hollywood Reporter revealed that numerous employees of the Showtime comedy had made claims about inappropriately handled sex scenes and Shaw's "completely unprofessional" behavior.
I am still trying to wrap my brain around this. What did she do and was it hot?
>Actress Samara Weaving exited the series after she claimed her contract was breached during the filming of a sex scene in the second season
Oh my!
>is a pervert by all accounts
>among the allegations were complaints brought to the WGA by multiple staffers regarding credit issues and alleged race-based separation.
Apparently Frankie pulled Samara into a trailer in season 1, took off her top and asked Samara why she had a problem showing her tits.
Sounds pretty based t bh
absolutely disgusting what a complete pervert deserves to be in jail imagine that kind of behavious in the curren....
..huh? what? are you sure? a woman?
oh right, ahem i mean uh, i'm sure this is all blown out of proportion how can anyone be intimidated by a woman this is surely a false flag act of misogyny against all strong beautiful women who are incapable of rape or doing anything wrong ever.
Samara Weaving is smoking hot.
Samara has lewd leaks slutty
that's hot
same reason other big employers get tax credits
they play cities and towns off of each other
Guess they just play the "think of the benefit to the local economy we'll generate by filming here" card, yeah?
Thabk god. I dont want to watch a network promote their coal burner whores. Fuck niggers.
my thoughts exactly. remember they pulled the same thing on Mariah Carey. She was the victim there.
>Her mother, an Irish Catholic[9] from South Boston [10], raised her Jewish.
Plot armor ENGAGED
handsome face
>orders cameras to be turned on at all times during sex scene filming because she wants Samara naked
>gets caught out
>still says she did nothing wrong
is she /ourgirl/ or incredibly stupid?
(((Oh G-d!! Clearly this was done out of anti-Semtism! Maury, sue that lying Nazi shiksa for every shekel!)))
>is she /ourgirl/ or incredibly stupid?
It's the same thing
>black writer is only hired because he's friends with a family member of Frankie Shaw's
>Is put in an office with 2 other black people
>cries racism
even i dont know what to make of it tbqh
>the father is latino with straight hair
>the baby comes out a black mulatto
Are Jews and women fucking stupid?
Imagine being so retarded that you whine about discrimination when you're enjoying the benefits of nepotism.
>Bridgette Bird is a smart, young single mom
How do you know he's friends with a family member?
Guess how i know that you didnt read the article?
While it is always nice to see racists get blown the fuck out, especially females who think they are part of the protected classes, this smells fucky. This smells like they were about to have to payout a lot of money for season 3 and showtime looked for any excuse to end the show.
showtime over the last 2-3 years has been cutting costs whereever they could. Moreso than normal. She did whatever she's being accused of because there's no reason to disbelieve victims so while I laugh, I'll keep it to a sensible level. Showtime is in trouble and they're throwing everything under the bus.
My bad,
>the kid is half black
Who did this? Which one of you works for SHOWTIME?
Ratings were down by half in the second season, so that likely played a part
I just read ghe article and he isn'r even mentioned. Only a sex scene fuckup.
>Weaving played the love interest of Rafi (Miguel Gomez), who is the father of Shaw’s character’s young child. Sources say Weaving is exiting the show after she claimed her contract was breached during the filming of a sex scene in the second season. She is said to have complained to both Disney and SAG-AFTRA after Shaw instructed video monitors to be turned on even though the set was supposed to be closed, with only limited crew present and with outside monitors off. Weaving declined to comment.
what does that even mean?
just so you know, the kid's father is supposed to be a spic
but for some reason they cast a half-black baby
this, it also fucking happened with Girls. Lena Dunham baby looked fucking weird and people complained about that.
It's an accurate representation of the Massachusetts' demographics. Lots ugly mulattos everywhere, especially the further you move away from the boston area where majority of white people are trashy cunts.
Closed set = least amount of people on set for the filming of sensitive scenes (usually scenes involving nudity) to protect privacy of actors.
on set there are video monitors in trailers for writers/ execs/whatever and they can actively watch what's happening on set if they're turned on.
closed set rules meant the monitors were to be off to protect privacy of actors. frankie disregarded this and ordered them turned on.
