Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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I bet she's into Buttstuff
>Ain’t no walls keeping is out!
She is pure and cute.
#Fail for ultra right-wingers’ bogus and ignorant call for an #AlitaChallenge this weekend (the pic is -55% in weekend 4 with $3.2M in 5th place), which has nothing to do with their love for the James Cameron produced/Robert Rodriguez film, but rather their blase social media attempt to draw business away from Captain Marvel. Not only do they fail to recognize that Alita is a film about a lower-class uprising, sticking it to the man, but also any future money from the movie belongs to Disney.
Dead movie
Everyone below me is blessed
is this a good adult star look alike?
a pure slayer
I want to feel that robot tongue
B-but you guys said James Cameron owned it not Disney ;_;
Are you saying Yea Forums was wrong again
you are too, user
She's a broken girl
She suffered so much
But she never gives up
And she keeps her positivity
This makes her cool
no this one is
>but also any future money from the movie belongs to Disney.
>All rights to the film at Cameron.
Bad hook.
Cameron owns it, so no, you are wrong.
hoppefully in the sequel
>*crossed fingers*
Anyone know what track plays after Swan Song? It also plays when Jashugan is fighting on the track after Alita and Hugo arrive there. I Shazamed it when I was at the theater last night and it says Motorball but it's not
i dont know...
Reminder: flopped, sequel never
you need to add the evil mouse
should edit the guy to have hipster glasses and pink hair
>Alita is a film about a lower-class uprising, sticking it to the man
No shit. At least they named jeruZALEM right.
I already want this movie.
A teenager with Superman forces meets a teen cyborg teen girl with a completely silenced braking center for aggression.
>A man in red pajamas has been seen drinking and caressing underage girls in public.
What a based guy.
Reminder you personally are shit.
superhero stuff is gay
but Shazam might actually not be shit
This one?
kek, you needed to change your line after getting absolutely BTFO in the previous thread
you expect an 80s manga that's not really popular in the west to sell out higher than a movie made by a multi-milliard company adapting series that belongs to a massive and old comic universe? really user?
Stop posting this it always makes me hungry.
He does not change the line for fifty threads in a row.
No one implied that. You are dumb and should feel bad about yourself.
>movie only made 10M during third week
Did they stopped updating foreign market? We're stuck at 360M for days now
this movie gave me a robotgirl fetish
same, sometimes people post some really good looking sandwiches
>not already having one
I'm reserving my seat for this now online. The theater is nearly empty. Should i still go?
if anything it should've given you a delicate hand one.
Sure. If you want to sit in a non-empty theater, invite some random friends or look for a screening which has seats reserved.
it probably would've if they embraced what set it apart from literally every anime, rather than laser focusing on what made it identical to every anime. As going full bore on acting like giant googly eyes were a character trait rather than a convention of anime/manga style was a complete and total mistake.
It's a variation of Motorball, probably deemed not significant enough to put on the soundtrack.
>we've been stuck at x
>its been updated daily
its going to struggle to reach 400m and probably just die before it even crosses that line.
Do you have a higher resolution copy of this image?
it laundered a few millions which its good for these mobsters and blue collar thieves.
it just means alone time with Alita.
Calm down, nobody has updated international rental numbers.
watch some Naomi then
those legs
i guess they were targeting typical American watchers who expect good action and special effects rather than the plot and character development? i guess
>get one entire month in China
>1/3 of the foreign market has not been updated since February
>daily update
I'll post what I have. Some user rescaled it for higher resolution but I think I only have 2/3.
not much larger
that's all I've got. Sorry I'm a retard and have no photo-editing skills.
the summary and foreign page are not linked, it is not a sql database.
literally your daily reminder
there was ample opportunity for both, they chose to neither, and made waifubait.
> ido adopts a retarded girl before he meets alita
>she's actually a runaway clone and in the end has her body stolen by her DNA originator who ordered a flesh and blood body from a doctor so she wouldn't have to be a cyborg
Holy fuck that was gruesome
what was it? why is it deleted?
