*ruins Endgame*

*ruins Endgame*

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Other urls found in this thread:



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By robbing established characters of their spotlight.
Honestly I don't understand the timing of Captain Marvel. You have Infinity War end with pretty much only the original Avengers alive (Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Widow) and it's clear that for most of those characters, Endgame will be the final chapter. Most of the characters that will be the future of the MCU (Spider-Man, Black Panther, etc.) are dead. It's obvious the movie is going to be about giving those original characters a satisfying ending and a great sendoff. So why introduce this random new character to have a big spot in Endgame? Captain Marvel could be the biggest cinemativ masterpiece ever and she still doesn't belong in Endgame. Simply put, anything she contributes to the final fight will feel unearned at best and like robbing the established characters of their payoffs at worst.

>female with magic powers comes into the ends of something to hog the spotlight
It's gonna be Samurai Jack all over again.

The other heroes have had over 10 years and multiple movies to build up for Endgame. And now this Mary Sue, played by a bored actress who can't keep her mouth shut about politics and racism, comes in at the end to save the day and steal the spotlight from the others.

>be a fan of the Chicago Bulls
>everyone at school wears Bulls jerseys
>Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippin, Dennis Rodman, etc.
>five championships
>entering the playoffs for another championship
>the Bulls get a new player that's 10 feet tall called Yarpy
>everyone calls Yarpy the greatest basketball player who ever lived
>he shows up for the championship game and the whole game is just Michael Jordan passing the ball to Yarpy
>during a press conference Yarpy says "death to America."

How do you even ruin capeshit?

Have sex incels


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Every single one of the Avengers are a Mary Sue


Fuck is she gonna do that Thor can’t do?

Ok the last part got me.
Fuckin yarpy heh

I trust the Russo brothers.. they did an amazing job with Infinity War, this movie could have been such a mess but every characters felt important and had something to do. They'll do the a good job with Endgame i'm sure but this time it'll be the OG avengers movie and Captain Marvel will have a role as big as Ant-Man i'm guessing

The other characters have flaws and get hurt. She doesn't. She's basically Superman minus weakness for kryptonite.

have sex

what about black panther, spiderman, doctor strange and mantis in infinity war? They were all pretty new

Good analogy

Nah, they're all pretty flawed. In fact, the only reason this Thanos mess even exists is because of character flaws.



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I agree 100% with the addition that it's retarded that the character that you're shoehorning in is supposed to be "the best the strongest the most powerful and also stronger than Thanos". Huge disrespect to the originals.

Fear not.

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I shouldn't need to. A Mary Sue is a character that is guaranteed to make it from start to finish, alive. Harmed a little bit to overcome their threat yada yada yada you get the point. A Mary Sue is always needed

Apparently she tries to solo Thanos and he fucking wrecks her so she's useless and the original 6 get their last moment in the sun. NEVER DOUBT THE RUSSO AGAIN

They all had a minimum of two movies before Endgame and existed in the MCU for at least two years.

They have all appeared in multiple movies already. And Mantis is almost nobody. They came before Infinity War. There is no need to add this super powerful, flawless Mary Sue. If she plays a big role and gets the killing blow on Thanos in Endgame, the movie will bomb.

This is what Leftists don't seem to fucking understand, or simply refuse to; the vast majority of people against Captain Marvel have zero problems with strong female leads. What we utterly despise is Leftist identity politics, period. Take away Marvel, Brie Larson, and Leftist virtue signalling, self-righteous, feel-good bullshit talking points throughout the years and simply make this a movie about a compelling, powerful hero who just so happens to be a female and almost none of this backlash would be taking place.

Hell, where the fuck are all the angry incels at for Alita Battle Angel if that's the argument Leftists want to use? Again, fuck Leftism is the bottom line. Women leads are just fine.

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Meant to reply to

all of them except mantis are well established superheroes, while captain marvel has been around for a while, it isn't really recognizable for the normies. Nobody cares if spiderman steals the spotlight, he's fucking spiderman, captain marvel on the other side...

It's Rey 2.0. They manufacture some character and scream at the audience that "SHE'S THE NEW FACE OF THE MCU/STARWARS/DOCTORWHO etc...!!!" and are already setting up the narrative (ala Ghostbusters 2016) that if you don't pay to see this movie you're a "FUCKING WHITE MALE SEXIST INCEL MANBABY BLAH-BLAH-BLAH!!!". Of course Marvel wants you to forget that the first female Captain Marvel was a black woman named Monica Rambeau, which makes the MCU rendition of the character a subtle case of white-washing.

It would have been better if they made this movie, released it at the end of the year and, if it's a hit, make her a part of Avengers 5. But NOOOOOOOOOO, the Mouse just had to fuck up ten years of MCU build up with this fucking bullshit and I can't believe Kevin Feige would agree to this because it smacks of political fuckery. As if Disney was pissed that Wonder Woman beat them to the punch of having a big female led superhero movie, so they've probably threatened to #MeToo Feige if he didn't shovel out some shit and piggyback her off more popular characters.

Infinity War was the end of the MCU for me and I have no intention of seeing either Captain Fungi or even Endgame for that matter because of this roastie slag.

