You can't make this shit up

You can't make this shit up

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literally discount Avril Lavigne
Oh no no no.

Avril still kept her looks unlike Brie.

Attached: Avril-Lavigne_-2018-Race-to-Erase-MS-Gala--09-662x918.jpg (662x918, 77K)

>tfw no avril gf


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this shit makes me horny wtf


It's a shame, she was pretty cute.

can't even act in a music video

how she become so ugly

>based chris

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have sex

Aw, went from edgy skatergirl to cute princess.

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kinda wanna lick that tummy lads

It is for that.

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first woman I've seen that did the side shave correctly

She's had plenty of looks, and looked great in all of them.

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she's been injecting testosterone like mad so she could get buff for the new film

You unironically must be a virgincel

Brie pls go.

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Dubs confirm Chris is indeed not based as the character he plays

she looks like an absolute unit here what the fuck

Exactly what kind of autist thinks actors are like the characters they portray?

>some virgin loser judging womens hairstyles as if he is the master of all hairdos
They don't do it for you numbnuts they can shave their head any way they want.


Sorry no one likes you, Brie.

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What kind of autist thinks Captain America is based?

He's pretty much a weaker superman.

calm down incel

>you'll never put a baby in that tummy

Have sex incel

Inevitable biopic with Amy Adams when

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But Amy Adams is old.

i always saw her as a skinny lil girl but wew look at that tummy and pretty based thighs

>Antifa tries to hit him with a glass bottle
>He fights back
>"he's a sexist bully!"
...ok, should be treat women like anyone else or should we treat them as a special class because you can't ask for equality but having special powers.

Her tummy has always been perfect.

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What the fuck would this pretty boy Evans do? Yeah that alt right Manlet woman hitter is a fag but he was at least in the marines and has eniugh balls to grow down. Chris Evans wouldn’t do shit. He wouldn’t throw the first punch or get violent and Nathan wouldn’t throw a punch at someone either if they weren’t being violent to him.

Yeah, this guy is an enormous faggot. Did you see his fist-pump at the awards show?

>he was in the marines
I don't think being homosexual will bring any advantages to a fight.



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Nice feet.

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Wait, that's her?
When did she go goth?


>I want to be your girlfriend

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Come and get her.

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Evans seems like a cool fucking guy to hang out with.

>They don't do it for you
One hundred percent true, they do it for your attention and adulation. It is entirely self-centered.

she looks like a typical Stacy

Tariq Nasheed literally posts videos of white infants getting beaten by black groups as revenge racial porn and this faggot is mad about a guy defending himself in a fight

I don't understand how actors think

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Stacy a qt.

Exactly, except she always looked like a nice girl, even when she tried being edgy she was cute.

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I couldn't sit through more than 1 minute of that

And Avril Lavigne is older than Brie Larson.

That was actually pretty good. I felt those mid 2000s vibes.

Because it's from said period.

You ever spent time around artists? They're colossal retards with low impulse control and it's no surprise that Hollywood is a black hole of stupid. Your average artist makes the average /pol/tard look intelligent and levelheaded.

>This is not where I want a Brie

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All "edgy" girls are actually nice girls. They're usually just a little uncomfortable around boys and maybe are just trying too hard to seem interesting or smart. They probably also like rock music (usually bad rock music) but at least that's a place to start

They're mostly very submissive retards who are afraid of getting out of their 'transgressive' grouping but you'd think that retarded same impulse would make them question some of this shit

Tariq Nasneed.


dumb fucking frog making me kek

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That Avril?


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Milkers looking great.

> shake his hand!

aye they are nice and perky

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she's mine incels

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cute pink nipples just as I imagined

you take that back!

Lucky bastard, but i'm glad she's happy and that she didn't fall for Hollywood, it would have ruined her both physically and mentally.

>tfw young fashion/insta thots are starting to dress like this again!

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>that pic

everything went better than expected.jpg

perfect so sucking

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If they go back to the skatergirl thing, and that again evolves into emos and scene sluts, then the 2020s might actually be a fun decade.

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even closer

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I generally didn't care about tummies but god damn I guess I do now

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Titty fuzz yum

You should, user, it's where you are going to put a baby.

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>you will never park your fresh meat into her daily

literally perfect

is she getting thicc?

Nah, it's just the pic and the dress make her shoulders look wide as fuck.