Looks like #alitachallenge completely failed. Unsurprisingly, right wingers turned out to be all talk no action. Not sure why this movie is doing so badly in NA, even compared to other movies. It should have had at least a 100% increase from Thursday and a lower than 50% drop from last Friday, but it's underperforming really bad.
She's not even a robot
It’s been a month since release
did it make its money back yet?
Does it bother you that i'm not completely human?
I bet you they went to see Captain Marvel instead. Your average conservatard is a massive cuck.
>not knowing the secrets of panzer kunst
So question:
Alita only has one hole, right?
No, it will never make the $213B it needs to break even.
budget is 170, and marketing was around 100M-150M, max 200M
The #alitachallenge for those people was about not seeing Captain Marvel. So they think they participated by staying home or seeing literally any other movie than Captain Marvel.
Their loss.
Remember that the studio only gets a fraction of the box office take. The exact amount depends on the market, time since release, and contractual details.
she does anal
>Not sure why this movie is doing so badly in NA
the giant googly eyes and, at this point, the obviously autistic and insufferable fanbase.
The smallest cut of every ticket actually goes to the theater.
> loved the movie
> read the manga
> it goes to complete shit, legit power of dreams and death boring characters, after where they left off in the movie
Maybe it was for the best? Literally the arcs where she is in the Junkyard were the best. I cant imagine a successful movie with the motorball and the mad max Alita.
No. Doesn't look like it's going to either.
Will the mango/OVA fill the void once Alita is out of theatres?
I wish the sequel(s) were already confirmed. The uncertainty kills me.
What is Fox doing? Why is Alita out in less theaters than all these shit movies making less money that it?
this image is a Yea Forums artifact. let the artisan know it is of the finest quality.
In opening weekend in America, yes, but this is not true for all markets. In America, the studio cut usually decreases throughout its run. And in China, for example, the studio gets a much smaller cut.
>giant googly eyes
Looks like the resident shizoid hater has moved on from muh satanic movie to a new bait.
Sequel when?
Mango will. OVA not so much. The mango explains the world and characters much more in depth.
theaters decide when to pull movies from theaters. Half the imax3d screenings in my area were for literally one person. likely the same person each time.
Kill yourself, brainlet.
A new ally has joined.
The OVA is trash, the manga is better, but movie fans probably won't like it, as it isn't entirely uguu am i ur waifu??
Who is that? She's gorgeous
Okay but who's ass is the guy staring at???
Shazam!'s, obviously. Alita's ass is just some powerful actuators.
he's a cuckold fetishist
>movie fans probably won't like it, as it isn't entirely uguu am i ur waifu
Neither is the movie. I liked the manga a lot, aside from the rushed ending.
certainly not our girl. She'd give him a death-glare if he did.
>new big movie, lots of screening
>older big movie, less screenings
Isn't this self explanatory
hah, gay!
waifubait is clearly the focus of the movie, so I don't know why you'd bother quibbling.
tl:dr stale bait 1/10 for the effort
trim down and put more effort into your bait next time jerome
I can't stop thinking about a System Shock style game set in Zalem during the Boomer vs. Zoomer civil war. You could play a Zalemite soldier or something, set it during the week or so when Alita is still recovering in Nova's lab when the whole thing was going to hell. There's tons of material for an interesting setup there.
>Chip brain or meat brain
>Cyber mods vs nanotech or biomods
>Factions that react differently based on what brain/mods you have
>Cool environment to explore
>Awesome potential for enemy variety
>swiggity swoogity I'm getting that booty
You're talking to people who, somehow, have never once seen a movie before or knew that theaters make money from movies. They will argue, without a hint of irony, that theaters get 0% of gross revenue.
