Is this peak Kevin Smith?

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What a fag

well that just ruined clerks for me

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Heres hoping for another heart block

Why would he send that out? Should have at least had a hat on or something

Wait, this isn't satire?

There's so many reaction images in that crowd.

Did he get aids? Why does he look like that?

When you spend a lifetime being overweight it does a number on you when you drop it

He's happy. I wish I was.

Is he on crack? He doesn't look well.

I miss fat kevin

At first glance I thought it was Robert Downey Jr. to be honest

inb4 incels pushing toxic masculinity. Kevin Smith is the man if the future, he's not afraid to show his feelings.

how is it possible that a 48 year old man's brain hasn't matured past the age of 15?

we all know you're the real incel here user

This is actually the gayest thing ever

Kevin Smith fucking sucks

this is so embarrassing I wish you hadn't shown me OP.

Was he always such a beta?
>just remember I’m dogma God is a woman
Never mind

He's been a superfan of Marvel his entire life, and actually saw them reference him. It's enough to make any grown man cry.

Grown men don’t have a vested interest in capeshit you fatty

he completely fried his brain with weed in the last 15 years and is now a vegan.

peak gen-x

Why does he do that numale bugeyed shit? Is that supposed to be funny?

My guess is its either SSRIs or he lives in a state of constant terror

i used to be handsome and happy and everybody loved me because i was jolly and funny
that all changed when i lost weight and people stared at me in public because i looked sick
like really sick


His movies would also be called homophobic today now though. Not that they actually are as the message is always the opposite but just because characters like Jay call people fags (which he and every other Gen Xer did) and that is problematic today.

not even the first time he's cried over capeshit 1.03

All the people who should still be fat are now thin and all the people who should be thin are now fat.

Some one should respond back with "have sex"

What if a service was designed like from Total Recall where you could time travel to a specific event and blend in and enjoy the like you were there but not be noticed as a time traveler

That only bothers actual virgins. Kevin has been married for like twenty years, even if he only had sex on his wedding night to make his kid he would still respond with “I did have sex you loser”

I liked kevin smith until clerks 2 came out now i find this pathetic manchild insufferable

Goddamn, he looks like he has AIDS, what the hell happened?

he had a major heart attack and went to some extreme vegan lifestyle afterwards

I miss funny Kevin, he's the only entertainment person i can think of whose quality of work decreased because of taking drugs.

he has now taken the mantle

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Genuinely disgusting behavior

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Can't even spell the person he's thanking to. No, he didn't survive the snap.

it's about feeling an emotional connection for him, he wants his fans to know what a wreck he is and the intimacy of him looking bad adds to the benefit he gets from that digital connection

He's turning into Woody Allen.

This guy always sends out the most embarrassing pictures of himself

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>Greetings, Revan, we knew that you would return.

Hes full of shit that he didnt know the shoutout was coming. Title aside, marvel couldnt have used the logo on that script cover without permission. Either smith or (most likely) owner of film granted permission, and its highly unlikely KS wouldnt have gotten a tipoff, even if it was just a friendly, "Hey, this is cool, Kevin, you get a shoutout in CM"

>Could this be a Fuck You to DC for not making his Superman script?

he's an embarrassing manchild for DC movies as well

Wtf is growing on the bridge of his nose?

I'm sure he would waste no time in apologizing and taking it up the ass, but that would assume that anyone actually cared.

I guess maybe he was surprised it made it into the film? As a director he would know how much can end up on the cutting room floor

Kevin Smith has coasted on Clerks for 25 years at this point. He is the number one person at coasting on his past. Why does anyone give the slightest fuck what he does or doesn't do?

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because he is the prime example of the type of male that current society wants so its best to take notes.

>He's been a superfan of Marvel his entire life
He's 48.

What a fucking faggot

yeah well my dad is uh.. hm

that's horseshit, my weight has been up and down my whole live, and everyone thinks I'm 25 when I'm 31. I just started a new job and everyone thinks I'm fresh out of university (which is true, but I was a mature student). If you don't crash diet like a retard and lift, you won't turn into a sunken ghoul.

why does he fucking cry all the time

>sunken ghoul.