They took all of the franchises that all the rejects and retards that got poked fun at in school took to escape from their shitty lives, they took all of them, they ruined them and the worst part is they don't even care about the franchises themselves, they just want to be "inclusive" and make it about them!!!FACT!!!

have sex

>gets the killing blow on Thanos in Endgame
You're a retard just for thinking that could be a possibility. Just relax and trust the Russos

>A Mary Sue is a character that is guaranteed to make it from start to finish, alive.
That is not the definition of a Mary Sue so I'm calling this bait and moving on, Dobson

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I'm happy having Infinity War being the end.

This is the only type of spoiler I'm willing to be spoiled on. Explain pls.

>watching kids movies

It's because she's a fucking shit character that NO ONE LIKES but the Mouse is desperately trying to force her onto the public, so they hitch her to Endgame and fuck it up in the process!!!FACT!!!

You don't know what a mary sue is my dude

Due to her ability to absorb energies, she will probably absorb the energy of the infinity stones and become a living Infinity Gauntlet and kill him.

>Have sex incels

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", like the above subhuman above, tell them this.....

Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!

please have sex

Stop coming on to me! I'm gay, not blind!


She got her powers from the tesseract. She’s no different from scarlet witch.

This. It's just easier to say people don't like a movie because the lead is female.

get laid incel and stop hating women

They're flawed, which isn't what a Mary Sue is. You're confusing that term with the inability to die.

* ruins Yea Forums *

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To be completely honest, I'd have much less of a problem with her being forced if she was played by a likeable actress that would actually act.

get an independent thought

The only difference is Rey and Carol are perfect I guess. I wanna say CM's ignorance is a flaw but probably not even that

back to where you belong, pathetic insect

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>le /pol/ boogeyman

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So everyone complaining here about the character have all seen the movie Captain Marvel?

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I thought this guy was captain marvel

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Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver got their powers from the mind stone.

this post smell like a incel

The problem with media in general are faggots like you who take actors person lives and opinions so seriously.
Just enjoy the movies.
Look at cap, turns out Chris Evans is a giant sjw cuck but I wouldn't want anyone else to be cap.
Cap marvel is know different. Why do you have to give a shit about what the actress says?
If you actually read comics, which I know you don't, Carol has been garbage for the past 5 years. Brei played a much more likeable Carol than the sjw writers have been able to shit out the last 5 years. Tis is fact.

Curious how you didn't seem to have an issue when the male leads of other Marvel movies did the same.
Hell, both the director and the main lead of Shazam doubled down on Bree's statements yet there's no active campaign against them.

Just admit that you hate women, the first step to becoming a better person is accepting who you are.

Don't you dare bring logic into this!!

Sensible female leads*

Otherwise this is a correct post.

Please tell me you didn't just assume my race, gender and sexual orientation you fucking cis rich white female scum!

But how? This time women are not allowed to direct

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you joke but more than 5 persons I know irl thought that for real

top kek

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Thanks for that fact...but i'm guessing that guy knew that and only meant that both character got their power from an infinity stone

She has part of powers of one stone. He has 6. He got bitchslaped by Thor the god of Axehammers.

I think I'm done with the MCU after watching a camrip of End Game. Maybe I'm burned out but the individual hero movies, besides Thor, has been shit.

have sexs

Warbird era Carol is best Carol.
Monica is best Cap Marvel.
Cancer alien dude was best cancer alien dude.

It's like if goku was a new character introduced when they fight freiza. I can't think of a dumber idea than adding a savior character to resolve the finale.

me use buzzword me hear online me not know meaning of word but me use it anyways

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Captain marvel is stolen valor

I think this was the point all along. That bald fuck knew he can't do this forever. this god like hero comes out of nowhere, pisses you off so you have high hopes for endgame, you get a 3 hour epic send off, everyone is happy

Have sex

People who think they're gonna beat Thanos brute force by punching him the face are fucking dumb. Captain Marvel role will be as big as Ant-Man. The OG avengers and Nebula will be far more important

>What we utterly despise is Leftist identity politics, period. Take away Marvel, Brie Larson, and Leftist virtue signalling
Brie Larson is obviously very prominent in the movie. But you're making it sound like the movie was some fucking propaganda piece and how the fuck was it anything like that?

Jesus christ zoomers are too lazy to google anymore

As far as I know none of the male leads directly called out white males the way Brie Larson did. You also have to take into mind that Feminism is the angle that is being marketed as well. It's literally as Leftist and intrusive as it gets as far as identity politics go. None of the other movies had this same dynamic, which is the reason the backlash is so much stronger.

>A Mary Sue is a character that is guaranteed to make it from start to finish, alive

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>not using Skrull Spider-Woman instead of captain meta
>not making Skrulls the "help" in Endgame
>not following Endgame with a civil unrest/paranoia at the Skrulls were on earth all this time and are shapeshifters revelation

Imagine being so bad the studio has to make last minute edits to a film that's already made it's money back before it's even out.

That's sexual harrasment what you're doing right there. Stop it or I will take actions.

>Making the skrulls helpless refugees

The marketing, Leftist reaction, and Brie Larson's own prior comments make a very clear case that the film is in fact Leftist propaganda.

How the fuck am I wrong? Captain America has so many flaws that he has survived 6-8 films.