> class: /fit/izen
you already know
there were no soliders in salem, it was all robots. There also wasn't much cybertech or nanotech augmentation, as they were pretty obsessive about being "100%" human.
well lads I made my reservation
wish me luck
have sex, incel
yes, her mouth
You've either not seen the movie, or you're too retarded to understand it.
>yfw she tops 400M
enjoy, user
She has working intestines and A$$ in the manga or so I've heard.
No one here argues that. Of course theaters take cuts.
going to see it again tonight
They do argue that when they claim that the gross is pure profit. They might not realize it, but they do.
I have heard about 0% deals happening, but those are really rare exceptions - like "we get 100% of opening day box office, you get 40% of the rest". Theaters make a lot of their money on concessions, but they can't depend fully on them.
The number of screens were reduced by 23% due to CM's airing. So the actual decline would be at ~40%. That's better than the 45% decline shown in last Friday with no new movie released. That shows a lot of leg. Furthermore, the #Alitachallenge is actually global, so we have to compared the global numbers as well. We know that Alita will be hit multiple times by new movie releases and what people have done to hold her up right now is very impressive.
where did this clip come from?
If she can eat stuff she has to be able to crap it out, that's just physics
Thanks, buddy!
unlike Alita, this italian lady has to shit in a bag
Do you guys think you can keep up the generals until the Blurays come out? The movie's still running in theaters and there's already been over a hundred generals.
I think peaches made it from some clip on youtube.
Should I see Alita for a third time or Captain Marvel?
Not if she has the equivalent of a micro combuster to destroy the waste products and turn them into energy.
>over a hundred generals.
yes, like 140+ now. We can clearly keep the momentum going.
I'll be here from now until Alita: Avenging Angel's blu-ray drops.
No her matter/anti-matter generator converts whatever waste her brain doesn't use into pure energy.
>anyone who states facts that do not coincide with my opinions hasn't seen the movie or is TEH DUMB
the cope levels are pretty off the charts here, friend.
now what do you think, silly
autism isn't momentum. its a perpetual state
God speed user. I'm doing it again tomorrow.
better save it for Legendary´s Gundam
I went with my nephew to watch Alita
At the end he asked me:
"Uncle, why did you bring me to watch a satanist movie?"
"Nephew, let me tell you about Yea Forums..."
>All this shills about CM in /alita/ general.
>Type in "marvel"
>Like, a dozen threads and many shitting on it.
>Go into one that looks official.
>Straight up constant bickering and insults.
>Smile awkwardly and back out.
I'll stick to /comfyposting/ thanks. You guys are great.
The biggest problem with the film other than zero panzer kunst is that they made the scrapyard too nice. It is supposed to be a shitty hell hole that made LA in Bladerunner look good.
Welp, you've all memed me into watching this movie. It starts in about an hour.
>satanist movie?
What the hell are you talking about? This was a purely science fiction flick.
Should I take the train an hour away to see her in 3D tomorrow? It's tempting, but apprently the audio system in that theatre isn't very good, and I could see it at a closer theater on a bigger 2D screen.
do purchases of merchandise and the soundtrack contribute to the box office? anything for the possibility of a sequel
>IP count didn't go up
At this point I'm starting to think you people are just pretending to watch this movie
Be my girlfriend?
Look, I have a cola and chips!
Stop bringing Capeshit in here
/alitacomfyposting/ for all time.
Please don't group this DC shit with Alita.
it's just dumb bait but that one was actually kinda funny
buy a ticket for Alita and then sneak into CM if you wish
I know right? With with shills spilling over into this thread they still can't ruin the comfy.
I'll leave it in my aching head.
the romance was really garbage
this ^
movies which we can grop with alita are gundam, pikachu, sonic.
>unlike Alita, this italian lady has 2 sex holes
While the US isn't doing Alita much favors, China is still giving it some money. Since Monday, it added 13.5 million to their total, to 126 million. Final gross there will get close to touching 150 million. Curious what the number jump will look like Sunday Night/Monday.
