Have you adapted any catchphrases, mannerisms or anything else from movie/tv characters into your real life?
Have you adapted any catchphrases, mannerisms or anything else from movie/tv characters into your real life?
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Sometimes when I’m watching tv I’ll stick my hand down my pants like Al Bundy
I'm pretty much Tony Soprano at this point.
i use "sneed" daily.
Rickyisms, "let's get two birds stoned at once" is one I use all the time
My sister used to do this all the time.
I call capicollo gabagool now
go on
No I’m not a weak minded drone.
The Power Stance ofcoursh.
Yeah, but you are a raging faggot.
I'll facetiously ask people "who's winning the match?" when a sport like basketball or American football is on
Go Team!
I smoke my cigarettes like Blofeld in OHMSS
"I don't trust like that" from the Eric Andre Show
Pic related, and I don't know why.
I think it's just the super awkward delivery.
Glad you asked OP. But no, I haven't really.
Sometimes I'll gnaw my teeth. Maybe it's because I saw someone do it in a movie.
Same, based and Ricky-pilled.
>tfw accidentally said "worst case ontario" on a conference call
Everyone does that when they’re standing around.
>Big gulps, huh?
Nice, me too
Yes, I picked this up from an obscure 90s skit comedy show
What show?
>the virgin powerstance vs the chad oriental squat
I pretend Im the driver to feel better about having autism.
I sometimes use "is that.... leeeegul?"
Someone actually knew what I was referencing once
The State
I drink on Tuesday's afternoons.
Life doesn't present enough opportunities.
shit pose fad.
>the absolute state
Seriously. The entire continent of asia does this. They've yet to unlock chair technology on the tech tree.
I say "aw yeah" from the Murder Charls sketch when I'm getting my dick sucked or eating really good food.
when i walk out of the bathroom, i louldly proclaim what? i didn't eat any corn!
It doesn’t take rocket appliances
I occasionally do the "watch it crissie" fingers at people, especially when I'm drunk.
My favourites are “Hello there,” “now this is podracing,” and “I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick”
"Jimminy Jillickers" as an exclamation
I can't even remember where it comes from, possibly an episode of Ren and Stimpy.
I'd buy that for a dollar.
i knew this kid in middle school whose entire vocabulary was just stewie quotes from family guy, complete with the accent. that kinda put me off ever consciously trying to do something like that.
No but I have a friend who walks around imitating Chris Farley and he sounds exactly like him and is also fat. Hes pretty funny.
As you wish
If I'm at the cinema I'll shout out "top kek" and "pure kino" if I'm enjoying the movie
Was Ace /fa/?
He was the prophet of the hipster aesthetic.
It doesn't help at all without his looks and attitude,am I right?
NYT crossword had that as a clue this morning
Comes from The Simpsons. When Milhouse gets cast as Fallout Boy.
I try to act like the Driver but I don’t even drive
Fuck off boomer
yeah unfortunately i've adopted some voice inflections from kramer and mannerisms of jack sparrow
I've been looking for a negro statistics picture with that caption with agent smith on it
Oh, awesome, thanks user
also sheldon's style with t shirts, obsessions like cleaning, way or delivery and acting
rhank god i got over that phase
>agent smith
For some reason I got Agent J and Agent Smith mixed up in my head when I read this and was confused as fuck and was about to accuse you of being a gibbering retard.
I think maybe I need a CATscan.
When I was growing up I thought that Harrison Ford's smirky half-smile was awesome, so I practiced only smiling with half of my mouth. Now my normal smile is crooked and the left side of my mouth raises higher than the right side.
it’s comfortable desu
Sometimes I’ll answer the phone like this.
Sometimes I say "Who.......bastank".
When I get drunk I like to recite Renton's rant from Trainspotting about how being Scottish sucks
whenever i answer the phone i go "WHAAASSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP" like in the movie scream
Ah fuck me I do this too
Same with kicking something over then muttering "write that down"
I have a few
>With sugar on top
When I’m asking someone of something they are making a big deal out of
>it’s a sledgehammer
When someone asks about what I drive
Yea Forums but its a gestured remark though
Censored fuck
>Welcome to the thunderdome, bitch
Used as a minor gloat or introduction of a new person to the job or a task
When starting a task at my job
>I’m sorry little one
When throwing something away of former value
9.5/10 The only reason I don't rate this post higher is because I'm afraid the general shitposter isn't going to appreciate just how many levels deep this post is.
I unironically shout shikaka! when I sneeze, been doing it since the second ace ventura was released
I had to do a pitch at uni and stole this scene word for word.
Got torn apart by the lecturer and several people snickered without.
I wish i could go back and stop myself, I can't sleep until i relive the moment over and over again.
Sometimes I'll start choking somebody and say "I find your lack of faith disturbing," like Dark Vader in the Star Wars Show.
kek I have a loud exaggerated sneeze, I should start doing that
sure did with one l
didn't get "redux" or "xis"
had "redap"
fuck Will Shortz
>get a girl in my bed after 6 years of being kissless/sexless
>can't get hard
>tell her to give me a minute
>says she doesn't think I can just give myself an erection
>tell her she underestimates my power
thank fucking god the bitch didn't get it
Based and Farleypilled
Sometimes I like to turn into a skeleton like Marv from Home Alone 2
when I see a fat person on the street, in church or at the supermarket, I go up to them and jiggle their tummy and say "And Leon 's getting larger!"
Did the professor recognize it from Mad Men, or did the pitch just completely fail at translating to real life when told by an autistic Yea Forums poster?
After watching The Wire I started kind of screwing my face up like DeAngelo does when he's thinking
I've recently started haunting the dreams of teenage girls
I like to randomly tell people it's just been revoked.
alrighty then
I shout Rocky lines a lot
>GET UP YOU SON OF A BITCH, because Mickey loves you.
Ever since i've watched that michael jackson movie I can't stop raping little boys
it's a shitty movie though
My dad has said "Alrighty then" since that first movie came out so you kind of stole mine.
I yell out "I am Kireock!" whenever the big hand is on the six.
i used to chew bubble gum really fast like a abraham nunez. he was a baseball player i saw on tv.
but that would be your dad, not you.
mark renton would say "jesus" when pissed off. i picked this up. doesnt help that my parents are muslims so they hate me saying it
Where we're going we don't need roads, usually when I'm masturbating