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Look at his hair, it looks like it's from a corpse. He's probably on some onions boy diet that's draining his life force.

were you as overweight as Kevin was? it's also different to lose it at his age. If you're saying you yo-yo your weight constantly then that's going to catch up with you in your 30s

Not constantly. Was ~200 at 19. Got up to 295 by 27 while lifting. Now back to 235 after a couple years of steady dieting. You gotta do it slow.


op that's an old pic, pic related is from this week

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Being really fucking fat and deciding to lose it in your late 40s results in looking like a deflated balloon.

He is a human Chihuahua. Quick kick him perhaps he will stop making annoying noises. This shitfuck used to represent Gen X. Now he is a try hard poser fag. Fuck him. He is disowned


if you're only 235 then you aren't a sunken ghoul because you still have a lot of fat on you unless you're incredibly tall like 6"6 or more or are utterly insanely jacked. Not sure if you're happy with your current weight but I would still try to lose more, better now than later. I'm 6"2 and went from 250 to 210 and can still see where the fat pads out my skin, I need another 10 pounds lost to really see the gains from the gym

he lost too much weight way too fast and become a vegan. he lacks of protein, from meat, from the dead corpse of an animal.

and he also lack of balls. the intelligence is gone, too much pot, there is no turning back for that.

he is one of these cases of men "who had it all" and, yet, find a way to be sad and pathetic.

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same thing happened to le trash man

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You know that "vegans get no protein" bullshit is a lie, right? Im sure you do and you just dont care, which makes you an asshole in addition to an idiot.

YIKES. do these people just love food so much their face ages 20 years when they diet?

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plenty of people had a good movie or two in the 90s and went into obscurity, Kevin Smith is doing better than all those people you have completely forgotten about, at least until he dies early

Vegans are disgusting

Man I used to love listening to smodcast right up until zack and miri came out and bombed. After that he just started doing every podcast borderline incoherently stoned, and became a mopey unfunny downer. He still seems like an alright guy but he is a fucking perfect example of that burnout that absolutely insists that weed makes him creative when it does the exact opposite.

dropped after he got BTFO by southwest and pretended to be some hard hitting journalist and had to have his wife console him

>not dropping him after clerks 2

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I didn't get the refference...

never seen any of his movies but he can be entertaining when not heavily influenced by onions and weed.

Clerks and Mallrats were classic 90s kino but if you're a mature adult you might not like them

chasing amy, dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back were ok but they had too much Ben Affleck

I think he's just upset that Dan Harmon stole his schtick and did it better.

he didnt become obscure but also never reached his full potential because he didnt grow the fuck up. he become a stoner doing shitty podcasts for his shitty crew of fans and the pot completly fuck it up any talent.

just try to watch yoga hoosers. it is not the same person who did those interesting movies in the 90s. it simply isnt.

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well i should clarify I did download clerks once and deleted it after 10 minutes

he was always a hack who lucked into writing a funny script

>He’s talking about day on Cop Out when he was explaining the setup of a shot to Willis, who quite reasonably asked his director which millimeter lens was on the camera, so he could modulate his performance accordingly. Smith had no idea what lens he was using, and Willis blew up on him in front of everybody on the set.

Not saying they arent. Just saying that they get no protein is ridiculously stupid and confirms the person saying it as a moron and a douchebag.

>and no, im not a vegan

indeed. a hat would have made a big difference.

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clerks is good, mallrats is good, chasing amy is good.

dogma is shit, jay and silent bob stryke back is shit. clerks 2 is fine. between those movies there is one with ben affleck and j-lo that nobody watch.

and them come the attempt to become a 'mature' filmmaker: red state. FLAMING PIECE OF SHIT.

them what was left of his brain cells died and he offer us husk and yoga hoosers, because he becomes obsessed with canada (?!).

it's not that bad of a movie, its his first film and he had to have money loaned to him for him to finish it.

for a low budge movie it's done fairly well and a decent comedy

clerks 2 was total garbage

the dialog is mind numbing. It's quite clear he just writes down a stream of consciousness and then tries to retrofit that into some haphazard movie.

wtf that's not the plot of Total Recall

ironically, not knowing was when he did his best stuff. but it is understandable that after a while a professional must be... professional.

all the shit he talked about bruce willis is terrible, who would work with a fat pot smoker who would do a podcast later saying things that simply should stay on set?

and i listen his podcasts a few years ago and he is the fat loser who gets really excited with the attention and start saying unnecessary shit that cross the limits of professional courtesy and ethics.

