Do americans really pour piss on their popcorn from public piss fountains?

Do americans really pour piss on their popcorn from public piss fountains?

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>europoors crying about butter fountains
I've seen this episode.

its toffee butter

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I think that's ((((((butter))))))))

Gross. Popcorn is terrible. The soft bits are okay until you shatter your teeth on a kernel and get those little skin pieces stabbed in between your teeth.


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Popcorn is top NPC, regardless of whether or not it has liquid butter on it

If you truly care about your moviegoing experience you should only patronize small business theaters that serve pizza and beer.

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>Everything, but with more butter
The French must be in awe

Yes and its good buttery piss

Movie popcorn is a million times better without the fake butter. Fight me.

At most theaters the staff are the ones who do it

Also they dry out your mouth like a motherfucker, and honestly don't really taste that good. Kettle Corn is superior

its actually some hydronated butter flavor oil concoction

it would probably be healthier to pour piss on it

>butter fountains.
>in schools and all public buildings.
>separate, smaller, butter fountains for blacks.

Dog bless Murica


How about just eat in a restaurant before the cinema, share some wine so that you and you date and nice and jolly and just drink one or two beers in the cinema?
That's more or less perfect.

Then go to a bar afterwards to discuss the movie and or fuck.


fuck off santa

What term do you use for socially acceptable drunk and in good humour in your country?

>drink beer during movie
>fall asleep halfway through
I can't help being a faggot

Shitting on our piss fountains? Wow, have some sex incel

My local theater doubles as a restaurant and has bars in front of each row of seats. Their food is pretty good too, no point in wasting time on two trips

there is no butter there though

Wesley Snipes:
Except the snacks I got for us.
Liz Lemon:
Yeah, seltzer and Mike and Ikes?
Wesley Snipes:
Well, what did you want? Popcorn?
Liz Lemon:
Wesley Snipes:
Popcorn? At the cinema? And by the way, your food obsession is not as endearing as you think it is.
Liz Lemon:
Wesley Snipes:
It's like being in a Cathy cartoon that just won't end.
Liz Lemon:
Oh my god, I want to smash your face.

bravo Liz Lemon

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Actual caveman

>not getting the crunchiest candy possible in the most crinkly plastic bag you can find and exclusively digging through it during the quiet parts of the movie

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>socially acceptable drunk
If you aren't getting drunk to the point of blacking out, embarrassing your date and hitting on other girls in front of her you're a fucking reddit faggot and probably european too.

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>chocolate chocolate chocolate! AARGH!

>going on dates who will distract you from absorbing every ounce of the kino


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Pretty sure a dedicated restaurant that you have selected is gonna have nicer food and better service.

Depends on how salty the popcorn is. Or how they put on the butter - most of the time, the butter stays on the top few layers of the popcorn, so you get mushy buttery shit and then virgin popcorn underneath.

Nah nothing makes a movie better than listening to 50 people eat.