Lads, do you think 7x6" could ever satisfy her ?

As long as you don't have a microdick you can get girls off easily if you get them horny enough beforehand.

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Wait, when did this happen?

One can only imagine. These days girls that dye their hair and all that are usually insufferable but I like the aesthetic. If it becomes the norm again and regular, non cunty women start dressing cool again I'll be happy.

Just be rough with her, she's probably into it.

How does a cute emo/skater girl turn into a fridge?


She didn't, it's just that pic.

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Holy shit, she's only 29?

I absolutely love Avril's subtle lisp and I think it's cute.
Specifically when she pronounces words starting with "s"
Is that weird?
I think it's weird.

You know I don't mean physically. Obviously any 5" or above dick will actually physically be enough to do the job

Implying Chris Evans is straight

>mfw avril is the type of girl who stays in fucked up and neglected relationships.

Pretty much anybody in Yea Forums has a chance with her

Yeah because he’s a non PC frat boy and nothing like the whiny onions bean he is on Twitter

>I may never get where I'm going, yeah
>but then again, I might

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>you will never hear Avril say "sneed"

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Is it weird that I don’t find current Brie attractive at all, but I find the one from the music video really sexy?

Wtf? She has a completely different face? What the fuck?

Did she do a billion plastic surgeries or something?

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>she'll never whisper a song in your ear as you fall asleep

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Not really, she used to be a cute girl.
Some people just age badly.
Probably due to Hollywood kike rapists.

Absolutely CUTE feet

God I hate this capeshit fucker and his meme. Whats his name?

>Literally gets cuter with time

Fucking HOW?

She DEFINITELY had plastic surgery what the fuck. She clearly shrunk her nose tip to name one thing that shouldn't have changed with age. Only now I realize how plastic current Brie Larson is.

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Why do people get plastic surgery if they end up looking worse?

Why does she look like a completely different person?

Body dysmorphia. Very common with people who also suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.

You answered your own question. They're terrified of being cast out by the group; artists are deeply insecure people who care too much what others think about them that they will almost never go against the group think.

A combination of plastic surgery and hitting the wall.

I wonder if someone told righteous Chris more about this girl. She is also nude model, hairy one, if you know what I mean

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>artists are deeply insecure people who care too much what others think about them that they will almost never go against the group think
that's a good point, it's empty people looking for validation forever and being self conscious about what people think of them

it doesnt help they're social climbers looking to be good little boys to the group (and rich people forming those opinions and casting them)

She's best 2000s celeb waifu.

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"Finally Out of P.E. album only sold a total of 4,000 copies in the United States.


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I met avril when she was at her most popular through work and she was nice but incredibly dumb. She also really loved country music which was lol because she was doing the whole punk thing.

nothing wrong with BTFOing drumpftards

better thot singer coming through

She always looked like a homely girl.

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showing skin has always been a thing

thats why she cant act or emote. she cant fucking move her face at all.

Was the failure of her singing career what made her so bitter?

Just look her cannines that's good genes.

Dat tite butt though.

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I like it unironically



Noses change based on age but they grow. It along with ears are one thing that never stops growing for some reason.

>Man who pretends to be a soldier thinks he’d be able to beat up a real soldier

>He was in the marines
So he was a retard?

He was a marine, a marine without a gun is no different than a civilian.
Marines barely get any hand to hand combat training.

Left the gym today, hit the music player shuffle, avril song came up. Didn't know she still sings

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Yeah, she dropped the skatergirl thing after she almost died from Lyme disease.
Now she makes cheesy pink-loving princess songs.

Real talk: why is Sk8er boi such a sad song? I never even skated but that song hits hard brehs, why didn't she stick with him ? ;_;

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Unironically decent.

Were you ever even in marine infantry?

How do you get to more of a discount than the bargain bin clearance garbage pile?

He looks like the kinda douche that listens to Nickelback.

they look like they were having a blast irl too, besides the music spotlight

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Used to, and you are barely taught anything.
The tryouts are barely to check that you aren't a hambeast and that you know how to mantain your weapon.

Even as a kid I found that shit artificial as fuck. She was a country singer who tried to be "punk".

sounds like you were a pretty fucking stupid kid dude, hahahahaha

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>The song "Hope Has Wings" was featured on the 2005 animated film Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus.
She's literally a Barbie girl.

