>Shazam was damn near perfect, pure of heart, incredibly funny, full of in-jokes and references, brought me a childlike joy to watch

Treat yourself this weekend user, and give money to something that is worth watching.

Attached: alizam challenge.jpg (720x480, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm planning on seeing Chadzam. I can't wait 2bh. It's been a long time since I wanted to see a flick in the theaters.

Looks bretty gud to be honesd.

Attached: 1522905205181.png (514x352, 30K)

>childlike joy
>fornite dances
>zoomer dances
>anti-white apehop music
>youtube aesthetics
>videogame sensibilities
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
>funkopop collecting betaplay signaling
>trendy stranger things executive decisions
This truly is a propaganda piece to keep straight white western men infantilized. Pure Yea Forums and Yea Forums numble ideals

Attached: 1508076355841.jpg (458x440, 109K)

Thanks fellow cool kid! This is DEFINITELY based and redpilled.

Also, make sure to vote Republican. It's the cool thing to do!

Attached: WowRepublicansAreCool.png (1280x720, 763K)

>Using CNN as a template
The point of b8 is not to expose your fakeness, user.

I'm sure that'll be a great comfort when Captain Marvel makes over a billion and those two pieces of shit bomb hard

How's that #AlitaChallenge thing going by the way? I bet it's going great

literally and unironically return to /r/politics

>brought me a childlike joy to watch

kill yourself you onions chugging faggot conservicuck

That's not how this meme works, you idiot.

Geez, now you've made me want to see it even more.

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>These people are not shills

Have sex

You know that people read reviews before giving their money to something, right?

Attached: rotten lol.jpg (798x420, 40K)

>Shazam is DC's most joyful and sweet movie since the era of Christopher Reeve's Superman, a funny yet earnest coming of age story

Attached: rustkl.jpg (828x720, 100K)

Yea Forums is fucking retarded

They literally don't know how anything works. In fact just a few days ago they were CONVINCED that Disney was forcing every movie theater IN THE WORLD to play Captain Marvel on all their screens because they were too stupid to know how movie theaters schedule their movies

>something happens so it must be a planned out conspiracy and propaganda
When will you finally take a good look at your life and end it?


The ONLY time they're ever going to read yours is when a news outlet writes an article about how fucking pathetic you are



Have sex

> how movie theaters schedule their movies
Mouse way or the highway

is this a Sneed filter or something

have sex

>Yea Forums
These people aren't from Yea Forums though. Just look at how upset they get at the truth This is on the same level as when guardians of the galaxy came out and the Yea Forums plebs got upset the board said it looked like reddit trash

>jewish actor
Zachary Levi Pugh is Welsh.

It's literally just people swept in by the election and stormfront fag truckdrivers from eastern yurope at this point that can't meme. It was always the dumbest board on this website, but at this point it's just a literal toilet most of the time

>brought me a childlike joy to watch

Even the ass did not even

2019 is the year of underdog movies being successful (like Aquaman, Alita and soon Shazam) and I, for one, couldn't be happier about this.

>The Virgin 'Captain' Marvel
>The Chads Aquaman, Alita and Shazam

Shazam is the REAL Captain Marvel.


Reminder that Alita is a digital character with a soul.

You know that names like MichaEL, SamuEL, DaniEL, etc. are Jewish yet shitloads of non-Jewish people have those names, right?

Yes. In fact, I myself have a Jewish name. Nearly everyone I know has either Roman, Greek or Jewish name too. It's just kind of what we do here.


Attached: Aleta vs Brie.png (922x1390, 925K)

Attached: 1552092262421.png (724x556, 447K)

>underdog movies like Aquaman, Alita and Shazam
>literally majorleague productions, one of them produced by James Cameron
Are you fucking twelve? Or are you simply a dumb human being?

>they like me they really like me

Attached: bug eyed qt.webm (960x402, 2.36M)

Shazam looks fucking awful. It's a C-List TV star in a padded fake muscle suit making corny ass jokes.

>Shazam is the REAL Captain Marvel.
Oh so when you people were saying that Captain Marvel was going to bomb you were talking about Shazam

Should have specified then a lot of this confusion would have been cleared up

Attached: 1551606573999.jpg (2397x1386, 593K)

>bashing movie props for being fake

Absolute state of Yea Forums mousetards.
One question, would you prefer him having CGI muscles or taking steroids?


Except the MCU Captain Marvel is failing, while Shazam will be a success.

>this much Mouse cope


>this shill again at the exact same time as yesterday
Reminder on user(non critic shill sites) like Letterboxd, Captain Marvel(including other Marvel shit movies and even the new Star Wars movie) and Shazam are all on user created most anticipated 2019 movie lists. All of which rank usually in the top 5 with actual films coming after or not ranked at all
Get some fucking taste or stay on Yea Forums and sites like that

Have sex incel

Better than a butt double for Captain's even the ass did not even.

