You now can never unsee this.
You now can never unsee this
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Its OK I'm not gay
So what is the reason? I've always noticed it
my sister does this when i argue with her
>mfw can't make eye contact with girls for more than 1 second without feeling intimidated
how do i cope
Armand Assante does this in Judge Dredd i think and my brother used to do a hilarious imitation of him
I do it all the time because I'm afraid to look another person in the eye.
they're switching from one eye to the other you autistic morons.
yes and why do they have to do this three or four times a second? It looks retarded
Give examples of this.
Which raises the question, is this how you properly look someone in the eyes?
Do you want to fuck her?
Look at the bridge of the nose
No shit...
The question is why are they doing it, retard. It's not natural.
ITT literally autism
wow this board is full of autists
This, or just stick to one eye.
This thread is beyond pointless if no one is gonna post an example.
It's expected that you have seen movies and actually paid attention to them, so you can recognize what OP is talking about.
Skip to 1:35.
You people are so stupid. It happens without them realizing it. It's the way your eyes move when you are trying to pay attention to something intently. Faces require analysis of many nuances, like the eyes, the eyebrow positioning, and lip positioning (smile/frown), for overall facial assessment of the other person's emotional state or response.
I do this because I saw it in the movies and I have to imitate what I see to appear normal. Not sure if I'm autism.
it's like she's reading something
I only notice it on SNL because they're reading their lines off of big cue-cards.
They are reading a cue card. George Clooney is infamous for it.
>girl at work has eyes that look in opposite directions
>don't know which eye to look at
Say that to my face and see what happens.
No, they’re not reading the face. They’re clearly just shifting back and forth from one eye to the other.
I had a classmate like that.
Figure out which eye is actually looking at you when talking and pick this one.
Not what's happening here, she's just looking at him.
Fuck off george. You're old and busted and nobody cares about you anymore.
>why do people study each other with their eyes?
That quora poster is the missing link.
It's because unlike the person who asked that question, and 90% of Yea Forums, they don't have autism.
When you look at someone, you don't look them in both eyes at once. You switch eyes. It's why when someone has a lazy eye, it's consistently distracting because you keep looking at it as a matter of ingrained instinctual and habitual body language.
They don't want to fall in love for real
If this actually happens I imagine it would because it's a pretend situation much like liars doing the same thing.
>business gaze
i don’t get it
If it's SNL, they're reading their lines off frame. they have monitors with teh script on it.
It is natural, everyone does it without noticing. The only reason you notice actors do it is because they aren't looking at you they are looking at someone else.
My mom and wife do this when yelling at me. It's like they're trying to look into both of my eyes at the same time. I just let my eyes relax and look right through them. Drives them nuts.
That's a good example.
Mila Kunis does it too (at 0:35).
You could try talking to her normally about it. Like “Hey, Janet, I’m sorry if this is a rude question - do you have a preference of which of your eyes I look at when talking to you?” She’s probably got this question a billion times over her life and asking plainly without making it weird is the ideal way to do it.
She may not even have a preference. I knew a guy with that same thing in high school, and for him, his lazy eye still saw “forward” despite appearing otherwise. Could be the same for her.
How do you look at both eyes at once?
You’re scanning to see if they, too, are Illuminati, and their third eye is open.
Not all actors do this just like not all people do it in real life
But I honestly think it's "more realistic" when they do
Trying to remember lines or using distraction to read strategically placed cue cards.
it's just a trick used by actors to give that starry eyed look.
lmao, she's so proud of her trick
this fucking answer, THIS
are all of you that fucking autist? it's impossible, you must be faking it but why? why THE FUCK do you fake autism of all things?
When they say "back and forth", they really just mean switching their focus from the other person's left eye to his right - back and forth. More like "slightly left and right", since you can't obviously look at both of their eyeballs at once.
In normal conversation, you would look someone in the eye (usually the one that's closer to you) and keep your sight there for a bit.
Hollywood likes to emphazies drama, so they make the actors do this spastic eye movement, which makes it look incredibly inquisitive, like they're direly looking for something.
literally the most autistic thing in this thread
Actors have shifty eyes just like their soulmates, politicians. It's because they are lying.
