Other urls found in this thread:
When the fuck will TERFs get their shit together and work on eradicating the tranny menace? Feminists are getting outclassed and outshined by men pretending to be w*men and its not even funny anymore
>opinions are now illegal
Fucking clown land.
This man needs to be chemically castrated and put in a shelter.
The absolute state of leftists in 2019.
He knows all about leaving negative reviews
It's like that thing's face is a wad of clay all slapped together.
It's still pretty funny.
John Flynn is a bored trustfund kid, he cut his own dick off to get attention from daddy.
Strong male ally.
A shameless liar AND a brainless turd. Amazing.
Brianna Wu thread?
Reminder MCU faggots and and embarrassment to all of man kind
She's still comedy gold, even this many years removed from gamergate.
Ok you're right
What's fake? Brianna Wu is an insane tranny and says retarded shit like this all the time
What kind of legislation is she calling for?
Women are all naturally retarded.
do we tell him?
> well that escalated quickly.jpg
>no one tries to intervene
Every one of these webms of a Chinese adult attacking a child is the same. Really makes you think they might just be fundamentally different to us.
Brianna is a trans
have sex
Choose a sex
Video of her on Bloomberg to bitch about Captain Marvel reviews. I thought Bloomberg still had a decent reputation in the business and on /biz/ but guess I was wrong. Huh.
did the janny just delete my "have sex" post lmao
niggers and chinks aren't so different
Your post was extremely low quality
Dammit, I'm tired, it was an accident.
men pretending to be women are just as retarded
you better have sex before you can tell others to have sex
But what about space rocks?
they remain a constant threat
This almost sounds like a parody.
>Stupid glasses
>Sour bogged eyed fish expression
>Miserable bitch face
>The worst personality
>Trash opinions
have some sex you godamn incel
The Chinese can be a bit cold-hearted and stubborn, I guess.
Leftists are dangerous. You give them one inch and they'll take away all your freedoms through government force.
He doesn't have to. He was born male, he just has to learn to accept it.
>having sex means you will find trannies attractive
that's not how sex works lmao
Have a sex.
engage in coitus
you trying to save face stand atop the retard pyramid
first post best post
Are they ok?
What this proves is that it's not women who are retarded, but female victimhood that creates retardedness. It applies to both genders equally
I'm basically a feminist, wow
>Mansplaining to another man
based chink
partake in the ritual of mating
There’s literally a gene linked to expression of empathy that 50% of caucasiods carry but only around 30% of Asians carry.
220 is something I've thought about a great deal. If we gave into all their bullshit 'progressive' demands, it wouldn't stop there.
>Im going to ask you to talk down to me
have some sex incel
holey moley now we're talking kek
chinks are better at plagiarizing
Do some sex russian incel
Yeah, all of the passengers jumped out mid way down and opened up their parachutes, except for the thot that hit the driver, of course.
terfs only reject trannies because of their hatred of men
damn that made me really mad if i saw somebody doign that i would intervene and help
kick the shit out of the kid
for all of the newfag reddit immigrants. He hates when you call him John Flynt.
China is a bit fucked in terms of getting involved in crimes/accidents.
There is a law that basically makes you responsible for medical costs etc. if you help someone that is injured in public and the person that caused it isn't apprehended or the person that's injured isn't covered (see: everyone). They're currently reforming it last I heard, but it's basically why you see the insects walking right by someone bleeding out on the street.
They just don't wanna get fucked over.
>In their findings, the authorities blamed the 42-year-old driver for not following proper safety procedures
kaczynski is very underated
Nogs are just dumb apes, chinks are more like some sort of invasive insect species
I always thought that was just a myth. What could be the reason for such a law?
Well at least this tranny's trying to act feminine.
That is, call for help instead of standing up to the facts.
Noticed digits
>U.S. congressional candidate Brianna Wu
I'm sorry what
She got btfo in the prelims in a small, unknown district - i.e. she wasn't even remotely close.
Here's some john kino
how did it become a candidate? Is it just a form you fill out?
I thought the last dude who starts speeding up was getting away but NOPE. Fucking chinese insects
It's hard for me to hate a person more than I hate this tranny
Yeah, anyone can actually just run. The problem is money for campaigning to get your name out there.
Helps ensure the healthcare system doesn't get fucked over? Dunno. It's a hypersocialist state.
Check her Twitter, I recall it was in the wake of Trump being sworn in.
I love how shit like this has been proven and leftycucks are still skeptical of the idea that Femishits sent the GamerGate "death-threats" to themselves.
even niggers are more likely to intervene in that situation
>he never saw the ad Wu made of him pulling up on a motorcycle
It's worth checking out.
have sex incel
>random tranny decides what is legal
Try to keep up, please
>that voice
he paid money for this shit lmao
That's too fucking high. What the fuck is wrong with Massholes?
>Check her Twitter,
I absolutely will not and shame on you for suggesting it
damn the cosmos really wanted him dead that day
You forgot: mentally ill and emotionally unstable
That's still a terrifying number of votes in favor of the mindless evil non-human.
I think she needed 1k (could have been 3k) signatures to get on the prelim ballet. She was pummeled in the dem nomination. Here is one of her old ads, unironically:
thanks for the exact numbers
why is the like/dislike bar fucked up on this videos?
>comments disabled
of course they are lol
I mean at this point isn't highlighting such things just completely redundant and immature?
>so many seething incels itt
trannies are mentally ill men
normal people disregard everything they say
dammnit it was an accident, I was typing fast
reminder that if you call tranny freaks what they want to be called, you are enabling them
call them by what they really are, and what their real names are
need those suicide numbers up
Are you 12?