Why did you guys stop numbering your generals? Did you give up on making that user eat the bluray?
Look at you Zoomer. A pathetic creature of milk and soi, panting and sweating as you run through my warm up routine.
>a broken angel that fell from heaven rebelling against an all powerful overseer and inciting others to do the same
It's an unfortunate but hilarious comparison
Was waiting until the weekend to see this film and then I saw she made this political statement about not wanting a wall so illegal immigrants can illegally enter my country.
Now I don't know if I am going to go. Film starts in one hour. Feels bad.
We made it to 99. Then 100. And then we kept going.
Box office no, for a sequel yes
They're just mad that their attempt at creating Captain Marvel generals failed.
The REAL Captain Marvel with his qt cyborg virgin loli Martian girlfriend Alita, Shazam is such a CHAD!!!!!
user can't count. Numbered generals are a pain in the ass to keep track at. Disc tray is still lurking somewhere in here.
Because we got to #99.
>implying Alita is not Joan d'Arc.
That's the point of these threads, user.
They’ll run Alita for 2 months until April 21 i think.
Maybe it will surpass 400 gorillion
only 25% of chyna money goes to the studio
Stop being a reactionary and just see the movie. There's nothing in the movie about walls or immigrants.
We all know Alita is erikas pussysleeve
It hard not to feel sad for them. If only we could get them to like Alita then they could enjoy the comfy posting, too.
This. She said her piece but didn't force it into the movie. With ABA you can separate the art and the artist.
He’s right, you know. If “waifubait” is what you think about this movie, it’s pretty clear you didn’t watch it.
>Stop being a reactionary and just see the movie. There's nothing in the movie about walls or immigrants.
I wouldn't care if it was. The problem is supporting films or media where the main actors make political statements about flooding my country with people who want to come here illegally.
imagine letting retarded politics letting you get in the way of seeing a good wholesome movie
there's no political agenda in the movie unlike captain manvel
just noticing that, huh
Fuck off the shitty wall will not stop us from coming into your country.
People ask how she shits in every thread, so presumably there are different people
>While the US isn't doing Alita much favors
I've tried to help as much as I can. It's not fair. 12 times and to no avail. I'd give her my life if I could.
It's a general, genius. Take a second to think on it.
>only 25%
35% for Fox.
Go be a nigger somewhere else Jerome.
Captain Wahman literally waved at you when she saves those poor Skulls misunderstood as terrorists and united their family together against the evil 'white' Kree. That's how a true movie infested with politics works user.
Feel free to come up with another explanation for the 100% CGI alita. For they didn't have her doing much of anything that isn't achievable without CGI, and they certainly didn't do it cheaper than would be possible without CGI. Then if they didn't make her 100% CGI all the time, the motorball sequence was always so far away and fast that no one would've really noticed a transition to CGI.
>made it to 100
Oh, nice. I'm glad for you guys. I really liked that movie.
If user ever delivers, please call me. I'd like to see it.
Blu Ray puchases apparently contribute a lot to the potential of a sequel.
Does anyone have a picture of Iron City when it's it's dark. The overhead look of streets with a lot of neon lights, right before the cat startles the woman who gets murdered?
people need boxofficemojo explained to them in literally every thread. There's no reason to think it isn't just the same people. Its like thinking different people are behind all the daily/hourly reposts.
On one side kike sjw Captain Marvel
On the other masonic satanic Alita
2019 is going to be memorable
there isn't a way in hell that fox is getting more than disney.
Which arcs do you most want to see in the sequels? Personally I hope we get to see at least some of her climbing the motorball leagues, her singing in the bar, and a better ending than the manga.
>2019 is going to be memorable
I wouldn't be aware of either if not for constant Yea Forums spam.
I like how you stated the only two things that are actually possible with how the movie butchered the material.
>singing in the bar
This will be top kino. alita-the-battle-sim/
Found more games mods?