No, your eyes might drift off or look to one side or the other as you're trying to recall something, but they don't dart around like a fucking bird on caffeine. Shit is really distracting and only chick actors do it seemingly.
Michael Cane considered this to be a sign of a bad actor, they're supposed to focus on one eye so they don't look shifty.
I don't understand. What is he talking about?
>implying I didn't notice that years ago
Since then I've made sure to only focus on one eye when talking to another person.
you just KNOW
It's an autistic person trying to understand human functioning. It's like a child asking why is that fat guy breathing so hard after running down the block.
What's Ana thinking about?
Pathetic. When you speak to a person you look them straight in the eyes, both of them. What happened to men looking at the person you're talking to. No wonder the world is filled with diversity hires and autists.
You have severe mental problems. My teacher friend tells her preschoolers to look at her nose when they get in trouble so they make some contact without crying, it seems you're on that development level.
I think it's completely normal to look at different parts of a persons face during a close conversation. In a dialog scene it's usually a close-up 2shot, which is boring as fuck, especially in a drama. The slight movements of their eyes is the "action" you can focus on. It may not be authentic, but it conveys emotion well.
Pic related is a spanish actor. Does a lot of comedy.
What the fuck kind of creep looks at someone's lips in a talk
fugg forgot pic
I don't think I do it personally, talking with people I just look at one eyes or something. Know what op means though, I've usually seen that eye movement in dramatic or confrontational scenes. Maybe it's to try converting that person B is reading their face for person A's cues/feedback?
Years ago, Michael Caine did a special where he talked about acting and discussed this very subject. So he said he looks at the person's eye that is nearest to the camera and doesn't dart back and forth. I've always wondered why so many actors haven't figured this out.
virgin spotted
when a girl looks at your lips she wants your dick
i guess so
You can't look at two different things at the same time.
It's what people who don't have autism do.
Ah you mean this. Its because of the optical blind spot. Your eye has this rapid movement to fill the no-info from the blind spot which your brain put together to erase it.
And if an object is very near, the eye has to move more than before resulting in these heavy movements.
I used to be able to do this but then I trained myself how to cross my eyes and I've never been able to do it since.
Was it autism?
t. Creepy incel
It's true. Look it up if you don't believe me. For someone with autism, glancing at someone's mouth when they're speaking is almost as hard as looking them in the eye.
Who /mouthgazer/ here? The perfect, central spot to look at.
t. never made eye contact with another human being before
Spritually speaking, eye contact makes a connection to that person
Wasn't it forbidden to look emperors in the eye?
I don't know if you are insecure or have a high intuition but i suggest you stop masturbating and stop watching pornography
Try it out for a week, just to see how you feel, what do you have to lose
Also no promiscuity
Stick to one partner and marry them
You don't, you look at the center spot between both eyes so it looks like you're looking at both of em.
t.doesn't just pick one eye like normal people
Who the fuck just stares straight at someone without any movement, unless you're trying to either pick a fight or fuck them with your eyes?
Real people do it too.
Facial movements can speak more than words.
People tend to look in certain directions depending on what type of thinking they're doing at the time. Liars apparently look in the opposite direction to a person telling the truth.
A good liar, however, might learn how to stop this.
Often times they do this during crying scenes. It essentially exhausts and dries out the eyes allowing the tear ducts to respond naturally. Unfortunately it makes close ups look really weird.
have sex
The trick is to look at one eye for a few seconds and then switch to looking at the other eye for a few seconds. It sounds autistic when your put it into words but it's a pretty organic thing in practice.
It makes your eyes glisten due to the slight movement and makes you appear engaged.
I'm not saying aliens.
>but it's allymaos.
>he can't move his eyes independently of each other
Take your own advice.
I always hated when actors quickly lick the corner of their mouth in mid conversation. I see it all of the time and it drives me nuts. Why do they to it?
itt: a bunch of emotionally stunted autismos try to comprehend proper human interaction
thanks for the laff losers
>try to comprehend proper human interaction
Acting is lying, it's not human interaction.
You fucking moron.
Uh.... #MeToo sweet heart
Janeway did this in every scene of Star Trek Voyager