More like Snorekirk, amirite?
More like Snorekirk, amirite?
faggot, it was the return to grace for Nolan after the pieces of shit that were TDKR and InterSHITlar
Cringe, it's the worst of his filmography
nuNolanite faggot didn't see Insomnia
This movie was fucking terrible
That movie is also weak but better than this million dollar fuck up
Nolan has never made kino. Memento and Prestige very close tho
This really was super boring. Me and my family didn't finish it.
I've tried 2-3 times. I'll do it one day, it's just going to be hard
Dunkirk was thrilling. I appreciated how Nolan made a movie that was completely absent the biggest flaw in his previous movies: too much exposition
Yeah it was just an excuse for Nolan to jack off to IMAX and use practical effects
Seems like he can only do extremes. There's no characters, barely any dialogue it's fucking bland. Like I'm watching a documentary.
Dunkirk had great atmosphere.
Insomnia had nothing.
Also TDKR and Interstellar are worse. TDKR was an absolute cringefest while Interstellar was the peak of retardation.
There were memorable characters for me and it is sort of like a documentary brought to life i guess, but I don't see that as a bad thing.
Nope. Memes asides, there are great moments in TDKR. Interstellar is good but "love" being what saves everyone, dumb as shit but what can you do. Dunkirk? Never seen anything like it. Boring. Straight up boring as fuck, then we're on a boat with 3-4 douchebags. I should never be bored with a Nolan film
TDKR was full of cringe but in particular I remember that set-up near the end when facing the "bad guys", the cops "make a statement" by getting all together and moving on a single freaking street like in some cartoon designed especially for the most retarded kids on the planet. The rest was bad lines, wooden acting, more cringe and the worst fight choreography of any A-list movie ever.
Interstellar was dumb as shit for various reasons. That "love" thing was one of them, The whole premise was another.
>muh plants die on earth
> let's go to another galaxy or whatever and it's not like the plants we bring there are the same fucking plants
> and fuck enclosed spaces like hydroponics inside bunkers or space stations, Mars, moons of Jupiter and all this shit, let's spend everything to go to another galaxy because reasons
Another dumb thing in Interstellar was the whole time-travel imbecility.
> mystery message leads to chain of events where faggot gets into the black hole
> faggot sends the mystery message
Time travel is retarded. Always will be. At least for some other movies it isn't so central to the plot as they focus with more intensity on some other shit.
Even more interstellar reuses that shity mirror effect from Inception on a shity wormhole. More cringe when they use the same Event Horizon paper trick.
Dunkirk is literally and unironically the best Nolan film since Memento.
It's the first Nolan film without the usual Nolan flaws (no constant shoved exposition, no overwritten dialogue, no too complex storyline, no poor close quarter choreography) seems like he finally listened to all of the critiques.
Pure visual storytelling, The Wages of Fear in a war setting. Also one of the better theater experiences of recent time.
Why did everyone either drown or almost drown
The “love” speech Anne Hathaway gives is actually funny if you think about, because the guy shes talking about is dead on the surface of the other planet. As far as why theyre going to space it isnt really fully fleshed out, thats definitely true, if it had to do something with the Earths atmosphere becoming unbreathable that would definitely be a reason to get to space before its too late. We actually actually could imagine that all of the hydroponics, underground bunkers, etc could be happening concurrently with the events of the film, theres nothing saying otherwise.
As far as time travel being “central” to the plot, thats not really true. What youre referring to as “time travel” is one part of what is one climax in the film. The aging that occurs as a result of time dilation is different, and definitely not time travel. As far as the tesseract scene is concerned, its not time travel so much as a direct influence on some sort of 4D superposition of gravity. Perhaps its a gravitational timeline that was generated and could be manipulated, which once manipulated then collapsed back into the old timeline, but with its structure morphed? Heres something that never made sense to me though.
How the fuck does he know how to send the message using the gravity thread things and influence the second hand on the watch? Is it like hes being granted some alien knowledge or some shit?
>when the officers are all meeting on the pier
Verifiable kino
Dunkirk is the best movie to come out in years
That bit nearly had me going in the cinema
Absolutely based
The reason is plants are dieing. The sense of urgency comes from that.
> "Oh noo we're all going to die."
> let's go to another galaxy
Now if there were concurrently building hydroponics and shit and mentioned it, all that urgency would be gone. But they didn't mention any of it so the audience with a brain was like "WTF, are they retarded?"
Maybe I couldn't convey as I wanted the part about time-travel being central. Consider the Year of Hell episode from VOY.
> it had time-travel
> was as idiotic as any time-travel crap
Yet the story had so much impact on multiple levels that will make the time-travel shit insignificant. The episode couldn't work without time-travel, but all the ship and crew gone through, the tragedy of the timeship dude, all made for a story so enticing that was above all else. You don't get that from Interstellar. That's what I meant.
Don't engage into the metaphysical crap that is now a large part of theoretical physics. There is a simple explanation why backwards time-travel will be always impossible (superimposition of gravity or not) and that is you can't have "everything + 1". The +1 is what you get in any backwards time-travel story regardless of what travels back in time (information included)..
Using meth isn't okay, kids.
>It's planes
Why is English so dishonest and confusing?