Might see it today.
A. Is it actually a decent flick or is this literally all waifu obsessing and
B. Does this majorly spoil the source material, or will this be a good introduction to get me to read it
Loli warcrime simulator
its literally all waifu obsessing, just read the manga. the movie doesn't do anything that the manga doesn't do better.
The movie itself is okay and it's mostly just waifufagging
>I learned about Freemasonry from Jack Chick and theology from John Milton
It's a good flick with a little waifubaiting.
No, it doesn't cover everything in the source, either. Cameron opted to keep the symbols over a strict transfer or cause and effect.
Going back to box office one more time, because I'm totally an expert, and a little unrelated, I just found interesting. CM was expected to open to 100 million plus in China, and that was the prediction from Gavin Feng. But with only a 5% increase on Saturday and Sunday sales are unanimously agreed as unimpressive, while 90 million is still a huge opening, it's now 10 million less than what was expected. On the other hand, Alita was expected to open to 55 million, but exceeded that and did 65 million. Not saying either is a good or bad thing, but interesting development. I'm curious what CM's numbers will be like next week and weekend in relation to Alita and the other films out there, now that Alita has another month in China. Will China give CM an extension too?
This is a very careful screen version.
>right wingers
What the fuck does this have to do with Alita ?
I doubt it.
you can enjoy the manga and the movie as separate things user.
A. It is actually a decent flick. I guess if you think Aquaman was a waifu, then you'll think Alita is a waifu in her movie.
B. It spoils it quite a lot, since it condenses several chapters of the manga into a short movie. It flows well, but it really needed a half hour more runtime.
Imagine being Ido and wanting to cut off your daughter's head and making her a celibate cyborg for the rest of her life.
don't listen to these two disney faggots. alita is great
She has a poopchute
I buy into the waifufagging a lot, but I genuinely love this film and everything it offers. From the visuals, to script, score, cinematography, it's what I've been looking for in a big budget movie for awhile.
>if you don't like my shit you like that other guy's shit!
I like how aggressively the general residents try to shut down any dissenting opinion or criticism.
>What did you do during the war, fur-erm-father?
I literally said the movie is fine? The waifufagging is obvious if you're in these threads
i like sci-fi in general, only genre of movies i rewatch more than once. i only seen br2049 once and probably won't until i get an itch again but i saw alita yesterday and already want to rewatch it. it's entertaining
life isn't about making money
The only one being aggressive to shut down other's opinion is you. There are a dozen CM threads to shill in. You'll gain no new ground here.
You are correct in your assessment. Take a look at Friday for example, despite doing only 31.6% from last Friday, Alita's screen counts were only 33.5% of last Friday as well. That means in reality, this Friday performance only declined at around 6% per screen from the last one. From now to the next month there would be no other block buster movie release until Shazam, which means Alita will get many of her screens back from CM and her performance might be stable if not slightly upped. Let's just do a simple math and take 10% weekly decline, Alita can bring in another ~50m on top of 128m after this Sunday.
>Jack Chick
>imagine having a disease that slowly but surely degrades your muscles to the point where you cannot even breath on your own
>imagine having a father with the technical know-how to build you one of the finest cybernetic bodies
>i'm not being agressive
how do you have this little self-awareness
The idea is still terrifying, even if it's the only hope to survive.
Literally The 30-year old Boomer
>all caps
>you lack self awareness
>didn't deny being a shill
(You), etc
I saw it wednesday. Then I saw it yesterday. Then I binged the manga today. Then I'm seeing it again this week. I adore the movie and it didn't spoil the manga at all for me.
These threads spoiled the secret of Zalem for me, though, so thanks I guess.
a. its actually a decent movie
b. it relies more on the story of the anime than the manga. Some key points in the manga will be spoiled thou.
>I like how aggressively the general residents try to shut down any dissenting opinion or criticism.
