Jamie pull that up

Jamie pull that up

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>"Jamie no... not that"

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Reminder that Jamie is a computer program like Alexa.

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Look at the muscles on that thing



*blocks your path*
>have you heard of the intellectual darkweb?

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reminder that Joe only invited Alex on as damage control for his disastrous twitter shillcast

Whos taller, Rogan, or Warwick Davis?

all has been forgiven.

>Right hates Joe
>Left hates Joe

Must be doing something right. NPCs can't handle the "enemy" being given a platform to go on and talk.

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>disastrous twitter shillcast
Give me the gestalt.

only manlets like joe

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Chimps will rip your dick off. Look at the balls on that animals. Look at his sack Jamie.

Im 6ft. People who care about their height are insecure. Nobody cares about your height. Not even girls

What are some Joe Rogan episodes that are good.

>People who care about their height are insecure.
And yet you know your height.

Yeah because it's on my fucking drivers license

The Alex Jones ones, the Joey Diaz ones, any time Eddie is there, the Elon one, the Roseanne one and the Jordan Peterson ones are all kino

>Jack Dorsey comes on
>Joe proceeds to suck him off for 2 hours like some kind of robot shill
>comment section is a shoah of comment deletions that end up fanning the flames
>oops that didn't work better pretend nothing happened and try something else

He would have invited Jones regardless. The twitter episode was a disaster and that's why he literally re-did it.

Rogan had twitter's CEO as a guest and didn't really question him about twitter appearing to be biased in their ban policy. There was a big backlash from his audience, so Rogan did another episode where he brought a conservative online journalist with him and twitter's CEO brought the chick in charge twitter's ban policy and they argued in circles for 3 hours.

>reading your own license
The only information on your own license that you ever need to see is when that shit expires. You insecure little fuck.

> Nobody cares about your height. Not even girls

Attached: giphy.gif (630x420, 169K)

>oops that didn't work better pretend nothing happened
What? The next two episodes with Tim Pool and Sam Harris were basically just him apologizing over and over again for fucking up the Dorsey episode.

Have you never done your own taxes? Or applied for a job? It uses your Driver ID for parts of it

Dead Nigger Baby?

The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this, some are good some are bad some are a mix; but the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together and evil is always defeated. Because good is so much stronger. And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it- there's at least twelve dimensions. And now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out and saying it's a false hologram, it is artificial, the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call dark matter. So we're like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in a computer program, some God's mind, whatever. They're proving it all, it's all coming out.

You don't care about your height buy you post it so people don't assume you are short? That's caring about your height.

okay yeah that's true but i'm still onto Joe, that was a fucking weird podcast is all i'll say

You're literally the one who brought up height first thing in response to a post with nothing about it

So you needed to read your height when you paid your taxes, and applied for a job? Face it shortstack, your insecurities are taller than you.

See Height is so on your mind you literally have photos of a man saved on your PC and bring it up first thing

Why are you telling me to see a post made after mine?

>Not even girls
they care the most
you'd understand if you were shorter

So you understand it then?

Relax, tough guy. You can still kiss girls, don't worry.

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He could always find himself a midget. He belongs with his own kind after all.

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Do you like JRE?

How can one man pretend to be an idiot for so long?

no i think he's a moron, especially when he starts talking about drugs
some of his guests can be entertaining though

Method acting can consume you.

So manlets dislike JRE

why are your posts similar to what a dumb interviewer would say?

Must remind them of their own insecurities.

Guest: so I had this thing I almost died to...
Joe: got any pictues?

Calm down. Now, do you think the real reason you dislike him is that you see a short man having so much success and who is in shape; and your entire life you've told yourself all your failures are due to your height?

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lol i found out about his height fairly recent and didn't changed how i perceive him in any way

Well you always perceive people who are taller than you as your superiors, regardless of how short they actually are.

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>Tim Pool
You're retarded

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The Alex Jones ones are crazy and super funny. The Elon one is iconic even though Elon doesn't seem to elaborate on everything enough. I'm a fan of the Peter Schiff ones personally.

god damn that app was a blessing
fucking snowflakes had to remove it though

Is he not? I'm only familiar with him through the JRE podcast, and both times he spent the whole episode complaining about left-wing journalists and SJWs. I just assumed he was conservative.

he alt-right user, keep up.

he's a bernie guy. The reason why he defends conservatives is because he has been attacked by antifa online and in real life for 2 years. He was there at protests where antifa were throwing mortars into the crowd and using bike locks on people.

That midget is married to a 6ft tall guy


>Stop talking about me denying the Parkland shooting, I'm trying to talk about human-animal hybrids
>I'm socially retarded
>This will be studied for years
>God told me to destroy Joe Rogan, yes sir Jesus!

Jones is like pro wrestling meets talk radio

This. I'm short and I IRL have no problem hooking up with girls. The height meme on 4chin is a coping mechanism for incels.

He was for Bernie in 2016 and admits he's center left. He just hates modern journalism because it's all rage bait and narrative pushing rather than seeking objective truth.
Can't be, he's part Korean.

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Don't tell us that. You'll break manlet user's heart.

JRE threads always end up being about politics, i bet you newboys haven't listened to a single duncan episode

Interesting, didn't realize that.

>Can't be, he's part Korean.
The leader of the Proud Boys is a black Cuban and /pol/ meetups are like half mutt. At this point I don't think alt-right is a racial thing anymore. It's just edgy far right people who like Trump.

Nigger I've been listening to JRE since he was sponsored by Fleshlight

yeah and he completely redeemed himself with 2 of the best podcasts in history

he's a balding incel

>jamie pull that pic of my stepdaughter mulatto

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>/pol/ meetups
There has never been a /pol/ meetup. You're referring to the one picture of the retards that went after LaBeouf.

which 2?

jones return and tim pool taking a huge steamy diarrhea on twitter

alt right is ethnonationalism, deport every non-white ideology.