>Have an exchange of body fluids with another person, incels
Whats wrong with you?

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the whole movie was propaganda, what movie did you see

Not sexual actions though...... intell!!!!

>every hero is a mary sue
>Captain America has so many flaws
You really don't know what a mary sue is.

Lmao why are people having a problem with this now? We’ve all known for YEARS that Captain Marvel was going to play a huge role in taking down Thanos. You idiots find any reason to complain. The hate circle jerk around this movie is just sad at this point kek


No one respond to this shit. Asking people to write out the definitions of old concepts you can google yourself is a waste of time and inefficient way to learn. That's why this user is retarded.

could work with
but on it's own it's very underwhelming
it's like they watched the excellent Supergirl season 4 (season 1 to 3 are on the nose SJW shit, but season 4 is fucking amazingly written for some reason) and decided that it needed to be hamfisted and have no shades of gray at all.
Also, what is wrong with these people? Someone say you should smile more and you steal his vehicule? Someone call you a little lady and you threaten bodily harm? WTF???

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Chris Evans never once, as far as I know, directly called out white males. The marketing for Captain America wasn't any sort of Leftist pandering either as far as I remember. They didn't do the Wolfenstein 2 thing of FUCK NAZIS. Brie Larson herself directly called out white males in her comments, and the marketing for Captain Marvel is very much Feminist pandering. "HERo" for example. It also doesn't help that Leftists are lifting up Captain Marvel as a Feminist Icon.

Those are the core reasons why people like me can't simply "enjoy the movie". So instead I WILL speak out against it. Fuck Leftism, period.

I warned you.

>It's Rey 2.0.
Again with this bullshit. Incels really don't know what they're talking about.

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If I directed it she would be wearing Naruto shoes.

Did you see the movie?

>Lmao why are people having a problem with this now?

Because it was assumed it would be a good movie and she would be likeable

based and redpilled

Sorry, I forgot he mourns for his dead gf for 5 minutes. Then he goes back to being a Mary Sue

Why accurately describe anakin as a mary sue in a joke image

*doesn't have sex*

have sex

Not him, but most of us don't have to. Movie was shit.

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>The marketing, Leftist reaction, and Brie Larson's own prior comments make a very clear case
I didn't see any of the marketing aside from the posters at the bus stops. I avoided absolutely all trailers, all ads. All related articles or pop pieces. I've never followed Brie Larson or anything she has said or done.
I just saw the actual movie itself. And judging from the movie itself I have a hard time seeing how it's supposed to be leftist propaganda.
1. Old lady Mar-Vell.
2. Best friend is black single mother.
3. They had a sexist line that shat on Carol, in a flashback that they repeated a couple of times.
Is this the leftist propaganda?
Are you sure you're judging the movie itself, as in its actual contents. And not whatever may be surrounding it?

*keep sexually harassing people*

Have the sex

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get #metoo'd you sexual pervert

*Leaves Marvel.*

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I fucked your mom last night and still agree with OP

ruins you toxic fantasy incel

I'm judging the movie because of the Leftist identity politics surrounding it. Marvel is a Leftist pandering company, Brie Larson directly called out white males in previous comments, something NO other lead has done as far as I know for previous Marvel movies, and Leftists are anointing Captain Marvel as a Feminist Icon. Leftists also have a history of inserting their agendas into media directly, regardless of whether they do so here.

The bottom line I'm making is Leftist identity politics as a whole are what people are speaking out against when they bash this movie, not women. Even if the movie itself has none, it's ripe full of it outside surrounding the movie and is impossible to ignore.

that's some nice kino

>hasn't had sex
>thinks opinion is valuable

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How can I stop being an incel if you won't have sex with me?
Be useful to the feminist cause and fuck a nerd. Remember: a nerd fucked is an incel hater less in the world

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>the true first avenger
But Fury literally made the Avengers initiative precisely because they needed something in the absence of Captain Marvel. Because she flew off and they needed something that wasn't her that they could rely on.
She is not the first avenger at all.

Good infinity war was utterly mediocre to begin with

>mfw had sex

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there is actually no point in captain marvel other then shilling for feminists, she really is just fucking pointless

>had sex
>thinks that means anything
it seems you're part of the problem. You have internal toxic masculinity if you think a male needs to have sex with a female to be a "real" "man"


>I'm judging the movie because of
But you're clearly judging all the shit that is apparently surrounding the movie. Not the contents of the movie itself because that stuff wasn't in the actual movie itself. But around it.

>and is impossible to ignore
I was 100% blissfully ignorant of it until I went here on Yea Forums and Yea Forums after seeing the movie.

Sorry sweaty incel you're doomed I only have sex with black men.

you didn't watch the movie, did you?

Not a real man, just a normal adult. Virginity beyond 20 starts to rot the brain.

It feels good.

probably because you never went to college

But YOU are responsible for incels. They WANT to have sex and relationships. YOU won't. It's literaly YOUR fault.

Yes, exactly. However I'm not judging this movie because it features a powerful female lead is myself and the vast majority shitting on this movie are not doing so out of spite towards women, but against Leftism surrounding it and the political activism Brie Larson herself engaged in, not the fact that she's a woman.

Incels aren't the majority shitting on this movie because they hate women, it's people like me that hate Leftism.

