Lads Alien Covenant is more kino than Alien and Prometheus.
Lads Alien Covenant is more kino than Alien and Prometheus
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The alien was cgi and not scary at all.
Prometheus at least felt a little lovecraftian.
>lets make sure the plot moves forward purely by idiotic character choices that make no sense
Kino indeed
tbf that is every alien movie
No it was trash
Not Alien. Some what applies for Aliens. Alien cubed I can't place. All the rest, yes.
It honestly plays like some kid that bought the rights to publish his fanfic.
Characters, the xenos, fucking everything in this franchise is paint by numbers.
I agree. AC had clearer and more meaningful character motivations than Prometheus, better cinematography, better dialogue, etc. Used tropes in a better tighter way too.
>horror movie that is based on people getting killed in gruesome ways had people getting killed in gruesome ways and making mistakes
Wow im shooked
been saying that since day 1
Yes i think it's just a little bit tighter and it's basically alien on steroids in general. It's adopting the model ridley set forth with the original and combining it with aliens except without the shit directing and production
Characters getting killed by aliens does not mean your movie has to feature retarded characters.
they weren't necessarily retarded it was believable and it's about the tone and the atmosphere created you brainlet flickwatcher
>It was believable
>"my wife has never sounded scared before" *jeopardizes entire mission*
>"I've seen the devil" *proceeds to follow said devil into dark basement and do what it tells me*
>*unmapped, unknown planet**better not wear a particulate mask, better throw cigarette butts all over*
The movie was garbage, the visuals were OK. The movie sucked. It's ok to like bad movies, but don't try to make it sound like a good movie.
It's like Alien was the only good thing, and everything that followed were the home board game versions. All that implied deep lore reduced to a fucking puddle of the same dozen characters with reskins. Fuck even Hack Snyder gets his point across in less films.
It's very good, better than most of the garbage you eat up im sure, i bet you think some shit like mad max fury road was better it's 1000 times worse
you are gonna have to explain how the slapstick comedy sequence in the medbay is kino
That scene was tense and very well acted and done. The women were acting hysterical which they would in that situation. It was redpilled and alienkino.
>the movie I like is only good when I compare it to absolute shit
>absolute shit
>one of the "greatest" movies of the decade according to general audiences
Well you're right but here we are, what is considered good or great nowadays is usually shit and things that are mixed are usually kino
>The women were acting hysterical which they would in that situation
not if they held the occupation they were shown to have
Colonials for breeding purposes? Dealing with alienesque zombie injfections and aliens?
Astronauts tend to have their shit together. Soldiers tend to have their shit together.
Are you telling me that Astronaut Mercenary Colonials that are responsible for 2000+ lives on their way to an alien planet are going to be untrained and "normal" people?
They are supposed to be normal people that are on a colony mission which isn't supposed to be in such a hostile environment, obviously
These astronauts have androids for them to do heavy work even, their crutch is on technology
this combined with the horribly cheap looking CGI are what ruined the flick.
They have 1 android whose main job seems to be maintenance while the humans are asleep. I am not buying even remotely that they would send high school grads on a colonization mission while assuming that they are going somewhere "safe". It's insulting to viewers, which is why AC is considered bad.
I have UHD copy and the CGI looks good
>It's insulting to viewers
viewers are retards who consume terrible movies, so good
>and the CGI looks good
the Alien looks like the fakest shit. the whole movie looks like the fakest shit.
Also the fucking characters literally behave like characters from a really bad 90's slasher flick. The movie itself operates like a really bad 90's slasher flick.
Aside from thinking the CGI is good, at least you are admitting it's a bad movie.
>the Alien looks like the fakest shit.
No it doesn't the scene with the alien on the transport with the crane is fantastic
>Also the fucking characters literally behave like characters from a really bad 90's slasher flick. The movie itself operates like a really bad 90's slasher flick.
What do you think the alien franchise is? It's big budget b movie horror with actual good directing and atmosphere.
Based. There is an Open Matte version of this and Prometheus btw. Definitely worth checking out.
>No it doesn't the scene with the alien on the transport with the crane is fantastic
Maybe by like 90's standards?
user do you wear glasses? How bad is your vision?
Also fuck off, the original Alien had most of the characters acting pretty rationally and trying to solve their situation.
It's weird how much it lifts from Prometheus and Alien, beat for beat. Like, why even make a new movie?
