Star Wars Episode 9 Hate thread

Hamill is clearly pissed

Hamill will only be appearing as a short force ghost cameo in Episode 9

>JJ Abrams calling anyone who did not like the Last Jedi to be sexist racists:

>JJ Abrams saying the Last Jedi complaints will not affect Episode 9. He also praised Episode 8's script saying he wishes he had directed it therefore he is following in Rian Johnson's vision:

>Oscar Isaac stating that Episode 9 is very improvised. JJ has given the actors their own decisions on how they want scenes to progress and he doesn't care about pleasing the fans and just wants to make a "fun" movie that isn't stressful with the lore:


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Other urls found in this thread:

>First two movies
>Not improvised
>Last(?) movie
Well... At least they are trying something different.

>just wants to make a "fun" movie that isn't stressful with the lore
put a fork in it

Half the fun of the EU is trying to justify bullshit after the fact.

Fuck Disney

The anti Mouse flags rise high

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What did you just say? You cannot say that! I warn you, consequences will never be the same!

Yeah the Quadjumper was cool
If they had any balls they should have either had the falcon get blown up instead or not be there at all

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Once again Luke dropping bombs against their mouse overlords after being bamboozled and forced to defend their shitfest
Today is a good day for a good friend

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>kill the past
>i mean
>use it for marketing a lot
>and then kill it

Even the prequels are now being sucked dry for all it's worth. Hey guys I saw Darth Maul and I clapped! I know who that is!

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He's right

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Disney’s gonna send some guys to break his legs now

how do you get inside it

You boipass it's compresah

It worked for the OT.
Sadly it never works for Disney all their improv stuff is garbage
God damn we are going to be watching billion dollar open mic night except it won't even be funny

This looks like the one in the pod race. But bigger.
Which is a good thing.
Now this is pod racing

>rian's long walks

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Through the front glass like a chad

Friendly reminder that Hamill loudly and vehimently defended TLJ and Rian, was initially OK with what happened to Luke, and made fun of anyone that thought the movie was terrible. You are falling for more Mouse Disinfo, you faggots.

Have sex


This might actually dethrone TLJ as the worst Star Wars film.

hAvE sEx

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Stop coming on to me. I'm gay, not blind, you uggo.

>just wants to make a "fun" movie
If it wasn't dead before it is now. RIP

Yeah I know what it means when JJ says that

Are they seriously threatening the fans?

They just don't care anymore. They know this trilogy is beyond salvation, might as just try to have a little fun while finishing it.

The moment you know you're free of something is when you no longer love it, and no longer hate it.

If you hate it you're still invested and can be manipulated.

Yeah...Hamill's a bit of a wishy washy moron. I'm starting to think his criticism of the sequels is due to him not getting enough screen time and acclaim and not any kind of genuine desire to make the movies good.

WTF are they doing, are they stupid?

They're gonna crash this thing with no survivors if the fans don't fall in line! They'll destroy the IP they paid billions for just to spite us. Don't think they won't!

Nice try shill

pretty sure disney sent goons to his house for talking shit about tlj when it first came out so he played ball. and now that shooting is over for 9 he just doesnt give a fuck. at least i hope this is the case

>He hasn't seen The Director and the Jedi documentary that clearly shows how pissed Mark was during the pre production of TLJ

The reason Mark was silent was because he only had a small cameo and wasnt needed on set til they were nearly finished filming

Fuck Disney and nuStar Wars. I just want a clean release of the original unfucked trilogy you goddamn bastards.

>consequences will never be the same!

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Good. I’m glad this leftist faggot had his legacy ruined

>too retarded to read

they cant do shit, but its starting to become concerning that they are trying to tell fans what to think about a subjective entry in a subjective medium, its starting to smell a lot like fascism


What on earth are those shoes

>yfw backtracing is now considered an ancient meme

Hamill was rather bitchy during the production of ESB, didn't like working with Kershner, hated that he had to spend 8 weeks talking to a muppet in a fake swamp, and in his interviews from back then he was bummed out cause it dawned on him that being in SW is gonna hamper his career. This whole fanboyish "he's one of us" persona is relatively new, with him debating fan theories, spinning stories about joking about Boba Fett being Luke's mom back in the days when nobody in the main cast even knew what a Boba Fett was and shit. He probably made his peace that SW is as good as it is gonna get. So it is kind of a bummer how it ended up.