>be Jewish feminist with a fetish for white female/black male relationships
>obsessed to the point where you write your own series revolving around this and even cast yourself as the main character for maximum wish fulfillment
>cast other characters, specifically white women and black men to further engage in your degeneracy
>both parties are uncomfortable filming nude sex scenes with each other
>become enraged with the actors and try to pressure them into doing it
sounds like classic hollywood to me
Nah, she ordered MONITORS to be turned on. Samara had no-nudity clause in her contract, SMILF convinced her to do a sex scene and nudity by promising that there would be minimal crew around and the monitors outside the set would be turned off. Then while shooting the scene, SMILF turned the monitors back on so she and everyone else outside the studio could see it.
Damn. It went from no one watching to even more no one watching haha.
she wanted samara naked but samara didn't get naked
Nobody wants to see a single mother nigget lover anyway.
She did get naked. That why the set was closed.
wrong she had a no nudity clause and frankie tried to pressure her into nudity and failed.
sex scenes even without nudity can have closed sets
Does this mean she won't be in any flashback scenes in Mr. Robot Season 4?
>alleged misconduct
Did they find out that she only fucks white guys?
Then why did Samara flip out about the monitors being on?
There are probably slips and shit that happen during takes.
because it's sensitive doing scenes exposed and shit simulating sex with clothes on
Shaw told the crew to let other people record / view the scene being shot when it was supposed to be isolated and shut down to as minimal crew / video recording as possible in order to limit who was able to watch and share the footage beyond what's edited and broadcasted. Weaving wanted very few people to see it being produced.
have sex incels
i think you meant "kike" senpai
damn do white bois what r u doing
I don't like Frankie shaw or this show but weaving is a dumb whore. If you're not comfortable being naked in set and having everyone watching you then you're in the wrong business.
What does the S stand for?
Smart MILF?
Take your own advice.
khazar milkers?
Single. Shocking I know
>complains about going nude on a TV show called "Single Mom I'd Like To Fuck"
Is she retarded?
Straight white men win again! As the Lord intended.
i really thought her husband created the series for her
>Samara Weaving
>easily searchable leaked nudes
>was mad the crew could watch a simulated sex scene fully clothed
Never heard of this show before and I don't care much for either part, but this shit sounds retarded.
>“She uses this idea of being feminist and a progressive as camouflage,”
Yeah, no shit. The majority of these lizard women and flamboyant buttboys do.
My favorite part of this is the black writers complaining about being "segregated" from the white/other writers.
This is literally the shit they ask for. You have writers who all out want whites and white men removed from the creative process.
In this instance they got what they wanted by someone trying to pacify their black asses then got butthurt when, surprise, the white writers were still getting their shit in over their own.
I love it when these Hollywood liberal rabble rousers start to get burnt by their own bullshit.
Thanks for the tip, Trip-Hitler
I just can't figure it out, Yea Forumsros. Why would this outspoken feminist breach contract by being a sick pervert during the interracial sex scene she was directing?
She needs to take that child to a black barber or black beautician. That hair situation is fixable.
I watched the first episode of this because Frankie Shaw was pretty fucking hot in Blue Mountain State. It was cool seeing her naked but not really compelling enough
SMEED cancelled on International Farmer's Day after alleged fraudulent purchase of rural store.
She was so fucking hot in blue mountain state
Forgot pic
What's the deal with her face? It's not what you'd call beautiful but it's so appealing for some reason
she's got that dirty slut look
>Shaw was born in South Boston[8], and also grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts.[9] Her mother, an Irish Catholic[9] from South Boston [10], raised her Jewish.[9]
uhh, that's one ugly fucking bitch, no offense. looks like a crash victim before all the surgery
>Show is literally the acronym of Single Mom I'd Like to Fuck
>Actresses complain that they're being sexualized and being involved in sexual scenes
Why are women so retarded? Did they think they'd get an empowering feminist show out of something called SMILF?
It's called the thousand cock stare
I would let her misconduct me all day.
The actresses issues was she had a no nudity clause in her contract.
The Shaw bitch pressured her in doing a nude scene anyway then "allegedly" called the day of one of the sex scenes when the set was closes and demanded that the monitors outside of the set be turned on. So now bunch of staff saw both people nude without their knowledge.