What goalpost did I move?
People in the thread called it a propaganda piece.
I asked what in the movie was propaganda.
People respond with naming things that weren't in the movie.
I listed the things I could think of that were actually in the movie.
And now you're saying I moved the goalposts somehow.

But I did. Today even.

Then how do you explain your own brainrot?

>talk about mary sue
>now it's about politics

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Have sex

have sex incel

Look at the incel who thinks he's owned sex for just existing.

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I have never once claimed that you, or anyone else for that matter, is shitting on the movie due to any kind of spite towards women.

I merely said >you're making it sound like the movie was some fucking propaganda piece and how the fuck was it anything like that?

>tfw I genuinely feel better drinking a nice cup of high quality tea than when I have sex
Sex is so overated.
>B-but muh peen!!
I took shits that were more satisfying than sex. Truefax.

Did I say she wasn't a mary sue or anything? I did not. I didn't even say she was a good character.

Sex with fatties doesn't count

I'm REALLY hoping this is the case. I fucking hated Avengers 2, Spiderman Homecoming and Thor 3 so I was worried about infinity war but had some faith because I'm actually liked their last 2 movies and thought they'd managed to juggle all the characters well enough in civil war (better than Whedon anyway).

But fuck my ass if Captain Marvel isn't a dull as shit character. It really comes down to how much Disney themselves want to push her because she has th potential to ruin everything

this might be bait, but being a Mary Sue and having Plot Armor are two completely different things. In fact, the original Mary Sue (who was an intentional parody of bad fan fiction) died at the end of her story.

a lot of people made your same retarded argument back when TFA first came out.

How can it ruin what would already be shit.

Marvel has been pure dogshit since Iron Man 3.
Only Winter Soldier and Infinity War were good post Iron Man 3.
Infinity War was the end for me. I choose not to go any further. The snap was how it ended for me.

DC is where it's at. BvS, SS, WW, AM, and now Shazam. DC is killing Marvel. Snyder is god.

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stop sexually harassing people you monster!

>they did an amazing job with Infinity War

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Don't sell yourself short. You count. I beleive in you.

>could've just said he misquoted
>has to double down on his retardation
Yeah, tought so.

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The marketing of a movie is part of the experience. A movie company spends millions of dollars on marketing as well as the movie itself. They are inevitably tied together. Bith the star of the film and the creative powers that be stated clearly that the movie is feminist. We see the feminist power fantasy in Carol as a result.

Carol gains spectacular power without earning it. She defeats all obstacles without trying. She is the inspiration for the Avengers name, for the creation of the team itself. She's smug, cocky and never learns humility. Her "villain" is male oppression. Female Mar-Vell was originally a man in the books who was the first Captain Marvel. But Disney forgoes history once again in order to revise a history more suitable for feminist attitudes.

Are you saying fucking Mantis is being held up by Disney a such as Captain Marvel? Shit man, even Black Panther was established in Civil War before he was given his own movie.

No brie
Pls don't

have sex

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>The marketing of a movie is part of the experience
Holy fucking shit I refuse to think this is true. Even if it is I'll fucking close my eyes and just pretend it's not. Fuck marketing. Fuck.
Movies are supposed to be enjoyed blind.

You buyin' ?

Have sex

that is plot armor, not Mary Sue, you fucking disingenous Jew

It's certainly being used as Leftist Propaganda, so for all intents and purposes it absolutely is and should be treated as such. No other previous Marvel Movie had this amount of Leftist identity politics surrounding it, with the main lead actively calling out white males. It can no longer stand on it's own to legs without being associated with the Leftist cancer associated with it.

>Captain Marvel role will be as big as Ant-Man.
you sweet summer child

>when I have no argument, the post

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>Carol gains spectacular power without earning it. She defeats all obstacles without trying. She is the inspiration for the Avengers name, for the creation of the team itself. She's smug, cocky and never learns humility.
Yes she is a huge Mary Sue and a weak point in her own movie.
>Her "villain" is male oppression.
That's stretching it. He was an authoritative jackass that raised her while controlling and lying to her. But these things aren't the most unique things in a villain. He was oppressive, yes, but you're really stretching when you force the male oppression into it all. Fuck the avatar for the intelligence was female in this movie and did much of the same oppression bullshit.
>Female Mar-Vell was originally a man in the books who was the first Captain Marvel.
Yeah that shit was weird and unnecessary. Wasn't a huge part of the movie but it was still kind of shit.
>But Disney forgoes history once again in order to revise a history more suitable for feminist attitudes.
Revising history? What? You mean the Mar-Vell thing? What are you even referring to?

not even God or the Devil himself could ruin Endgame tho

>with the main lead actively calling out white males
What did she say? Kind of sounds like she very well might be some huge fuckface if that's true.
But your post really just makes me question whether or not I might just be a huge anomaly then for staying out of all this and actually walking into the movie blind.


kek that ending

>when even nature itself takes your side to remove a problem

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>sweet summer child

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so like trunks then?

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Have sex incel

Thanks, I just fucked your dad. Wasn't satisfied.