Did you just admit to residing in the Alita generals, bro? Quoting before delet.
getting an insulin pump is terrifying to most people as well, yet millions of diabetics live normal lives with one
You realize you're just trying to parse all differing opinion as being dishonest and monetarily motivated because you cannot understand the idea that two people can see the same thing and react differently. Because you have autism.
Y-yeah, n-no worries ha ha.
Does anyone have anymore Alita wallpapers? I already have all the Cinefix photographs and the obvious poster wallpaper, but I'm scouring the internet for other stuff.
i wonder what alitas sweat tastes like haha
they really don't successfully communicate the idea that it is actually terrifying. As the movie was clearly made with the mindset that cybernetic augmentation is obviously superior to flesh in every way.
When the manga was all about the body horror.
oil and lubricant
I hate how fucking political this board is. Can we talk about good movies? Please?
lol Alita is such a cyberlet.
She'll never learn.
Come in here, friend. We don't like to talk politics, just a good sci-fi movie.
I just got back from it. Solid 8.5/10. The ending love interest scenes really didn't fit well into the movie. Most everything else was really good.
Joke's ruined without the fucking pic. Kill me. I thought I'd have a funny discussion about how smol she is but ha ha I'm dumb.
*heavy breathing*
Welcome to Alita general. We /comfy/ here.
Damn, I wish I had a pic of Alita wrapped up like comfy Pepe.
how much of a cyberchad(stacey) is Seshs exactly?
Why is mbadi such a giga nigga
He's not even cyber
Fuck me the art book is actually out of stock for a damn month (or TWO) on Amazon. Did Fox just really not anticipate people buying it? The more and more I see the tie-ins around the film, they did not invest much money into marketing.
On a scale of 1-10? 15. As a boy or girl.
It can be done, user.
>just got back
>ip count doesn't change
I love Alita thiiiis much
Space eugenics and cosmic science.
Instantly saved. ty
There's a timeline where they properly marketed it and there was a revolution in movies.
But it did change?
>He's not even cyber
>literally has four brains
>not cyber
Watching Alita tomorrow. Shit's gonna be great.
1. Are you such a loser to care about IP count?
2. Whatever it is, this is my first time posting in an Alita thread since I just saw it.
I could never love her that much because I'd fear losing someone again.
If someone ever tells you it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all you should punch them in the face.
Hasn't she been bullied enough?
you'd think Sachs chose that body because breasts are a waste of space and being taller gives extended range
but why penis thou?
Yeah. I'll stop.
>heh cyberlet.
Damn that was nice. I've gotten so used to watching trailers on YouTube I had no idea how shitty they look in comparison to a proper download. Thanks, user.
I know the feeling user. Truly. But love is a risk. It's all or nothing.
That's just an implant, his body grew naturally
fox probably wants to bury it considering it contradicts the movie a bunch.
>300lb heart
I need someone to make a Battle Angel Anita shop.
Damn, Alita looks like THIS?!
Cause "Aneedit" huh?
how are implants not cybernetic augmentation
I recommend you see Alita a few more times. I know you won't regret it.
Imagine shilling for this flop
There's a joke in the manga that even disarmed Sechs still has his (her) canon.
How do brain chips make you taller
I'm sorry.
Hey eyes are too uncanny valley for me to deal.
>cybernetics need to make you taller
what even
*Snap* yep this whole threads going in my cringe compilation
The manga has werewolves and vampires. Don't question it.
if /abag/ and /alita/ are both shill-campaigns then we might as well shut down the entire board because these threads are the only ones on Yea Forums that currently produces any original content
Dude you've lost the plot completely
Hilariously true.
Thank you /abag/ and /alita/ posters for all your hard work.
I'm having a great time here.
>then we might as well shut down the entire board
sounds good to me
>lurks Yea Forums page on fb so he can post scaps of it on Yea Forums and pretend to be superior to the other fags on fb
just go back
yw fren, there's two other trailers there also
It was ok, but the main moments were the ending scenes.