The entirety of alien took place on (one) spacecraft for most of the runtime after shit hits the fan
Stop making stupid comparisons. Alien Covenant is legit kino just like Prometheus but it's more of an Alien movie
jesus fucking christ is the whole movie this bad? I haven't laughed this hard since the Martha scene.
Every time you are hit with valid criticism, you deflect it by saying "well it's SUPPOSED to be a bad movie, what did you expect??" They are not supposed to be bad. Whether you think Alien or Aliens is better, it doesn't matter since both are quality movies that have stood the test of time. They are both highly regarded and not considered B movies by fucking anyone.
>valid criticism
>muh plot
>muh shit CGI
>muh unbelievable!!
>vertiginously cynical and symphonically perverse
Are the journalists required to hit a certain word count or do they just love saying nothing.
>Also fuck off, the original Alien had most of the characters acting pretty rationally and trying to solve their situation.
Like bringing the infected dude on board, not putting him under quarantine and not telling the captain crawling through the well which direction the Xenomorph is coming from?
Aliens is legitimately a retarded B popcorn movie. Just an incredibly well made one.
Comparing movies from the same franchise is not a stupid comparison. Alien taking place on one ship is what made the atmosphere so good. Covenant took place on some random ass planet they spent no time developing and it shows.
what was that thing that the croissant ship docked with meant to be?
A dock.
>They are both highly regarded and not considered B movies by fucking anyone.
They are both B movies dressed up as A movies with production and director except Aliens is just merely a b movie because it has shit direction
Wow, thankfully the characters doing that was openly address in the movie by other characters concerned about safety. Not like AC's "sure, lets go walk around on a strange planet with no breathing apparatuses and by the way, you gotta smoke?"
>spent no time developing an errand planet that is landed on before they land on it
Hmmmmm, it was originally called Paradise Lost, you're just a brainlet
>far future space colonization is a thing
>communications equipment still doesn't work
I am so fucking sick of bad signals being used for tension.
lol true, nvm.
but pretty pointless dock with it being like a mile above the ground when the ship can just land on the surface anyway.
You wanna go back into hibernation for 3-4 years or take your luck on a planet with trees and an atmosphere that's breathable?
It's all way too meta for you to understand that humans inherently always make mistakes
What the fuck does a film's working title have to do with the final project?
It explains the movie verbatim philosophically
I can't watch movies where all the characters are brain dead retards.
That's weird is it changing the aspect ratio then? I don't mind the letterboxd as it's what Ridley has been usually using
I'm not questioning their decision to stay on the planet. I'm willing to bet they had everything they needed to set up the colony on any planet with a breathable atmosphere and water. What I am questioning is why this team of highly trained, qualified people made teenager mistakes because things went wrong. Which, by the way, is what training is all about. You don't train for when things go right, you train on how to deal with surprises. You can bet your ass that dealing with indigenous life is part of the training. The same fucking company that sent them there sent a different trillion dollar mission into space to find aliens just seven years prior.
The marine mongs in aliens were acting like retards
except the concept of the movie and the movie we got were different enough to be unrelated. I'd have love to have gotten Paradise Lost. Instead we got Covenant n' Pals: Planet Massacre 6
They were deliberate retards. Burke was the only one that mattered, since he knew that actual mission.
If they had been trained or not they all could get infected by some type of alien airborne virus. If they had been trained to send down androids only and never set foot the movie would just be pretty fucking boring and nothing would happen wouldnt it?
>they were deliberate retards
What makes you think the retarded human nature in prometheus or in alien covenant isn't deliberate? in order to have a lovecraftian thing you have to have characters going beyond rational thought and into the void of the unexplored.
growing up my friends and i always thought it would be interesting to see a predator film where we find their home planet and go to invade but it turns out that they're just like us in that they have religions and sholars and normal people and the predators we encountered up to that point were just sport hunters. i thought thats what covenant was going to be like. but dabid just kills them all lmao.
Where? Got a magnet link?
why does nobody care when star trek, or whatever other sci-fi does it?
Or the androids accidentally bring aliens back, David replaces Walter early on, evil android convinces them to come down, there are so many options to tell a good story. It's frustrating they went with dumb character choices.
>androids accidently bring aliens back
Way more lame
>evil android convinces them to come down
It's better they are convinced by their own right and knowledge and using their technology and then the captains own relgious innner feelings
it would have been infinitely more dumb to have them either get convinced by the evil android to go down or for the android to bring back an alien
both of those situations are even greater fuck ups and stupidity
its more natural to have the team land in alien environment and things seem fine and them find things and things gradually hit the fan completely, because thats probably how it would go down
Daniels showed concern over landing on Paradise too.