I really, really hope people boycott this.

I think I just might skip E9.
TLJ got me down but I had hope the next movie would ignore it as much as it could, guess not though.
Go to hell KK.


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>"You can destroy these things, you know. It is possible."
t. George Lucas in the Making of Phantom Menace

I can't believe I have no desire to see a Star Wars movie other than be witness to execution. I was already tepid on Solo, Episode XI may just be a hate-watch.

It's easy to remedy this, just pay for another movie and walk into Episode XI. Disney gets no money form you.

>I can't believe I have no desire to see a Star Wars movie other than be witness to execution

More or less my thoughts. I am very curious to see exactly what will happen but it's the bad kind of curious.

bump for change

Honest question why did mark have to get in shape only for them to shit on him and his character?

He could have kept his beer belly and be ruined just as easy

Punished Hamill going nuclear


Hamill will have been contacted by mouse muscle to stop shitting on the film when it's promotion was essential. Now the trilogy is completed and his deal with Disney is essentially over he will get way looser with his critism

>Believing literally anything from Cosmic Book News

>shit on him and his character
Fuck off. It isn't shitting on a character just because it's character development you don't like.

Biting the hand that feed you,huh?...

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he better be careful before he gets #MeToo’d

Poor girl never had a chance

What are they going to do? Send me to bed without supper?



China dropped TLJ after a week of showing.
I expected no less from the sexist and racist chinese; I don't mind.
They lost the chinese market.
Disney made a big mistake. Heads will roll.

this liberal boomer faggot deserve each and every thic inch of disney creamy cock deep inside his ass.

an irrelevant one hit wonder actor thinking he would get his glory days back around the 'cool kids', 'who think just like him'. the same people who completly nulify his character.

what a moron. what a fucking moron.

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Bring back George.

People dont get it. Its all about the political and social agenda. Disney doesnt care if it doesnt make money. Disney has nearly infinite amounts of money and already bought their own tickets to Captain Marvel to boost its box office numbers.

Its ALL about the agenda. Nothing else matters. They dont care if no one shows up to theaters.

Too late, it's better to stay with the good old things we already have instead of trying to find something interesting in the new ones, otherwise disappointment will very likely follow...

They can't put a movie out good enough that trumps the fun that I would have if it crashes and burns, so they can't make me go to see the movie or buy merch,. With the global rise of japanophilia, good luck to the Hollywood hacks selling their drivel.

>‘But I can be mouthy, because you know, what are they gonna do, fire me?’
Never die, Mark.

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She's wearing normal shoes, her feet are just strapped to the wheelchair's bottom part, probably so they don't dangle out.

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Based Hammill

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he's right though, trump is a jewish shill

Have sex

All of you faggots will be first in the line for the tickets when ep IX comes out

Can't really judge an actor for anti-Trump opinions anymore. it's really par for the course and necessary to make it in show business if you're a hwhite male goy.

Still would

On second thought, I think I'm good

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Threadly Reminder: Nu Wars isn't canon. When we retake reality for the sane from the lunatics, all this shit will be buried in the desert like E.T. games.

I love how this faggot got cucked. He wasn't even the best in his own trilogy.


fuck this franchise

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how smart was harrison ford to get out when he did

He's gonna be back in 9 lmao

>doubling down on hating your fanbase
gonna be a yikes for me lads

>some kind of weird flashback using stitched together footage and CGI de-aging
I look forward to it

No no, he'll be back in flesh. You don't really see him die, he falls down with a hole in his chest, he could be saved by some bullshit.
After all, we wanna kill the past, but we also need it for marketing because our new characters are horsepiss.

that's not true
that's impossible

didn't he get that they killed him
he's an old white man and must make space for non whites, women, trannies, dykes and similar creatures

>the jedi order of the prequels was 1000 times more diverse but not because of any agenda, just because Lucas wanted there to be lots of neat aliens
where are the alien characters

Search into your feelings, you'll know it to be true. They are that desperate.
They'll also ruin Lando for the second time.
They'll also continue puppeteering CGI Leia, since Fisher's family gave them all the rights to her likeness.
You can't stop them.

should just have 9 open with Leia's funeral
she died in the interim, nobody would mind
people don't care about Leia as a character THAT much

I side with Luke Skywalker.


Can we just have JJ's livestreamed suicide and call it Episode IX: The Force Is Saved?

Back doorway like your boyfriend