I agree a woman who already has nudes floating around the internet shouldn't worry to much about nude scenes but the fact that she was being pressured and then had her goodies broadcast to her peers is kind of shitty.
Most directors only do closed set sex scenes and nudity because you want your actors to feel comfortable. Even fucking porn directors do this.
If Frankie Shaw did any of the things accused when it came to the nudity and monitors things she not just a piece of shit but might get black balled.
Shes trying to look young but she can't hide her old sucked up face.
>The Shaw bitch pressured her in doing a nude scene
burn this heresy
Allegedly: Pulling her own top off and saying something like, "WHAT'S THE BIG FUCKING DEAL!?" is very much pressure user.
>Northern "Catholics"
the eternal yankee strikes again
applied pressure to get her to do a nude scene
but watch the series no nude scene. she didn't budge from her no-nudity clause
Samara might get Blackballed for being a prude on a faux skinemax show as well as butting heads and ratting out the director, who also happens to be a fellow woman, which is not gonna look good with other female producers. She deserves it, though. In fact I hope they both get Blackballed.
I reckon it's the fact she even pressured her at all when you know as the show runner you'd be aware of things like no nudity clauses.
I mean if someone tried to get you to do a nude scene and pulled their pants down to try to convince you to do it. Even if you decline it's not going to feel good having some other dude pull shit pants down in front of you so you can show your wiener of camera.
i hope you get blackballed
all over your face
Nah. Samara is Hugo Weaving's niece. She's protected by nepotism and actually being in the right. As someone mentioned above, ratings dipped heavily in series 2 so showtime are probably glad for an excuse to cancel the show
Oh she's related to Hugo weaving? No wonder she's a whiny big mouth, she's gets it from him.
This show is racist and promotes the racist trope that black men leave when women get pregnant. Just because it happens doesn't mean it should be shown on television. They should be showing black fathers as scientists and world leaders.
at least i still have shameless
>dad is Hispanic
>doesn't actually shirk his duties as the father, just splits with the mother
The important thing is that you felt better by typing that out
That and how many people they could attract to come see where X show was filmed.
>black men leave when women get pregnant
But that's true.
is it possible to have a happy monogamous relationship with a lizard woman as she makes you her flamboyant buttboy?
>expecting magapede shitposters to care about "facts"
Whether it happened in the show or not doesn't matter. It's the ideas they're promoting that are racist that matter.
No it's not. That's racist to think that.
Sorry, I didn't mean to quote you.
If a woman doesn't want to be seen nekkid, why does she go into acting?
Too high energy for you sharia blue!
Black's came up with the term baby daddy/mama. Thats their culture, that's all on them. It's their fault that stereotypes exist.
this is supposed to be the father of the baby. So why does the baby look black?
That was a colonial term imposed on them by white people. It's not surprising that black men can't be fathers when whites won't give them any money to raise kids and keep arresting them for selling drugs to get money to feed their babies.
All this shit makes me so sick. I hate the United States. I hate niggers.
This is why, sadly, you should support public funding of abortions.
Most abortions are situations like this show where it's some dumb roastie taking jamaals dick at a party then Jamaal YEETs after the test comes back positive.
It's better to just kill the kid than to further damage america's already fucked up demographics
This is so on the nose, no pun intended.
The main problem here is her name is 'Frankie'. She will be thrown under the bus by everyone before they realize she has a pussy pass and therefore is immune to all metoo'ings.
Also that kid is clearly half nigger so I don't know how they're claiming a mexicant father.
Cast the inevitable biopic.
>Sylvia Hoeks as Frankie Shaw
>Mackenzie Davis as Samara Weaving
>This is why, sadly, you should support public funding of abortions.
Fund the public funding of hangings of premarital sex whores!
One step at a time
>Mackenzie Davis
whos gonna portray rosie?
Enabling abortions won't solve shit. You have to prevent your daughter from fucking niggers in the first place, not prevent the poor baby from being born after the damage is done
She was doing God's work in getting the show cancelled. Now we have a slight chance of Showtime giving this slot to something better.
>not all Catholics
Laughs in Presbyterian
You have to be practical for the world we live in now. Fact is, there's an epidemic of dumb whores who didnt have dads that prevented them from doing this shit, and those women are ASS-RAPING this country's future by popping out these low-iq mongoloid future rappers.
