Holy shit this was terrible

holy shit this was terrible
even worse than i expected

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What was bad about it? Thinking of watching it.

quoted for the truth

nah wasnt terrible...wasnt good either

worth a watch one time

considering it's based on one of the most visually beautiful and highly praised animated films of all time, it's astounding that there isn't a single frame in this entire film with any aesthetic quality at all.
the whole films is visually cluttered and terribly lit.
story and character wise, the Major is constantly moaning all the time, and she gets her ass kicked twice by some goons with tazers, which is completely out of character.
and why did they cast Takeshi as Aramaki? he speaks japanese and every body answers in english, it's fucking stupid.
the bad guy is boring as fuck as well, and you can guess his entire backstory from his very first lines of dialogue.
tank battle at the end was ok i guess, i got a little excited i will admit.

>there's a ghost in the shell
What did they mean by this?

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also, i don't understand their decision for the plot: that the Major is the first person to have a cyberbrain.
in the manga and anime, cyberbrains are already a commonplace thing in the setting, the major isn't the first person to have one.
they were setting up a lot of things for a potential sequel as well imo, which is laughable because it means they actually thought they were making a good film.

Even ScarJo couldn't save it !

It's alright. Nothing to write home about but also not terrible. Stop being a cunt.

I wasn't expecting much from her tbph. She's a boring actress.
>it's alright
>doesn't actually name one good thing about it

This movie killed any chance had of Scarlett having a solo Black Widow film in the near future.This story is a mess. All they needed to do ....was have the movie be based on the GITS TV show and have a cool kick ass team led by ScarJo taking down cyber terrorists.

Not a lot of action, very slow with not a lot of stuff happening (opposite of Alita Battle Angel), the plot is very bare bones and there's not really any sort of climax until the last scene.

>This movie killed any chance had of Scarlett having a solo Black Widow film in the near future
Disney/Marvel is fast tracking that flick for a 2020 release. They're about 10 years too late, though.

The plot works. It has decent cinematography and alright is acting. It isn't inherently flawed, the fact of it being a subpar adaptation aside.

What action there is, isn't even good. It's just re-doing scenes from The Matrix or Equilibrium.
The fact that those films were influenced by the original anime is ironic.

>It has decent cinematography
are you serious? the movie was ugly as hell. all of the neon holographic clutter looks terrible, and when it's included in some of the fast paced action scenes, the whole thing is just cluttered to fuck.
and when everything isn't saturated with neon, it's just dark and boring.

> aesthetics
Nothing near the anime, but not as bad.
For comparison the GitS movie had more of that in common with the 1995 movie, than BR 2049 had with the original BR. In fact this GitS movie had more in common in terms of aesthetic with the original BR than the 2049 had.

Yeah, casting Takeshi was retarded, I give you that.

the budget, ScarJo (Antje Traue would have been a better choice for quality of the movie, but not a big name to gather normfags), the nip and that is about it.
Movie is just fine.

It's nothing more than eye candy

But unike Alita, it isn't full of cringe moments.
Well apart from the nip speaking chingchongdingdong while everyone speaks egrish. Still not as cringe as Alita.

Leave anime to me

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It's uninspired, not ugly.

>It's nothing more than eye candy
it wasn't even that

why the ScarJo hate...she cute

So the entire "twist" of the movie is that in an age where people are getting cybernetics installed in underground garages by the Yakuza, the only way a company could find test subjects to try out the latest and greatest cybernetic enhancement is to kidnap a bunch of kids that don't want any kind of cybernetics.

Ensuring that even if they succeed they have a test subject that will actively hate them in one of the most powerful bodies they've constructed.

it IS inspired. It's got a "translucence" theme running through it, as well as a "dirty plastic" motif.

it's just that it's conveyed in an ugly way.

but dude the boss of the company has hubris that means everyone else on the board is going to let him be retarded.

I still like her, even now she's gone all porky

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the annoying thing is, they could have just used a pre-existing villain like the puppet master, or laughing man, but they decided to make their own boring one

>Movie is just fine.
you just listed three things that weren't fine, you self-contradicting doublethink faggot

The puppetmaster is already too big of a concept for Shirow and Oshii to handle without clunky storytelling. I'm not even sure either of them have a clear idea what they were going for with that thing.

Can you seriously imagine Hollywood writers taking a shot at it?

>an AI born out of the net and the collective minds of cyberized people
not that complicated really.
laughing man is a lot more complex.