I never was into the romance part of the original up until those scenes.
>considering facebook pages
>Jerome is back.
Bluray when?
Funny they never share any of the good original content to come out of here. Only the amateurish basic bitch stuff.
he is not a nigga he and jashuggan are indo-aryans.
If you like Alita as a character it's not waifubaiting.
It's because Rosa acted her goddamn ass off and you're responding to that.
I hope she gets a nomination or an award for it.
He is our resident troll, ignore his ass until bluray webm.
I think we should just delete anything Yea Forums related outside of Yea Forums
Hello fellow cancer fagbook fags do you browse r/Yea Forums too? Based!
Yup bunch slack jawed faggot shit skins
Is there a reason why alita’s face ages too?
Mine's bigger!
Not as cleanly edited, though. It's from the digital version.
I really doubt this film will even get into the Oscars or any other kind of awards (I'm not so sure about the latter).
Good god that facebook shit is cringe.
Yes. It's not flesh and blood, so when she updates bodies it updated her face, too.
>lmao my dude haha
>2bigUUUU(get it?? XD)
>sneed and feed and suck and chuck in the cuckshed xddd
>real human bean lmao i am basically the goose
>lmao haha moeposting
>im turned myself into a nigger morty xdd
>Yea Forums has always been nazi
please leave your unforgivably useless waste of carbon
round alita its 100% CGI
long alita its that technology Cameron developed for abatap
>comes in fourth behind fucking Madea
>couldn't even make 1m
some "challenge"
It's not fair, user. She did an excellent job and should be recognized for it.
Oh, it absolutely will get an Oscar nomination for visual effects. That's a given. Anything else, probably not.
Fucking based my facebook users and redditors upvoted XD
>300lb heart
Both Ido and Alita can be very strong. You see Ido lifts that giant rocket hammer and Alita is obviously cyborg tier strong.
Give us a damp sloppy wet from the rain robohug mate.
I'll make the next general.
Might not even happen at this rate. Normies are marching to CM like bunch of drones and it's hurting Alita's BO big time. I'd understand if it was at least as good as your average MCU movie but it is genuinely bad and the worst one in the franchise by far, yet it will have one of the best openings for the franchise, only behind avengers movies, civil war, Black Panther and most likely IM3. This just isn't fair. It's the exact same trainwreck as Ghostubers 3 but it will succeed because it has the backing of the biggest media conglomerate. I was fine with BP and WW making ton of money, because at least those two were on par with your average capeshit movie, but this turd will have a worldwide BO anywhere between Wonder Woman and Black Panther, despite being several times worse. All because of Disney media campaign about muh feminist superhero movie and sticking to the incel manbabies. The funniest thing is that polling shows 60% of CM's audience are males. It's not even women who are coming out to support this movie in droves, like they did with Wonder Woman, but retarded, guilt ridden, virtue signaling beta males.
Yes it is
>t. cancerous fackbook tourist
>ip count doesn't change
You realize this thread is several hours old by now, and that this movie is two hours long? Hence,
>going to watch it
>just got back
doesn't need to increase the IP count, depending on the DHCP lease time that the cell operator/wifi operator is running with.
Alita Challenge was a right wing political movement, Captain Marvel is a feminist movie with a strong female character in the lead role and as such scares and upsets right wingers. The right wingers responded to this by telling everyone to participate in the "#AlitaChallenge" to show Captain Marvel and by extension the left wingers who's boss. But as usual they're all talk and no action and the challenge was a total none event.
>Rejecting being shit on is right wing.
To be fair, it could have made some people stay home from Captain Marvel and not go to the movies at all. We'll see if Captain Marvel has a The Last Jedi style drop-off, or if it'll have average legs.
>Alita Challenge was a right wing political movement
No, it's a "watch and support a better movie with a strong female protagonist" movement. You're overthinking it.