>expect a fun action sci-fi romp
>the whole thing is actually a satire of creationism
Expect a fun action sci-fi romp
>not a satire of (((evolution)))
DUDE check this shit out its called BACTERIA if you leave it outside in the sun for a few million years it'll turn into a HUMAN BEING that can play the violin and write sonatas! LMAO
Imagine the smell
Tim Burton's version is actually more faithful to the book
I remember when I was just a bacteria, those were the days. Never should have evolved..
Did he even lift?
based, creationfags should be euthanised for their mental deficiencies
This, its much more believable that a old wizard in the clouds created the universe in a couple days because he was bored about sitting in nothingness for eternity, then he created all life and they were all herbivores, yes even the ones who clearly have teeth and jaws designed for flesh, then he said “fuck this shit” and flooded the Earth, wiping out all those pesky prehistoric creatures and saved all the modern animals by putting two of each species on a boat.
>tfw creationism is retarded but the muh science crowd is twice as retarded and six times as entitled so you end up supporting creationists anyway
Literally me.
evolution is one giant fallacy
Wow I guess we just got REALLY, REALLY lucky then.
i don't really care for creationist arguments, but "scientists" who aren't really scientists but atheists on reddit want me to believe that we evolved from monkeys, and they also want me to believe that the universe came from a "big bang" which oddly sounds a lot like how religions describe the creation of the universe in the first place.
>but "scientists" who aren't really scientists but atheists on reddit want me to believe that we evolved from monkeys
Yea Forums is the lowest iq board
you're right to notice the big bang/let there be light connection, considering the big bang was first proposed by an astronomer priest, and it was roundly rejected at first as religiously motivated
I appreciate what you've had to confess in order to post here on this board to tell me that.
>but atheists on reddit want me to believe that we evolved from monkeys
But that is wrong, we didn't evolve from monkeys, we and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor, which was a primate.
Tell me about the NSF, why do they wear the masks
>believing in only one god
>on reddit
That was your first mistake. I'm 100% sure most of them are just popsci consumers and don't have actual scientific knowledge, let alone a degree related on science
t. Biologist
>then he created all life and they were all herbivores
this, the jewish bacteria pushed the evolution to controll other bacteria better
>when you realize all your cells evolved to enslave mitochondria.
>Believing in the two Gods of Christianity
>Not believing in the one God Abraxas
I shiggy diggy
>expect a fun action sci-fi romp
>mfw sci-fi was once considered an intellectual genre
Millennials were a mistake.
it's a closer analogue to the global warming scam.
>believing in any Gods
>not believing in yourself
we're all gonna make in anons. have faith
>I believe in creationism to pwn the libturdz
Culture war garbage is ruining the west
pwnd libtard
What was even the big problem. If I was Heston, I'd just breed Nova over and over again while the apes give me food and clean my shit.
>alt-right faggot doesn't recognise satire of racism
Well, colour me surprised.
and space wizardry isn't?
>not realizing it was a commentary on race relations
>not realizing schaffner was vehemently in support of resegregation
uhey guise wat if ape moobee referenced racism. me smart ook ook eek.