This is my first time ever posting anything about Shazam. I wish I got paid for shitposting on Yea Forums but alas, my life isn't that perfect.

Attached: dab on the haters.png (300x169, 92K)

She was designed to be cute

I understand hating Captain Marvel..but saying that Shazam look good is fucking retarded

>this much reddit spacing

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you're right, it looks fun


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Wait...shazam is a movie??

Real life Alita.

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Shazam seduces Alita?
This should be a movie.

It's just estrogen fueled adult children that use words like "fun" and post the that lewis quote about not caring about adulthood. Essentially they have the minds of women

Fuck off, obviously marvels doesn't want me to watch their movie, since they say it not for me.

So i take my money and watch chadzam.

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Captain Marvel not even a hero.

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those digits...

Attached: Bateman Shower.jpg (325x273, 71K)

lmao wtf is going on in this
>dude smashing dude into vending machine
>womanlet knocking first dude the fuck out
>2nd dude shaking cashier hand for some reason

Exactly. it's fucking cheesy. I can't wait.

Attached: Just an ordinary girl.jpg (2147x905, 384K)

He's a kid though, they just hang out and laugh at Brie Larson memes together.

That image hasn't aged well at all

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What is this a reference too??? Attack of the 50 foot Anime woman???

The dude that got beat up thanked cashier qt for helping him out.

The dude getting smashed into the vending machine looked kinda fucked up anyway. Probably two junkies and no one wanted to get involved

>all the posts saying it looks fun
Are shazamedditors admitting they're underage? Before they were dating it's fine because it's a kid movie and now they're saying it looks good

Sounds like a Dave Chapelle skit given its Hollywood due.

Beautiful tbqh

Attached: 155162183636033.jpg (2047x1448, 3.18M)

oh I didn't even realise cashier qt and kungfu qt were the same person

>implying thought police prohibits you from liking both
You guys are fucking weird

>Alita shills are forced to shill Shazam now that their weeb Capeshit has officially flopped

Attached: 1552090031557.jpg (599x449, 68K)

Here's another difference

Alita bombed and Captain Marvel is going to make a billion

>rogue one favorite film

Fuck no.

Attached: alita tok.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

Drunken kunst

That's what they said about beanlo the bean wars story.
No one wants to watch Brie Larson being boring. You'll see.

>Alita bombed

>Captain Marvel is going to make a billion

You mad? Alita did not bomb, it's on its way to sequel territory.

Attached: smile.png (2147x905, 1.53M)

363 mil is good enough for a sequel, plus James got that Avatar money just in case.
Meanwhile, Nobuttson will damage to Endgame's sales for sure.

God Machine forbids it.

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You have this mixed up
People like OP are capeshit shitskins from twitter that like DC and try to force their company wars on anything that isn't marvel/disney. For example the other movie they're trying to do it with is detective pikachu even though it promotes the same leftist agenda marvel does

>$363m is good enough for a sequel
You retards don't know how this works do you

Still better than the Captain Marvel.

Attached: CAPTAIN MARVEL Talos Vs Nick Fury Fight Scene Clip + Trailer NEW (2019) Superhero Movie HD.mp4_snaps (1920x1080, 669K)

What I do know is that Captain Marvel sucks and we will not support her.

What are you talking about Aleta made they made $360,777,131bwith a budget of 170 million that's a 190 million dollar profit that's not bombing at the movie theaters that's called doubling your money.

>Alita bombed


>Captain Marvel is going to make a billion

Also wrong. Stay mad, Disneynigger. lmao

>James got that Avatar money just in case.
You mean DISNEY got that Avatar money

As if you know, a fifteen-year old Disney fan.
And already more than 400 million, the box office has not been updated for a week.

Go kill yourself. No, really. It would benefit humanity.

>What are you talking about Aleta made they made $360,777,131bwith a budget of 170 million that's a 190 million dollar profit that's not bombing at the movie theaters that's called doubling your money
Lmao holy shit

your burned rodent ass is hilarious to watch, mousecuck

I'll be seeing Shazam in april. Hell, I might see it five times.

Eat my balls, you fucking kike.

>anti white jew vs anti white spic both of which larp as regular people/commies

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>2nd dude shaking cashier hand for some reason
The cashier is the one that saved him, you fucking nitwit.

Alita has not flopped and you know it. Stay mad, Disneynigger. lmao

thata 170m is production budget only. Christ, you are new

>B-but Captain Marvel
Stick to your general, spics. Everyone knows you're all Capeshitters anyways

I´m more excited about this guy
SHAZAM looks cool too

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Grow up for your parents if not for yourself

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Alita didn't bomb, but it's certainly not the blockbuster hit the alt-right incels are pretending it is.

If you went to a random person on the street and asked "Have you seen Alita: Battle Angel?," they'd probably have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

Imagine being thia stupid holy shit

Attached: 1552087291282.jpg (300x250, 79K)

>being this retarded

>alt-right incels
Alita drones here hate the brotherhood though. They're on your side when it comes to /pol/ and Yea Forums ideals, Yea Forums.

stop it!

