Why did they pan it bros

why did they pan it bros

it was flawless

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I don't know but I fucking loved it. Haven't felt that way about a modern movie in so damn long. Nobody can take that away from me

get a life hippies! the bums will always lose

Pleb filter'd

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please don't let this kino thread die

CONDOLENCES! I advise you to do what your parents did: GET A JOB SIR

I really liked it but
There Will Be Blood > The Master > Boogie Nights > Inherent Vice > Hard Eight > Phantom Thread

I forgot to squeeze Magnolia between Inherent Vice and Hard Eight and throw Punch Drunk Love right on the end after Phantom Thread even though it's still good.

So you've seen Hard Eight but not Magnolia or Punch-Drunk Love? How does that happen?


There Will Be Blood = The Master > Magnolia > Punch Drunk Love > Phantom Thread > Inherent Vice > Boogie Nights

I think Inherent Vice is a fucking phenomenal film, showing more directorial skill than pretty much any film in the last ten years. But it's also a bit convoluted and doesn't the resonate in the same way as his other films.
I imagine critics panned it (but did they?) because it's pretty anti-audience

So we all agree that Joaquin Phoenix is literally the best actor of his generation (when he can be fucked) right?

I liked how to denis joke made it into the movies

The Master>PDL>TWBB>Hard Eight>Phantom Thread>Boogie Nights>Magnolia

I actually haven't seen Inherent Vice, came into the thread to see if it was worth watching

It's not sir, dude. It's el duderino.

Sucked. Should have adapted vineland instead.

Good Lord, do I hate this book.

This is very, very late Thomas Pynchon, when he was hopped up on marijuana and television. Consequently, the entire book reads like a very, very long, barely edited transcript of a stoned East Coast intellectual rambling incoherently for hours in turn of the century English, because that's exactly what it is. The narrative is simplistic, is buried underneath clouds of irrelevant and soporific detail, and frankly isn't very interesting to begin with. The characters are wooden and uninteresting. The entire book is less about actual storytelling and more about talking at great length about arcane Victorian traditions without actually getting to the point. For all of the thousands of words in this book, very few of them actually have meaning. This book adds nothing to either literature in general or to Pynchon's reputation, and only came to be because he was delirious and lonely before getting married.

This is possibly one of the most tedious, overwrought books I have ever read. On that negative note, I have enjoyed other books by Thomas Pynchon, mainly The Crying of Lot 49, which was actually quite good. It appears that his late works, Mason & Dixon, Inherent Vice etc, are in his most annoying, self-indulgent style, and most of them are practically unreadable.

And this book is indeed unreadable. Thomas Pynchon's style is overly wordy and verbose, his sentences go on for paragraphs. I found myself having to stop reading in the middle of a sentence just to keep track of what he was saying. This book is so wordy that it took me several months to finish it, and several times I found myself angrily throwing this book against the wall. How can anyone endure this? I have read other author's who are very wordy, such as James Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, George Eliot, but never have I encountered writing so painfully excruciating..


It's his second-worst book after Bleeding Edge, but the movie redeems it

There Will Be Blood = The Master >> Phantom Thread >> Punch Drunk Love = Inherent Vice >>>>>>>> Boogie Nights >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Magnolia
haven't seen Hard Eight

Mason & Dixon was great. Fuck you buddy.

Of all the Pynchon novels to adapt, why this one? His first three novels are phenomenal and the rest are middling; Inherent Vice was shit. The movie was shit. I would've loved to see a trippy Lot 49 adaptation.

I saw it in the theater but I remember literally nothing about it.

I absolutely loved Phantom Thread. Why do you rank it so low?

cause he's a fucking pleb lmao

>V. is phenomenal
>gravity's rainbow is adaptable

>Another horrible movie Yea Forums tricked me into watching

I was just making a brief aside about the quality of his writing. The writing of Pynchon in his first three books trumps what came after. But even then, Mason and Dixon or Against the Day have more material to enjoy onscreen. Inherent Vice and Bleeding Edge are pure shit through and through.

Have you watched Under the Silver Lake? It's pynchonian as fuck.

Did she cucked him?

this is pure Yea Forumscore friendo, maybe you and your big nose just don't fit in

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inherent vice isn't "wordy" at all? what did he mean by this?

yeah and it also was extremely mediocre

Not him, but the thing about Phantom Thread is that it seems like a fantastic movie until it gets to it's very end point, which doesn't amount to much. I'd still call it a good movie, but that's the thing about it.

Pretty sure this is pasta

Didn't like Inherent Vice when it came out but upon re-watching I loved it.
Didn't like Phantom Thread at all and I'm not even sure if I'll give it another chance.