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Kill yourself, my man.

I think you're full of shit or were a POG. Anytime my unit had spare time we were fighting or grappling. It was literally like fight club. I have no reason to believe my unit was different than any other

More like Avril Quarterback

Do you marines even do anything nowadays?
Sounds like special forces take care of everything these days.

>Anytime my unit had spare time we were fighting or grappling
that sounds gay as hell

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>how she become so ugly
Drugs and shitty lifestyle
My mom was hot until mid-late 40ties, my aunt is 45 and still good looking, and my brothers wife looks 18 at 29.

On other hand some ex class mates of mine who are into their mid 20ties look older than my mom while other look as great as when i first saw them. It 100% reflects on their life style, those who got fat look like shit, those who stayed thin whole life look great , and those who stayed fit look fucking amazing and as if they stopped aging.

This truth hit me hard when i was at a family funeral in the country, there were this two 15 year olds that kept asking me to go parting with them, so i ask my uncle whats up with those pedo baits and he says they are basically my age, mid 20, and i realized this is how healthy fit thin girls should look.
Hanging around all those dried up single or "dating" 25-30 year old miserable women in my day office job really made me think people are old husks by 30.

I'm 23 and i'm a fatass.
I wonder if I start taking care now i'll look fine in my 30s, or if it's too late.

>now a days
Wouldnt know I got out in 2013. Some marine units definitely still deploy to Afghanistan IIRC and I know for a fact a marine arty unit was in Syria

>sounds gay as hell
It was the marines, of course it was

Mark Hamil deaged 20 years by getting in shape, its never too late

Huh, true.
Yeah, maybe I should get off my ass for once.

new star wars trilogy has sucked his soul away tho

Attached: hamill sad.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)

>tfw some faggot kills your character for no reason

Those early pop songs really hit me hard... Cant watch it

i wasted my teenager years on my room alone

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I used to go out with my friends, and even then, I got bored fast unless I got drunk.
Sadly, i'm still a virgin.
And here I am, wishing I wasn't so stupid and that I took advantage of my teenagehood, have more fun, lose my virginity with one of those stupid emo girls...
So much time wasted.

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>it doesnt help they're social climbers looking to be good little boys to the group (and rich people forming those opinions and casting them)

They're social climbers because most of them are overgrown man and women children who are incapable of taking care of themselves. It's why they are so social because they need a massive support network to take care of their many fuck ups.

Number 15: Burgerking foot lettuce.
The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.

But that's even worse.

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Shame she ended up the way she did.

I can't imagine why. Larson is privileged enough to almost make me believe in white privilege.

>alt right Manlet woman hitter
Have you seen what a group of Antifa looks like? ALL of them have skinny frames, black clothing, and covered faces, and weird hair. I doubt the dude realized he was punching a woman until it was too late, you can barely see her face with her dreads flying around.

Who knows, maybe it's what she really liked doing.

Well played.

Who the fuck is Chris Evans and faggots like him wouldn't do shit.


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The guy who plays Captain America.

are you questioning retard strength?

They fell for dr shekelstein scam

>those soft little hairs blowing in the cool wind as you inhale that fresh beach air, watching her nipples slowly swell larger and larger


kino nose tbqh


LMFAO AT MCUcks. Congratulations at sealing you fate this weekend!

Here's your all-female Avengers, kids. Don't look's your life, now, for the foreseeable future:

>Captain Marvel
>Black Widow
>Scarlet Witch
>Ironheart (count on it)
>She-Hulk (again, count on it)

Attached: Sad Cap.gif (245x300, 1.94M)

get bent, roastie. that pornstar hair style looks repulsive on any and every woman

>when Yea Forums tries to act conservative and virtuous
Always hilarious.
Bunch of posers.

nose job + hard living

Good, that will turn superhero movies into a goddamn joke, as if they aren't already.

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win

>substance abuse
>lyme disease
>married the guy from Nickelback

yea...atleast she kept her looks

>Left handed guitar becomes right handed in next shot

How the fuck

>i hate girls that look like i do
>aren't i unique and special
>make generic crap
for fucks sake man

She still a skatergirl

Not really.
Have you seen her latest songs?
It's all cheesy sappy stuff.

But she didn't. So boohoo for (you)

>Born: September 27, 1984 (age 34 years), Belleville, Canada

I think he's talking about Brie, not Avril.