Abortion in the short term. Culture/demographic change in the long term.
>You have to prevent your daughter from fucking niggers in the first place
most women become curious about the bbc. if they want it, they will go and get it. there is nothing you can do to stop it, not in this timeline. sorry, user.
This trailer is inadvertently the redpill summarized to 2 minutes.
>woman is a whore for chad (relapser)
>gets pregnant
>chad doesnt value the relationship and leaves her single because shes a whore and hes a piece of shit (which is why she fucked him)
>other chads put off by dating another chads baby-mamma
>begins hitting wall
>looks into the mirror at busted up vagina
>looks for beta male
>finds chubby short white guy
>doesnt even get sexy or put in effort for him
>beta male over-values his relationship with her because he cant do any better
>jewish motherly-type enabling all of this behavior
Good fucking riddance
I don't understand why negative behaviors and shitty life choices are in a backwards way treated as acceptable.
Showtime already investigated this month's ago and only just announced the cancellation. Robot is filming right now. According to Instagram frankie is in the new Jay and Silent Bob, which is also in the middle of filming. From the comments on her profile it looks like everyone supports her using her position to sexual unwilling actors, because its ok when women do it, blah blah blah. Probably wont affect if she's in robot or not.
Yeah about that...
Really makes you think
>Actress Samara Weaving exited the series after she claimed her contract was breached during the filming of a sex scene in the second season
it wasn't only her contract that was breached during that scene, if you know what I mean
Wait. Were these all interracially sex scenes???
This is why no one watches Showtime. They even give it away for free with Spotify membership but it's still not worth watching.
oh nonononono-
>just so you know, the kid's father is supposed to be a spic
yeah right
>he doesn’t know about Liev
>Still talkin but the phone's ringin (ringin)
>No one answers (answers)
>They just ignore it (ignore it)
>What did she do and was it hot?
it's probably the same as with Louis Ck. In his show, Louie reenacts weird fantasies he has, including having sex with a woman that has a "old man fetish" or having sex with a surrogate mother, or nearly having sex with a hot woman that later dies.
iirc there's a scene in smilf where frankie masturbates to photos of her ex-boyfriend girlfriend. I can't imagine a sane individual writing this sort of scenario.
ray donovan is good though, and if you wanna complain about politics, ray donovan has jon voight that openly called out hillary clinton and george soros
>I don't understand why negative behaviors and shitty life choices are in a backwards way treated as acceptable.
Fucking this. I don't get broken entitled woman = strong independent woman.
Even dumb male characters usual grow and mature. Lena Dunham character in Girls never seem to mature and learn anything from her mistakes. Not surprising the last ep has a 5.8 out of 10.
Well it's more like "give us tax credits to film here and we'll make sure your construction company is hired to do renovations on buildings used in the filming." Companies like Walmart do similar things with contracts to pave the parking lot or wire the building, they go straight to the towns Chamber of Commerce members and then they get huge tax breaks and sweetheart land deals until the town ends up losing money but the right people in the town end up making money. You see similar stuff with professional sports teams and stadiums and shit and I'm sure it extends into (((Hollywood))).
based and redpilled
The great thing about Calvinism is that those people are still going to hell regardless of what they do.
t. member of the elect
Contract Status: Breached
It's coping bro.
They know they're lives are shit and they're shitty people and these movies and shows show fictional shitty women rising above adversity makes them feel good.
Imagine a show glorifying a man being a jobless loser who drinks and smokes all the time and he constantly gets rewarded for it.
They would lose their shit at how unrealistic and point out the glorification of a bad life style.
lol this is what I was talking about
why would she pick that baby....
fp motherfucking bp
Nice to see he had the time to do that in between molesting his kids with his crazy wife
sad ! it was my guilty pleasure show , i liked it when she masturbated. But good thing that now even women get what they deserve when they do bad shit
>>looks into the mirror at busted up vagina
nice incel fantasy
>watch trailer
wow holy shit it's true
really ? where can i get that i want to watch older showtime shows
Our Cartoon President is secret kino though
Genuinely, after the first ~10 or so episodes, Colbert stopped having such a strong influence and the show ripped the piss out of democrats as much as republicans being especially damning to Schumer and Pelosi. The election special had a mechanical Hilary-robot-giant threaten the security of the entire US that Trump had to stop in order to learn a lesson
Holy shit, I don't let a day go by that I don't feel blessed for not being a 30 year old male on the dating scene. Jesus Christ, this trailer is like the Alpha and Omega of what's fucking broken with our society.
