Why women like Harry Potter so much?

Why women like Harry Potter so much?
Is Harry Potter the equivalent of LotR for men?

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it's just escapism for children
women are basically children

Pretty much. LOTR was written for teenagers but women are so fucking stupid they need books written for 10 year olds.

They Romanticize the coven, big surprise only it isn't

It's comfy

enough of this dubuggoshitter
either your stay in your containment threads or you quit avatarfagging

The target audience is children, so it's made to be simple and shallow and easy to understand. Of course women will flock to it.

Men fantasize about showing strength in a dying world and women fantasize about being children in a world that literally makes no sense?

Because it's dull. Sort of like white rice or plain white rice. Also they are extremely susceptible to pop culture.

Pg13 content. No sex. Magic over real work. Wizard communism. Violence bad love good.

Its the inversion of Conan the barbarian

It's truly a mystery to me why anybody, be they man, woman or child could possibly enjoy the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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>or plain white bread**

>Main character is chosen and special, without actually having to achive anything
>Villian has no motivation or logic behind what he does. Is simply evil for being evil or at most because someone was mean to him
>Bullshit about love magic that they all eat up

There you go.

Based HP poster
Harry Potter is fucking terrible
How can you make a universe with magic and that magic ends being just mediocre to a point I'd rather be a normal person instead of a wizard
>Can't use modern technology
>Can't understand how the rest of the world works in general
>Can't even kill a fucking baby

They grew up with it. You wouldn't see your 80 year old grandmother watching goblet of fire on her Sunday afternoon. It's nostalgia and only that.

Don't know why but women tend to become obsessed with stuff from their childhoods, there are shitloads of adult childless women who want to go to Disney World and watch every new animated Disney movie.

Why dont you like To Kill A Mockingbird?

Yes in the same way that Inuyasha in dragon ball for girls.

>Its the inversion of Conan the barbarian

Inuyasha is better than Dragon Ball to.

>Be Voldebased
>Kill countless m*dbloods
>Never any problems
>Kill some faggy mother and try to kill her little shit kid
>It does not work because "Muh love is awesome"
>Guess noone I ever killed before was loved by anyone
>Guess "love" was just a stupid excuse for making generic genericson the "Chosen one"

not sure. I doubt any of them find harry plotholes attractive at all

>Is Harry Potter the equivalent of LotR for men?

I never thought of it that way but yes spot on.

Marvel movies are the exact equivalent for men

>Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters
>no Clifford for President

>. LOTR was written for teenagers
goddamn, its true, tolkien wrote this shit in ww1 trenches with teenagers on the bfield

Its shallow like them, so they find comfort in it.

That's an unfair simplification. The protection spell was basically laying your life for another which has been a trope even before Jesus. Also Lily and James were in the top tier of hogwarts then became top tier of wizard police. They had deeper knowledge than Voldy. Seriously it's been explicitly said that Voldy isn't that knowledgable he's just unstoppable because he learnt about immortality (through someone else) and he has no qualms of using avada kedavra on anyone.

It's written by one.
It appeals to them.

Man escapism is active, it's always you're the hero, and you work hard and you fight through to your goal.
Female escapism is passive, always you're doing nothing while awesome things happen all around you.

So your comparison is as follows: Frodo is a dynamic, active character, who makes decisions (like the decision to abandon ring brotherhood for their sake), and develops into insanity due to ring's effects.
Harry Potter is static, flat arc (which isn't necessarily bad by itself), his only heroic trair is bravery, and everything is done by other characters: Dumbledore, Snape, Hermione, etc. He is male, but he's very relatable to by women for that reason.

There's a lot of appeal in Harry Potter's universe and the world and the lore and other characters, but not so much in the protagonist himself.
When you have no appeal in the character OR the world, then it's garbage tier flat arc writing like Twilight, Hunger Games, 50 Shades of Gay (aka twilight pornfic), etc.

Hope that helped.

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women fantasize about being special for no discernible reason.

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Also this.
Women's wish fulfillment fantasy is always passive.

yes, and dont think you are better or more intelligent because you like lotr.

Aparently the love bullshit was there only on the first books, where explaining would make things get convoluted. Harry's mother used an ancient spell to counter Voldemort's avada kedavra, and he fell for it because he wasn't expecting it.

She looks like she fucks kpop producers

>No sex
All those fan fictions totally have no sex in them whatsoever, women are such prudes amirite

It's about a magical high school and prominently features a shy bookworm girl who's basically the most competent character.

>Is Harry Potter the equivalent of LotR for men?

I seriously doubt it, although the idea's certainly stupid and reductive enough to become popular on Yea Forums.

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Tbh it was funnier with just the zelda sword

Harry Potter DID take a lot of inspiration from LotR though.

It's disheartening looking for books anymore. The vast majority of new books are written by women and read like angsty high school bullshit. Like how many more WWII romances do we need, ladies?

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Posting dubu is cheating

shut up. dubu is a pure christian girl

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God I wish I was this cool

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why did they want him around again???
oh...right...badly written shite....

At least they're having fun outdoors with friends, something you and me never had.

I realize this is kind of a meme thread but I was actually really struggling to think of examples of female escapism the other day while thinking about these kinds of tropes. Like Batman is a power fantasy about being the smartest guy in the room, superman is like a perfect paternal figure; james bond is this male power fantasy about being a guy with no emotional attachments who can lay any woman and kill any man, etc.

Then I tried to think about female power fantasies and I couldn't easily, because a lot of female pop culture figures are written by men. Like I guess wonder woman is just the fantasy of being 'strong and self-sufficient' but like that's still a character a man came up with, when I was trying to get in the psychology of female writers.

Outside of harry potter, what are some prominent examples of female escapist stories written by women?

I want to make sweet, passionate, gentle and consensual teenage awkward amateurish love to Luna.

>there are shitloads of adult childless women who want to go to Disney World and watch every new animated Disney movie

not like us and our dismal preoccupation with star wars at all, no sir

It's no different from your typical anime adventure bullshit. It even features teens in high school too.

People would cringe at the anime fan but not at the Harry potter fan even though both like essentially the same shit.

Actually no hp is worse coz they are even more serious and practice quidditch in real life even though the concept is very bad.

It's an unfair world.

but also this

I'm not a woman so I'm not interested in them much, only Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent come to mind, and they're mostly all ripoffs of one another.

Girls wear ties better than men. There, I said it.

>He thinks I posted that Ironically
I know, user. It hurts

wuthering heights really is terrible

These are the best answers. You have to do a deep dive into how men and women view the world to really get a good understanding.

It's basically a high-school drama. Women love that.

The Hunger Games and Twilight? Maybe even Outlander? I really can't think of a power fantasy in the same vein as their male counterparts. It's always getting other people to fight for or over you.

I grew up with Marvel animated shows and I hate every single Marvel movie but the first Iron Man and the second Captain America.

>Inuyasha in dragon ball for girls

personally I don't believe in these crude binaries at all BUT I can clearly remember being a kid when Inuyasha was first getting to be well known and damn me if he wasn't popular with the laydeez, uh huh

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