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the shit she endured as a human was more of a late 70s/early 80s thing, not 90s

>guaranteed to remain alive

Are you joking? Most Mary Sues are a short term thing. Amazing character who is the best appears for a bit and then goes away. They love killing them off because it's supposed to be more heart wrenching as they haven't done anything negative since appearing so seeing a paragon of all things good die is truly sad.

Having sex out of wedlock is wrong.

>the entire point is Captain Marvel in the comics is that she is a goku/superman hybrid where she isn't just like Superman nor is she nice like Goku and she outclasses 90% of the avengers

>she literally leads the team to take down Hulk more often than not

>Because she's literally Marvel's superman

>they bring this over to the movie

>/poltv/ loses their shit

What else would she have been? All the other characters are accurate to the source material, why wouldn't marvel?

Incels, Trolls and Russian bots oh my!

You're just homophobic. You wouldn't say this to me if I was 'straight'.

Where are her hips?

And her ass?

Snaped by thanos.


Monica isn't a goku/superman hybrid and Mar-Vel was literally cancer.
What are you talking about?
Miss marvel/Warbird is based. Nu Captain Marvel is just a Skrull in disguise.

Have sex incel

Trunks was a jobber just like his father. It was Goku and Gohan who saved the world in the end against Cell.

iirc it was on her twitter that she doesn't want white guys to watch the movie and that she avoided them on marketing tours.

I think I know what that user meant by male oppression being her villain. It wasn't just about Jude Law it was that the only threat she had to overcome in the movie was the glass ceiling. Men telling her she couldn't do something usually because she was a girl but hey no she's "fierce" and "powerful" and the movie keeps trying to remind you that she's showing these men how it's done!

That's why this movie and this character sucks so much because we're just told she's amazing and great and we're supposed to root for her the whole time when the only villain they're putting her up against are big mean white men telling her she can't do something. Wonder Woman was so much of a better movie because it didn't take this route. Do you know how easy it would've been to have a "no man's land? I am no man!" quip in Wonder Woman? Yet they didn't do it. CM however is nothing but that shallow shit.

condom seller

Because Captain Marvel also sucks in the source material. Not even Yea Forums likes her, Marvel have been shoving this shitty character down our throat since the second Civil War. In that regard I say the movie is a faithful adaptation.

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I can;t wait for Captain Marvel to save the universe in Endgame. more incel tears


Is this the new altright incel cope line?


yeah, only autists looking for somethign to cry about think she's the main character and will solo everyone.

Have sex incels

Luke is not a Sue. He has good marksmanship spending his days shooting varmints and even mentions doing so in a small aircraft. Him using the Force is all luck based. We see him early on trying to learn the basics and not always block the small laser blasts. When he does the trench run and uses the Force, it's supposed to be an emotional build up to show Luke and us how strong the Force can be if one is will to embrace it.

Kid Anakin may have been Mary Sue, but not adult Anakin. People constantly tell him to stop being an idiot and he gets his ass handed to him many time either physically or verbally.

Rey is a Mary Sue, through and through. What's her biggest fuck up? She couldn't make a guy who she's known for not even a month and has had little contact with from not being evil anymore. This isn't like Luke and Vader where there's the whole "We're father and son" thing going on. Ren is just some evil dude who has no connection to Rey and somehow she's the one to bring him to the light simply because she's the hero.

I hope they don't make Ren switch sides becuase it'd be nice to actually be given the harder lesson that you can't always convince people to change rather than the BS everyone will always choose to be good at some point.

Just reminding you that not everyone shares your values. You're not being very inclusive.

t. condom seller

Nigga. Disney managed to do more damage to the star wars brand with Rey than Lucas did with Jar Jar Binks. They managed to take something that was profitae dor 40 years and sink it in 3.

Never underestimate how damaging Captain Marvel could be to the MCU

So many characters are just the 90s given flesh. Japan wasn't immune either.

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids

>who can't keep her mouth shut about politics and racism
But how does that affect the movie quality user

Have sex

Destroying the Star Wars franchise and making livelong fans dislike it is an impressive feat.

Can’t. My wife’s vagina bleeds after sex and she’s all big and fat and feels bad about it

Thanks for being rude about my wife’s medical issues.

Have sex incel

I love when that fat armored skeptic degenerate tried saying Rey wasnt a Mary Sue because it took her THREE tries before pulling off the Jedi mind trick. Even though she'd never had reason to know the mind trick even existed.

If the spoilers are true, Thanos is going to be her daddy in their first fight. She won't stand a chance. They'll only win after time travel.

Captain Marvel isn't deadpan and sarcastic. She's spunky, young and don't give a fuck. She is very, very miscast.

Have sex you too, random citizen.

>tony has been spending all his time since the first avengers preparing for thanos
>thor takes the brunt of a star to create a weapon capable of killing thanos
>these characters have been built up for around a decade
>It was all for nothing because some random person is just stronger than they are

Attached: YareYareDonke.jpg (1241x1241, 128K)

I just had a thought. In the first Rocky movie, everyone doubted that Rocky could ever accomplish anything. They told him he was just a bum. Instead of telling everyone to fuck off and that he didn't need to prove himself to anyone, he did the run. He proved himself, to himself and to others. That doesn't happen in Captain Marvel. She has this stuck-up attitude, where she obviously is as good, if not better, than the men around her, and she doesn't have to prove shit.
This is a funny thing that occured to me. Women don't want to prove themselves, where men love a chance to show off what they are made off.


star wars and the mcu are run by different people, this is just your wet dream it's not actually happening, captain marvel is just generic capeshit #37

It makes less people go and see it, leading to less profit.