If you're a fan of the source material this is insulting its not even remotely faithful. Ghost in the Shell is also a hard R, blood, gore and tits. This movie is PG-13 so something gets lost in translation dumbing that aspect down.

to have a spic make a young adult cringefest,
> subpar conveyal of affection between Alita and her surrogate father
> Twilight/Divergent-tier cringe scene when joining the kids at rollerball cringe street
> romance altogether was cringe
> "more human"
> no emotional impact whatsoever when she drops the loser

Yes, Alita was acceptable and far better than most shit we get nowadays, but GitS is far beyond it because it wasn't a cringefest. Still plebs will bandwagon like the trend victims they are.

Dunno but better call them.

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fine compared with the shit that we get nowadays, moron.
Obviously won't hold against Gone With the Wind ffs. But some flaws like slight miscastings and not enough budget to make it true visual masterpiece never seen before are minor flaws .

>not enough budget to make it true visual masterpiece never seen before are minor flaws
>minor flaw
being a visual masterpiece is one of the key achievements of the original.
that this film is actually hideous is more than a minor flaw user, it's a fucking travesty


That's not what the Puppetmaster is, though.

The Puppetmaster is a Bittson AI created by Neutron Strategic Solutions at the request of the Japanese ministry of foreign affairs for the purpose of manipulating people, it became sentient after computing a lot of data from its targets and from stuff in general.

Also, it has literal supernatural powers of future-sight granted to it when it came in contact with the Net, which is actually God and not the internet at all, depending on the source material.

Also depending on the source material, it may have converted to buddhism or christianity, and may or may not have misunderstood it, which may or may not have influenced its actions.

And of course its actual role in the nitty-gritty of the plot is horribly convoluted and involves an unreasonable amount of misdirection and false-flagging to take advantage of the needlessly complicated political and financial situation of a third-world country that has very murky and ambiguous relationships with certain members of the Japanese political structure for multiple reasons that aren't made 100% clear.

The Laughing Man is pretty complex too but the puppetmaster arc is a mess. It's cool but it's so fucking convoluted on every level.

I liked the movie. There are not a lot of movies with cyberpunk theme so, even if they arent masterpieces, i usually end up liking them anyway.

Not hideous. You're exagerating about this.
They try. Maybe you should see it again and then see the 95 one again too.

>I didn't mean the things I wrote, I actually meant something completely different, moron!

B-but muh Takeshi's Castle

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I was really just talking about the Puppetmaster as depicted in the original anime film, not the manga.

trying =/= succeeding

oh it's you again
there ARE a lot of movies with a cyberpunk theme, you just haven't watched more than three or four of them so you think they're all precious.

they probably thought americans would like it better if it was more snowflake oriented even though adding that is quite counter intuitive to the original undertones of the animated film and just shows that the people that made this didn't even fully understand the original film to begin with

I'm not exaggerating, I'm being bluntly honest: I thought the film was ugly throughout, and not a single shot or frame had any aesthetic appeal to me.
You can disagree, that's fine, but don't insult me by saying I'm only being hyperbolic.

Fuck you I liked it

you mean the new and improved version

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Even in the not original anime film, what I told you is there. It's just that instead of buddhism it has christianity and instead of being explicitly supernatural and in touch with God it's only implied to be. And the Gavel republic plot is streamlined a little bit because we don't hear about Aramaki's involvement in the revolution.

Of course the manga has a lot more stuff but even going with the movie alone, the Puppetmaster is a fucking clusterfuck in terms of character motivations, because even if the bottom line is fairly clear (muh merging), there's a lot of shit that feeds into it.

I'd say that the major being special was in the animated film, but it wasn't literal, it was just a feeling she was experiencing, like "oh shit a robot wizard is watching me and I'm asking myself deep questions that must mean something!"

But she sure as fuck wasn't a one-of-a-kind super-prototype.

no, fuck YOU, you liked it

Yeah, if you stretch the term cyberpunk enough there are a lot of them, but i usually stick to the book called Neuromancer for defining cyberpunk atmosphere.

>but GitS is far beyond it because it wasn't a cringefest

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>The only one good thing that came out from that movie is pic related.

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No, even if you don't stretch it, there's a chunk of somewhat obscure, somewhat cheap cyberpunk movies produced throughout the 80s and 90s that absolutely fit the bill.

Just a couple days ago I watched a really nice one, called Crime Zone. Were you even aware of it?