I bet the bikes and pedestrians went on their merry way like nothing ever happened. I don't understand them.
Women you say, youre a funny fucker
China has a fucked up culture. I understand things like the Bystander Effect are a thing but the Chinese take shit to a whole new level. Events like the murder of Kitty Genovese were wake-up calls in the West but similar events are weekly things in China.
>D I L A T I O N S T A T I O N S
have sex
>being this butthurt
Christ dude, get a life
reread it gave implies it's not even a loan
smells like a discord tranny boys
>he paid money for this shit lmao
Well, he rich parents paid for it I bet.
>Stand for women reproductive right
>Trans faggot
Since there are John Flynt scholars in this thread, can anyone explain the story behind the fat asian manlet he is married to? Even if he were gay, why would he voluntarily spend his time with this person?
I didn't remember that scene in Speed.
>a fucking tranny worshipper thinks worshipping trannies is associated with age or maturity
Bring up the topic outside of your college's young socialist club, you little freak.
In that man's defense: That kid is very unlikely to act like a little shit to random people he doesn't even know again.
tells someone to get a life on Yea Forums are you retard you do know most people who post here are autistic
imagine getting less votes than fucking John Flynt
Isn't he some famous game dev?
Who are these people going to complain to after the government collapses in 15 years?
have sex incel
>some old asian dude
You know he loves to suck cocks.
I nut to trannies twice a day, you should really give it a go, you'll feel much better.
I would defend slapping the shit out of the kid but stomping on his head is obviously crossing multiple lines.
He is a man and he always will be, there is nothing he can do about that. Pretending is for 12 year olds.
There is no person on thr planet more damaging to the transexual communuty than Brianna Wu. This paranoid schizophrenic declared themselves the 'spokesperson of all trans people' just to go on to have narcissistic fit after narcissistic for in the most unworkable way, making selfish mentally ill demands and then claiming these were the demands of all trans people. Using transexuals as a fucking meat shield and declaring attacks as if they were his personal army. Brianna Wu made it his PERSONAL MISSION to get apeshit in as many people as possible's taxes, and then say that's what a transexual is, even though almost no transsexual is as particularly specifically mentally ill as Wu. Shr has done more damage to transsexuals than anyone (except maybe their doctors)
Private companies
Might as well call all those famous meme traps by their birth names
they are already doing that, twitter and youtube are catering to sjws already
As many people as possible's faces*
Android autocorrect is beyond abysmal and changes correctly spelled words into completely different ones
>"lol have sex incel"
>never has sex themselves
Literally nobody.
There are ~novels written about good ol' frankie boy on kiwi - I wouldn't do him justice to summarize. If you want the tldr and some laughs, best just to read the encyclopedia dramatica entry.
even the dog doesn't give a fuck
Why are you mobileposting? Are you out in public writing diatribes about trannies on your phone? Lmao
China has huge problems with scammers who fake things like this then rob anyone who comes to help,
>2,300 Dislikes
Wew. Is he going to blame that abysmal ratio on sexist Russian Hackers working for GamerGate too?
They think if they virtue signal enough some woman will open their legs for a pity fuck later on in life
You're going to have to dig deeper for that answer.
I honestly feel bad for (him/her), not because (him/her) is right (clearly that is not the case), but because it is not good to live with so much hatred in your heart and such a large persecution complex. It's sad really. If only (he/she) could just get the mental help (he/she) needs, but of course (he/she) would likely just reject the idea that (he/she) needs mental health support in the first place.
A lot of people mobile post because they go out into the world. I know you probably are stuck in your basement all day though, you should see the sunlight once in a while.
>When I was 20 my parents handed my $200,000
Wow, truly he understands what it means to be oppressed. Thank God he's here to inform me of my privilege.
>it's fucking real
Big if true.
I have been noticing even normies are starting to become offput by their antics.
Nice hair color Dyke.
See video. Good comment section, too.
you don't know me incel
Truly a trans of the people
Wow. Good job, bitch. Hope you're happy.
>I honestly feel bad for (him/her)
His parents literally millionaires. He was born with silver spoon in his mouth.
Because they're all thinking the same thing
Like Trump who he mortally opposes.
Doesn't mean I can't feel bad. I mean, I also feel bad when I see a person with Downs Syndrome. Doesn't matter if that person comes from a family of millionaires, that's still rough.
Wu's problems should at least be fixable though with enough therapy and introspection.
>bus goes CLEAN THROUGH the safety-railing and right over the edge at a relatively low speed
Wow, glorious Chinese Socialist engineering-quality right there.
Here is their game
I know you have an infected spawn of satan between your legs that no penis or vagina would ever get within a mile of.
Socialist legislative incompetence.
>damaging to the transexual community
Why do you guys talk like they need acceptance? They don't. Quit enabling this shit.
If you're ranting about trannies on your phone you aren't really participating in the outside world. Look around the bus or wherever you are maybe there's a qt sitting nearby
The big corporations are the ones breeding sjwism. It makes people easier to control and you can censor anything you like if you can easily convince people to be outraged by it. It makes it easier to draw money from people. Sjws will throw money to fast food places while bemoaning physical activity as "diet culture."
>Brianna Wu
Down Syndrome would be easier to fix
>Sjws will throw money to fast food places while bemoaning physical activity as "diet culture."
I've only heard things like 'fat acceptance' and 'body positivity,' though they amount to the same thing.
>people don't use their phones in public
Makes me think of how their ghost cities are going to hold up when people start moving into them in droves, albeit they are, for the most part, Australian engineered.
her parent's money is the only reason this freak is relevant and somehow got a govt position i think, leftism is mental illness