That's two reviews of The Golden Bowl by Henry James I patched together a while back for a thread about mason & dixon

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Early Pynchon hit the sweet spot between fun sentence structure and writing that moved briskly along. I personally feel that Lot 49 is his best technical work, even if Gravity's Rainbow is the go-to for measuring your lit dick. Later, be it in Against the Day, he goes on for pages saying nothing; or alternatively, in Bleeding Edge, his writing is shortened and dull. The sense of liveliness and play is gone. The sparse writing doesn't hit and the elongated writing meanders. But he's Pynchon, so some due critical dick sucking is warranted any time a new book comes out. It was funny watching some critics refuse to come right out and call Bleeding Edge a pile of shit.

because most would rather watch the big lebowski

>tfw I've adored everything PTA has ever done but The Master still never clicked for me

I can see that. I would consider it similar to The Master in that the overall journey perhaps feels small, but the atmosphere and tension created between the two characters comes off as masterful. The opening scene of Lewis simply patting down his hair and preening before a mirror lures me in. I love it for its quiet moments. Same with The Master.

People shit talk The Master and that's alright, but to me The Master had much more of a point than Phantom Thread in the end. I've only seen Phantom Thread once though.

It wasn't panned really. It was nominated for Best Picture. The problem is that PTA gets the Altman treatment. Also fuck the Oscars.

Strange because while I totally see what you're saying, Phantom Thread is one of my favorite PTA films and the Master is probably near the bottom for me.

Checked. Not even memeing, this acting is amazing. Need to rewatch.

wheres this taken from? theres plenty of what he dislikes in later pynchon in lot 49. the rest is shit you could get from any other book

There Will Be Blood > Boogie Nights
>Punch Drunk Love > Phantom Thread >The Master

Haven't seen anything else. Should I go Inherent Vice next

Stupid pointless borefest that tries too hard to gleam the big lebowski.

try it again user. it's a superbly crafted modern masterpiece

Attached: Katherine Waterston Inherent Vice 1.webm (850x1030, 2.06M)

>nominated for Best Picture
nope, only for adapted screenplay
also what is the Altman treatment?
also yeah fuck the oscars

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Attached: Katherine Waterston Inherent Vice 3.webm (1920x1036, 3M)

s/o PTA for having a solid working relationship with /ourgirl/ joanna

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What do you mean taken from? I've read most of Pynchon's writing. I was just giving my personal feeling in regards to his work. If we could pinpoint every small issue with a piece of written work, writing would be a formula to follow and not a leap of faith sometimes resulting in strong literature. My point is only that, for me, answering initially on behalf of the other user, the earlier Pynchon novels had an aura of technical proficiency melded effortlessly to a sense of giddiness and energy that made the overall work a joy to read. As his career continued, I derived that sensation from his writing less and less. It could very well be my own tastes changing. I like writers with something to say, and you reliably have the old classics for that. In Pynchon and the current modern trend's case, a lot of what's created feels like a nonsensical spew of verbiage that's fun to read but ultimately in the end feels hallow. I like Pynchon. But I'm in the small group of people who doesn't believe his work will have the enduring power of his predecessors. Most of our generation's celebrated writers (DeLillo, Wallace, Amis) don't strike me in that way, either. Just my two pennies.

I appreciated the acting and I went into as many threads talking about every angle and the give and take relationship of the two leads and PSH wanting to be JP and I saw and agreed with it all. But at the end of the day I was still left somewhat underwhelmed and empty.

If that's the case it might be possible that you are actually gay. I'm not saying it to try to insult you, but it makes sense to me that if you loved Phantom Thread while putting The Master at the bottom, you would be a homosexual.

Attached: Katherine Waterston Inherent Vice 5.webm (1280x691, 3M)

Because it was trying way to hard to be hip and convoluted way of telling a story that wasn't interesting. Also his motivations made no sense, like he risked his life to save some random junkies husband who ran away?

I've seen this maybe 4 times now and it gets better everytime

He's a fucked up junkie, that's his only motivation.

Read JR

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Doesnt the movie do a shit job of conveying the shady government plot and drug dealings?

I will soon. Made it halfway through The Recognitions before it finally dawned on me that the writing had fallen off a cliff. Which was a shame because the first 300 pages were beautiful. But I've heard JR is his best.


one of the best sex scenes ever

Anyone have a gif of him being shown a picture of a (presumably) disfigured child?


Is this a GR reference?

New PTA film when?

Has he said something about his next project?


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The Master is absolute shit. It's no surprise retards who rate it highly shit on a true kino like Magnolia.

hey retard here