ITT: "Villains" that did nothing wrong
ITT: "Villains" that did nothing wrong
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First few minutes: He let his car park in the midst of a public road.
>did nothing wrong
>crime within the first few minutes
He was a bad father
Throwing a tantrum at a McDonalds was entitled and retarded
D-Fens would be wearing a MAGA hat today and screaming his lungs out at the latest Trump rally.
It was an awesomely fun movie to watch, though.
Wow being a straight white boomer sure was hard in the 90s
Any other Ted-core films besides this one?
I just watched Falling Down and it was pretty good
but are supposed to like him or not?
he is definitely falling into the "angry white male" trope, but his disillusion with society is legit and he is in despair over his own country changing and leaving him behind
You're supposed to decide for yourself how you feel about it.
He robbed that korean guy
He paid for that soda.
Taking the bat was self defense.
the Korean guy robbed him first
by having those insane prices
Liam Neeson in "the Cosh"
If he didn't like the price he could've went somewhere else instead of keeping that gook in business
The verbal ass kicking at the start if that movie.
They need to put him in more things
Voldemort did nothing wrong