In Aliens, we are shown time and time again how the marines were dumb meatheads (stabbing hand game, "just a grunt"). We aren't expecting to believe these marines are anything but marines, but they ACT like marines. They like shooting shit, they blow stuff up. The scientists in Prometheus and AC don't act like scientists. They act like alien food. If Prometheus 3: Electric Xenophee shows that the Company was sending incompetents as test subjects for the accompanying android to use in xeno experiments, boom I might do a 1080 and be back on board, since things are making a little more sense.
The mission was to find a planet to colonise? They must have sent probes etc, how did they completely miss a closer compatible planet and one with intelligent life at that?
True she was the level headed one in the beginning
I agree, the way they got on the planet is not bad, however it's unforgivable they walked around in stupid hats and no masks since microparticles and spores have been fucking humans up ON EARTH since we've had lungs. Did they happen to forget that going into an environment where you have no immunities is a bad idea? It's not like it happened to the entire Western Hemisphere.
>The scientists in prometheus and ac don't act like scientists
Dr. Shaw and her bf did
The geologist was fine too
One of the guys in AC seemed combat ready
Some of the girls seemed to actually not be terrible scientists they just couldn't handle zomiedude
The main girl in AC is shown to be able to survive and kill multiple aliens so she was worthy too
Ash disobeyed the quarantine rule for obvious reasons. The trackers were pretty useless.
Covenant and Prometheus are both very good movies that suffer from the same major flaw:
Dissonant tone.
If you are going to make a film examining the nature of your species' existence, rife with somber shots and high production values and a feeling that what you are watching is IMPORTANT, then you CANNOT WRITE YOUR CHARACTERS AS PROFESSIONAL IDIOTS.
That they used the most blatant contrivances to set up the action set pieces is what makes our monkey brains scream out in rage. We had a deal: you were giving me a serious film. Then the guy did the thing and got himself infected for no reason and shooty guns screamy times happened. Dissonant tone.
You stop it right there, boy.
Not idiots
David / Walter
Dr. Shaw
Dr. Shaw's boyfriend
Idris Elba
Waterstones character
Looks like the ones who weren't idiots had the most chance of survivial.
Dr Shaw's boyfriend Not Tom Hardy acted like College Boy take-my-helmet-off, walk around sick did not act like a scientist
Mr. Geologist, or Mr. Wander around an alien ship and play gootchie gootchie goo with an alien did not act like a scientist
You know who acted like scientists? The robots.
The scientists in Prometheus were either manical due to the nature of the mission (Holloway) or simple hires, that didn't know shit about what they were supposed to do there, suffering under the chain of command and general disinterest from Vickers.
A lot of the guys from Alien Covenant aren't actual scientists and even the scientists are dumbfounded by the black goo.
Dunno about that but there probably was a system in place that kept it hidden from the eyes of unwanted parties, which shut down after David killed the Engineers.
Not only Ash, but everyone else except for Ripley.
I disagree. The characters behave as the situation demands from them.
Much better with the extended Rheingold dialogue.
Blessed digits.
also not human
>Dr. Shaw
Not bad
>Idris Elba
hey white girl wanna fug. Not an idiot, but bad character for the movie he was in
Not bad
Literally one of the dumbest
Dr Shaw's boyfriend wasn't really wrong about anything he was just a hothead
The geologist was just a foreigner who liked weed but he was more grounded than all the others and wanted to leave immediately after finding a dead body if they had all done that they would have been alright
yes the robots act like scientists who really acts like a scientist in the first alien? just the robot right?
david sucks man that guy just needs to fuck off
>hey white girl wanna fug. Not an idiot, but bad character for the movie he was in
He's a great character but sadly most of him ended up on the cutting floor. Watch the deleted scenes.
The two droids one flute scene is pretty bad too.
>the characters behave as the situation demands from them
Which is why Prometheus and AC fucking suck ass. The situation demanded idiots or the plot they wrote wouldn't move forward.
the captain was level headed and at least did what the captain needed to do when the time came and wasn't a bitch about it
A film isnt based on tone and atmosphere alone and yes they were retarded. The film was straight garbage
Not what I meant. Prometheus features people that are doomed by their character flaws, not low intelligence.
It was a top 10 film of 2017 easily
>better cinematography
I can't give you that one senpai. Prometheus is one of the best looking movies of the last decade. Covenant has nothing on it.