Proud boys isn't at its core about that, nor is patriot prayer. Proud boys is a fight club to street fight with antifa. Has blatant homosexual overtones.

found it Joe

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*calls you a zionist shill*

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look at this newfag thinking the beaniesperg excitedly yapping at a lawyer for 3 hours was one of the best podcasts of all time. that wasn't even a good podcast, let alone one of the best

Wow that's crazy

Obviously manlet

If you ask any self proclaimed alt-rightist they don't like trump for siding with kikes. This user has it right

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Lol he convinced Dorsey to come back and had him ripped to shreds by Tim Pool.

And this fucker still won't admit that it's flat


>alt right is ethnonationalism,
>deport every non-white ideology.
Not necessarily.

Jones returns was awesome, Pool vs Twitter was a mess. They dragged it out way too long.

>Pool brings up example of twitter banning a right-wing person for a harassment but not a left-wing person
>Twitter lawyer talks about context and twitter's rules
>Pool says their rules are inherently biased
>Twitter lawyer asks for an example

Not to mention that Joe and Dorsey barely got a word in edgewise.

>Nobody cares about your height. Not even girls
imagine actually believing this. have you met a modern girl? i'm 6'2 btw you fucking manlet

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*start talking about cocks*

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he have dirty butt

>Im 6ft
Literally an inch away from being a dwarf

Have you never seen a tinder profile?

That thing has to be what? 500, 600 pounds?

Joe talks more about apes in this newer episode with this animal planet guy youtube.com/watch?v=OT0ZIq-yWEM

Why would I use tinder?

this. the real manlet cutoff is the one in your mind. someone 5'9 who isn't insecure is much more based than someone 6'1 who is always noticing other's height and feeling either inferior or superior to them because of it.
As long as you're in between 5'8 and 6'3, height has minimal impact on your life.

absolute retard detected

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>Dorsey feeling great about JRE
>agrees to come back
>it's 2 hours straight of him and his indian qt getting brutally assfucked by Joe and Tim
JRE officially redeemed

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Paul Stammets

>you always perceive people who are taller than you as your superiors
do lanklets actually believe this?

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Just an absolute sweetheart. What a great guy.

What you mean to say is that it isn't a problem so long as they're shorter than you. It's weird as fuck when they're taller.

>Be short
>Wear flat soled converse
>Doesn't give a fuck

Compare to RDJ and his high heels. Lol

it aired just this week. just find the most recent one with Dorsey

shoo shoo, back to the manlet pit with you

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I mean, no man is shorter than a women unless they literally have dwarfism. This isn't an actual complaint about being short. By virtue of being a man you'll be taller than most women no matter what


kek this user is right. you seem a little insecure, user-kun

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Why can't humans naturally have this much muscle?

What damage control in regards to Alex Honnold?

>Ayy, I'm just gonna' lay here with my beer m8.

lol 6ft is manlet bro

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Real talk dudes who are 5'5 are fucked tho

I wrestled in high school and the best thing ever was walking onto the mat and seeing my opponent was a fucking lanklet. At that point I knew, I had already won.

that fucking thing will kill you in ways you can't even imagine

>tfw 5'7.5

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>Don't get pissed.

You do realize that we're just being ironic when we use the whole manlet and height meme r-right?

Why don't you incels stop talking about this alt-right nazi's show?

>deport every non-white ideology
and how are they going to police that? See the thing with the the ethnostaters is that they're great at the rhetoric but short on the logistics.

>Do they really care about an ethnostate?
Not for a fucking second. Their only care is to milk the idiots for superchats and donations

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Just rewatching his podcast 917 with Crowder, holy fuck is this his most confrontational episode? Even before the weed thing he was agressive as fuck.

This man has the highest iq out of all of the other podcast hosts out there

He is an inspiration, and if I could I’d fight anybody who says otherwise to death

He makes more money than you

He’s handsomer than you

He’s smarter than you

He’s basically everything that a Canadian like me would love to see in Americans instead of the current fat condescending pieces of shit you are right not. Not to mention how low iq you guys are too

He’s saved my life so many times with the sound of his voice

I used to feel so bad about being Canadian (or as you fat fucks say “irrelevant”) that I contemplated killing my self

But I realized if I did, there’d be Americans out there who would think that I was irrelevant and my death would go in vain

Lost, confused and hurt I went to YouTube for answers and I stumbled across JRE

Ever since then, his talks of open borders, how bad America and it’s people are, mixed with his approval of drug legalization made me realize that people who think like me and him are destined for greatness

And I’ve decided to put my greatness to use

I’ve been politically active, and have found that a large majority of my countrymen hate you Americans.

They too have felt the deep depression that comes from American bullying

My goal is to one day become a great Canadian politician and have found various sitting officials that agree with me too and are giving me mentorship and the connections needed to get to power

On the day I run and successfully convince the people of how awful America is, and how we should put Canada first, I will personally thank Joe Rogan himself and offer him a spot in the country before the US starts seeing a steep decline as our Asian and European allies decline trade with you

It will be glorious. My mentors have advised me to leave Yea Forums and I will; but I’m leaving a parting message to all those reading my last comment here:

Fuck America and fuck all of the Americans reading this comment

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Lets all love Lain

Uhm excuse me shitlord you purposely forgot his ant feminist terf hating speech. I hope you're ready to die

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>Is Canadian
>Never heard of any anti American banter you entire life

So user, wanna.kmow how I know this is bait?

Zachari Levi has a podcast?