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> fine means masterpiece
brainless imbecile

obviously not, but trying means some effort was put into the aesthetics to give it a feel resembling GitS.

Again, compare it with BR 2049 where nothing resembles the original BR noirish atmosphere.

I say the aesthetics were better than I was expecting from the trailer.

it was good up until the last act. matter of fact ima go watch it now. i enjoyed it. did cyberpunk better than BRRRRR2048 did.

When the Japanese Channeling Agency already exists? No need

They cast Takashi as the "badass old man" but completely forgot that Aramaki a completely straight nosed smiley-esque spook, not a gun toting field agent

Fine means "of high quality, without problems", retard.
it is literally not a fine movie, let alone "just fine"

No because was never released here in Europe apparently. I'll try to download it.

The plot is a confused mish mash of the original film and SAC 2nd gig, fucking why?

in the film it's made clear Motoko is in a dilemma about who or what she is and this is because of the fact that she is mass produced making her and cyberbrains unique conflicts with all that infact it's implied that she is will be junk and that there's nothing at all special about her well until the end that is

>obviously not, but trying means some effort was put into the aesthetics to give it a feel resembling GitS.
Which is meaningless since we aren't talking about how hard they tried we're talking about how hard they failed
>Again, compare it with BR 2049 where nothing resembles the original BR noirish atmosphere.
That is a lie, and even if it were true, BR2049 would still be closer to BR than GitS 2017 is to any previous version of GitS in terms of aesthetics.

They tried cramming three different storylines into one movie from different Gits continuities making it impossible to tell what was going on and made the backdrop and setting look bland as hell which is one of the big draws of the Gits franchise.

well yes, and they only picked up on the "I feel special" thing and made it literal instead of realizing it was supposed to be unsubstantiated.

Yea Forums

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SAC looks even blander (in a good way, at least it isn't outright ugly) though

It's just an action film bro just turn your brain off lol

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it's also a nostalgia cashgrab that fails super hard to trigger nostalgia

trips of cute panties

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It unironically isn't any worse than Alita, and that shit has gotten shilled considerably here

It still doesn't mean a masterpiece, you dumb fucking imbecile.

It is just fine, because its flaws are minor unlike any other fucking movie of this day and age, stupid cocksucker.


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Was the movie based on Oshii's kino, Stand Alone Complex or Shirow's manga?

>the plot works
only by stretching believability almost to a breaking point

I mean yeah it is possible that a whole bunch of retarded people would be put in a similar situation in the future. But how likely is it?

If you're planning on watching it, try to disconnect it from GitS anyway you can. Think of it as a Deus Ex film or something. Scar Jo was horribly miscast, her weird wobble and forward lean was grating, the antagonist was a contrived walking trope, atmosphere is faux-punk which is odd because they had more than enough material to lean on when making the film. In short, it's an "oriental" film made palatable for the western audience, all ambiguity traded for steamed vegetables. Don't think of it as a GitS film.

I didn't say you called it a masterpiece
I said you called it "just fine" which is what you did, and which is fucking wrong because as you pointed out, it has blatant flaws.

>It is just fine, because its flaws are minor unlike any other fucking movie of this day and age, stupid cocksucker.
You aren't talking about the flaws you pointed out, because those are not minor.

They skimmed over all the franchise and packed it into one ham fisted script largley ripped off of robot cop

they used bit from all of them.
for example, the villain has some visual similarities with the laughing man, and some thematic similarities with the guy from SAC2nd Gig (forgot his name)

it's based on Aeon Flux (the movie), Equilibrium, Robocop 2014 and possibly Elektra.

Oh and also it's got bits of Oshii's movie and SAC shoved in there. Also it's got the Hanka company name, which was in the manga.

This, they made the major a mary sue chosen girl. Also this movie was too close to Lucy, less than 3 years earlier and, while not great, was a better film.

> Which is meaningless since we aren't talking about how hard they tried we're talking about how hard they failed
For someone who expected a complete replica maybe. I was expecting to at least fell GitSy, which it does. That's what aesthetics are for: atmosphere.

>That is a lie, and even if it were true, BR2049 would still be closer to BR
Bullshit. The atmosphere of BR 2049 is the usual sterile soulless Villeneuve style that gets infused in all his movies. It is cheap modernist garbage because of the sets the tasteless faggot choses. That is a complete anti-BR.

GitS put actual effort in getting some of the GitS feel.