*gentle knowing nod*

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Yep. Thats why even though i had faith the Russo brothers could pull off Infinity War i dont know about Endgame because this Captain Marvel situation is potentially bigger than what they can handle. How do you NOT fuck up the MCU if Disney/Marvel are telling you "do this" when "this" is almost guaranteed to fuck up the MCU?

They both have a significant flaw, actually, in that they’re both charisma vacuums

2 of 5 stars. Married so I have sex a couple times a month. The movie is nothing special and the character is shit in the comics and the movie.

It wasn't just men that shat on her though. But prominent figures were obviously her father that they mentioned, Jude Law's character, and that no-name jackass that was sexist towards female pilots in her flashback.
But to say that was her only opposition or oppression is being quite reductivist and overlooking other parts of the movie.

She is without a doubt a huge weak point of her own movie and her character development was not particularly engaging or interesting. So it was indeed hard to root for her. But it was much easier to root for what she was doing at the very least. And while her character felt like something of a void, she bounced pretty well off of Fury, the Skrull guy, and her old pilot friend.

The movie is flawed as fuck but it's not an irredeemable movie. And the idea of the movie being full of SJW shit sounds really forced to me.
To put it in perspective. Black Panther, as far as I noticed at the very least, had far more SJW shit in it. It was just an overall better movie in spite of that. Captain Marvel has relatively little SJW shit in it, even outside the comparison to Black Panther. While being a much messier movie, though still not irredeemable.

That's my half assed assessment of the movie at the very least.

it's more the actress is super unlikable and they spent the whole movie driving home MEN BAD MEN BAD YOU GO GIRL MEN BAD SHE THE STRONGEST AND MEN BAD AND SAY MEAN THING TO WOMEN FOR NO REASON

Her character is a weakpoint in the comics too so it's no surprise. RT won't let me post my review though even though my account is months old. There is so much fuckery here

That sounds ridiculous. Ridiculous to the point that I'd even have a hard time believing that PR would allow it.
Are those tweets real and still online?

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.

nice pasta
real shit, check her twitter and the news articles about it

Perfect example i hadnt thought of. On top of that Rocky KNEW Creed was going to smash his face in. He tells Adrian this the night before the fight in the end after all his training he knows he's going to lose he just wants to go the distance with Apollo because nobody else ever has and if he can do that he'll prove he's something other than a bum.

Captain Marvel "didn't have anything to prove" she would've just won the fight because she had god mode activated

>written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck
of course it's shit

Mary Sue has a cat. Worth watching because the cat.
I'm not sure if you are trying to sell it or this is elaborate trolling.
Anyway, I had doubts about seeing it or not (Downloaded of course), but after your review I think I will pass for the time being.

Dickhead. Does the MCU being run by someone else negate the fact it's possible to totally fuck something up in a very short amount of time with bad enough ideas?

>ruining capeshit
Capeshit is shit to begin with and always will be

Kill yourselves, all of you capetrash watching shiteaters.

Condom seller on fire.

They are not interested in truth, user. They are religious zealots.

I lost

All of them died in that movie too

capeshit can be fun if you don't think about it too hard
it's like junk food
but this is junk food that's slightly below average and being advertised as a POWER GIRL BAR (NOT FOR MEN) and if you don't like it and eat it up you're sexist and a nazi

That was after Goku beat Frieza's ass into submission and the Z Fighters destroyed all his top lieutenants, plus Trunks gets crushed a few episodes later by the androids.

Ill disagree personally BP had more SJW stuff in it but I agree that Black Panther is a much more competently made movie.

This isn't to take away from how cringy the "bury me at sea with blah blah blah" monologue was. But I think CM is full of more of that shit and it's a dull movie to boot

The good part is that as annoying as progs are the actual thing that killed Star Wars was Rian "subverted" Johnson. Prog politics seem to work as a catalyzer of shit movies but rarely fuck them completely by themselves.

I'm sick of seeing people talk up the cat as a selling point when it rivals fucking Porgs as something which was designed to just sell merch

Why would that upset you though, the word is like that to a degree senpai.

shall we pop some champagne incelebration?

Thanos already destroyed the avengers. They NEED outside help, dipshit. The story makes so much sense a baby could understand.

I want a Yarpy jersey

>Thanos: I hope this little girl wasn't your hope to beat me and retake the gems
>Captain Marvel: You will see what this little girl have for you Thanos (Druuuumpfz!)
>*turn Captain Marvel into ashes* and dab

Attached: dancing in Brie Larson fucking grave.webm (854x480, 2.78M)

>Every Avengers movie has them being defeated by the enemy first only to strengthen their bond and save the day.
>Not this time. Not for their final battle.
>This time they NEED Captain Marvel to be the one to save their asses because team work just isn't enough, despite that being the thing for all superhero groups. You just need raw strength and energy blasts to win.