Attached: 1551173107529.jpg (850x850, 213K)

Alita is played by an America hating hispanic cunt

>ain’t no walls gonna keep us out! we invading your nation gringo!

Fuck that cunt bitch.

And people say girls don't become agressive on their periods.

Who cares, she just does the mocap, we can't even see her face.

this ship actually works. hope the shazam guy gets casted as figure4

I hope it's good too, but Adam Wingard has never made a good film so I have no faith in it

Captain Marvel made $61 million on Friday.

Lol keep trying tho

She is actually half Hispanic, and she is a great human bean.

I completely agree with you.

It's not a ship they're both kids and they're just hanging out drinking cola.
He embraces her in a friendly protective manner because it makes him feel more like a friendly giant superhero that he's become, but he's still a kid inside and is technically younger than teenage-to-20s Alita.
>Tom Cruises the Mummy made $410 million on a budget that's similar, maybe even a bit less than Alita
>Because the movie made a large portion of its money in China (Alita made an even bigger portion) where they only get 22% of the profits back and barely any domestic (like Alita), where they get approximately 50% of profits back, the movie is considered a flop and killed the universe it was trying to set up

Face it Capeshitter spics, Alita flopped because no one watched it except chinks

Attached: 1551930216187.png (455x443, 230K)

So did Solo.
No one will see it anymore after that RT travesty.
No one will rewatch it after seeing it once.
It will be forgotten in a month.
Keep coping mouse.

>Face it Capeshitter spics, Alita flopped because no one watched it except chinks


>This much Disneynigger desperation


why do people even make movies. Seems like they lose all the time

More like SHEKELS, amirite?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 16.38.16.png (498x174, 19K)

>seems like they lose all the time

Uhm, no.

Attached: aquaboy.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

You don't know what Jewish names actually look like, do you?

Based Zach flexing on the kikes!

>not Disneygger

Attached: 1549941601077.png (840x668, 33K)

It rolls off the tongue when you say it, but not so much when you read it.
I propose Disnegger.


i'm in love

Captain Marvel is going to outgross Alita in its first 3 days lmao

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>I'd like to purchase some of your finest beer, please

This is like a kid trying to buy alcohol with a fake license, I'm getting Superbad vibes from that line. Lmao.

>I'm just a mouse with a dream

How about Disnygger?

>350M+ box office prediction 2 days ago.
Now it's just 300M+ huh? I guess some one was overestimating CM again.

Isn't Shazam out in like a month?

China sales are already winding down

Before review embargo their projections dropped from 150 to 100 to 80 mil, like a Discord tranny's flaccid penis. It was hilarious.

spic trannys*

Yes but you can rewatch Alita until then.
That was just a generalized statement. Didn't mean specifically "this" weekend.

>Spics are so fucking stupid they can't tell the difference between worldwide and just international BO

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Pronounced dizz-nigger? Thats how it sounds to me. Perhaps Dizz-knee-grr.

yes but WB showed confidence and lifter the embargo so screening reviews are surging in

Is there even a source for this quote or did you make it up

>pepe crying with tears

It's the mouse cope, the hardest cope of all.

What's so heroic about latching on to 10 years worth of MCU films and 65+ years of comic to suddenly swoop in to take the center stage basing on all the goodwills built by countless other heroes? Without End Game tie-in, she would be nothing.






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Coping about what exactly?


Attached: ImWithHim.png (1300x900, 387K)

Yeah an adult child roastie

Based Pablo

Captain Fungus flopping hard on her flat ass, of course.
She will then continue on to ruin Endgame unless mouse changes course.

Attached: mous.jpg (298x169, 13K)

have sex

dis nigga got it rite

Sounds horrible. Im not fucking 5. I dont want jokes and shit and if I do I prefer adult humor instead of sitcom-style quips. Why cant WB do anything fucking right?

>Flopping on her ass
I like how you people literally ignore everything that's actually happening in favor of your own headcanon

Adam Wingard is working on Kong vs Godzilla. This a Michael Dougherty movie

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Fuck Captain Marvel and FUCK Disney.

Attached: oh yeah.jpg (696x454, 51K)

Based and redpilled

Wingard is directing Goji vs Kong.
Mike Dougherty is in charge of this and according to early buzz, he delivered.

>old "people"

Shazam and Alita are unironically a good pair. I ship'em

Is the guy dating his mum in that pic?


Cope harder

>half Hispanic
I don't care about most faggotry in this thread, but it always fascinates me how 'murrilards see race as some kind of D&D ruleset.

Reminder that believing an incel's quality of life will improve after having sex is completely agreeing with incels validating their viewpoint.

Just because where you are from everyone is 100% orc doesn't mean anything. That's called normalcy bias.