When does breaking 1 billion at the box office stop having any meaning about popularity? I think this is it
When does breaking 1 billion at the box office stop having any meaning about popularity? I think this is it
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have sex
Gotta wonder how much money Disney is laundering through these fuckin movies.
Consider how much the CGI has gotten worse
I meant more through ticket sales.
Gotta think the % they lose through theaters is less than traditional cuts bankers take for dirty money.
what money are they laundering? you think they're slinging meth as a side hustle?
probably human traficking and child prostitution in eastern europe
They seem to have an unnatural affection for children.
ITT: bitter delusional DCucks
How delusional are you if you think this is breaking 1 billion?
It's a done deal at this point
Sorry your fake reviews didn't do shit again better luck next time you retards pick a losing battle
Entirely depends on the global opening. If it's above 400 million, then it's pretty nuch guaranteed.
>If it's above 400 million
>already damage controlling
Lmao incels COPE
Based have sex poster
Domestically it's making $150-160 million. China 95+ million. So that's at least 245 million right there. Another 155 million from the rest of the world isn't far fetched considering it's opening everywhere except Japan.
>When does breaking 1 billion at the box office stop having any meaning about popularity?
The absolute STATE of Yea Forums
>When does breaking 1 billion at the box office stop having any meaning about popularity?
If you never leave Yea Forums you can believe whatever you want.
Captain Marvel isn't going to break $1b though.
based 'have sex' virgin poster
Convince me that Captain Marvel is more popular than Thor Ragnarok, Spider-Man Homecoming and Guardians of the Galaxy 2
The chinese dont seem to have a good impression of it. The following week returns will drop off a lot.
I wonder, how does captain marvel look like in the comics?
That mohawk looks so stupid.
I said months ago this will get a huge boost because of Avengers.
>but remember ant man 2?
Yea Forums tards were delusional as always
Ragnarok is my second favorite MCU. Maybe my first. Competing with GotG 4me.
What the fuck does "popular" even meme tho? Like I'm sure in fucking high schools right now OF COURSE cabbin marbel is gonna be the most popularist.
And in like 5 years, I'm sure fucking grisl and wamen are going to making way more cabin marbel references than Homecoming or GotG2.
Like just by virtue of this shit appealing to girls, who normally don't give a shit at all, on top of appealing to all the people that give a shit about the avengers movies, yeah it's probably more "popular" than the other movies you listed.
Awful taste and incoherent logic, name a more iconic duo
>Like I'm sure in fucking high schools right now
High School girls dont care about capeshit. I live with a couple of those. I asked and they said only boys in the school give a shit about that. Even then just a few.
So pretty much how it was when I was in highschool.
>S-Since when does a lot of people liking something mean it's popular
60% of Captain Marvel audience on thursday and friday were male, bro
Wonder Woman for instance had 52 % female audience
Even Suicide Squad was 45% female instead of 40%
Girls don't give a shit about Captain Marble in special
>muh tastes
we're talking about children's movies.
And what logic? Why would you think Ragnarok was more popular than this is?
Infinity War directly memed at Captain Marvel = everyone that gives a shit about The Avengers gives a shit about Captain Marvel
+ The female consumer demographic that is more activated than normal because girl power moobie
+ All the free marketing you nerds are doing for it by being upset and creating news about how upset you are
= More "popular" than Guardians of the Galaxy 2 or Ragnarok.
What’s with the hair thing
well yeah, but not a lot of people like captain marvel
again, the movie has a 60% (61% now) male audience like all marvel movies
>At this point tonight on International Women’s Day, Captain Marvel continues to remain male heavy 61% to 39% on PostTrak
>60% of Captain Marvel audience on thursday and friday were male, bro
That seems low bro. 40% of the audience were fucking girls trying to go opening night to a capeshit movie? How many of them wouldn't have gone if it wasn't the gril protagonist?
That's potentially like 20-40% more people going to see the movie than normal. Do you have the source for the gender breakdowns for all of the movies?
>Wonder Woman for instance had 52 % female audience
Even Suicide Squad was 45% female instead of 40%
Suicide Squad is a girl power movie and it was trash. The main marketing was about Margot Robbie dressed like a halloween costume.
>Wonder Woman for instance had 52 % female audience
Seems like it was more popular with women than it was with men. A lot less people cares about WW's connection to Justice League than CM's connection to The Avengers. Women accounted for a larger percentage of the total people that gave a shit.
>Girls don't give a shit about Captain Marble in special
You're not very well educated are you? You're just saying that there's still a large male audience base for CM, compared to WW, which was initially more appealing to wamens.