When will we get the inevitable West Anderson directed musical based on songs from this album?
When will we get the inevitable West Anderson directed musical based on songs from this album?
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>Chicago is Illinois
This enrages downstate
I'm sure you're baiting, but I love the sound of it.
this...could literally work
There's plenty of songs about the rest of the state, Decatur and Cairo get shout outs.
>song is called Chicago
>talks about driving to New York with a friend in a van
what did he mean by this?
>John Wayne Gacy never had a biopic that wasn't direct to dvd garbage
Get to it based Sufjan
The song is his memories of a teenage trip to Chicago from the time of his arrival in New York
Why was he crying?
Thinking about life
>that moment when chicago starts playing in little miss sunshine
that was my first time listening to sufjan
that’s pretty gay
Serious question. Is living in midwest really comfy? Asking from yuropoor...
IF you like freezing in the winter and sweating your balls off in the summer, then yeah cozy as fuck.
Nigga check Colorado
Its the most honest American lifestyle. I grew up in the Midwest and moved to NYC for a high-paying job, but I'll still never be able to afford to buy property (unless I go to Jersey and accept a two hour commute every day) or raise a family (unless I want to send them to terrible schools populated by third world trash).
Meanwhile, my friends in the midwest can do it easily while making a third of the money I do, and their jobs are way more laid back and doesn't consume every waking hour of their lives like mine does.
The cultural shit is cool, yeah, but it feels like trying to live in Disneyworld. I'll probably go back once I turn 30
Isn't there something about jacksonville or Springfield too
>gays and christians arguing about Sufjan
Why can't they just enjoy the songs
It was for freedom
Sufjan is gay and christian
I love living here.
>mostly white
>comfy summers
>atmospheric winters
>most people are extra nice
>literally living the American dream
Why do people live in NY or LA? What’s wrong with you people?
It's okay, used to be better but the last 20 years it has really gone downhill in the midwest. the rust belt keeps expanding and places like Indianapolis, parts of Chicago, Minneapolis, etc have some major urban decay, and are absolutely filled with niggers, seriously I think theres some secret program to repopulate the cities of the midwest with niggers and Indians. The comfiest, cleanest, whitest, highest standard of living in America is the mountain states like Colorado, Utah, Montana, etc. Denver got overrun but literal millions of out of staters in the last five years so is trash now, but before that it was one of the best cities in America, but now that's probably billings or salt lake city. Mountain towns like Glenwood springs are VERY nice but expensive
I know, I mean that those group argue against each other.
>rolling green hills
>short goofy farmers
>thicc women with big tits
>everyone drinks
>don't give a fuck what goes on elsewhere
rural wisconsin is literally the shire
Wholesome Superman who does good deeds and overcomes the cynical human condition movie when?
what happened to his 50 states project?
who cares
>this song is about his love for jesus
>no, this song is about sucking cocks!
I can’t get into Sufjan desu
t. not from the midwest
it was always a joke
Easily the greatest 2000's indie twee album, followed by the Postal Service's Give Up
I've lived all over the country and the are negatives and positives about the Midwest; it all depends on what you want. Also mind you that the region is vast and one area isn't necessarily indicative of the other. So I'll speak in generalities based on my experience living in Illinois, Montana, and Arkansas.
The Midwest is fairly homogeneous, low cost of living, and prime region for an outdoorsman. It's a great place to live if you want to get away from the noise of urban living and want to raise a family.
The downside is that there's not much to do if you don't like being in the outdoors. Winters are extremely brutal and people in the region go out of their way to prepare for them. There's not much in terms of industry beyond agriculture and if that's not your field then your career options are very limited. If you're not white, avoid the region like AIDS; culturally the Midwest is what the Deep South was until the late 80's. Lots of racism and discrimination; lots of good ol boys who are looking to start shit with anyone who looks remotely different.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is as good as Illinoise