>It's ok to like bad movies, but don't try to make it sound like a good movie.
You deserve to be shot for spouting this shit.
>Same DP and director
Brainlet alert
they are both top 20 looking films of the decade maybe, top 25 sure
He was one of the better parts of the movie, but when he suddenly understood everything about the goo and the purpose of the planet was laughable. What did he do, find the movie script left out?
>"wait, you guys. You know how we've been running around like children on this previously inhabited planet, poking rods into severed heads and we also had to kill a zombie version of a crewmate? This is a Level 5 Bionuclear attack Warhawk SQ-4 ship with Cosmonautical coordinates pointed at Terracentrovia-7, which is our earth. Everyone get out because I'm going to crash into it."
>instead of waiting for backup from the armed and well trained soldiers, dumb bitch decides to grab a shotgun and take out this unknown lifeform herself
They are both beautiful.
If a character flaw is hotheaded, poor critical thinking, emotional attachment, he would not have been on that mission. He didn't know anything that couldn't have been taught in 1 day to someone more experienced in space travel.
>nigger explains his motivations instead of saying
>yo lady fuck this shit we leaving
you're right it was a little out of place...
>I haven't laughed this hard since the Martha scene.
Kek. Confirmed for absolute brainlet.
How did he get those motivations, dumb shit. He was on the ship the whole time. He knew fucking nothing, yet somehow sussed out what the Engineers were up to 4000 years prior?
That there are a few characters who are notable for not being idiots proves the problem, doesn't it?
Elba wasn't a character BTW. Just a meat sack there for Scott's requisite Black Male/White Female sex scene.
>I can't give you that one senpai. Prometheus is one of the best looking movies of the last decade. Covenant has nothing on it.
They're both some of the best looking films I've seen. Where are you see such a significant distinction between them?
This I was gonna respond to him but I couldn't think of how to call him a retard
wasn't he watching the live feed of the shit when the woke up the engineer? was it before that? then i dont know lol
>That there are a few characters who are notable for not being idiots proves the problem, doesn't it?
The point is the one or two that survive in the movie besides David are the only smart ones, the others die.
He witnessed an incident at a weapn research facility before. He recognized the pattern.
Unless David sat him down and explained the entire plot to him because David taught himself Engineerese in a few hours, then Idelba was just purely guessing.
He recognized danger. When he started talking about how "their creations turned on them, now they are going to clear out life on earth because they want to start over." Eat shit, Lindeloff. Such utter horseshit.
>Much better with the extended Rheingold dialogue
Covenant was absolute trash. Stupid crew, making stupid decisions. Unrelatable characters equals zero tension, don't give a fuck if they all die, therefore the story is complete shit and no amount of nice visuals can make up for it.
The whole scene that this clip is from actually made me burst out laughing in the theater. It doesn't even show the even funnier bit where I think someone shoots a bunch of flammable, high-pressure tanks and the whole ship explodes.
I mean, seriously, who sends people of such low caliber on any sort of space expedition or have them remotely in charge of expensive equipment, like a billion dollar spaceship? They are incompetent and it makes no real-world sense, so you can't suspend your disbelief AT ALL. You need people who are cool and collected even under high-stress situations who know exactly how to handle themselves in a life and death situation. Then you could maybe be interested in what happens. Yes, the robot's calm under pressure obviously, but you need at least one likable human. The Ripley-replacement was totally forgettable, I can't remember anything about her except she was crying at the beginning about someone dying and, to be honest, she had a stupid-looking mushroom haircut. Yes, worse than Ripley's afro in Aliens.
You can make a movie with a bunch of dumb ass characters, but don't expect it to get any sort of real critical acclaim. How could you think this was good? Because it was gory? Anyone can throw buckets of blood around, that doesn't get me excited. You gotta actually care about what's happening or else it's a total bore.
Can't find it on YouTube. It's a deleted scene, I think. Saw it in the Evanus Edit, which is a generally better version of the movie. Feels like a proper extended cut.
Nice one thanks, I'll check it out.
Watching the movie now, I think it's pretty Kino.
Risley Scott is the biggest hack in the industry
Harry Dean Stanton follows a cat by himself when a fucking alien is roaming the ship
Nah. He has made too many good movies to be a hack.