>they made the major a mary sue chosen girl
to be fair, Motoko was always on the brink of this. In Arise they did make her a one-of-a-kind cyborg for instance (which sucked) but here they pushed it so far that it's ridiculous.

she's not even a mary sue though.
she gets her ass kicked by regular goons with tasers on two separate occasions, but then we are supposed to believe she can take on the tank at the end.
the Major is supposed to be physically almost-invulnerable. the character's vulnerabilities are internal, not external.
this movie totally missed that

>I was expecting to at least fell GitSy, which it does. That's what aesthetics are for: atmosphere
Stop using blatant lies to substantiate your erroneous points.

It does not follow GitS, and its aesthetics and atmosphere are painfully different as well.

>Bullshit. The atmosphere of BR 2049 is the usual sterile soulless Villeneuve style that gets infused in all his movies. It is cheap modernist garbage because of the sets the tasteless faggot choses. That is a complete anti-BR.
You do not believe any of these lies, stop trying to convince me that you do.

Unironically cutie panties

>you just listed three things that weren't fine
>You aren't talking about the flaws you pointed out

Have sex

(pls respond im so desperate for (you)s)

Avoid misquoting me.

I didn't say that you "just" (as in, in the post I quoted there) listed three things that weren't fine.

I did that much earlier in the thread, when you did list them, which is why, in the post you're responding to, I didn't say "just".

Now, when you're talking about "minor flaws" you cannot be talking about those three flaws, because those are not minor.

Reading comprehension, fag

If it doesn't feel GitSey for you, then end of debate and fuck you. There is nothing more to add then to take everyfucking scene and find similarities in atmosphere with any resembling scenes in GitS 95. Time consuming bullshit.

> You do not believe any of these lies, stop trying to convince me that you do.
Villeneuve shill, your hack director has no taste with his soulless modernist garbage.
If this talentless moron directed GitS and made it the sterile crap that BR 2049 was, you would surely praise him.

A sin against the original but not the worst film. Better than Cpt Marvel.
GitS: 5.5/10
Cpt M: 3/10

Again you dumb fucking piece of shit retard I reiterate: MINOR COMPARED WITH NOWADAYS MOVIES.
Yes they are minor.

Again, you dumb faggot, that isn't what you originally said

no they are not, you just have low standards, you shit-gargler

avoid lying, you like BR2049 just like everyone who's watched it.

I might praise him if he did GitS. He can do good movies like BR2049 and bad movies like Ennemy, there's no telling if he could make a good GitS film.

Johannson skipped milf and went straight into gilf shes disgusting.

Again, you retarded fucking faggot
> "fine compared with the shit that we get nowadays, moron"
Good and fuck you cocksucker!

True, I like it to the extent of being an acceptable sci-fi. Not when I compare it with the original.

Also when I compare it with GitS 2017. Because the already stated sterile sets and visuals of that faggot. I'd rather have prime Ridley Scott direct everything but got senile and made those godawful Alien prequels.

I didn't forget it, I just dismissed it as post-hoc bullshit.

You're unable to read and unable to use words, avoid expressing your opinions in the future

You like it even when you compare it with BR
and you like it a lot more than GitS 2017. Everyone who isn't retarded is aware that you do, you lying sack of shit.

> forgets I mentioned it in my first reply to the faggot
> b-b-but you didn;t say it
shown I've said it
>b-b-but muh reasons
fuck you fluoride nigger and back to

right there
>Movie is just fine.
Your next post is a lie about what you meant.

> oh nooo, Villeneuve has shit taste?
> how could this be?
You know his taste is shit, you know he is a hack, you know the pretend 2017 BR is garbage when compared with original BR and you know GitS 2017 is more stylish than Villeneuve's craptastic cheapfest. Everyone who isn't a brainless fuckin drone knows that, you lying piece of shit.

It's really not as bad as it could have been. It has some good moments, and great visuals

>the budget, ScarJo (Antje Traue would have been a better choice for quality of the movie, but not a big name to gather normfags), the nip and that is about it.
>Movie is just fine.

>you just listed three things that weren't fine, you self-contradicting doublethink faggot

My reply:
> fine compared with the shit that we get nowadays, moron.
>Obviously won't hold against Gone With the Wind ffs.

99999 messages later you argue that fine should mean masterpiece or its flaws should be compared with those of the best movies ever made

Do you do this for (((you)))'s or just are such a bitch?