for the most part yes but it has it's moments

Fuck, I just remembered I actually bought that Darth Vader model kit but never finished it

meat is alright. Western factories are generally clean and the animals are killed humanely. Stressed meat is bitter and anyone who posts some nightmarish webm isn't proving a point, but showing a 1 in 100 slav/sudaca facility where everyone deserves a max prison sentence for running it that way
Don't support kosher or halal shit though. That's caveman tier.

yeah and it went on to become a cult phenomenon partially because it was traded in vhs bootlegs. maybe you’re too young to appreciate that smith’s success is due in part to symbolic role as a regular guy with a camera who hit it big in an industry that is notoriously difficult to navigate. to say clerks is bad is subjectively correct but objectively wrong.


What if we got rid of every "artist" that makes a career of referencing things they grew up with? Sorry JJ, Kevin Smith, and every new Disney film.

>saying that they get no protein is ridiculously stupid
Fine. They usually get insufficient protein on account of the fact that the average healthy-weight person needs about 20% of their diet to be protein to meet their needs (and an active healthy-weight person should aim for 25%) and even high-protein non-meat items like beans and nuts max out at 20% (and usually have less) which means that unless they're mainlining tofu or drinking a vegan protein shake or two they not getting enough to support muscle growth and/or long-term intense physical exertion.

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I thought that was the short guy from top gear

>owner of film
You can just say "Harvey Weinstein", it's ok

ok, I don't care. Wonder if he got to fuck her

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those pants are physically impossible

People already don't eat enough protein on normal diets, you just can't tell because a normal diet makes a person fat. Once they go vegan and lose weight but get even less protein than they normally do, the problems really become apparent.

Even if you are non-vegan and reading this then you're probably not getting enough protein.

He's younger than Sherrod Brown

There was a scene in JASBSB where Jay calls someone on line every homophobic slur in the book. And many Kevin Smith made up. Wouldn't fly today. Not even Family Guy is making gay jokes anymore.

Not wrong

Kevin is 48 user

Soul Vs. Soulless

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Chasing Amy was a terrible melodramatic cringefest.

those 'shorts' are still embarrassing

Like birdwatching but it's just looking for Kevin Smith wiping his car windows

Can't this guy afford to go through a car wash btw? It's like $5 where I am

Fuck what a loser.

>Is he on crack?
Didn't he tweet about loving his wife's ass crack?

drive through car washes are very traumatic experiences

He’s admitted before that he felt Judd Apatow took his shtick and made it better.

Or rather he felt the same as Apatow but audiences never resonated with his flicks like they did his.


lose weight.
dress as the same retard.
act as the same retard.

just be fat, chubby, its not like you have any dignity at all. and being skinny doesnt mean shit smoking pot and being a vegan, he does not look like a heathy person. shit, he looks worst.

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Zack and Miri was good. It had tits and cock and too many sex references that did not follow acceptable patterns to be mainstream. Shit was funny.

maybe he lost weight for health reasons and not for aesthetics

he has no income outside of shilling and is always one failed shit test away from his wife leaving.

You literally have no idea how many people you know smoke pot. Fucking "edgy" christfags.

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literally shoot pictures of his wife nude with another man on playboy

what a fucking cuck.

I love this photo.

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Judd knew where the line was. He then put one toe over it. But did so in a way that was acceptable to the mainstream.
Smith did shit his way and didn't care to stay around the line. He tried to push it. He followed greats like Carlin that way. But that shit didn't pay. And his fanbase didn't want to see Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan do pg13 shit. They wanted the natural evolution from gen x style foul but "deep" 90s shit. He didn't deliver. Zack and Miri was good.
He lost his balls. Now he is a whore that swallows all the gravy and says he loves it fuck him

Didn't he take that second picture to show how much he'd lost since the other picture went viral?

look at workaholics. look at kevin smith work. there are functional artists who smoke pot and keep doing their shit and there are people who become monothematic and all they can do is drop DUDE POT LMAO.

>It's enough to make any grown man cry.
My mother died two years ago, the only grandparent I ever knew died the year before
I haven't cried in 16 years

holy shit
you can see his eyes now

Yeah I thought it was a pretty good raunchy comedy, and it wasnt even a bomb, it made double its budget back, but KS was under the delusion that it was going to be a massive blockbuster a when it came out and only did "good" it sent him into this bizzare downward reefer spiral that lasted for like an entire year.