The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection

The story will be the next 3 days after Jesus resurrection. What will we see in this movie? Christians experts please give me some info of what happens the 3 days after the resurrection. He starts to appear to the disciples to tell them to spread his word?

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I'd watch it just to support melly


harrowing of hell is the most kino part of the resurrection

>Christ leads Adam by the hand, depicted in the Vaux Passional, c. 1504

Wait, so Christ saves Adam from Hell? Interesting. It was all Eve's fault though. What happens with her?

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It's finally coming out?

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It's a metaphor, by saving adam the very first human he saves all of humanity

An angel rolling a giant stone in the entrance of Jesus tomb, tfw'ing some Roman soldiers who run away.
Jesus followers finding the tomb with the angels telling them Jesus is no longer there and that they should go tell the other gang about it.
Jesus appearing to some of his followers as a ghost.
Jesus trolling a pair of his followers on the road, asking them what had happened 3 days before. then revealing himself just to disapear again.
Jesus going to see his followers at their HQ and showing his wounds to Thomas who didn't want to believe Jesus came back.
Jesus going fishing with his followers.
Jesus instructing them to preach the gospel before ascending into Heaven.

>adults actually believe that the son of god, who also is god, died and then came back as a zombie and then flew up into the sky

What exactly is the difference between being religious and being mentally ill?


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Mental illness is rejection of reality for mental spazms.
Believing in the higher, ultimate truth is accepting reality at its ultimate ideal which is God.

>hurr durr all life just appeared from dirt and the earth is a magic ball thats magically floating in nothingness and the sun sends magic energy to earth that makes plants grow

atheists actually believe this shit.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I will pray for you.

>as a zombie
>flew up to the sky
why do anti-christian autists love strawmanning this hard?

Hell looks pretty fun tbqh.

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Hey Matt, don’t you have some boulders to move?

Is it true that all those things happened to him during and after the movie?

>Caviezel portrayed Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson's 2004 film The Passion of the Christ. During filming, he was struck by lightning, accidentally scourged, had his shoulder dislocated, and suffered from pneumonia and hypothermia. Prior to filming, Gibson reportedly warned Caviezel that playing Jesus would hurt his acting career. In 2011, he admitted that good roles had been hard to come by since, but stated that this movie, in particular the role of Jesus Christ, was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Do you believe it?

who's that nigga busting thu the gate? Jesus?
the fuck he's doing, invading hell or some shit?

>Prior to filming, Gibson reportedly warned Caviezel that playing Jesus would hurt his acting career.
Was Mel warning Caviezel about (((them)))?

To the gates!

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Yeah I think that is what he was implying.