Nolan is 100 times more a hack
Wes Anderson
He was also cast in an idiots' role, played it like an idiot, and did idiotic things. Jesus boy in AC was second in command, was able to deduce that David was no good and untrustworthy, yet still decided to follow him into Hell's dank basement and stick his head over a sinister object which CLEARLY had something alive inside. David also stood a good deal back from it. Everyone's problem with the movie isn't when idiots act stupid, it's when supposedly smart people act stupid.
Nobody complained when John Hurt did it.
Curiosity killed the cat. He followed David and he's shown him stuff before without Oram getting hurt.
Are we going to get another film, or is the franchise dead, if really like the story tied up.
Oh, and Kane was also the second officer on the Nostromo so don't give me the "he was dumb" excuse.
Pretty much this
I was watching alien earlier. As much as I love it I still get pissed when brett picks up the shedded skin and you can see he realises the consequences of it.
>he still looks for the fucking cat on his own.
When my middle school friend showed me a crate of dead cats, I didn't say yes when he asked me to come over.
Only good part was the backburster scene. As comical as some people think it is it was still pretty awesome. The rest of the movie is shit besides the intro
It's unlikely we'll get a continuation with David/Ridley Scott given Covenant didn't make a ton of money and Disney now owns Fox. We will get another installment eventually though. It's a huge property.
>both women slip on the same pool of blood, one after another, and then shoot their guns at the ceiling
slapstick kino
Wasn't Alien cats, was it?
You'd think that space OSHA would require non-slip shoes.
I forgot how covenant ends
It was dumb, but at least he was wearing a fucking helmet. He was also a space trucker and they were directed to go there and by the end of the movie you are under the impression that they were guinea pigs purposefully sent there to be expendable.
Worst part of the movie was they went on an unknown planet with floral and fauna without spacesuits just cus "the atmosphere was breathable." Its really unforgivable how fucking dumb the writers are
Touche, sir. I can't say for sure how that would've gone.
Any chance we'll get Blomkamp version?, concept art looked Kino.
When is Hollywood gonna realize that the less you show the Alien the better the movie is? Aliens even got it right with a 100 of them, you still barely see them. CGI aliens also suck and the Neomorph wasn't scary at all.
I don't think it adds anything to the story by adding the extra step of someone's space suit ripping and getting infected through the hole.
Blomkamp is the very definition of a one trick pony. He's currently working on a Robocop (original) sequel and I doubt it will be any more than nostalgia bait with terrible camera work and loads of cg.
Amazing how veteran directors pozz these things up
You just confirmed you couldn't even get the plot of Alien.
The trackers were mostly useless, it's even shown in another scene when Ripley is using it and muttering under her breath about it.
You can't even grasp Ash and the actions he took and why he did everything he did, no wonder you have such shit taste, you can't even understand the film's you are talking about.
Uhh, your first 2 points are just not well thought out, Ash was the one who let them aboard and responsible for being against quarantine. Also how is Dallas crawling through the vents to lure the alien a bad idea? Someone had to do it and he volunteered.
>The trackers were mostly useless, it's even shown in another scene when Ripley is using it and muttering under her breath about it.
Watch the scene I was talking about again, retard. They saw the Alien clearly coming from one side (2d) and didn't bother to tell him which.
>You can't even grasp Ash and the actions he took and why he did everything he did, no wonder you have such shit taste, you can't even understand the film's you are talking about.
This isn't about Ash, you utter mongoloid. Ash overwrote Ripley's command, which she only had because she was on board. The others (higher ranking) pushed for bringing him in.
You didn't get my point.
I think it was implied that Ash fucked with the trackers.
From what I understand, your point is that letting Kane on board wasn't rational right? And yes you are correct and on paper they should have followed procedures, but in practice/reality shit doesn't always go as planned. They spend the rest of the movie dying and paying for that mistake. Ash being the "bad guy" though and was given control over the situation was a good enough reason to not really blame the crew for being dumb imo
He overrode her cos he needed to get a specimen aboard.
It doesn't matter at that point whether Ash fucked with the trackers or not. They used them and didn't tell him where the Xeno was coming from.
I like the movie for fuck's sake, I just can't stand the hypocrisy toward the newer ones.
Yeah, no shit.
What point are you trying to make with the trackers? The thing obviously didn't work well. Lambert also does tell Dallas where it is several times in the scene. Once it starts getting closer she panics and right before he dies she says "not that way the other way."
The implication in the previous post is he was succumbing to peer pressure.
yes, ridley is such a hack these days
There are thousands of ways they could've depicted it, "lol I dumb" is a stupid way to do it.