The name may be occasionally used as a mildly derogative ethnic slur or nickname for (particularly white, rural) South Africans, in which instance it is also spelt as it is pronounced: yarpie. This comes from the Afrikaans term plaasjapie, meaning "farm boy".

From someone who's just powered by the tesseract.

Its like Thanos being killed by that cannon Red Skull used on his bosses

Yeah. It's like you're having a hard time grasping this. Maybe movies aren't for you.

I actually laughed this.
Fucking Yarpy.

It's like you're having a hard time grasping how badly written Captain Marvel swooping in to save the day after all this character build up over a decade is. Maybe thinking just isn't for you.

Carefull. He's gonna tell you to have sex next.

>movie pisses off marvel neckbeards
WTF I love Captain Marvel now

Thank you, professor

at best she'll be strong enough to distract thanos a bit, while captain america and/or iron man set themselves up for the inevitable sacrifice to save everyone else, you fags need to stop imagining shit to get upset about.

It’s a religion to them now though. The modern day Pharisees need to program the children into their Luciferian agenda. The sexes will be inverted no matter what. The process is already ongoing.

No problem, ya fookin yarpy.

sounds messy and exhausting
can I just cuddle instead?

have a wank

But Trunks couldn't beat the androids, sure he killed frieza but he swiftly got his ass spanked by 18 and was clearly weaker than goku as we've seen (Unlike Carol who is supposed to be the strongest person alive according to the people involved).

Attached: 2585746-FutureTrunksVsGokuSS.png (704x396, 367K)

Avengers/GOTG would have beat Thanos if Quill didn't have his temper tantrum. Thor can kill Thanos with Stormbreaker. Thanos didn't "destroy" the Avengers. Using mental gymnastics and shaming tactics doesn't create the need for captain misandry to mary sue a victory.

Get raped feminist

> s/he thinks a man must seek validation from a woman in order for his opinions to hold any value

the absolute state of modern gender relations, where guys are so desperate for sex they back up and go along with literally anything a woman says

>y-y-es that was a g-good movie, does that mean I c-can have lick your hole after Tyrone finishes?

Fuckin Dios Mío!

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Did you not see Infinity War?

Thor literally one-hitted Thanos after he got the axe.

Nasty condom seller who loves female superheroes.

brie sneed

Please be true.

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There’s the redditor!

get raped

>Tony realizes his father's weapons industry is bad and devotes himself to correcting things in the world
>Steve is a patriot and undergoes a military experiment so he could better protect his country and enforce justice
>Thor is a protector of the realm by birth and uses his godlike powers to fulfill his duties
>Peter lucks his way into spider powers but has to learn to be responsible and stand for good as his uncle would want
>T'challa inherits his position as the ruler and defender of his country and is willing to go to any lengths to do so
>Star-Lord has to overcome his learned mercenary urges and not fuck over everyone for personal gain despite not having powers since he's good at heart
>Strange has to leave his successful life behind in order to devote his life to defending the world against evil magic

>Carol lucks her way into superpowers and then fucks off to do her own thing

The biggest problem with her is that we never see her motivation, her drive, her principles, her conviction, in the movie she's just a random pilot and is never developed beyond that, we're expected to think she'll do the right thing because she's a woman, but she's never shown being dedicated to a noble cause beyond personal revenge. Undoing all of the achievements of fan-beloved characters built up over 10 years to give the spotlight to a self-insert non-character like this is story suicide.

Nah bro that's bries feet you're smelling.

Carol Danvers as a character almost felt like a void in the movie. At least at times. Whether or not they intentionally directed her to act like that due to amnesia I don't know, but even if they did it was a terrible decision. It's not as if she never emotes or anything, but a lot of the time it can be surprisingly hard to get a good read on her whatsoever which is both unsettling and uninteresting. Very unsuitable for a lead character.

On the flip side though Captain Marvel probably has the best execution of a fish out of water scenario in the MCU so far, and they've already done that a couple of times by now. This was without a doubt the high light of the movie coupled with the relatively stronger supporting cast that helped emphasize this element of the movie.

The antagonists were kind of shit in the sense that we never really knew or had any reason to care about them one way or the other. It's like they just existed and just acted. Which was not compelling.
The only saving grace in regards to this would probably be that the movie never really focuses on them whatsoever so I suppose that I can guess that the movie never really intended for us to care about them, but even if that's true that just leaves us with less to care about in a movie where you could already be left asking what you're meant to care about.

The earth stuff was mostly good though. The retro stuff was probably more tasteful than in Guardians of the Galaxy too, or maybe it was just less hamfisted. Seeing a younger and less developed SHIELD was fun and Nick Fury's addition to this movie was without a doubt great. Even with Carol's odd lack of character, or at the very least odd character, she and Fury almost had something of a Boke & Tsukkomi deal going on which greatly helped to smoothly land a lot of the movie's comedy. Another thing the movie actually succeeded at.

Being this retarded and knowing nothing about star wars lore.

The only Jedi in recent history who even started to learn how to become a force ghost was Jinn and he never even finished the training. How the fuck could commune with force ghosts that weren't even there until after APM? Infact in a deleted scene for RotS Yodi boi actually talks with the disembodied ghost of Jinn.

Luke hears and sees obi wan a lot more because Obi Wan actually finished the training and actively took part in events after his death.