Lena never maturing was kind of the point. I didn't think Girls could go over someone's head in 2019, but here we are.
>I didn't think Girls could go over someone's head in 2019, but here we are.
You have to remember that the average poster here literally hasn't graduated high school
What does "SMILF" even mean?
Sneed mother I'd like to fuck?
>Imagine a show glorifying a man being a jobless loser who drinks and smokes all the time and he constantly gets rewarded for it.
Hank Moody came to mind when I read that. The thing is though he was a sex fiend when women throw themselves at him and he was definitely a shitty person to his wife. Probably should have known better than to sleep with that underraged girl. Serving a bit of time would have done his character a lot of good. But the thing is he hurt his career throughout and tried to become better for it.
However Californication was only great from season 1 to 5
Why are women so weird about being nude on film, but will basically get naked on social media for free?
For a second i felt bad because i thought that was Anna Faris but this is some random nobody, so good riddance.
>You have to remember that the average poster here literally hasn't graduated high school
Well I for one barely passed highschool. So, you don't really know what you are talking about.
Literally pic related come to life
Holy fucking based and redpilled.
>not loving Black Monday
it's pretty fucking funny
Did his kid just get home from a world war?
In Bongistan we call that a pramface
Does someone have the angry female wojak
can't find it
He was great in The Strain
He was alright, but from what bookfags said the show really gutted his role. It went off the rails after "Vaun" was retconned to not be Quinlan.
Oh great, thank you
>It went off the rails after "Vaun" was retconned to not be Quinlan.
Vaun actor was to old for stunts thats why that had to happen. The show was a clusterfuck for sure but had its moments, unironically GDT was the wrong person to bring it to the screen.
Cheapskate fucker did alot wrong
lol discord trannies projecting
>With her PR tour for the second season of the show — which debuted Jan. 20 — in full swing, Shaw has been chalking up the claims to inexperience as a first-time showrunner. "I went from making short films in my basement to running a crew of over 215 people and there's a lot of lessons along the way," she told Seth Meyers on Late Night. When the host went on to point out that "at no point in show business is there a management meeting," the creator-star replied, "Thank you for saying that. I'll clap to that," making no mention of the fact that she participated in the WGA's competitive Showrunner Training Program.
Woman in a nutshell
based and whitepilled
>woman fucks up
>society jumps to make endless excuses for her behavior
>man fucks up
>lynched instantly
I think the meanest thing whatever jews were behind this garbage show made is tricking white women who are single mothers who have a black kid think that any self respecting white man would ever touch them or even acknowledge they exist
Yeah, Brookline was/is a big jewish community.
That baby has the face of a 47 year old black man from Mississippi
holy shit! i just finished watching ep3 and she turned into a hooker lol damn this show shows how roasties really are lol
inb4 that picture of that white dude with a white chick with a mixed baby and he has the cringiest look on his face
Jesus, they really have fallen since Dexter.
Samara Weaving is 10/10 and should not be a crime
The Presbyterian church split into two separate entities over the LGBTQ issues.
>Based on Shaw’s own life experiences, it often embraced the darker, more prosaic aspects of American life
>Based on Shaw’s own life experiences
Spic probably had some recessive black in him like most of the ones that have afro like hair.
>Spic probably had some recessive black in him like most of the ones that have afro like hair.
this nigger, sure he did. The baby was nigger looking
With the type of men she fucks 3 out of 4 of those prerequisites won't be possible.
Now put on your thinking caps. What happened when a child looks nothing like the man the mother claims is the father?
A clue: Many men dole out a lot of money before finding out the answer.
We all have black in us, user, because we're all humans and one united species.
Romesh Ranganathan is pretty great tho
Look's like Dean from Supernatural's Hispanic cousin.
stop mutt posting. some of us are eating rn
So then why do black people get mad if I say nigga
I've never watched the show but she looks familiar? Was she on Madman?
This is not rage, this is just hilarious. This woman is 100% never getting married.