The start of the movie before landing on earth is something of a jumbled mess though. In a sense it's refreshing to have the movie respect you enough to not just flat out tell you everything straight up and just info dump everything on you at the beginning of the movie to make the origin story. But that doesn't really stop the first part of the movie from feeling directionless and lacking in focus as it hops from one thing to the next without ever really having established any tangible thread for the movie or the audience to latch onto.

It's a very middle of the road MCU movie, but it's in no way the worst, though it most certainly doesn't have all that much going for it either. But I guess that doesn't stop people from being mad. Though in a way I guess no one really got what they wanted. It's neither amazing nor terrible, so it's neither worth celebrating to heavens nor tearing every piece of it apart. I suppose that might be frustrating.

>Honestly I don't understand the timing of Captain Marvel
I don't think they actually planned to do it, but then SJWs and Wonder Woman happened.

Man I HATE her fucking SQUARE LOOKING ASS FACE, she looks like a fucking BITCH ASS TODDLER. Why did they cast this plain looking asshole, she isn't even Jewish

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sure smells like incel in here

>bitch is ugly
>but also uncharismatic
>kind of a cunt too
>not fit or shapely
>can't really act
>allergic to cats
>not jewish
>doesn't look like she gives good head
This casting choice will forever be a mystery, she has literally 0 redeeming factors holy shit

So let me get this straight:
white female has black female friend in the airforce but it's all about HER struggles as a white chick?
said white female becomes role model to little black girl who was actually an adult and the first female to use the name Captain Marvel in the comics?
said white female is so agro that when a "man" pays her a compliment she steal his ride and it's played off as a "good thing" for a hero to fucking steal?
when she find sout her mentor is an ass she goes full turbo and says ALL men are liars GRRR!!!!?
has super duper powers that she didn't know about?
when it seem that these new powers aren't enough she... get mad at the patriarchy and get extra powers?
has literal subplot about getting back up after falling down and they don't even play Tubthumping?


Jews love goyim women. They always put one when they write their make believes so Schlomo can get her.

I heard this too but I can't remember where. Probably here, desu.

Lego head

>and it's played off as a "good thing" for a hero to fucking steal?
What? She came across as a lunatic that knew little of common sense, alien to our world, stealing a bike she thought would be useful at the slight of being called a "freak". Which was followed up Nick Fury almost rolling his eyes at how bizarre she and it all was when he said he could locate her by following the reported bike theft.

It was not framed as a good thing.

Exactly making her powered by the tesseract is so Mary Sue it hurts

I remember the first time I had sex then immediately gained a higher understanding of movie critiquing and political events.

oh no, not endgame plea- oh wait, i dont care about children's cartoons "movies"

To be fair I haven't seen the movie, I just read blog/tumblr/reddit posts about the plot.
A lot of people didn't get that it wasn't a good thing apparently. I'm glad the movie isn't as retarded.
Is the patriarchy shit that much on the nose or was that exagerated as well?

>has super duper powers that she didn't know about?
what, she just has amnesia, she just never realized how OP they were

I saw the Captain Marvel movie, as I was forced to see it to write an assignment for an English course.

It was boring as fuck; I nearly fell asleep multiple times. Larson only has two acting modes: bored bitch and Tony Stark rip-off.

They did nothing to try and fix Carol Danvers' character.They left out the fact that Carol was Miss Marvel, among other things that the rest of you have mentioned in this thread.

Carol Danvers was way better as Miss Marvel. I heard she wasn't a self-righteous cunt back in the day. I can fap to her in her old outfits as Miss Marvel. Her persona as Captain Marvel is a literally boner-killer..

Attached: Carol Danvers.jpg (1000x911, 98K)

I think he was talking about the thing in her neck.

That part doesn't
>comes in at the end to save the day and steal the spotlight from the others
This part does

why are you invested in comic book characters?

Will we get this scene?

Attached: ant man and marvel.jpg (1382x1600, 612K)

She never called all men liars. She called her mentor a liar and he was.
And she didn't get mad at the patriarchy. She was in a direct confrontation with the Kree Supreme Intelligence in cyber space. And she became mad at her mentor, the Supreme Intelligence, and at how they and all the Kree had controlled and used her while keeping her docile and in the dark about everything.

Why are you invested in movie characters?

But I just masturbated

>Why did they cast this plain looking asshole
Ashley "I'm sleeping with someone at Paramount" Judd is the answer.

>or was that exagerated as well?
See .

Knows the Falcon Millenium better than Han Solo

i am? i didn't know that.

Sounds better than I expected. I guess I'll do a TFA/Rogue One/MCU and watch it when it's on tv.

Dr. Strange is a much better comparison. Both are strong mid/late entries in the story.

Hell they both screw with time and while both instrumental, neither are the heaviest hitters in their stories.

sounds pretty problematic

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>Goes from only being able to barely fight off 3 unarmed men at once while using her staff, to fighting five of the most highly trained combatants at once in the space of two days.

Terrible hairstyle. I swear the movies better not copy it.

have prep

Attached: 5919-original-780x400.jpg (780x400, 30K)

i hope not
paul rudd would proper a very small vomit projectiles down on bree

Now I want to watch Rocky again

Astounding film

fucking yarpy

actually retarded lol